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1. Emerging markets are a focus for businesses like Gillette because they present considerable
prospects for expansion. Large populations in emerging nations are frequently accompanied by
increased disposable incomes and rising consumer demand. Companies can boost their sales
and market share by entering these markets and tapping into new client bases. Additionally,
emerging markets may see lower levels of rivalry than markets in established nations, which
would enable businesses to create a greater presence and foster customer loyalty. The viability
of targeting emerging markets will depend on a number of variables, including the state of the
market, the level of competition, and the resources and competencies of the organization.

2. Economic turbulence, political unpredictability, and cultural disparities are risks associated with
Gillette's strategy of entering emerging countries. As can be observed from the paragraph,
Gillette's sales in emerging markets were significantly impacted by the Asian financial crisis.
Economic downturns can result in less consumer expenditure and a decline in the demand for
items like razors that are not absolutely necessary. Businesses operating in emerging markets
may face difficulties due to political unrest or changes in governmental regulations.
Furthermore, cultural variations could need that businesses modify their goods, marketing
plans, and distribution methods to suit regional preferences and behaviors.

3. Local, privately-owned companies like Astra may choose to sell out to multinational firms like
Gillette for several reasons. First, selling to a multinational company can provide financial
benefits to the owners of the local company, allowing them to realize the value they have built
in their business. Additionally, multinational firms often have access to global distribution
networks, marketing expertise, and research and development capabilities, which can help
expand the local company's products and brand presence beyond its current markets. The
acquisition also offers the potential for synergies and economies of scale, enabling the
combined entity to achieve greater efficiencies and competitiveness in the market.

4. One proposal for Gillette's global marketing strategy is to concentrate on a balanced plan that
incorporates both developed and growing regions. Gillette might make investments in market
penetration and product innovation in order to maintain its market dominance while continuing
to capitalize on its significant position in developed regions like the United States and Western
Europe. The business should develop gradually into new areas though, keeping potential risks
and difficulties in mind. In-depth market research might be conducted by Gillette to identify
lucrative emerging markets with excellent growth potential and then build specialized strategies
to meet the unique demands and preferences of consumers in those markets. Further, investing
in strategic alliances or acquisitions in developing markets can aid Gillette in strengthening its
position and reducing risks. Regular Understanding of market conditions and adaptability to
shifting dynamics will be essential for successfully implementing the worldwide plan.

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