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Question Paper Generator

A Project Report Submitted by

Sinh RajnishKumar– 92100938056

in partial fulfilment for the Software Engineering

Diploma Engineering
Computer Engineering

Faculty of Diploma Studies

Marwadi University, Rajkot
Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Computer Engineering Department


This is to certify that the project entitled Question Paper Generator has

been carried out by Sinh Rajnish – 92100938056, under my guidance in

fulfilment of term work, for the subject Software Engineering of 4th

semester in Computer Engineering of Marwadi University, Rajkot during

the academic year 2022-23.

Date: ___________________

Subject Faculty Head of the


The presentation of this report gives us a great pleasure and satisfaction in presenting
this report on my project work as a part of the final fulfillment for the Bachelor of
Engineering. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to
several people, without whose help and encouragement, it would have been
impossible for us to carry out the desired work.
We are thankful to Prof. Guide Name for her help during our project duration, which
enabled us to complete our project with desired results. We are also very much
thankful to all other faculty members for their support throughout our study.
Last but not the least the most important of all out association to Faculty members and
project guide. They not only guided us throughout the project but also gave us a
constant encouragement, which instilled in us a confidence to make the best of this
project. We are heartily thankful to them.

With Sincere Regards,

Sinh Rajnish

The Question Paper Generator Project aims to develop a

software tool that can automatically generate question papers for
educational institutions. This Software Requirements Specification
(SRS) report provides a detailed description of the project, including
its background, goals, and objectives. The report outlines the
product's functional and non-functional requirements, system
features and constraints, and database requirements. It also includes
information on the project's timeline, management, and testing and
validation processes.

The SRS report serves as a guide for the project team,

stakeholders, and end-users, providing a comprehensive overview of
the project's scope and requirements. By following the specifications
outlined in this report, the project team can ensure that the final
product meets all of the necessary criteria and is delivered on time
and within budget.
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 0
1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................... 0
1.2 Scope...................................................................................................................... 0
1.3 Background and Context........................................................................................ 0
1.4 Goals and Objectives..............................................................................................0
1.5 Overview of the SRS Structure.............................................................................. 0
2 Overall Description...................................................................................................... 0
2.1 Product Perspective................................................................................................ 0
2.2 Product Functions...................................................................................................0
2.3 User Characteristics................................................................................................0
2.4 Constraints and Assumptions................................................................................. 0
2.5 Dependencies..........................................................................................................0
2.6 Operating Environment.......................................................................................... 0

