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для устной части ЕГЭ

и развития разговорных навыков

Нил Эванс
ЕГЭ Английский язык
Must-фразы по английскому языку

1. If worse comes to the worst — на крайний случай/на худой конец.

— Who would you like to become in the future?

— I’ve always wanted to be an interpreter, but if worse comes to the worst I’ll go into the

2. It’s not really my thing — это, правда, не мое.

— What is your attitude to sports?

— To tell you the truth, it’s not really my thing. I prefer reading books and talking to smart

3. I’m bad with names — у меня плохо с именами.

— What historical figure influenced Russia the most?

— I hate to tell you, but I’m bad with names. So in my entire opinion, everyone has
contributed a bit.

4. I’ve had enough of… — меня достало…

— What do you think about public transport in your region?

— Actually, I’ve had enough of it! It’s always overcrowded and makes me get stuck in traffic

. n the plus side… — к плюсам можно отнести…

5 O

— What are the advantages of working from home?

— On the plus side, it saves up your time as you don’t have to waste it going to the office
and back.

. here’s no point in… — в этом нет смысла.

6 T

— Is recycling important for you?

— If you ask me, there’s no point in it. I can see no result and, moreover, it’s too late to cope
with ecological problems.

. here’s no such thing as… — нет такой вещи как…

7 T

— How often do you have a rest per day?

— As for me, there’s no such thing as a rest. I’m always overloaded and really have no time
for it.

. ull offense — вы уж меня простите, но…

8 F

— Is gender still important in choosing a career?

— Full offense, there’s no difference between males and females nowadays. No job exists
that a woman cannot do!

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