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Lesson 6 (My Room) -exercise

Look at the picture. Choose the correct preposition.

1. There ……… a pillow ………………. the bed.

2. There ……… a doll ………………. the table.
3. There is ……… ball ……………………. the box.
4. The bookshelf is ………………. the desk and the bed.
5. There is ……… desk………………. the chair.
6. There is ……. bed …………………. the bookshelf.
7. There ………. books ……………………….. the bookshelf.
8. The green book is ……………….. the table lamp.
9. The watch is …………………… the chair.
10. The cap is ………………………. the bat.

Choose one as the best answer.

1. Ana: Where is the clock?

Lia: It is....the wall.

a. Behind
b. On
c. In

2. There are ………… pencils in the pencil holder.

A. thirteen

B. eleven

C. fourteen
3. There is a chair…….the table.

A. behind

B. beside

C. under

4. The correct sentence is….

A. There are a ball behind the box.

B. There is a ball behind the box.

C. There is a ball in the box.

5. ….... two balls on the bookshelf.

A. There is

B. There are

C. They are

6. F-…..-……-T-...-…..-N

The missing letters are.....

A. I-V-E-N

B. I-F-E-N

C. I-F-E-N

7. There is a blanket. The correct picture



8. What is that?

A. That is an brown cube.

B. That is a brown cone.

C. That is a brown cube.

9. Are they mirrors?....

A. No, they are not.

B. Yes, they are.

C. They are

10. Is there a fan on the desk?...

A. Yes, there is.

B. No, there is not

C. There is

11. "cupboard" in Indonesian is

A. lemari

B. rak buku

C. buku

12. "di samping" in English is....

A. in front of

B. behind

C. beside

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