3 Specific Requirements..................................................................................................0
3.1 Functional Requirements........................................................................................0
3.1.1 User Management...................................................................................................0
3.1.2 Exam Management.................................................................................................0
3.1.3 Question Generation...............................................................................................0
3.1.4 Question Bank........................................................................................................ 0
3.1.5 Reporting Analysis................................................................................................. 0
3.1.6 User Interface......................................................................................................... 0
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements............................................................................... 0
3.2.1 Performance............................................................................................................0
3.2.2 Security...................................................................................................................0
3.2.3 Usability................................................................................................................. 0
3.2.4 Compatibility..........................................................................................................0
3.2.5 Scalability...............................................................................................................0
3.2.6 Realiability............................................................................................................. 0
4 External Interface Requirements................................................................................0
4.1 User Interface......................................................................................................... 0
4.2 Question Bank Interface.........................................................................................0
4.3 Learning Management System Interface................................................................0
4.4 Authentication and Authorization Interface........................................................... 0
4.4 Reporting and Analysis Interface........................................................................... 0
5 Data Requirements.......................................................................................................0
5.1 Database Management System...............................................................................0
5.2 Exam Data.............................................................................................................. 0
5.3 Question Bank Data................................................................................................0
5.4 User Data................................................................................................................0
5.5 Backup and Recovery.............................................................................................0
6 System Features............................................................................................................0
6.1 User Management...................................................................................................0
6.2 Question Bank Management.................................................................................. 0
6.3 Exam Creation........................................................................................................0
6.4 Exam Delivery........................................................................................................0
6.5 Exam Grading.........................................................................................................0
6.6 System Constraints................................................................................................. 0
6.6.1 Compatibility..........................................................................................................0
6.6.2 Performance............................................................................................................0
6.6.3 Security...................................................................................................................0
6.6.4 Accessibility........................................................................................................... 0
7 Legal and Regulatory Requirements..........................................................................0
7.1 Intellectual Property Rights....................................................................................0
7.2 Data Protection....................................................................................................... 0
7.3 Accessibility........................................................................................................... 0
7.4 User Safety............................................................................................................. 0
7.5 Export Control........................................................................................................0
8 System Models............................................................................................................... 0
8.1 Use Case Diagram.................................................................................................. 0
8.2 Activity Diagram....................................................................................................0
8.3 Entity Relationship Diagram.................................................................................. 0
8.4 Class Diagram........................................................................................................ 0
8.5 Sequence Diagram..................................................................................................0
9 Testing and Validation.................................................................................................0
9.1 Unit Testing............................................................................................................0
9.2 Integration Testing................................................................................................. 0
9.3 System Testing....................................................................................................... 0
9.4 User Acceptance Testing........................................................................................0
9.5 Validation............................................................................................................... 0
10 Project Timeline and Management...........................................................................0
10.1 Requirements Gathering and Analysis .................................................................. 0
10.2 Design and Development....................................................................................... 0
10.3 Testing and Validation........................................................................................... 0
10.4 Deployment and Maintenance................................................................................0
10.5 Project Management...............................................................................................0
11 Appendix..................................................................................................................... 0
11.1 Glossary of Terms.................................................................................................. 0
11.2 List of Abbreviations..............................................................................................0
11.3 Stakeholder List......................................................................................................0
12 Conclusion...................................................................................................................0
References............................................................................................................................. 0
The purpose of the Question Paper Generator Project is to create a web application
that will automate the process of creating question papers for educational institutions. The
project will make use of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to generate
question papers that are unique, relevant, and suitable for different levels of difficulty.

This software will be developed for use by educational institutions, such as schools and
universities, as well as individual educators. The software will be easy to use and user-
friendly, allowing educators to quickly generate high-quality question papers for their

The software will be able to generate question papers for different subjects and levels of
difficulty. It will also be able to provide feedback on the quality of the questions, as well as
suggest improvements to ensure that the questions are suitable for the intended audience.

The software will be designed to be highly customizable, allowing educators to tailor the
question papers to their specific needs. It will also be designed to be scalable, allowing
educational institutions to use it to generate question papers for large numbers of students.

The purpose of this SRS report is to define the requirements for the Question Paper Generator
Project. The report will define the functional and non-functional requirements, as well as the
system architecture, and the user interface.

1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of the Question Paper Generator Project is to provide an efficient and reliable
tool for educators and administrators to generate question papers quickly and accurately. The software
should simplify the process of creating exams and save time and effort for educators, allowing them to
focus on other important tasks such as teaching and student management. Additionally, the software
should help educators to analyze exam results and improve the quality of exams over time.

1.2 Scope:
1. The scope of the Question Paper Generator Project includes the following:

2. User Management: The software should allow administrators to create and manage users. It
should also provide different roles and permissions for users.

3. Question Management: The software should allow administrators to add, edit, and delete
questions from a centralized database. It should also support various question types such as
multiple-choice questions, essay-type questions, true/false questions, and others.

4. Exam Management: The software should allow administrators to create and manage different
types of exams, including time-based exams, subject-wise exams, and others.

5. Question Paper Generation: The software should generate question papers based on various
parameters such as the number of questions, question types, and difficulty level. It should also
allow the user to randomize the order of questions and answers.

6. Reporting and Analytics: The software should provide detailed reports on exam performance,
question-wise analysis, and other metrics to help educators and administrators to improve the
exam quality.
1.3 Background and context of the project
The background of the project lies in the education sector, where exams are an essential part
of the evaluation process. The traditional method of creating question papers involves a lot of time and
effort, and it is often challenging to ensure that the question papers are of high quality. Moreover, it is
not easy to maintain consistency across different exams and question papers, which can affect the
evaluation process's fairness.

The context of the project is the increasing demand for automated tools in the education sector,
where technology is rapidly changing the way we teach and learn. The availability of advanced
software tools and technologies has opened up new possibilities for educators to create and manage
exams efficiently. The project aims to leverage these technologies to create a user-friendly and efficient
software tool that can automate the process of creating and generating question papers.

