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Subhan Allah 3 months later uh we're

back to the firsts ald for part two
of and to continue with this series we
ask Allah subhah waala to alleviate the
suffering of our brothers and sisters in
Gaza we ask Allah subhana wa tala to
give them Victory and we ask Allah
subhana that as we speak about the
righteous of the past who had the
blessing and support from Allah subhana
wa tala not because of superior military
strength but because of their Superior
trust in Allah subhana waala that he
grants this um Victory
Allah so inshah as I said we are in part
of and when I gave the first part back
in early October I definitely did not
anticipate that we'd have have this long
of a wait but in the first part of the
of we spoke about the way
that is shaped by his prior experiences
to embracing Islam and how when he
eventually Embraces Islam there is a
process here there's a process of
gaining the trust of the Muslims there's
a process of his own purification and
Subhan Allah everything about his Islam
is miraculous and beautiful the dreams
that he sees before he Embraces Islam
the way that he Embraces Islam before
fatah and so he has this status with the
sallam as
does we will speak about next
week and the way that he sort of rises
in the ranks of the battle of mut if you
remember in the Battle of M the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam is watching
from afar as Allah subhana T shows him
by Divine
means falling in
battle falling in
battle falling in battle
and being chosen amongst the Muslims to
take the leadership of the army and then
guiding them to Victory and out of a
very difficult situation in m and the
prophet sallam
said that has taken the banner and he
has a sword from the swords of Allah the
very first time the prophet Sall alaihi
wasallam calls him by that treasured
name the sword of Allah and how Subhan
Allah his life immediately becomes about
preparing himself self for battle just
as he was a sword against the Muslims
now he seeks to be the greatest General
that the Muslims have ever had and he
rises to that occasion so I want to pick
up really in
this with the legacy of Khaled in battle
all the way until the time of his death
and how he becomes this legend that he
becomes one of the greatest military
commanders of all time and I want to go
to the point of fat the conquest of
Mecca here you
have coming back to Mecca on the side of
the Muslims that in of itself is an
incredible Conquest the conquest of the
hearts that how many times had he left
from Mecca to go to Medina to cause harm
to the Muslims how many times did he
plot to kill the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam and now he's marching
back towards Mecca in the ranks of the
Prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam as a
Commander with a banner in his hands and
starts to make his approach now when the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam comes
into meah the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam has Mecca surrounded from four
different directions so he doesn't
proceed with one Army the prophet sallai
wasallam utilizes a multi-pronged
approach where he breaks it up
into and they come into Mecca from
different directions to ensure that they
going to be able to uh carry out what
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
intends fully without anything going
wrong so the prophet sallallah alai
wasallam appoints one battalion
under one
under one
under and one
under and that is the one that the
prophet wasallam was in himself that
so is moving forward and one of the
things that was feared about Khaled and
this is actually an essential part of
his story was how quick he was to his
sword right when you talk about the
growth of his character over the next
you know few years there has to be a
learning process with how quickly he
resorts to battle how quickly he resorts
to his sword KH speaks one language
that's the language of battle right the
whole negotiation part in the diplomacy
that's not in's vocabulary and so there
is a learning curve
and Subhan Allah the fear was that if
anything was going to turn into a battle
it was going to be from the side of khed
but the prophet Salli wasallam was
growing in this
position however Subhan Allah as they
were entering into
meca's Battalion happened to be the one
that was ambushed by
saan who is actually his brother-in-law
he was married to his sister okay so
this is you know deeply surprising
and who was khalid's best friends before
Islam right so these two Menan and may
Allah be pleased with them because they
will become Muslim later on
ambushed defeated that Army handedly he
killed 12 and he caused sa and to go
fleeing so they actually went running
away uh from the entire area of Mecca at
that point
and when the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam found out initially the
messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi
wasallam was upset because the prophet s
did not want any of that to happen right
the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam had a
particular vision for fat mea for the
conquest of Mecca and coming back to
Mecca but then once the prophet Salli
wasallam was informed
that his Battalion was in fact attacked
the prophet Salli wasall
said that the Judgment of Allah is
better at that point the prophet Salli
wasallam had no objection right so if
this was not initiated
by then there is no blame
on so you have the entrance into meca
right and sort of represents one of the
greatest turning points in Islam because
so many of those who marched against the
prophet s alaihi wasall are now marching
with him but those who used to mutilate
the Muslims are now refusing as they are
alongside the Muslims who were oppressed
and in their ranks amongst the Muslims
are refusing to do anything that would
violate the sanctity of theam and they
are following the example of the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam who's
changing the entire culture changing the
entire ethics by refusing to carry out
revenge on the same people that did to
him sallallahu alaihi wasallam and to
his family what we all know that they
did now we know that the prophet Sall
was walks into the KA then with who just
kind of refresh our our history who goes
into the with the
prophet I was about to look at you be
like remember the book right
Beyond walks in with the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam The Prophet
sallai wasallam destroys the idols
inside the KA and around
theam right the truth has come and
falsehood has perished and Makkah
Returns the Kaa returns to a place in
which only Allah subh
will be worshiped now were all of the
primary Idols of Jah situated in the Kaa
around the
Kaa you guys remember questions mean
answers I need answers were they all in
the Kaa around the Kaa the famous Idols
no some of them were in
valleys close to Medina they they had
these different sanctuaries right where
they used to worship some of these um
big Idols right some of the idols that
people would go to with their very
particular sacrifices and literally a
bigger Idol me a bigger place in Mecca
right like that's how they actually used
to judge them in many different ways
which shows you Subhan Allah the level
the degree by which they were taken by
their right by their by their going
astray so the prophet sallai wasallam
also wants to destroy the idols in the
surrounding towns of Mecca right this is
not just about the Kaa this is about
removing the idols around Mecca as well
now tell me some of the most famous
idols that you remember from the their
names very good and right so the prophet
Salli wasallam
usts his commanders to then go and to
take out some of the idols all right to
remove some of the main Idols now it
just so happens that the prophet was
tells to go and to
destroy all right and you know what I
couldn't help but think about Subhan
Allah and it hit me in because I
actually went to between part one and
part two and I was just thinking about
this Subhan Allah it hit me in when I
was remembering the story of Abu sufyan
when Abu suan called out to the prophet
and Abu Bakr and Omar and started to
praise his own Idols one of the things
that he said as is standing next to him
right is the one who routed the Muslims
and sent them into that position as is
standing is is next to him on his horse
victorious in a worldly sense that we
have we have and you have
no and what did the prophet tell to
with Allah is our protector you have no
protector so was standing next to Abu
sufyan on that day we
have and now the prophet
tells go and do away with right right
Subhan Allah look at the way that
history is coming back in such a poetic
way now the prophet
Sons to destroy so he gets
there and it seems too easy so he
destroys and then he comes back and the
prophet s asks him what he did he said I
destroyed the prophet said did anything
happen to you he said no the prophet
sallai wasam said you didn't destroy
that was a fake one so the the
worshippers of are the tribe actually
had a prop they had a
fake and then they had a
real which they guarded in a particular
type of Temple
so goes back and subh it's actually a
very interesting narration because when
he enters upon it he's actually
approached by aana by a devil right I
mean very strange things start to happen
he's attacked in very strange ways and
then he he slices that devil he goes
towards and he says
to we have disbelieved in you we do not
glorify you I see that Allah subhana has
humiliated you and breaks the real so he
comes back to the prophet sallallah Al
wasallam having carried out that command
and then the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam takes
with him to uh the next phase of tabuk
and the rest of that is history so now
is in the rank of the Muslims now it's
important to mention here as well
because the scholars will mention that
who did in fact make a few mistakes in
the very beginning and they were
mistakes because he was quick to his
sword and the most consequential one
which has a very famous Dua behind it is
that the prophet Prophet
sent and when he went
there was quick he invited them to Islam
they didn't say they said which means we
changed our religion which can mean that
they apostate or that they became Muslim
they had their weapons he said why do
you have your weapons they said this is
for the other Arab tribes he ordered
them to put them down they refuse to put
them down why because one of the things
that plays into this in a very unique
way is that
had a previous rivalry with that tribe
in particular remember he used to duel
with everybody right also what
complicates is that in this was the
tribe that killed an uncle of and they
killed the father
ofd right which becomes relevant in the
story so in any
case was quick to attack that tribe not
realizing that indeed some of them had
become Muslim right or all of them part
of them are some of them had become
Muslim and when this came back to the
sdah came to the prophet wasallam and he
complained to the prophet s alaihi
wasallam about what khed had done
because this is a huge mistake in the
early days of Islam in the early days of
his being Muslim the prophet sallam
looked towards the he
said oh Allah I disavow myself of what
KH has done this is not what I taught
him oh Allah I disavow myself of what
has done so it's a significant mistake
and the prophet sallam
Sons to benu J to make up for to
compensate in whatever ways that he
possibly can for the mistake
that made and some of the say this is
not a part of History you should brush
over in fact it's something to say that
this was complicated you had to unlearn
some of the practices of J you know when
we talk about the very famous story
saying oh child of a black woman and the
prophet wasallam said you have in you
part of you still have in you some you
had to unlearn some of that ignorance
and in the case
of you have to re in that sword as well
it's not just you know take advantage of
it and just go you have to re in that
sword and it's important as well Subhan
Allah to to show that the prophet Sall
alhi wasallam reigned him in he
rectified the situation he disavowed
himself from what did but the prophet
moved to a place of growth it became a
learning experience not an experience in
which the prophet sallallah wasallam
took as a result of his mistake and
basically broke him it's a powerful
example from the messenger of Allah
sallallah alaihi wasallam and by the way
the reason why I mentioned
Subhan his uh father having been killed
by this tribe that
you know actually came
to because he suspected that one of the
reasons you're still human one of the
reasons why you were quick to attack
them was because you remember them
killing your
uncle right so he's suspecting that
maybe there's some J that's still within
you that you need to purify this we
don't do this anymore keep in mind what
did the Arabs used to do if you killed
my camel 40 years later my son will come
and attack your entire tribe that
actually happens so ABD is saying you
still have some
inside of you and who argues back and
says and they killed your father too
right and this is actually where the
Prophet Sall alhi wasallam has the very
famous Hadith it's it's
interesting Prophet was said do not
curse my companions because if one of
you were to spend a mountain of in gold
you would not be able to reach their
rank not even a handful so the prophet
actually humbled and said look you're
not to the rank
of the scholars actually mentioned this
verse applies Subhan Allah to many of
the sahab that embraced Islam in the
later years that those of you that came
early on are not equal to those who came
later on right that's the paraphrasing
of the meaning of this verse so the
prophet was even
telling not yet you're not to that rank
yet so
respect you need to show your respect to
and this was the way that the prophet
sallallah maintains right the the
blessings of the m and the while also
making space for some of these great
companions that are embracing Islam but
they're embracing Islam uh very late
so there is a learning curve here but
Subhan Allah one of the things that
you'll notice about is that his mistakes
came only in the early days only in the
early days and this is important because
you see that he grew out of these
mistakes and he instead lifted the bar
raised the bar in terms of noble ethics
and the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam
kept finding ways to integrate these new
companions while not diminishing the
rank of the older companions one of the
famous narrations
um he
narrates that the prophet
sent and the prophet wasallam went out
in in the farewell and was there right
he was there in in the farewell HJ so
the prophet s
wasallam when he had his head
shaved he took some of his hair and he
sent it
to which is very interesting and you'll
see exact this comes back later on in
the story he sent some of his
to now I mean if you think about who who
did the prophet save what was shav from
his hair for right like you
have the mother
of this woman who dedicated herself to
very early on
why there's something that the prophet
sallallahu Al wasallam is doing here to
honor to to give his not just his
to but to also
validate to
increase to build that bond
with and khed has to grow in his
spirituality and Subhan Allah just as
has the human
beings uh plot
against as he's a Muslim one of the
narrations that he came to the prophet
sallallah wasallam he
said that verily one of the Jin is
plotting against me and the prophet
sallam told him to
it's a long
narration that he said I seek refuge in
the perfect words of Allah which neither
the upright nor the corrupt May overcome
from the evil of what he created of what
he made and of what he scattered from
the evil of what Des Suns from the
heavens and what Rises up from them or
to them from the evil of what he
scattered in the earth and what what
emerges from it from the evil of Night
and Day and from the evil of every
visitor at night except for the visitor
who comes with good oh most merciful so
there's the learning of Dua there is the
growth in spirituality and there's the
also winning the respect of the Muslims
with some of the ethics that he that he
demonstrates so one of the people that
complained about him
was and there's a chapter in the books
the chapter of uh The Spoils of War that
are taken away or something that's taken
away from the Muslims and then found by
the commander of the Muslims amongst the
enemy what does that mean someone steals
something from you or uh you lose
something in battle and then years later
that Muslim Army comes back and they
find the property that was stolen away
from that person so what should be done
with it and
thatd once lost a horse in war it was
seized in war and
when years later uh basically defeated
that enemy and he found the horse that
belonged to he saved it and then he gave
it back
Tod so there's a learning process here
there's a new ethics there's a new value
system to abide by so when does he get
to shine in the military sense and this
is is where we'll take it from here and
talk about the growth
of the of the Muslims the commander of
the Muslim Army who was the first person
to appoint
him that in and of itself is a sign of
your praiseworthy nature right that abak
who finds you fit to command the Muslim
particularly appointed him to to fight
the r Wars the apostasy Wars where you
had all of these false prophets that
were now Rising Muslims that were aposta
on the basis of tribe and of course
we've learned about the brutality of
M the worst of the false prophets after
the death
ofam and when some of the people said
well what if he's quick to his sword you
know how was quick to his sword
abak said if my Lord asks me Lo
if my Lord asked me on the day of
judgment why did you
appoint on top of the uh on top of the
Muslim army or in charge of the Muslim
Army he said I will say to my
Lord I heard your servant and your
friend Muhammad s wasallam
say is a sword from the swords of Allah
that Allah subhana has un
against the disbeliever so Abu Bakr is
saying I've calculated this and I have
my excuse before Allah I believe that
he's the right man for the job even if
he's been Muslim for just a few years
even if he's made some mistakes in his
early days of being a
Muslim is the right commander of the
Muslims so Abu Bakr sends him
forward and of course attains victory
the Battle of Yama which is a huge
Victory and there were many of the s
that fought
under there and
then was able to basically quell many of
the apostates there were many different
uh false prophets and apostates that
were arising so he was able to defeat
many of these Pockets that were
rebelling against the new
now what what bordered the Muslims were
the Persians the Persian Empire and this
is really important because
abak actually had envisioned in
accordance with what the prophet s wasam
had mentioned engaging the Roman Empire
first the Muslims are literally situated
between the Persians and the Romans
they're on both
sides and so initially that was the plan
was to engage the Roman Empire first not
the Persian Empire are situated between
them but the Persian Empire were
directly inciting the of the Arabs On
the Border okay they were directly
inciting some of the revolts against
ab and generally speaking had a more
hostile posture towards the Muslims both
of them of course the whole story of mut
was because an ally to the Roman Empire
killed the Muslim Emissary right so they
both had their hostility and it was both
sort of like we're going to push these
these this new tribe around these these
little guys around right and let them
know that we're going to fight each
other while they're
nothing but
abak saw that it was important strategic
to now engage the Persian Empire instead
so initially while are taking place
while the apostasy Wars are taking place
says to keep them at Bay and is able to
keep them at Bay in many different ways
and then he sends a letter
to who to proceed towards
after after the apostasy Wars and to
engage them as well right that it's time
to fight them as well right and of
course the aggressions are coming from
that side and so now is your turn to
move towards them so he re receives that
order and in the letter of Abu Bakr Abu
Bak says that whoever wants to come home
can meaning this is not a mandatory
battle right this is for whoever wants
to stay with you so initially his army
dwindles from 13,000 to 2,000 and then
he asks abak for reinforcements Abu Bakr
sends him the man who's equal to a th000
men as his main reinforcement and then
there's there are other Muslim that come
from Medina to join the effort
with to move now on the Persian Empire
the most aggressive and the most brutal
and the most violent Empire of the day
even more violent and more brutal than
the Roman Empire right this was a
hostile Empire that used to always have
statement victories right and of course
they were at war with the Romans for
forever before the Muslims uh came
along and this is where you see now
the battle
of the battle of the chains which we'll
talk about so if you were to break down
all of khaled's battles right it's about
100 campaigns it's a lot we're not going
to be able to cover all of them so I
just want to sort of focus on the main
ones that represent a turning point
for and the
Muslims the battle of the chains
so basically they're going into the
southern area of Iraq okay the Persian
Empire of course has Iraq as well and
the center of the Persian Empire at the
time is actually in Iraq it's not in
what is modern day Iran right it's
actually in Mad uh which would be close
to Bagdad and uh the center of their
empire so he initially sees who targets
what's known
as is the main port for the Persian
and makes his move
and he sends a letter to hmos hmos is
the commander of the uh of the Persian
Empire under KRA who's the main head so
hmos so he sends a letter to
Hermos uh telling him you know giving
him basically his options right submit
to Islam and be safe Asam tlam or
agreeing to the payment of the jizya and
you and your people will be under our
protection or else you have only
yourself to blame for the consequences
and he says to him a very famous
sentence he
says that I'm bringing you a people who
love death as much as you love life like
we're not afraid of
youus gets this letter and he's like
really these little uh
bedwin right we've been pushing them
around and beating up on them all these
years in fact was basically a client of
the Persian Empire right like these guys
think they can fight us back now they
think they have a chance against us so
hmus uh sends 20,000
fighters in Chains and in heavy armor
now what does it mean to send them in
Chains the Persians had a very
interesting battle tactic they had a lot
of numbers and what they would do is
they would put chains across their own
legs all right to where they were like a
a wave a fort that could not be moved
and they would overwhelm you with their
numbers okay they mve towards you and
they were chained to each other not
fully like chained but they would have a
cuff on one leg to the next person they
were chained to each other and they
would come forth with their swords and
with their Advanced artillery they were
known to have better weapons more
advanced Weaponry than anyone else in
the world at the time so the idea was
we're just we just overwhelm you with
Force these little bedwin Arabs we're
just going to mow them right just go
over them without any type of issue and
one of the things about and one of the
things that makes him the most brilliant
commander of all time is that every
single Battle of KH he has some tricks
that he doesn't use in the battle before
so he's completely
unpredictable completely unpredictable
but there is never a battle with where
it's just face to face he's always got
something up his sleep so khed largely
his his main tactic is optical illusions
that's what he did in M too right he
makes you think his army is somewhere
and they're not really there
so makes it seem like he's in a place
calleda which is South okay AB is here
is here so they March
towards and they realize that just put
up a bunch of props there and his army
is not actually
there so then it's like peekaboo we're
actually up here he was actually in a
place that was uh uh North which was
as and so's Army gets the word that arm
is actually in so they move towards when
they do that takes his army around and
then they come back
to then his army gets the message that
they're back here so they come back
south and he moves again why is he doing
that because he's exhausting them
they're in Chains and they're walking
through the
desert with the chains on their legs and
they're getting exhausted so he's
exhausting their army and then he scares
them from one side and so they move
towards One Direction so basically he
gets them paranoid and they wouldn't
sleep at night because they'd be worried
where's arm is going to pop up from and
by the time they actually um you know
make it to fight him to like come into
combat they're so exhausted and worn out
from just the amount of movement that
they've had to do so this was something
completely unanticipated
right they never faced this type of an
before actually sends a message to KRA
like this is weird different things are
happening here we need help so KRA
blocks off he sent some reinforcements
to block off the Euphrates block off any
type of access to water so
basically's Army will suffer from
Subhan says to the Army to
put your trust in Allah subhana tala it
just so happens that it rains upon them
and they were able to fill all of their
water skins and so that tactic failed so
then they finally meet um in battle
after days of just exhaustion right
moving them from one place to the other
and the Muslims are fresh outnumbered
but fresh so's tactic was attack Retreat
attack Retreat attack Retreat attack
Retreat so it's all of these false
attacks to where they're just they're
just tired
okay and hmus wants to make a
statement so hmus calls out
for right the Arabs used to duel before
battle every every Empire of the day had
a different way of starting off a battle
so hmus calls out for khed says come out
to a duel which seems really bold
because no one duels with khed butus has
plans that he actually tells three of
his most skilled fighters to stand in
the front R row
and once the battle starts he basically
he's going to trick him and then come
out and just kill him right come out and
kill him before the battle even ends
right before the duel ends so of course
does not back down from The Challenge
but he's not he's not dumb
right comes
out and you know just after a few swipes
who's also a skilled fighter a skilled
General he tells them you know what
let's drop the weapons let's do
combat right all right all right
fine drops the
weapons drops the weapons and as soon as
they basically uh fight hand to hand and
hand toand combat the three men
Rush was onto their
plan so would rush as soon as they
rushed and Subhan Allah the three men
got there before in the duel KH was so
strong that he basically picked upos and
used him to protect himself until came
and he finished them off and then
killed which was a huge huge huge sign
of defeat for the Persian Empire like to
lose your general in the in the in the
duel in the very start is extremely
demoralizing they're already exhausted
their legs are in Chains and so when
kills it basically you know already
signifies their defeat and after Hermos
was dead it took took them very little
time to basically decimate that
particular Army and that was the first
defeat right which
was the Battle of the chains a major
defeat they come back with Thea by the
way the spoils and they say that was the
first time Medina saw an elephant
because they took one of the elephants
as well and brought an elephant with
them back to Medina from The Spoils of
battle you also had some of the Persians
that converted to Islam after this so
some of the soldiers convert to Islam
some of the people convert to
Islam continues his Advance into
Southern Iraq at the
time you have what's known as that the
the battle of the the the the river uh
where once again was able to take uh
from the area of the
Euphrates uh a position and is able to
kill up to 30,000 Persian Persian
soldiers According to some of the
narrations and one of the tactics that
he utilized was who took out the
generals first cuz he kind of realizes