Overall, the Question Paper Generator Project aims to provide a reliable and efficient tool for educators
and administrators to create and manage exams with ease. The project's background and context
highlight the need for such a tool and the opportunities that technology presents to address the
challenges associated with traditional exam management processes.

1.4 Goals and objectives of the project

The goals and objectives of the Question Paper Generator Project are as follows:

1. To automate the process of creating and generating question papers for various types of exams.
2. To improve the efficiency and accuracy of the exam creation process.
3. To reduce the workload and time required to create question papers, allowing educators to focus
on other important tasks.
4. To ensure consistency and fairness in the evaluation process by maintaining the quality of
question papers.
5. To provide a user-friendly interface that can be used by educators and administrators with
minimal training.

1. To develop a software tool that can create and manage user accounts and roles.
2. To provide a centralized database to manage questions, including support for different question
types and tags.
3. To create a flexible exam creation module that can generate question papers based on various
parameters such as the number of questions, question types, and difficulty level.
4. To support the randomization of questions and answers to ensure fairness and prevent cheating.
5. To provide analytics and reporting features to help educators analyze exam results and improve
the quality of exams over time.
6. To ensure the security and privacy of user data and protect against unauthorized access or data
7. To provide reliable and responsive technical support for the software tool.

Overall, the project aims to provide a reliable and efficient tool that can streamline the exam
creation process and improve the quality and fairness of exams. The software tool will be designed
with user-friendliness and security in mind and will provide valuable analytics and reporting features to
help educators improve their exam management processes over time.
1.5 Overview of the SRS structure

The Question Paper Generator Project is an initiative aimed at developing a software tool that
can automate the process of creating and generating question papers for various types of exams. The
primary goal of the project is to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the exam creation process
while ensuring consistency and fairness in the evaluation process.

SRS Structure:
The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for the Question Paper Generator Project
follows a structured approach to describe the requirements and specifications of the software tool. The
SRS document consists of the following sections:

1. Introduction:
This section provides an overview of the project, its goals and objectives, and the context and
background of the project.

2. System Overview:
This section describes the architecture, components, and interfaces of the software tool.

3. Functional Requirements:
This section provides a detailed description of the functional requirements of the software tool.
It includes use cases, requirements, and business rules.

4. Non-functional Requirements:
This section describes the non-functional requirements of the software tool, such as
performance, security, reliability, and scalability.

5. User Interface Requirements:

This section describes the user interface design of the software tool, including layout,
navigation, and usability.

6. Data Requirements:
This section describes the data requirements of the software tool, including data entities,
attributes, relationships, and constraints.

7. Reporting Requirements:
This section describes the reporting and analytics features of the software tool, including the
types of reports, metrics, and visualizations.

8. System Constraints:
This section describes the system constraints and limitations, such as hardware and software
requirements, compatibility, and dependencies.

9. Glossary:
This section provides a glossary of technical terms and definitions used in the SRS document.

Overall, the SRS document provides a comprehensive description of the requirements and
specifications of the software tool, which will guide the development team in building the software tool
that meets the needs of educators and administrators in the education sector.
2 Overall Description
The overall description section of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document
for the Question Paper Generator Project provides a high-level overview of the software tool's
functionality and features. It includes the system's scope, its purpose, and its users, as well as any
assumptions and constraints that apply to the development of the tool.

The Question Paper Generator Project aims to develop a software tool that can automate the
process of creating and generating question papers for various types of exams. The tool will support
multiple users, including educators and administrators, who can create, manage, and publish exams
using the tool. The software tool will include support for different question types and parameters, such
as difficulty level, topic, and number of questions, to generate exams that meet the specific needs of
educators and students.

The purpose of the Question Paper Generator Project is to provide a reliable and efficient tool
for educators and administrators to create and manage exams with ease. The software tool aims to
improve the efficiency and accuracy of the exam creation process, reduce the workload and time
required to create question papers, ensure consistency and fairness in the evaluation process, and
provide a user-friendly interface that can be used by educators and administrators with minimal

The primary users of the Question Paper Generator software tool are educators and
administrators in the education sector. Educators can use the tool to create and manage exams for their
students, while administrators can use the tool to manage user accounts, roles, and access permissions.
Other potential users of the tool include students, who will take the exams created using the tool, and
IT personnel, who will be responsible for maintaining and updating the software tool.