that the generals are the morale of the
Persian Empire that they had a great
emphasis that was placed on the generals
so khed plots on the generals before he
plots on the others and he thinks about
their morale before he thinks about how
he moves forward then he moves to
Central Iraq uh which is at the Fort of
an for the fort ofar is only about 80
miles away from Babylon um sees this
huge Army right at the fort
and he's like I know exactly what to do
he brings a thousand archers and he says
take out the ice the skilled archers he
goes for he he basically takes out the
eyes and it actually became known
as the the battle of the eyes because
basically blinds that Army and then
attacks them and takes that position as
well so he's moving through and KRA
who's the head of the Persian Empire
who's obviously been fighting fighting
the Romans this entire time is like what
is happening here to where all of a
sudden we're incurring this type of loss
here and KH is employing a different
tactic every time we can't figure him
out in this regard and there's also subh
narration uh you know it's in byed and
others that they reached an area
of and the majus had a lot of magicians
so they told in one of the battles they
said look if you drink our poison we'll
surrender to
you said give me the
poison he said he drank the poison
nothing happened to him right threw it
to the side don't try this at home if
someone gives you
poison first of all the narration has
some cam in it has some words about it
secondly if someone gives you poison
don't say and drink and say nothing
happened to me you're
not right and the had so if anything
this was a miracle of one of the
companions but the point is is that it
completely humiliated the Persians and
the Muslims had even more uh more
confidence right after basic said that's
that's the best you've got tossed it
aside like it was nothing right and it
did not affect his body at all so the
Persians are shocked the Persian Empire
is shocked the Roman Empire is starting
to catch wind about what's happening
right and basically what happens is
these two empires that have been
fighting each other for over 700 years
basically kind of have like a defacto
agreement you know what let's take a
break from fighting each other and let's
deal with these guys because they're a
nuisance to us right we got to wipe out
these people in the middle that we
thought were just our little client uh
kingdoms that we could just you know
pitch around to each other so they they
they basically agree to take a break in
an informal way despite their heated
battles amongst themselves and say
listen we're going to do away with them
and so now you shift towards AEM which
is greater Syria pal Palestine Syria
Jordan Lebanon abak sent four
commanders towards aam he
sent towards the area ofe which we're
going to talk about obviously the the
areas are not delineated in the exact
same way back then right but to the area
generally ofe
was to the area of
was then he
to what's the area of Jordan the area of
and then he
sent to the area of the area of H also
in Syria so he's got you know abak is
engaging the Roman Empire at the time
the byzantines at the
but asks AB for
reinforcements against the Romans
because things are getting very
difficult the Roman Empire is starting
to turn up the heat so he basic
basically asks for help in engaging the
Empire sends a letter
to who is in and basically says I need
you to turn towards a sham I need you to
hurry up to aam because things are
becoming difficult for the that are inam
at the time and this also becomes one of
the Miracles
so basically gathers his
advisers and his main which was
basically his guide the guy that would
map out the terrain for him map out the
route for him was a man by the name of
RA so he asked ra he says give me the
routes how do we get to aam what's the
quickest way there he says you've got
you know uh the northern route which is
along the Euphrates to Northeast modern
day Syria it's a well-traveled route and
how did you used to measure routes back
then what do you think if you're
traveling with an army what do you
measure routes
by someone tell tell me something that I
can make
out what is it days Days okay time what
else what do you need along the
71s water exactly water Mah you need
water right so basically back then if
you're mapping out a large army moving
from one direction to another you really
analyzing where the wells are you're
looking at the the time span you're
looking at the difficulty of the terrain
you're looking at you know Villages
along the way you're looking at again
the Romans and the Persians basically
owned everything right so you either
worked for the Romans or you worked for
the Persians you're analyzing all these
different things but water is a huge
part of this how you plan your route so
he gives him two routes he said you've
got along the Euphrates or you have
along the Route which known as which is
known as right it's an easy March but
it's a longer uh March around the South
and then says give me a route that no
one's ever taken before I need I need to
march to rain I need to we need to move
in a way that's completely unpredictable
that's fast and that's never been taken
before so ra says listen there is one
route but there is no water on this
route the terrain is difficult no armies
ever marched it you're not going to see
water for over 100 miles and actually if
you map the point of K's departure there
isn't a single well for 120 miles so
imagine you've got to basically keep
yourself hydrated and make it through
the hot desert and through the terrain
water says that's the one we're
taking is like yeah this this is not
easy you might lose your army along the
says we're going to trust in Allah
subhana waala we will find our way
through that terrain and we will make
our way over there so says where's the
first well can
remember you know there's one Nar he
remembered a little spring under a tree
because he's he's a he's well traveled
around that area a little spring again
over 100 miles out so is like all right
that's the point that we're going to
make our way to so we're going to assess
our days by that point and when they got
there Subhan Allah uh you know Days
Later ra couldn't find this the spring
and so the Muslims made Dua they looked
for this Thorn Tree and eventually uh
they were able to dig under the roots of
that tree and the spring came out and
the you knowl the Muslims were saying
allahar and it was a matter of of ease
for them so that's one thing that
happened along the Route there's another
um you know historical narration that
shows up in some of the books that
employed a strategy which was to fill
the camels with water and then to
prevent them from eating and then once
you run out of water there's a
particular part of the camel that stores
the water you sacrifice the camels and
you're able to access that water so it's
a very very like tedious type of tactic
but employs that so he fills the camels
with water when they have access to
water 3 days into it after the heat gets
to them and they run out of water they
sacrifice the camels and they access the
basically where the water is stored
within the body of the camel I think
you're all getting the point that always
has a solution right I just want you to
imagine if you're a Muslim and you're in
that day and age like the guy is unfazed
by absolutely anything and he's always
got a solution which is why by the way
in most people when the prophet and the
Muslims at that time defeated them most
people were like let's go back to Mecca
we've done this before it was better KH
said no no we got our way around cuz KH
is that type who's always like I've got
a solution I can figure this out I can
figure this out I can figure this out so
in any case they reach into a
sham reaches
sees him and he smiles he's
reassured comes to him and the nickname
of KH was Abu um and he said says that I
receiv received the letter
from about your your coming and he said
there is no resentment in my heart and
alhamdulillah I'm you know we're
basically pleased to serve under you
like is going to come and basically
assume the leadership of all of the
battalions at that point in aam and
starts to praise
says that's because you're thean the
trustworthy one of this um that's why
you don't have these like
spiritual you always think in the
interest of the um
like did not send a letter to saying
I've got it covered he's thinking in the
interest of the umah and you're not
thinking about yourself or trying to be
the hero or trying to be a brave person
you're always putting the interest of
the umah first so they lay Siege to a
town called Al and then you have the
battle of alad which is a very famous
battle uh where you have Subhan Allah
all of the battalions of the Muslims
basically merge in a sham to fight this
battle of aadin these are some of the
most consequential battles against the
uh the Romans at the time it's about
30,000 Muslims against 90,000 Romans so
this ratio of being outnumbered is a
constant Factor here and the battle
actually takes place in a valley called
why the
which is where it's believed
that defeated Goliath why so this is
actually in the area of modern day
festine so subh there's a symbolism to
this too that the Muslims are facing
this gigantic Army the Roman Empire
right commanded by Caesar in this
area and there's something Subhan Allah
that happens there's a narration that I
just love about
this so Fearless that sometimes you
might interpret his Fearless is
recklessness KH will go out at night and
basically walk around and check out the
other army with no
bodyguards right and so they'd wake up
and they'd say where's they'd go and
they'd find him he's kind of scouting by
himself he's always scouting it's like
he never
sleeps so you know you're about to fight
Ed Nadin you got 990,000 people on the
other side right
and is going over casually checking them
out seeing what they have planned
completely unfaced so they basically you
know told him like stop doing this we're
worried about you and said didn't you
hear the prophet wasallam
say didn't you hear that the prophet
sallam said that the one who remembers
Allah the example of the one who
remembers Allah and the one who doesn't
remember Allah is like the living and
dead and they said yes he said so what
can tens of thousands of dead people do
to one living man
I'm alive they're dead cuz he's walking
around doing VI Subhan Allah the man has
his military genius but this shows you
the growth in his spirituality as well
my vicet is my shield these people are
all dead I'm not worried about them the
day comes out to meet the
commander and you got to understand that
the Persians and the Romans insulted the
Muslims initially and the insult you're
just a bunch of raggedy dirty Arabs from
the desert that don't have anything like
who do you think you are stop taking
yourself so seriously right so they
throw these insults towards them uh if
you remember uh
when first met in Persia he put dir he
told him to carry a bag of dirt on his
head right like go back go back to where
you came from basically go back to the
desert and said this is the the Earth
being submitted to us I'm not worried
about it unfaced so who comes out out to
meet the commander the commander says to
listen he says to him the Persians every
time they've come to this area they've
left defeated and you two will leave
defeated he said my assumption
is you poor people probably came out
here because you need some food and some
water you need some money right that's
the you're not fighting for anything
meaningful you probably are just you
know Arabs trying to like you know
launch these little raids cuz you want
some money we're the Roman Empire we got
you back it's okay we'll take we know
what you really want so he said to him
you know from my generosity I'll let you
go home I'll give each one of you a
Dirham a robe and a turban and he said
for you I'll give you 100 100 Dirhams
100 robes 100 turbin and he said come
back to me the next year I'll give you
all a Durham I'll give you all a robe
I'll give you all a
turban just go right get out of our
faces who uh plays some Mind Games
here and he's also a man who's so
Fearless that when you see him you're
you're terrified by his
faith you know when someone just shows
that they're completely unfazed unshaken
and you can tell Subhan Allah you're
terrified by him so he says to him he
responds to he
says he said I swear by Allah we did not
come out to you because of
hunger we're a people who like to drink
blood it's like we're going to use we're
going to play on your a savagery here
and he
said and we have come to learn that
there's no blood sweeter than the blood
of the Romans like we're not worried
about you we're not hungry we're just
you know Arab Savages waking up today
and he said by the way all these robes
and turbin once we defeat you we'll just
take them anyway so KH plays his mind
games back with him and the guy is like
okay this guy is different something is
wrong here so they go back
is not quick to attack so you can
imagine sort of the standoff before the
battle the idea was to scout find out
what they were doing
so uh spends a lot of time sending
spies right to basically understand the
terrain and he's already planning and
and you're going to understand the
military genius part he's already
planning for 100 days after like he's
planning all his contingencies before
the battle even start so he takes his
time he realizes they're not going to
attack first takes his time sort of
studies the
terrain who if you you know if you watch
the the documentary that we did on the
of I talk
about because I visited where his his
grave is in
Jordan's right hand
man you know leads a few skirmishes
there there are a few fights that take
place here there takes out 10 he
actually wears the you know the Roman
outfit of one of the soldiers just walks
his way right back into town amongst the
Muslims takes off his armor and he's
back to being himself so these little
skirmishes are happening The Scouting is
and you know basically decides to take
the smaller towns around Damascus before
fighting uh before actually the attack
takes place before Damascus uh itself uh
would fall so he's getting the full idea
of the landscape and is analyzing their
animals and comparing them to to his
animals and he's matching up I mean you
can think about the level of Genius what
flanks of the Army have certain horses
where do you line them up right and
where he can anticipate certain horses
coming from now generally
speaking strategy was with not
depth if you read military books they'll
actually site him for using the strategy
right with not depth so he doesn't have
deep armies he creates a thin layer and
then he hides one deep layer so you
don't know where the reinforcements are
going to come so you see this thin layer
all around but then the deepest layer is
going to attack You from One Singular
Direction so plots all of this
out and then the battle takes place and
Subhan Allah they are able to overcome
anad and this sends a resounding message
to not just the Roman Empire but to the
world now
the single man is taking his battalions
and he's dealing defeat after defeat to
the Persian Empire to the Roman Empire
both the Persians and the and the Romans
are like what do we do with these people
right what are we doing about this small
group of people and then they reached
the gates of Damascus and I'm going to
move a little bit quicker now while they
are fighting for
Damascus Abu Bak passes away at the time
that Damascus is is actually under
battle and becomes Theif and sends a
to appointing him as the new commander
of the Muslims effectively
replacing as the
commander receives the message in the
middle of the
battle so he
decides not to tell KH about the Battle
because he doesn't want to jeopardize
battle right he's a trustworthy one of
this um he's always thinking for the um
you know he says you know what this is
not the right time so he holds on to the
letter himself he lets the battle take
after wins the battle he goes
to with great embarrassment almost with
the letter
from appointing him as the uh commander
of the Army why
appoint to be the commander of the army
what do you all
think so I'm going to tell you all
something this is very important I know
that we get fascinated when we see
non-muslims talking about our history
you got a professor you got some sort of
writer talking about our history and as
academics they throw out something right
use like a narra narration from they say
did not like khed and that's why you
know they had some previous disputes and
that's why he removed him and as Muslims
sometimes in the name of being objective
we take these narrations that completely
undermine the character of the sah do
think the one who who is the
distinguisher between truth and
falsehood would let his personal Grudge
drive him to put the um at
risk come on
right so when people start circulating a
video there's a very particular like
lecturer some military school talking
about khid being the most brilliant
military strategist of all time like oh
this is what he said Omar didn't like KH
very much or they had a previous dispute
in J and yes you have you know
narrations and writers you know that
that make this
claim who would put his face to the
ground to a child for the sake of Allah
subhana for this um you think he's going
to jeopardize the um and the safety
he doesn't
like I can't buy that I can't swallow it
there's also a narration
from which is very specific and it makes
a lot of
sense there was a celebrity that was
starting to develop around Khaled and a
sense of invincibility to where people
started to say if Khaled is amongst us
we never
lose if khed is here we will win Victory
comes from khed there are even people
that start to say to khed a Roman
commander in fact ask him he says you
know we've heard that Allah sent down a
sword to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wasallam and he gave you that sword is
it true that you have a sword from the
heavens like sa are you this unbreakable
undefeatable you know like demigod or
something like that that's what they're
that's what they're starting to suggest
right I'm talking about the non-muslims
right but even amongst the Muslims there
is this this Aura of invincibility
developing around because the man cannot
lose a
battle and
says I swear I did not remove out of
betrayal or hatred or anything like that
says I was afraid that people would be
put to FNA because of him and then
they'd be entrusted to him meaning
instead of people trusting Allah they'll
start to trust him they'll start to
believe that Victory comes from instead
of from Allah subh waala and preserving
the of the Muslims the faith of the
Muslims is more important than your
military losses or your military wins I
need you to to understand where Victory
from you support the cause of Allah
Allah will support you do not start to
believe that it comes from the sword of
or else you'll be put to the test Allah
will leave you to the sword
of it's
powerful wants to preserve their hearts
wants to preserve their faith and he has
a point
and understands that
so after the battle goes to and he reads
the letter to
say may Allah have mercy on you why
didn't you tell me as soon as it came to
you why did you wait so long and he
responds and he
says he said I didn't want to break I
didn't want to basically mess things up
and he
says said I don't want Authority in this
D nor do I work for this world like
saying that's not I'm not that type of
guy right I'm not the person that's
going to fight over commandership or or
being a
general and we're all Brothers for the
sake of
Allah what does he
do we hear and we obey and this is one
of the greatest signs of his sincerity
at this point if he was driven by what
used to drive him in J he would have
caused a
fit right how dare you remove me he
would have started all sorts of f about
maybe went and started his own Empire
right go start something else take some
Muslims with him and be a FNA for the
Muslims instead he
says we hear and we obey I will accept
any position that you give me
so basically uses that as an opportunity
to elevate he puts him in charge of some
armies and he continues to elevate him
and use him as an adviser because he
understands that KH can map out in a way
that even he cannot and it does work to
the benefit of the Muslims as they said
because was a negotiator he was a
diplomat was not a diplomat or a
negotiator and so a lot of what would
happen like Jerusalem for example
remember negotiating with the Romans at
the time a lot of that was not
style so there was an approach that
worked here and an approach that worked
here but at the end of the day both of
them together were able to do so much
and there's a beautiful narration where
abdah was apprehended uh in in one of
the one of the the the skirmishes
and turned to said I'm asking you to go
out and to rescue abdah ja so he said he
said absolutely he said I was just
waiting for you to tell me to to do so
like I was waiting for the command and
know put his head down because he was
embarrassed like to tell what to do
and said to him first he started to
praise him and it's a long narration he
said W if you were to appoint a child
me then I would hear and I would obey
I'm I'm your soldier now right I'm at
your command like I understand my role
and I'm going to work in accordance with
what you have put me in and this was
from their uh from their sincerity and
Allah subhana wa tala allowed him to be
successful in that regard as well
finally you have the Battle of yuk which
for the sake of time I won't go into too
much detail the Battle of yuk takes
place in the year
636 it is considered one of the most
significant battles in history in the
history of Islam and in the history of
the world period is the Battle of yuk
which is in the area of modern day Syria
the the yuk River um and this is the
turning point point this was the point
in which the Muslims if you were to
trace a moment in which they defeated
overcame the byzantines this is really
the moment where you really struck the
Roman Empire and they overwhelmed them
again through multiple tactics that KH
was able to utilize the numbers put it
at about 25,000 Muslims versus 100,000
byzantines at the time so 1/4th but they
were able to overcome
them has a narration
that's not it's without a chain but it's
a beautiful narration that kind of
brings things full circle
that his helmet fell off during the
Battle of
yuk and he basically panicked and he
started to go through and started to go
through the ranks of the army to try to
find his helmet and he had other people
do so which it wasn't like him to be
that way he's too smart of a military
General to put himself at risk instead
of fighting without the helmet and
basically managing he almost re LLY
Dives in to try to find that helmet and
after the battle when he found his
helmet I mean in the middle of the
battle put it back on some of the people
actually admonished him for that like
why' you do that like it wasn't that big
of a deal you could have put another
helmet on there were other ways for you
to basically compensate and he said that
I keep the hair that the prophet s gave
me in in the front of my
helmet Subhan Allah so he was panicking
because of what he had from the prophet
Sall wasallam with him at the time of
battle Subhan Allah as the time for his
death comes near and one of the things
that's incredible about is actually how
early he died in Islam like his
contributions are extremely high his
legacy is great he actually didn't live
that long
after became the Khalifa of the Muslims
and his story in Islam was an incredible
story you
know show me to the
marketplace show me to the battlefield I
know exactly what I need to do and he
used to say he used to
say you know as he started to get sick
in his later days and he was unable to
be in war he said that you know battle
kept me being in jih kept me from being
able to read the Quran memorize the
Quran and he used to make mistakes in
some of the short suras of the Quran
when he was leading the battles right
leading the Army cuz he never really had
time for it I mean he went from being
the enemy to the Muslims to being a
supporter to being a commander he was
just focused on that the entire time but
in his last uh few months of his life he
would read the Quran from to so he was
basically trying to make up for the time
that he missed and he fell in love with
the Quran you know Subhan Allah
realizing that beauty in those last days
when he wasn't involved in the
battlefield as much and one of the
things that happens is that he gets sick
in so he's in a
sham and he's he's basically dying in
his in his bed which is
so anticlimactic for him right it's like
you can imagine how much he's envisioned
right dying a brave death in the
battlefield and things of that sort so
people come to visit him in his death
you know during his death as he's on his
death bed and he he shows them he pulls
out his arm and he says you see this you
see this you see this
he says to
them that I have encountered 100 Battles
right or little raids like skirm I've
been in a 100 over 100 campaigns
campaigns like there is not a single
part of my body that doesn't have a a
you know a sword that's that struck it
like a wound from a sword or an arrow or
a spear every part of me is beat up
every part of my body has been struck in
war and he
says and now I'm dying on my bed the way
that a camel would die
just like he's so upset with himself
that I've always you know envisioned my
end to be in the battlefield I live my
life in the
battlefield and he
said May the eyes of the cowards never
because he knew that the cowards would
know when died they would all breathe
they would all breathe in relief right
May the eyes of the cowards never sleep
may they never find rest and so Subhan
Allah they they said to him at the time
of his
death says one of his companions said to
him don't you remember that the prophet
Sall alhi wasallam called you sa a sword
Allah you can break every sword in
battle but you are the sword of Allah
and the sword of Allah will not be
Allah gave you a special place you will
not be broken and Subhan Allah this man
who was daring this man who went out in
battle in all of this you know all of
this Legacy of just being a hero and
being the greatest military Genius of
all time dies in his bed and H in the
642 his children die in the plague of
amas which follows shortly after as does
and so
many when Allah says how many times did
a little group a small group of people
overcome a large group of people by the
permission of Allah over a hundred
campaigns in the life
of every single time he was outnumbered
and over a 100 Victories
from if you wanted to go through the
quotes about his great
both from Muslim historians and
non-muslim historians you would never uh
end John Keegan who wrote the book a
history of warfare um he said KH was the
most brilliant tactical commander in the
history of either Islam or christiandom
Richard Gabriel who wrote the book The
Great armies of antiquity he said
khaled's record as a battlefield
Commander remains unsurpassed in human
history and in military schools around
the world KH studied the tactics in
battle are studied it's literally you
know chapters upon chapter for every
battle and the tactics that he employed
but the greatest compliment is what is
narrated to
have that women have become incapable of
giving birth to a man like KH no one
will ever give birth to a man like KH
again which was the same thing that said
about and so we ask Allah to be pleased
with him we ask Allah subhana wa tala to
revive in this um courage and bravery
that we learn from the likes
of and to allow for those courageous
Warriors and brave warriors to rise in
defense of the oppressed
today today may Allah subhah waala allow
us to be joined with the great ones of
the past and the great ones of the
present Allah and with our beloved
next week we'll talk
about and continue with his friend who
has a very similar path into Islam but
of course also a unique

everyone alhamd
we are finally at the most asked about
companion since we have started the
series which
is and as I've mentioned to you uh the
reason why it took 120 something
episodes to get to is because we were
trying to cover the companions that
embraced Islam in terms of their order
obviously Embraces Islam uh much later
so I wanted to inshallah T begin with
with the significance of just in the