Assumptions and Constraints:

The development of the Question Paper Generator software tool is subject to certain
assumptions and constraints. For example, the tool will be developed using a specific programming
language and framework, and it will require certain hardware and software resources to run effectively.
Additionally, the tool will need to comply with applicable data privacy and security regulations, and it
will need to integrate with other systems and tools used in the education sector. The SRS document
will outline these assumptions and constraints to ensure that the development team can create a tool
that meets the needs of its users and operates effectively in the education sector.

2.1Product Perspective:
The product perspective section of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document
for the Question Paper Generator Project describes how the software tool fits into the overall system
architecture and interacts with other systems and tools. It also defines the scope of the software tool, its
functions, and its interfaces.

2.1.1 System Architecture:

The Question Paper Generator software tool will be developed as a standalone application that
can run on a local machine or a server. The tool will be built using a specific programming language
and framework, and it will have a user-friendly interface that can be accessed through a web browser or
a desktop application. The tool will interact with a database management system to store and retrieve
exam data, user profiles, and other relevant information.

2.1.2 Interfaces:
The Question Paper Generator software tool will have several interfaces, including a user
interface for educators and administrators to create and manage exams, an administrative interface for
managing user accounts and access permissions, and a reporting interface for generating reports and
analytics on exam performance. The tool will also have an interface to connect with other systems and
tools used in the education sector, such as learning management systems, student information systems,
and content management systems.

2.2Product functions
The following is a list of the primary functions that the Question Paper Generator
software tool will provide:

2.2.1 Exam Creation:

The software tool will allow educators to create new exams with a variety of question types,
including multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions. Educators will be able to set
parameters such as the number of questions, difficulty level, and topic area for each exam. The
software tool will also allow educators to import questions from existing question banks or other

2.2.2 Exam Management:

The software tool will provide a dashboard that allows educators and administrators to view
and manage all exams, including those that are in progress, completed, or yet to be published. The tool
will allow educators to edit and delete questions or entire exams, as well as to review and approve
exams created by other educators.

2.2.3 User Management:

The software tool will provide administrators with the ability to manage user accounts, roles,
and access permissions. Administrators will be able to create and delete user accounts, assign roles and
access permissions, and manage account settings.

2.2.4 Question Bank Management:

The software tool will provide educators and administrators with the ability to manage
question banks, including creating new question banks, adding or deleting questions, and importing
questions from external sources.

2.2.5 Reporting:
The software tool will provide reporting and analytics features to educators and administrators,
allowing them to view data such as exam performance metrics, student performance data, and other
relevant data. Reports can be generated based on various criteria such as exam type, question type,
topic, or difficulty level.

2.2.6 Collaboration:
The software tool will allow educators to collaborate on exam creation and management,
enabling them to share exams, question banks, and other relevant data with other educators.

2.2.7 Security:
The software tool will implement various security measures to ensure the privacy and security
of exam data, including data encryption, access controls, and secure user authentication.

2.2.8 Compatibility:
The software tool will be designed to be compatible with a range of platforms and systems,
including desktop and mobile devices, web browsers, and operating systems. It will also be designed to
integrate with other systems and tools used in the education sector, such as learning management
systems and content management systems.

2.2.9 Ease of Use:

The software tool will have a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and use, with
clear instructions and tooltips for each feature. It will also provide user documentation and support
resources to help educators and administrators use the tool effectively.
2.3 User characteristics
The Question Paper Generator software tool is primarily designed for educators and
administrators who work in the education sector. The following are the typical characteristics of the
tool's users:

2.3.1 Educators:
Educators who use the software tool will have varying levels of experience and expertise in
creating and managing exams. Some may be subject matter experts with little technical knowledge,
while others may be more technically proficient but have less experience in creating effective exams.
Educators may use the tool to create exams for a range of purposes, including formative and summative
assessments, quizzes, and tests.