that gives him he
is uh
IM calls him the sword of Allah
subhanahu waala the hero of Islam
IM Mah
Abu the great IM the great general of
the mujah the great leader Abu Ali Al
Ali he is his nickname or his is
Abu from
from and he is the son of uh or he is
the the uh nephew the maternal nephew of
the mother of the
Believers the wife of the Prophet S.I
wasallam and so we have here a man who
is extremely special who is extremely
beloved to the Muslims who many of you
have been named after or who you have
named your children after and for good
reason and who is without any dispute
the greatest General in the history of
Islam after the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam who remarkably only
lived a few years after the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam but the man
who we know as being responsible for
bringing the two greatest empires in the
world to their knees within one year and
dying only a few years after the
now is going to take at least two
classes so we're not going to be able to
cover him all in one class what I wanted
to do tonight inshallah tal is focus on
the background up until the point of his
becoming the sword of Allah sa Allah and
then we'll take another lesson in to
talk about his contributions and his
legacy in that capacity and we basically
have to go back to his tribe we have to
go back to his parents and there is
lengthy discourse about his tribe and
his parents before we get into who he
is and we start with the
is from the tribe
ofu benu makum is the greatest
competitor of Banu so when we talk about
benu Hashim and their generosity and
what they were known for with the
pilgrims with those that were within
Mecca and those that would come to mecca
for whatever reason for the pilgrimage
it is benu hash and benu makum that are
competing in generosity it is benu hash
and benu makum that are looked at as
rival tribes as well as
which is the parent tribe of so you've
really got three major tribes that are
competing for the leadership of qur and
the leadership of Mecca and of course
the most famous man from benu makum is
none other than Abu jahal the cousin the
first cousin of
KH and we know that Abu jahal his entire
holdup with the prophet sallallah alaihi
wasallam was simply that he is hashimi
he's not one of us we cannot concede a
prophet to this tribe or else benum will
forever be less than Banu Hashim if we
acknowledge that they have a prophet of
Allah amongst them so basically he's
coming out of this tribe of mum which
was very hostile to the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam and hostile
to Banu Hashim competitors in generosity
competitors in status competitors in
power and his father happens to be the
chief of that tribe
so is the chief
of he is the wealthiest man in Mecca he
is one of the most eloquent men in Mecca
he is a person who qur will default to
in terms of his opinion he's the oldest
of the chiefs of qur okay so he's also
the oldest one amongst them the oldest
one the richest one the one that people
will defer to in terms of opinion and
someone that the prophet s wasallam
really wanted to become Muslim really
wanted to become Muslim wasam would
direct many of his efforts towards this
man becoming Muslim because if this man
becomes Muslim much of the heartache
much of the trouble of Mecca would not
happen and of course Allah's was that
the prophet s alaihi wasallam had a much
longer route with his mission that
involves the story of Medina the story
of the ansar and the story of coming
back to uh Mecca Victoria so let's talk
about his father uh for a moment and his
father I'm just going to give you one
family connection through his father all
Al is the brother ofam
mam is the father of Abu Jal so if you
got Abu
jahal is his real name Abu jahal and KH
their fathers are first
cousins right and so this affair of
banum is a serious one when the prophet
alai wasallam announces his prophethood
so let's talk about the father for a
moment Al for a moment Al as we said is
the wealthiest man in Mecca extremely
generous but for all the wrong reasons
and this is something Subhan Allah
that's important to speak about when we
talk about ulterior motives of people if
met you'd say masallah this man operates
practically you know every hotel in
Mecca for The Travelers he literally had
homes that were just for the guests and
the visitors that would come through
Mecca fully lit and people would be
fully fed he owned half of the real
estate from Mecca they said all the way
to every other house was owned
by his generosity to the pilgrims was
exemplary on top of that he had the
nickname of
wahed of
one alone alone in what and Allah is
going to make a play on this nickname in
Quran he was alone in what qur used to
replace the cover the Kwa of the once a
year the same way that they do today but
of course for them it was idolatry right
for them this was a part of their
idolatry they had you know this was the
tourism business right so you got to
replace the kiswa once a year every
tribe would pitch in for the cost of the
cover of the Kaa one year and then Al
would take every other year all for
himself so you understand the concept
I'll pay for the whole thing one year
and then everybody else can get together
collectively and they can pay for it the
next year so it was almost showing off
his wealth that his wealth is the
equivalent of everybody else in Mecca
that I'll take care of it one year alone
and you all take care of it the other
and basically what ends up happening is
that when Islam comes to the prophet
sallallah alaihi
wasallam there is a strong Defence
immediately to what is going to do what
is this man going to do and the amount
of Quran that is going to be revealed
about him disparagingly because of his
rejection of the Prophet Sall alaihi
wasallam is
significant and so we start to go
this when Islam comes to the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam he goes to Al
and he asks him to sit with him and to
listen to him recite the Quran
Al is a smart man he sits with the
prophet Sall wasam and he hears the
Quran and he says I am a poet and I know
poetry this is not poetry I've never
known you to lie so you're not lying to
me he said you don't have the looks of a
kah a sorcerer I don't see any Hoops or
claws around you or any type of sorcery
going on with you I know what Sorcerers
look like he said let me think about
what you are saying to me but along the
way he's putting some some obstacles as
well to the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam one of them is I don't like the
types of people that are starting to
follow you the poor and the disabled and
and the uh the people of low class the
slaves and I don't like this initial
batch of of early Muslims and so he is
according to many of
the the one who was too
proud stop paying attention to that man
pay attention instead to
this man has a problem he has an
arrogance problem and so that's the
first thing he starts to kind of put a
little bit of that I don't like the type
the type of people that are around you
and the prophet Sall wasallam is trying
to accommodate as much as he can without
forsaking the mission to try to talk to
him one on
one Al hears the prophet wasam recite
the the H of the Quran which
abdah said are The Gardens of the Quran
it was his favorite section of the Quran
cuz it was early Mecca beautiful
powerful all about IM all about faith
all about the Hereafter Al is clearly
moved by the Quran he goes to his people
and in private what is Al saying he
saying I am hearing something so
beautiful from this man and he said it
is not the words of in or Jin it is not
the words of a human being or the words
of a devil so he's clearly moved now as
he's going to the prophet Sall alaihi
wasallam a few
times and he's he's listening to the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam Abu
jahal who is his what how is he related
to I want to see if you guys caught at
least that
connection he's his nephew his nephew
right ibam Abu J's real name
is so this is his
uncle Abu jahal is a professional at
obstructing people from embracing Islam
Subhan Allah you think about why he has
so much sin on his
shoulders he obstructs Abu Talib he
obstructs Al he
obstructs he obstructs every single
powerful person that could help the
prophet sallahu alaihi wasallam Abu
jahal basically customizes a way to stop
that person from embracing Islam while
also being the first person to insult
the prophet s alhi wasall in public in
in a very particular way while also
being the person to to First kill people
the the weak ones
like for embracing Islam this is the
Pharaoh of this um for a reason so Abu
jahal he has to come up with a way to
approach his uncle so he goes to
him and he's really
sad so
says what is it what is it oh my nephew
why are you so sad he said well don't
you hear the rumors about you he said
what rumors
well they said that you keep going to
the house of Muhammad sallallah alaihi
wasallam and you know why they say
you're going to the house of Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi
wasallam Al said why he said they say
they say it's always they say right they
say you're a stingy person and you're
going to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wasallam for his food and his money you
see he's a he's a rich proud man right
so the way to really break him and get
get to his mind play with his mind a bit
is to say you're financially corrupted
you're going to him because you need his
money you you think that there's some
financial gain to gain out of this new
religion so he stands up he
says are they really saying that about
me he said that's what they're saying
about you and then he insults the
prophet Sall alaihi wasallam he says
this man can't even feed himself why
would I go to him for food right he
starts talking about his money and
starts talking about his power so Abu
jahel he said oh so you're not going to
him for money are you going to him
because you follow him now you follow
his religion now says no way no I don't
follow his religion I was just listening
to him I was hearing what he has to say
so Abu J wanted to get Al to this point
where will say so what should I do like
how do I dispel the
rumors and Abu Jal says that your your
people will not be satisfied until you
say about Muhammad sallallahu alaihi am
what we say about
him you have to say about him what we
say he said well what are you all saying
said started to throw out all the
insults about the prophet s alhi
wasallam he's a liar he's a poet he's a
magician he's a
sorcerer Al
says I know a liar and he's not a
liar I know a poet and he's not a poet I
know the sorcerers and he's not a
sorcerer and so Abu jahal says to
him hasn't it occurred to you he's he's
going back to play on his pride you are
the leader of your people you're the
great one of your
people how come prophit Hood came to him
and not
you another verse in for Allah says they
said how come the Quran did not come to
one of the two great men of the two
great towns the two great men
and in so basically why is it that it's
not coming to one of these two people
why is it coming to a a ler person in
wealth and Status than Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi was why is it coming
to him why not you so he basically says
you know listen let's let's sort of talk
about this right let's go and let's
let's gather everyone together and let's
talk about a plan to
the prophet sallu Ali wasallam da he
said I've heard him it's a powerful
message that he has so Abu jahal goes
and he calls this
assembly Al is there Al starts to play
through the different scenarios of what
will work to delegitimize the prophet
Sall alaihi wasallam so he goes through
it he says listen no one's ever going to
believe the man's a
liar Prophet s has never told a lie in
life wasam which by the way shows you
the importance of having the moral High
ground with what you preach he doesn't
lie he's we know poetry what he has is
not poetry this is too powerful to be
poetry We Are The Poets of the
world he's not a sorcerer no one's going
to believe because aahan looks a little
weird and you know Sorcerers kind of
have have have a vibe to them so as he's
walking around and pacing and I want you
to imagine visualize this is the father
of comes back and he
you know what it is it's a magician or
he's got some sort of magic that deludes
people it overcomes
people but at the end of the day it's
the word of a
man look at Abu jahal Abu jahal says is
that what we're
saying he says because I want to go tell
everyone that
says all this is is Magic that overcomes
people you
see is different from source in a way
right can come through different
practices and different ways and it's
less obvious than a than than a a
sorcerer or a suser that people go to so
says that's what we're going with at
that point Abu jahal goes out and he
says that all it
is all this is is Magic that overcomes
people and what ends up happening is
that that basically becomes the way by
which they delegitimize the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam now listen to
what Allah reveals because it basically
comes down as a play bypl of what was
doing in Allah
says now you now you know where the play
is on the word Allah says leave me to
the one I created all by myself he and I
will have an have our time the prophet s
wasallam is being told by Allah that
this person who Allah privileged in a
singular way will be punished in a
and I granted him abundance wealth that
just extends and extends and extends and
extends and he had children always
around him has a lot of siblings we're
going to talk about them we don't even
know all of their names the man had all
sorts of
siblings and I made his life so easy for
him and then he wants me to increase him
like he's not satisfied Al is a rich man
he's the richest man in Mecca and he's
not satisfied
with his wealth Allah
says verily he was stubborn with our
Revelation and Allah subhana
says I am going to make his fate
unbearable now this is where it gets
really interesting Allah basically gives
us a preview of the room that was in
when he was talking to
everyone he was walking around and he
thinking and may He be perished how evil
was his estimation as he's walking