2.3.2 Administrators:
Administrators who use the software tool will typically have more technical knowledge and
experience than educators. They will be responsible for managing user accounts, access permissions,
and roles, as well as overseeing the creation and management of exams. Administrators may also be
responsible for integrating the software tool with other systems and tools used in the education sector.

2.3.3 Students:
Although students will not use the software tool directly, they will be the primary
beneficiaries of the exams created using the tool. The software tool will be designed to ensure that
exams are fair, valid, and reliable measures of student learning outcomes. The tool will also provide
educators with the ability to generate reports and analytics on student performance, which can be used
to identify areas of strength and weakness and inform instructional practices.

Overall, the Question Paper Generator software tool is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to
users with varying levels of technical knowledge and experience. The tool will provide clear
instructions and tooltips for each feature, as well as user documentation and support resources to help
users effectively use the tool.

2.4 Constraints and assumptions

The following are the constraints that the development of the Question Paper Generator software
tool may face:

1. Time Constraints:
The development team will have to work within a set timeframe to complete the project,
which may affect the scope and quality of the software tool.

2. Resource Constraints:
The development team will have to work within a set budget and resource allocation, which
may limit the scope and functionality of the software tool.

3. Technical Constraints:
The software tool will have to be compatible with a range of platforms and systems, which
may present technical challenges in terms of design and implementation.
The following are the assumptions that the development team has made in developing the
Question Paper Generator software tool:

1. User Engagement:
The development team assumes that educators and administrators will be willing to engage
with the software tool and use it to create and manage exams.

2. User Needs:
The development team assumes that the software tool will meet the needs and expectations of
educators and administrators, in terms of functionality, usability, and compatibility.

3. Technical Feasibility:
The development team assumes that the software tool can be developed and implemented
within the allocated timeframe and resources, and that technical challenges can be overcome.

4. User Training:
The development team assumes that users will require some training and support to effectively
use the software tool, and that the necessary resources will be provided.

5. User Feedback:
The development team assumes that user feedback will be gathered throughout the
development and implementation process, and that it will be used to improve the software tool.

2.5 Dependencies
The following are the dependencies that the development of the Question Paper Generator
software tool may have:

2.5.1 Platform and System Compatibility:

The software tool will need to be compatible with a range of platforms and systems used in
the education sector, including Learning Management Systems (LMS), Student Information Systems
(SIS), and Operating Systems (OS).

2.5.2 External Libraries and Frameworks:

The development team may need to use external libraries and frameworks to implement
certain features of the software tool, such as data analysis and visualization tools.

2.5.3 User Feedback:

The development team will need to gather feedback from users, including educators and
administrators, to ensure that the software tool meets their needs and expectations.

2.5.4 Technical Expertise:

The development team will need to have the necessary technical expertise and skills to design,
develop, and implement the software tool, including programming languages, web technologies, and
database management.

2.5.5 Project Management:

The development team will need to follow a structured project management methodology to
ensure that the software tool is delivered on time and within budget.
2.6 Operating Environment
The operating environment for the Question Paper Generator software tool includes the
hardware and software components necessary for the software to function properly. The following are
the requirements for the software tool to operate effectively:

2.6.1 Hardware Requirements:

a. Processor: The software tool can run on any modern processor, including Intel and AMD
b. Memory: The software tool requires a minimum of 4GB of RAM to run effectively.
c. Storage: The software tool requires a minimum of 10GB of free disk space for installation
and data storage.
d. Display: The software tool can run on any modern display with a minimum resolution of

2.6.2 Software Requirements:

a. Operating System: The software tool is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS
operating systems.
b. Web Browser: The software tool requires a modern web browser, including Google Chrome,
Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.
c. Database: The software tool requires a relational database management system (RDBMS)
such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.

2.6.3 Network Requirements:

a. Internet Connectivity: The software tool requires an internet connection for certain features,
such as accessing online resources and generating reports.

Overall, the Question Paper Generator software tool is designed to be compatible with a range of
hardware and software components, and can operate effectively in a variety of operating environments.

3. Specific Requirements
The following are the specific requirements for the Question Paper Generator software tool:

3.1 Functional requirements

The following are the functional requirements for the Question Paper Generator software tool:

3.1.1 User Management:

a. Allow administrators to create, edit, and delete user accounts.
b. Allow administrators to assign roles and access levels to user accounts.

3.1.2 Exam Management:

a. Allow educators to create and manage exams.
b. Allow educators to select questions from the question bank to include in the exam.
c. Allow educators to set the duration of the exam.
d. Allow educators to preview the exam before publishing it.

3.1.3 Question Generation:

a. Provide an algorithm for generating questions from the question bank based on specific
criteria, such as difficulty level, topic, and question type.
b. Allow educators to manually add or remove questions from the generated question pool.

3.1.4Question Bank:
a. Provide a centralized question bank for storing and managing exam questions.
b. Allow educators to add, edit, and delete questions in the question bank.
c. Allow educators to categorize questions by topic, difficulty level, and question type.
3.1.5 Reporting and Analytics:
a. Provide real-time feedback to educators on exam performance metrics, including average
scores and question difficulty.
b. Allow educators to generate reports on exam performance metrics, including average scores,
question difficulty, and time taken to complete the exam.
c. Allow educators to generate reports on question bank usage, including most frequently used
questions and question popularity.

3.1.6 User Interface:

a. Provide a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and use.
b. Provide a responsive design that is accessible and usable on a range of devices, including
desktop and mobile devices.

3.2 Non-functional requirements

The following are the non-functional requirements for the Question Paper Generator software

3.2.1 Performance:
a. The software tool must be able to generate exams and questions quickly and efficiently.
b. The software tool must be able to handle a large volume of users and data without
experiencing slowdowns or crashes.

3.2.2 Security:
a. The software tool must be secure and protect user data from unauthorized access or
b. The software tool must provide a secure login and authentication process for users.

3.2.3 Usability:
a. The software tool must have a simple and intuitive user interface that is easy to use and
b. The software tool must be accessible to users with disabilities.

3.2.4 Compatibility:
a. The software tool must be compatible with a range of operating systems and browsers.
b. The software tool must be able to integrate with other educational software systems.

3.2.5 Scalability:
a. The software tool must be able to accommodate a growing user base and data volume
without experiencing performance issues.
b. The software tool must be able to handle future updates and changes to the system.

3.2.6 Reliability:
a. The software tool must be reliable and consistent in its performance.
b. The software tool must have a system in place for backup and recovery in case of data loss.
4. External interfaces

The Question Paper Generator software tool must be able to interact with other external
software systems and interfaces. The following external interfaces are required:

4.1 User Interface:

a. The software tool must have a user interface that is accessible via a web browser.
b. The user interface must be responsive and compatible with a range of devices and browsers.

4.2 Question Bank Interface:

a. The software tool must be able to import and export questions from external sources.
b. The software tool must be able to interface with other question bank systems.

4.3 Learning Management System (LMS) Interface:

a. The software tool must be able to integrate with other learning management systems, such
as Blackboard or Canvas.
b. The software tool must be able to import and export exam data and grades from these

4.4 Authentication and Authorization Interface:

a. The software tool must be able to integrate with external authentication and authorization
systems, such as LDAP or Active Directory.
b. The software tool must be able to restrict access to certain features and functionality based
on user roles and permissions.

4.5 Reporting and Analysis Interface:

a. The software tool must be able to generate reports and analysis on exam performance and
question bank usage.
b. The software tool must be able to export these reports to external formats, such as Excel or

5. Database requirements
The Question Paper Generator software tool requires a database to store and manage exam and
question data. The following database requirements are necessary:

5.1 Database Management System:

a. The software tool must be compatible with a range of database management systems, such
as MySQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL.
b. The database management system must be scalable and able to handle a large volume of

5.2 Exam Data:

a. The database must be able to store exam data, including exam title, exam type, duration,
and difficulty level.
b. The database must be able to store exam questions and their associated metadata, such as
question type, marks, and answer key.

5.3 Question Bank Data:

a. The database must be able to store question bank data, including question bank title,
description, and category.
b. The database must be able to store individual questions and their associated metadata, such
as question type, marks, and answer options.
5.4 User Data:
a. The database must be able to store user data, including user profiles, login credentials, and
user roles and permissions.
b. The database must be able to manage user access to the software tool and its features.

5.5 Backup and Recovery:

a.The database must have a backup and recovery system in place to ensure that data is not lost
in case of system failure or data corruption.