around the room with the leaders of qur
and he is going through these things and
then he he looked out and he thought to
himself and
he he frowned and then he you know he
looked again so he's basically talking
about his
pacing then he turned his back on the
truth and he filled up his chest with
all sorts of
he said all this is is some magic from
the old times that the prophet Salli
wasall is polluting us
with all this is is the word of man
says soon I will Scorch him in the fire
and the verses continue about his
punishment in Hellfire Subhan Allah this
was a play byplay of what Al had done
and you have to think about the father
if he was someone who knew that this was
coming from the heavens and now this is
about him this should shake him to the
core but his arrogance keeps overtaking
him and so he becomes even more insolent
with the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam more committed to
delegitimizing the messenger sallallahu
alaihi wasallam Allah reveals another
set of aat about
him Allah
says do not obey every vile foulmouthed
someone who uh always creates Scandal
and passes on tales and
falsehoods this is a person that hinders
all sorts of good a sinful
transgressor and this is where I I
mentioned this in the some time ago
where Allah subh mentioned how arrogant
he was and then said and by the way he's
a he's a child of Zena he's a child of
adultery Al
goes to his
mother he says to his mother he said
Allah just described me with nine
traits he said the first eight I think
true like he he has a little bit of
self-awareness you know what I am
arrogant I am vile I do talk down to
people I curse people uh I have this
pride in me but he said the only one
that I can't accept is zanim I'm a Child
of adultery how am I a child of adultery
so imagine Allah just revealed a play
byplay of what he was doing with the
chiefs of quray and now Allah just said
and by the way you're a child of
adultery and his mother tells him that
your father is not actually your
father his mother tells him that
basically your father was unable to con
we were unable to conceive and she says
that she committed Zena that she
adultery narrates that it was one of the
other core enemies of the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam so imagine
the the humiliation that Allah just
exposed these people with that you're so
proud about your tribe and you're so
proud about how you boast over the
people with your money and with your
children and this is who you really are
Al Subhan Allah uh after that he
continues and he becomes more aggressive
with the messenger sallallahu alaihi
wasallam and one of the things that he
does because he has a lot of
children one of his children was a man
by the name of
or was basically one of his prized
children super handsome also very
wealthy very skilled he had them trained
in the Arts one of the things that he
decides to offer what they go to to Abu
Talib with to
offer he says to Abu Talib you know what
how about this let's make a deal I'll
give you Amar you give me Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wasallam let's trade
you can have
amarah prized child of qur everybody
loves him super good looking uh very
good at trade you know let's make a
trade Abu Talib he says to him so you
want to give me your son who I will feed
and care for and I give you my son so
you can kill him absolutely not right
cuz they're still trying to operate at
this point of The Da to try to crush the
prophet sallai wasallam within their
existing mechanisms not violate the
system that gives them the power that
they have so let's make a trade I'll
give you my son give me your son and let
me handle him let me take care of him so
Al uh basically fails at all of these
different things and he is someone who's
going to die a very interesting
death so what ends up happening with him
after some
time he was one day walking and this is
immediately after the Hijra so this is
before bad immediately after the Hijra
he doesn't die in
bad if you actually look at the sources
you find that he dies a very interesting
death he was walking one day and he was
an older person at this point and there
was a man from benu who used to make
Spears and arrows he basically had this
area where he would make his Spears he'd
make his arrows and he'd plant them in
the ground put them in piles and stuff
like that and accidentally stepped on
one of
them and when he stepped on one of them
it caused a major split in his foot
major wounds the wound gets infected and
basically that's what's going to cause
his death so this proud man subh Allah
look how Allah showed him his worth in
such a way so is on his death bed and
you can see the the mentality that is
going to grow up with with his with his
parents here with his father here in
particular is on his death bed and he
calls his children to him and he says I
have three three things to give you as
was as my will so number one uh go and
take my Dia take my blood Money
compensation from
Ben now the reasoning is is that if you
don't he actually likes B he doesn't
want an all out War if he dies as a
result of this some of his tribe might
go wage war on Ben and these two tribes
are going to fight each other but he
says just go take my blood money from
them compensation from them the man
didn't mean to kill me it was accidental
but then number two he says Ben owes me
a lot of money from RBA a lot of money
from loans a lot of interest in Usery is
he going to say forgive it he said no he
said go and take every single Durham
that they owe me and bring it back to us
I don't want Ben to have any of my money
subh he's still thinking about his money
even as he's dying look how Allah
describes the person so perfectly like a
mindset an attitude so perfectly number
three one of his daughters was divorced
by a man by the name ofb ABI IB
and divorced her and basically it was a
nasty dispute and did not like the way
he divorced his daughter so he basically
said I want
revenge I want revenge onb for what he
did with my daughter go go take revenge
from him these are his last three
Commandments or his last three Wasa on
his deathbed and Subhan Allah as a
result of that they they did they took
the blood money from they also went to
and they tried to take all the money
back and it ended up leading to all
sorts of problems between Ben and and
and Ben and Abu sufyan had to basically
avert like a war because it led to all
sorts of skirmishes and bad blood
andham so had a son named hisam he has a
brother named who's the father of Abu
Jah one of his sons is named Al he went
and he
killed started basically a mini war
between benu makum and his people and
Abu sufyan had to go and clean that one
up too so it just shows you Subhan Allah
foul um man who was deluded by his
wealth deluded by his tribe and who
Allah subh humiliated in so many
different ways and this is the man
who has as a father now with all that
being said is his youngest son and at
the end of the day loves his
father right very generous with his
family I mean his children did not have
to lift a finger to work he took care of
everything right so he's very generous
with his family and who loves his father
um but this is who his father actually
is and we'll come back to how that
affects later on as for the mother of
I'm going to put up this chart on the
screen uh all right I want you all to
memorize that in 5
seconds all right if you go back and you
watch the lecture on
Lu we actually did a whole lecture on
chart um the the mother of abdah Abbas
can you actually put it back up the
mother of abdah
is the older Lua and you'll see all the
way at the end of that
chart she's also so there are two the
big one and the small
one the mother of khed is the sister of
the wife of the
Prophet later on but what's significant
about this chart when you go back and
you watch the lecture about lubaba is
that all these people on here become
khaled's cousin through his mom all
right so Abdullah Abbas is his cousin
and it goes on and on and on and on as
to the types of relationships that are
made through his mother so khed is
related to a lot of people he's he's
literally like everybody's cousin all
right just to give you a little bit of
the mindset he's
also cousin through his father's side
Omar's mother is the first cousin of
Khaled so he's khaled's second cousin
through his father's side um or or
Omar's mother is's first cousin so he's
related to that way the point is is
that is someone who has a lot of Blood
Ties in qur he's someone that has a lot
of power there really aren't many ways
to disadvantage this man in AI society
and just for the sake of time I won't go
through all the implications of the
mother since we've spoken about that
already in a previous lecture he has
everything that you could possibly want
in terms of tribal superiority in terms
of power in terms of money as for
siblings they are too many to name we're
only going to talk about um one or two
of them in in in the process of his
story so let's get
himself is the last child or one of the
last Children
of the Dynamic of that is that you know
he has a lot of siblings that have
already enjoyed the privilege of their
father he has a lot of first second and
third cousins that are within that realm
of power and he is someone who is going
to receive all of the riches and all of
the luxury that comes with being the
last child of the most powerful man the
richest man in mea but when he was born
he was born very distinguished he was
huge physic
all right so the description
of is that he looked like the twin
of that's everything you need to know
physically in stature extremely tall and
extremely muscular they said that there
was not uh you know a pinch On's body it
was all muscle literally made of
muscle extremely handsome extremely
poetic and someone who is going to grow
up loving War loving the Arts of War
loving the Arts of battle so him and om
are cousins they're basically known as
the two strongest youth of Mecca khed is
by the way 20 years younger than the
prophet Sall alaihi wasallam there's a
significant age gap between him and the
prophet Salli wasallam he's a young man
you know he's not someone who's at that
level of Abu sufyan and and some of
these older people when they're
disputing with with the prophet he's a
young person and him and are the two
wrestlers the two strongest men in Mecca
and they have a deep and profound
relationship with one another and
they're always in competition so he's
known for his skill in wrestling and
he's known for his deep intelligence and
particularly how he manages to master
every single one of the Arts of War so
his family sent him out to basically
learn some of the harshness of the
desert Subhan Allah one of the narration
about him in his biography is that he
actually almost died as a child from
small poox but Allah subhana wa tala
spared him from that and you can imagine
that in that desert climate a lot of
children uh would have died under those
conditions and he grows up only caring
about war only caring about the skills
of War could not care less about buying
and selling could not care less about
trade and his father had all the money
he needed anyway so he really did not
even have to exert himself in learning
anything about being a merchant or
anything about trade he went to
different parts of the world with his
father with his siblings where they
would take their Caravans but while he's
traveling the different parts of the
world all he's doing is he's learning
the stories the heroic tales of the of
the Persian Empire and the Roman Empire
and all of these epic stories about some
of the commanders and the great military
minds of the world at the time and they
say about KH Subhan Allah and this is
very significant that most people can
Master One skill and they might be
sufficient in the
others was the best in archery khed was
the best in spear throwing khed was the
best in horseback riding Khaled was the
best in camel back riding Khaled was the
best sword fighter Khaled was the best
strategist he was absolutely unmatched
in terms of his military genius even as
a kid no one could come close to
him and he trains other young people in
that so his physical strength his mind
everything surrounds the idea of battle
and that's all that he wants to do as he
grows up he is though as we said
uniquely intelligent deeply intelligent
and he knew poetry and by the way this
was a a description of as well was
literate he could read and write and he
poetry knew poetry was learning about
history was learning about the world
around him and all of that is
significant to his development now when
does his interaction with the prophet
sallallah alaihi wasallam first take
place and this is where he start to see
the family influence on a
man when the Battle of
happened's father was already dead so
he's not like his cousins and and Abu
jahal you know who's of course also his
cousin he's not like safan he's not like
the others that are his age whose
fathers went out in bed and were killed
dad was already dead and tended to be
the seniors of qur going out to fight
the the Muslims who had fled to
Alina comes back to Mecca and he missed
bad because he was on a trade
route so when he comes back he finds out
that one of the people that has been
taken as a captive by the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam was his
we'll talk about later
so says well I've got to go free my
brother from captivity now the prophet
Sall alaihi wasallam of course took 70
captives from bed and the prophet s
wasallam showed them Mercy he ransomed
them in accordance with what they were
able to do they went out to kill them
the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam found a
way out for the captives and the prophet
sallai was assigned different ways and
he said that show theman show them
Excellence do not chain them too hard
feed them what you eat clothe them what
you clothe yourselves don't be rough
with your prisoners the prophet s
understands that this is the first
battle between the Muslims and those
that persecuted them and caus them to
flee this could soften their hearts as
well so the prophet s says show theman
show them excellence and the prophet s
wasallam sets ransoms in accordance with
the capacity of the families of the
prisoners all right