6. System features and constraints

System Features:
The Question Paper Generator software tool must have the following features:

6.1 User Management:

a. The software tool must allow administrators to manage user accounts and assign roles and
b. The software tool must provide users with a way to create and manage their profiles.

6.2 Question Bank Management:

a. The software tool must allow administrators to manage the question bank, including adding,
editing, and deleting questions and categories.
b. The software tool must provide users with a way to browse and search the question bank.

6.3 Exam Creation:

a. The software tool must allow educators to create exams, including selecting questions from
the question bank and setting exam parameters, such as duration and difficulty level.
b. The software tool must provide educators with a way to preview and edit exams before
finalizing them.

6.4 Exam Delivery:

a. The software tool must allow educators to deliver exams to students, either online or offline.
b. The software tool must provide students with a way to take exams and submit their answers.

6.5 Exam Grading:

a. The software tool must allow educators to grade exams and provide feedback to students.
b. The software tool must provide students with a way to view their exam scores and feedback.

6.6 System Constraints:

The following constraints must be considered when developing the Question Paper Generator
software tool:

6.6.1 Compatibility:
a. The software tool must be compatible with a range of devices and browsers.
b. The software tool must be compatible with a range of database management systems and
external interfaces.

6.6.2 Performance:
a. The software tool must be able to handle a large volume of data and users.
b. The software tool must be able to deliver exams and grade exams in a timely manner.

6.6.3 Security:
a. The software tool must be secure and protect sensitive exam and user data.
b. The software tool must comply with industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR and

6.6.4 Accessibility:
a. The software tool must be accessible to users with disabilities.
b. The software tool must be designed with usability and accessibility in mind.

7. Legal and regulatory requirements

The Question Paper Generator software tool must comply with the following legal and regulatory

7.1 Intellectual Property Rights:

a. The software tool must not infringe any intellectual property rights, including copyrights,
patents, and trademarks. All materials used by the software tool must be properly licensed and/or
authorized for use.

7.2 Data Protection and Privacy:

a. The software tool must comply with all applicable data protection and privacy laws,
regulations, and standards, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This includes obtaining user consent for the collection,
storage, and use of personal data, and implementing appropriate security measures to protect this data.

7.3 Accessibility:
a. The software tool must comply with accessibility laws and regulations, including the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This
includes providing alternative text for images, supporting assistive technologies, and ensuring that the
software tool can be used by users with disabilities.

7.4 User Safety:

a. The software tool must not pose any risk to user safety. This includes implementing
appropriate security measures to protect against cyber attacks and ensuring that the software tool does
not contain any harmful or malicious code.

7.5 Export Control:

a. The software tool must comply with all applicable export control laws and regulations,
including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and the Export Administration
Regulations (EAR). This includes obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations for the export of
the software tool.

8 System Models
The following system models can be used to illustrate the functionality and behavior of the
Question Paper Generator software tool:

8.1 Use Case Model:

a. The use case model can be used to identify the different actors (users) of the software tool,
the different use cases (functions) that the software tool must support, and the interactions between the
actors and the software tool. This model can help ensure that the software tool meets the needs of all its
8.2 Activity Diagram:
a. The activity diagram can be used to illustrate the different steps involved in creating and
delivering an exam. This model can help ensure that the software tool follows a logical and efficient

8.3 Entity Relationship Diagram:

a. The entity relationship diagram can be used to illustrate the relationships between the
different entities (such as users, questions, and exams) in the system. This model can help ensure that
the software tool is designed with a clear and consistent data model.

8.4 Class Diagram:

a. The class diagram can be used to illustrate the different classes (such as users, exams, and
questions) in the system, their attributes and methods, and their relationships. This model can help
ensure that the software tool is designed with a clear and consistent object-oriented structure.

8.5 Sequence Diagram:

a. The sequence diagram can be used to illustrate the interactions between different objects (such
as users, exams, and questions) in the system, and the order in which these interactions occur.
This model can help ensure that the software tool follows a logical and efficient process.

9 Test and Validation

The following testing and validation activities will be performed to ensure that the Question
Paper Generator software tool meets the specified requirements:

9.1 Unit Testing:

a. Unit testing will be performed on each individual module of the software tool to ensure that
it functions as intended and produces the expected outputs. This will involve the use of automated
testing tools and manual testing.