so if this person comes from a tribe
that the prophet s knows can only afford
a few Dirhams the prophet sallam sets
The Ransom as that and if they come from
richer families the prophet Salli
wasallam sets The Ransom a little bit
higher and if they have nothing to pay
at all what does the prophet Sall alaihi
do he says let them teach people how to
read Subhan Allah he gives them that
option to teach people how to read to go
free so he's putting things in
accordance with who they are who do you
think had the highest
Ransom Al why because his dad is the
guy his dad's the richest man in
meca so his Ransom is 4,000 din that's a
huge amount of money at the time so he's
by far the most expensive prisoner to
free really when the prophet was
starting his Ina he's one of the youth
he's kind of aloof to this whole thing
and that is the best way to describe him
and that's a mindset a psychology when
you go back and you read history that
some people were not necessarily like
charged maybe it's their status maybe
it's just their interest he was kind of
aloof he wasn't someone that was really
fighting the prophet Sall alaihi
wasallam like his father was so he
doesn't have too much beef with the
prophet s alaihi wasallam but he's
focused on his military genius he comes
to Medina
alongside and he basically brings the
4,000 dins to free his brother so his
meeting with the prophet s in Medina is
to give him the money he's treated with
respect so just to let you know I he did
enter into Medina paid for his brother's
Grom took Al from him right Al who of
course fought against the prophet s
wasallam and then they left Medina now
they camp out at how many of you been in
here most of you in some of you just
don't want to raise your hands I
understand but is where the mik is right
it's where the the station is where you
make your intention for om so he takes
his brother
to that night they go to sleep he wakes
up in the morning and his brother leaves
him a letter the letter is by the way
I've become Muslim and I went back to
Muhammad s in
Madina so it's like wait a minute you
made me come all the way from Mecca put
myself in danger to free you from the
Captivity of the Prophet Sall alaihi
wasallam that huge amount of money to
bring you out all so that I could just
take a few miles out of
Medina and then you go back to the
prophet s alai wasallam and he leaves in
that letter and khed was very close to
Al anded were were and were close
brothers and in fact subh they're going
to maintain communication throughout the
years even as is a Muslim and KH is
trying to kill the Muslims there's
letters that go between them throughout
and communication that
remains says
to look I saw saw from the character of
the Muslims and the character of their
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam what
I have never seen from
qur and I wanted to embrace Islam as I
saw their their character you see Subhan
Allah the way the Muslims treated their
prisoners was enough to win the heart of
Al but he said this is a proud people he
said I didn't want to embrace Islam in
my chain so that they would say he only
embraced Islam to get himself out of
captivity I wanted to come back and
embrace Islam as a free man so he didn't
wait to go back to
mecah and subh just shows you the of
these people because he's going to be
doing for the next decade until KH
Islam wanted to come to the prophet
wasallam as a free man and so imagine
the joy of the Prophet when comes back
to Medina right after the night after
being freed and
says the prophet was so happy with his
Islam and by the way the prophet
loved and there's one Nar Subhan Allah
that when passed away cuz he died in the
time of the Prophet wasallam
that who's from that tribe she asked the
prophet s
wasallam can I cry over him like she's
holding back her tears and they're
trying to understand the rulings of
Islam am I allowed to shed tears over
that and the prophet Sall alaihi
wasallam says go ahead go ahead and cry
over him so she
you know oh I cry
over and suffice it from a people to
have amongst them a man
like because he had a son
named Who The Prophet by the way changed
his name to Abdullah because there's too
many Weds in a chain so the prophet
changed his son's name to
Abdullah but this was the nobility of
this man in the life of the prophet
sallallah alaihi wasallam and this is
the man who's going to start doing to
his brother calling his brother to Islam
comes is going to be the first time
that brings his military genius as a
strategist against the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam and where
unfortunately will make his name amongst
the mechans carrying out the most
devastating tragedy against the Muslims
in one shot right is this battle of so
Abu sufyan is the one who's commanding
the Army and he divides the two sides of
the army
and and are cousins remember they're
both from right and they're both very
skilled in battle has a bone to pick
with the Muslims because his father's
Abu Jal right so in particular really
hates the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam really hates the Muslims KH has
a bone to pick with the Muslims but he's
really interested and carrying out his
Brilliance and showing it on the
battlefield so in Abu sufyan commands
center he puts in charge of the right
flank and he puts KH in charge of the
Left Flank the Left Flank naturally
aligns with
ja okay ja which is the famous mountain
of The Archers so is coming in from this
side and he's got his eyes on the
mountain of the archers where there are
50 archers that the prophet Salli was
commands to be on that mountain to watch
the backs of the Muslims in
so he takes the left side and obviously
the Battle of ensues and in the Battle
of we know the famous story that the
prophet Sall alaihi wasam commanded the
archers not to come down from the
mountain even if they think the Battle
Is Over the Muslims won the initial
battle the prophet said do not come down
until I tell you to come down 40 of them
saw that it seemed like it's over now
they're just collecting the spoils I
mean there are a lot of shields a lot of
horses a lot to be collected from The
Spoils of War 40 of the 50 run
down is watching from the other side
this all
happening and
so comes up with the strategy which was
to make it seem like we are retreating
but to circle around and to attack from
the back because now the main protection
of the Muslims was gone which was The
himself goes and he takes out the 10
archers that are remaining and he
says he glorifies h and he says take it
from me and I am Abu his name was Abu
because his oldest son
was so who takes out the remaining 10
archers and basically ambushes the
Muslims from behind and this of course
was the first time that the Muslims had
experienced tragedy at that level and
khed comes home to Mecca to a hero's
wcome because ultimately it was his
strategy that won the Battle of for the
meccans and keep in mind that the
prophet Sall alaihi wasallam was saying
what in the Battle
of oh Allah forgive my people they don't
know anything any better so if it wasn't
for taking that position I just want you
to once again understand the the Journey
of redemption of a human being Abu
sufyan and were shaken by the initial
Skirmish they were ready to
retreat KH was the one who planned this
Counterattack and that won the battle
for the mechans so this is the first
of against the Muslims and he's a hero
next comes the battle of the battle of
the trench now what the the Muslims had
done in the battle of the trench
building that trench around Medina it
really is a bulletproof strategy so long
as they don't give up any part of the
trench was given the Subhan Allah when
you think about like history he was
given the assignment of assassinating
the prophet s alaihi wasallam he's
actually the most skilled assassin the
most skilled General his job is to go
into killed the prophet Sall alai
wasallam is an expert in verion tactics
and we're going to see this throughout
the the life of military genius
especially next week that was able to
create images and to create alertness in
different parts of the battlefield even
in the way that he uses the animals
Subhan Allah even in training horses to
act in a certain way at certain times so
that he can divert your attention as the
opposing Army so that you don't know
which point to attack khed is an expert
at that and that is the way that he's
going to win many of the battles for the
Muslims in the future
right is diversion tactics so is the one
who actually creates enough diversions
at some point on theand to penetrate and
to cause somewhat of a lapse in khandak
but at the end of the day we know that
Allah subhana T sent the powerful winds
and turn the mechans back to
fromand then
comes uh the prophet of course is coming
to make from Medina peacefully with the
Muslims was given the instruction of
blocking the way of the Prophet Sall
alaihi wasallam from Mecca and the
prophet s alaihi wasallam basically uses
khalid's tactic on him which is that the
prophet Sall alaihi wasallam sends a
smaller group on the traditional route
while he takes the Muslims on another
route on a side route all the way to
hudia which is only by the way about 10
miles away from
so was outsmarted by the prophet
sallallah alai wasallam with his own
type of tactic and this was actually
to a sign not just of the Prophet s
Ali's genius a sign of the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam being a
messenger of
Allah so was
watching obviously the treaty ofia is
settled the Muslims will return back and
they will come for they will come for
the make up the next year on the
condition that they're not going to be
harmed in exchange for other things and
we're not going to go through the Treaty
again throughout this time he basically
says that I was considering Islam
multiple times so his brother stays in
communication with him and KH is an
intelligent man he knows something
special about the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam but he speaks through a
series of incidents that ends up
happening that really convinces him for
one he talks about watching the
prophet and during that
trip and he Witnesses them in the prayer
of fear the prayer of fear allows for
the Muslims to pray in a very unique way
right one group does uh another group
comes in and stands up one group does
and then they leave and they guard the
ranks another group comes in and does
facing the is not necessary the IM prays
in the middle of the ranks not in the
front of them I mean there's all sorts
of things that happen in may Allah
protect us from ever being in a
situation where we need to do that but
it's a it is a prayer that basically
allows for the Muslims to be smart
during battle while still fulfilling
their obligations the beauty of it is
that it shows that you can't give up
your prayer even in that situation even
in battle even when you're afraid that
there's an enemy that's going to attack
so is watching and he he said I thought
I just thought to myself you know what
if I just take him out during
Salah so he said I watched them pray and
then I waited for them for he described
the prophet praying in the middle and
then all of these different things that
happening and he
says he said just it it really occurred
to me at that point for whatever reason
said this man has some truth that came
to him why because the religion takes
into consideration things that I've
never seen before so it's further
convincing him of the intelligence of
the dean of
Islam then he now takes the story
himself he
says when Allah wanted from me what he
wanted from me of good he
said Allah put in my heart suddenly a
love of Islam this is a new feeling that
I have suddenly I had a love of Islam
couldn't explain it
that landed in my
heart and I found
guidance coming to me and he said I said
myself every single one of these
situations youve witnessed of the
Prophet sallai was and every single time
Allah made a way out for him the man is
divinely protected I know that he's
divinely protected otherwise I would
have got to him so he said in my heart I
knew something was there he said and
while I was thinking
that my brother wrote me a
letter says to
him Al says there is nothing in the
world that perplexes me more than you're
not embracing Islam and you have the
brain that you have you're too smart to
not recognize this is the
truth and he says
by the way the prophet asked me about
you and the prophet s was came to me and
said where is and I said to the prophet
wasallam Allah will bring him to
us and the prophet Salli wasallam
responded and he said a man like khed is
too smart to not become
Muslim so is telling about this
conversation he had with the prophet s
wasallam that the Prophet s said you're
too smart not to be Muslim and KH is
saying that this is corresponding to
Islam suddenly being in my heart and the
sudden Newfound love that I have with
dean so he said that my brother said to
me think oh my brother about all the
good you've missed out
on and I expect to see you here in the
ranks of the
Muslims that's why one more
thing this increased me in my desire to
be Muslim by the way we're going to go a
little bit later tonight in so I
apologize to all those that are coming
uh for he
says he said that that made me want
Islam even
more and I was pleased that the prophet
Salli wasallam asked about me like wait
a minute like the prophet Sall alaihi
wasallam is not vengeful towards me he's
not vindictive towards me the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam actually
wants me to become Muslim he cares about
me right I have a chance this is coming
from a man who's the son of his dad
who's basically giving hit hit jobs on
his deathbed like I have a
chance then remember the story
of the Prophet s married her in
accordance with his coming into Mecca
and used this as a way by which he could
soften the hearts of the tribe and bring
them to the wedding the prophet Sall
invited the non-muslim relatives to the
wedding To The Feast he's trying to show
connection is the nephew of and this
further softens his heart then he said I
had a dream so he sees the wedding of
Muna khalid's heart is completely now
overwhelmed by
Islam says I had a
said I saw in a dream as if I am in this