9.2 Integration Testing:

a. Integration testing will be performed to ensure that the different modules of the software
tool work together seamlessly and produce the expected outputs. This will involve the use of automated
testing tools and manual testing.

9.3 System Testing:

a. System testing will be performed to ensure that the software tool meets all of the specified
requirements and functions as intended in a real-world environment. This will involve the use of
automated testing tools and manual testing, as well as the use of simulated exam scenarios.

9.4 User Acceptance Testing:

a. User acceptance testing will be performed to ensure that the software tool meets the needs
and expectations of its users. This will involve the use of real users who will test the software tool in a
real-world environment and provide feedback on its functionality, usability, and overall effectiveness.

9.5 Validation:
a. Validation will be performed to ensure that the software tool meets the needs and
expectations of its stakeholders, including users, examiners, and regulators. This will involve the use of
surveys, questionnaires, and feedback mechanisms to gather feedback from stakeholders and
incorporate it into the software tool.

10 Project Timeline and Management :-

The development and implementation of the Question Paper Generator software tool will be
carried out in the following phases:

10.1 Requirements Gathering and Analysis:

a. This phase will involve the identification and analysis of the requirements of the software
tool, as well as the definition of the scope, objectives, and constraints of the project. This phase will
take approximately two weeks to complete.

10.2 Design and Development:

a. This phase will involve the design and development of the software tool, including the
creation of the user interface, algorithms, and database. This phase will take approximately six weeks
to complete.

10.3 Testing and Validation:

a. This phase will involve the testing and validation of the software tool to ensure that it meets
all of the specified requirements and functions as intended. This phase will take approximately four
weeks to complete.

10.4 Deployment and Maintenance:

a. This phase will involve the deployment of the software tool to its users and the ongoing
maintenance and support of the tool. This phase will be ongoing and will require the allocation of
resources and personnel as necessary.

10.5 Project Management:

The development and implementation of the Question Paper Generator software tool will be
managed by a dedicated project team consisting of project managers, software developers, database
administrators, quality assurance specialists, and user experience designers. The project team will be
responsible for ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required

To ensure effective project management, the project team will utilize a range of project
management tools and techniques, including project planning and scheduling, risk management, quality
management, and stakeholder management. The project team will also regularly communicate with
stakeholders to provide updates on the project's progress and to gather feedback and suggestions for

Overall, effective project management will be critical to the success of the Question Paper
Generator software tool, and the project team will be responsible for ensuring that the project is
completed on time, within budget, and to the required specifications.

11.1 Glossary of Terms:

 SRS: Software Requirements Specification

 GUI: Graphical User Interface
 API: Application Programming Interface
 SQL: Structured Query Language
 DBMS: Database Management System
 QA: Quality Assurance

11.2 List of Abbreviations

Symbol Abbreviations

SRS Software Requirements Specification

GUI Graphical User Interface

API Application Programming Interface

SQL Structured Query Language

DBMS Database Management System

QA Quality Assurance

UI User Interface

UX User Experience

11.3 Stakeholder List:

 Project Manager: Responsible for overseeing the project and ensuring that it is completed on time,
within budget, and to the required specifications.
 Software Developers: Responsible for designing and developing the software tool.
 Database Administrators: Responsible for creating and managing the database that the software
tool will use.
 Quality Assurance Specialists: Responsible for testing and validating the software tool to ensure
that it meets all of the specified requirements and functions as intended.
 User Experience Designers: Responsible for designing the user interface and ensuring that the
software tool is user-friendly.
 End Users: The individuals or organizations that will be using the software tool to generate
question papers.

11.4 References:

 IEEE Std 830-1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications
 Pressman, R. S. (2010). Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. McGraw-Hill.
 Sommerville, I. (2011). Software Engineering. Pearson Education.

The Question Paper Generator Project will be a useful tool for educators to generate
customized question papers for exams, tests, and quizzes. The system will be user-friendly and easy to
use, allowing educators to select the type of questions, difficulty level, subject matter, and other
parameters that are relevant to the exam. The system will also be secure and reliable, ensuring that
educators' data is protected and the system is available 24/7.

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