tight land this constricted land it was
dry and Barren and it looked miserable
says he said so I went to this expansive
Green Meadow so in my dream I exit out
of a dry desolate Barren Place tiny
place and I go to this wide beautiful
garden and he said later on he said I
woke woke up and I
said this is a this is not just a dream
I know what dreams are this is not just
a dream this is a vision and he said I
asked later on and
who that Abu Bakr said to me that this
was Allah taking you from disbelief to
Islam the constricted place that was
your sh that was your polytheism so like
that was the last dream I had so said so
now I kind of wanted to float the idea
with some of my friends about possibly
becoming Muslim so I went to
sufyan I'm sorry sfan
safan and safan as I said KH is related
to everybody and he has a lot of
brothers and sisters safan is not just
the son of the
famous uh who was killed
by after he tortured him safan is also
his brother-in-law he's married to a
sister of KH named na so he said I told
safan you know I'm thinking about
becoming Muslim we know that he's on the
truth we know that Muhammad wasam has
the truth why don't we go and embrace
Islam safan stood up and he swore by he
swore by the idols he said if all of qur
embraced Islam except for one man I'd be
the one man who doesn't Embrace Islam by
the way who embraced Islam later on but
he said if everybody in quray embraced
Islam I'll be that one guy that doesn't
Embrace Islam he said he killed my my
father he killed my brother these are
people by the way who were responsible
for as well the massacre of
so he said okay I left safan alone and
he said I kind of made an excuse for him
I said look he lost his father he lost
his brother it was a little too personal
for him he wasn't ready yet so then I
to was his best
friend and is his cousin
and also is the son-in-law of his sister
f they're all related right so his
sister is's mother-in-law he's his
cousin he's his best friend says we know
that Muhammad has some truth we all know
it what are we waiting
for says you want me to follow a man who
killed my father Abu jahal you want me
to follow a man who killed my father
absolutely not no way and he says I told
myself you know I I can't really blame
him too much because at the end of the
day he lost his dad it's still personal
to him I left him alone now goes and he
talks to Abu
sufyan Abu sufyan is now the last of
sort of the elders in this in this
entire space and the Rumor start to
spread that our prized military General
is asking what do you think if we become
so Abu sufyan basically at the at the
request of at the rumor come from he
goes to KH with a group of the Elders of
qur and Abu sufyan says oh I'm hearing
that you're considering Islam is that
true KH says yeah it's
true abuan was expecting him to lie and
hide it KH is not afraid of anybody I
mean everybody around him these people
kill Muslims for a living said yeah it's
true what are you going to do about it
right so it gets rough Abu sufyan draws
his sword they start they start to
basically get a little bit tusty who
started the whole problem in the first
place he stands next to KH and he says
khid has a right to become Muslim if he
wants to if he wants to become Muslim
I'll become Muslim with him and he ends
the entire Skirmish why because Abu
sufyan is not from banum at the end of
day you're from know your lane get out
of here so who started the
Skirmish kind of ends it because he
doesn't want KH to be killed he said I
didn't bring you here to kill the man I
brought you here to talk him out of it
and you people escalated this too
quickly that night he says you know what
that's everything I needed to see to
basically make my last determination to
become Muslim I'm done with these people
Allah put it in my heart he felt
alienated from his own
people's like come on like please stop
this don't you see what's happening is
like move on so says that I gathered my
stuff and I went out at night to go meet
the prophet Medina and he said and I
thought to myself I'd really love to not
be alone in this he said Subhan Allah I
found remember the woman that wanted to
drink out of the the skull ofit that's
her son
and I bumped
into and I'm not afraid of
anybody I told him exactly what I was
going to do and he responded and he said
you know what I'm going to do the same
thing I'm actually on my way to Medina
to embrace
Islam so says so I said alhamdulillah I
got I've got a companion now
so said you know we we made our way to
Al and he said once we got to the
outskirts of meca he said we bump
says welcome to the to to my brothers
welcome to these people they said and
you as well he said where are you all
going and they said we're
going wasam we're going because we want
to meet the messenger of Allah Sall
wasallam says you know what I'm going to
do the same
thing has a story which we're going to
talk about by the way he went back to
Aba it's another Journey for him
altogether but now Subhan Allah remember
the Dua of the Prophet s with the blood
running down his face in now these three
men and are making their way to Medina
not under any
pressure to embrace
Islam and
so says that we entered into Medina can
you imagine being in Medina and just
look up and you
see just walking in casually into Medina
like what are you doing
right but Subhan Allah they clearly came
with different
intentions and he said we walked to the
prophet Salli wasam and he says it was
the first day of saf on the eth year
after hij he
says when I looked at the prophet
wasallam I gave Salam to him recognizing
prophethood think about the prophet he
saying so he
says the prophet wasam responded to me
with a big smile on his face and the
prophet sallai wasallam said has given
us its insides I mean at this point now
what's left like who's
here and he said I said to the prophet
wasallam seek forgiveness for me oh
messenger of Allah everything I
did everything I did to prevent people
from the path of Allah ask Allah to
me and the prophet wasallam
says Islam does away with everything
it and then the prophet wasallam said oh
forgive all became musl and he said W
from that day the prophet never gave
anyone preference to me it was like it
was like bygones were bygones like the
prophet s loved me as if I Was His
companion forever Subhan Allah like as
if never happened as if no enmity ever
happened between us and the messenger
Sall alai wasallam now I want to mention
something here that's very important
these three
men are considered by many scholars to
be the last three people who have the
status of the M now why because the
prophet wasam
said there is no more migration meaning
you don't get the status of being from
the M
after there's a decreased status there
at that point but these three men came
to the prophet Sall alhi wasallam before
before the prophet s marched back on
meca on their own Val so there was that
that that desire to be with the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam and they earn
the last three
spots of the status of being M now
Subhan Allah how does he become the
sword of Allah and I'll end with this
inshallah with just a few more things
and then we'll call a night and we'll
continue next
week knows one thing and one thing only
War battle so he's like put me to work
I'm ready to go like I don't need
training I'm is not the person who's
going to sit in the Masjid now and
memorize the Quran he's not the person
who's going to go learn a Hadi from Abu
and Abu mus and and and you know Abu no
no he's ready to go to war the Battle of
mut happens less than two weeks after
that the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam
sends out 3,000
companions to go and to fight on the
outskirts now of where Jordan is and you
know we actually have a documentary
which you can watch about the Battle of
you can search it on our channel the
martyrs of M cuz I actually filmed their
on site thousands of miles away where
they have killed an ambassador of the
Muslims and they are now going to engage
the Roman Empire with 3,000 people khid
goes out as a foot soldier not as a
general he's y put me to work I'm ready
to go I don't need any training I don't
need anything to delay
this was sent out to the Battle of M and
the commander of that Army
and the prophet gave the order that Z is
the first Commander if Zade is killed
then takes the banner if J is killed
abdah takes the banner and if those
three are killed then give the banner
give the leadership to someone that you
choose amongst
you the prophet s alhi wasallam is
standing on the men in Med and he's
watching the Battle of mut happen
through divine revelation thousands of
miles away
way and this battle turned out to be
3,000 against up to 100 150,000 Roman
soldiers in their allies you talk about
outnumbered and the prophet s wasallam
sees Z fall in the battlefield his
son right the prophet says his voice is
quivering and he said just took the
banner and he said jaur has been
killed and Abdullah just took the
banner abdah has been killed and the
prophet s is weeping as he's seeing
three of his most beloved companions
pass away his family pass away three of
his most beloved companions what ends up
happening next is that the Muslims are
looking around
and one of the seniors of the he picked
up the banner and he starts to call the
people towards him and then he goes up
to think about you're KH you just became
Muslim like a few weeks ago your whole
life is being an enemy to the Muslims
you've killed some of these people's
parents and
siblings right there's obviously going
to be a level of warming up that has to
be here right and KH understands that
and he's he's sincere for the sake of
Allah he's just there to
support andit goes up to him and he
him take the
banner says
you have greater right to it I'm not
going to take it he says you have so
many more years in front of me in Islam
you you're one of the people of B like
there is no reason why I the new convert
should take the banner so says take it
take it take the banner and khed is
hesitant not because he's afraid of the
battle but because he knows the feelings
and the sentiments of the Muslims I'm
the new guy here andit says to the rest
of the ansar to the rest of the people
are you all gathered upon KH and they
say yes
unanimously so Subhan Allah he takes the
banner of the Muslims in this
consequential battle and then goes to
work what does he
do creates a strategy because his entire
he he has a brain that far surpasses the
strategies of using his
sword attaches something to the animals
he creates a diversion tactic to where
the Roman anticipate from different
directions that the Muslim Army is 10 or
15 times greater than its size and so
they go and they start to attack
basically ghost armies so KH devises in
real time an entire strategy to spread
his 3,000 men out into different places
and attack at different times of the day
so the Romans are perplexed we're
fighting desert Arabs here we don't
expect this they're perplexed and KH
plunges through the
byzantines broke nine
swords he broke nine swords and pulled
out his tenth and basically cut through
the heart of that Army and then gathered
the Muslims out and then took them back
to Medina in
safety and the prophet Sall alaihi
wasallam as he is speaking from the men
and seeing what is
happening he
says said just took the banner and khed
is a sword of the swords of Allah so it
was the first time the prophet s called
him the UN sword of Allah subhah waala
and the Muslims come back and is now the
hero of Medina he's the hero of the
Muslims imagine his mindset Subhan Allah
in this regard and I want to end Subhan
Allah on this note with two different
things the man does not go
into the recitation of the Quran the man
does not go into the
memorization he immediately is thinking
about how he can now use what Allah
subhana gave him to benefit the Muslims
in fact narrates or it's narrated that
mentioned that three people were
withholding some of what they
possessed and the prophet Sall wasallam
to and he says that as
for he said you're actually wronging him
he said everything
that everything that he's holding back
he's basically making weapons with it
he's preparing himself for battle KH is
in total you know battle mindset so KH
does not withhold anything for the sake
of Allah subhana tal the man is not his
father he's not thinking that way he's
thinking how he can continue to support
the mission that was now given to him
from the prophet Salli wasallam and you
only have like a handful of that are
from one of
them says that he was eating in the
house of my aunt remember his aunt now
so he was eating in the house of Muna
with the prophet Salli wasallam and they
brought uh what was known
as du is a desert lizard now lizards you
think of the little tiny ones in Texas
it's actually think about like a
crocodile style big old desert lizard
it's different it's like a full animal
and sees it and doesn't know anything so
he noticed the prophet s wasallam does
not eat from it so the prophet sallai
wasallam is asked by
can I not eat from this and the prophet
said no it's not I just don't like it so
says so I ate it that's
his that's what you get from KH in terms
of a you're not getting other than that
other than that you have the greatest
General in the history of Islam after
the prophet Salli wasallam and you have
to stick with that but I want to end
with this from sa Allah and then we'll
continue next week inshallah can you
imagine how difficult it was for him to
read all of the verses in the Quran
about his
father you talk about hard on the heart
how difficult it is how many verses in
the Quran are about his
father this was tough now who by the way
only memorized like a few suras of the
Quran until his death he actually
mentions that on his death bed he didn't
have time he was focused 100% on Battle
and strategy would lead over 50
campaigns for the Muslims in 4 years he
knows what he's
doing goes to it's one of the most
painful conversations you'll see here in
this regard and he says to Sal Salam is
of course a famous reciter of the Quran
the prophet s wasam mentioned from take
the Quran from four people he mentions
Salam as one of them and he goes to Sal
and he
says is anything of the Quran left off
like how does this work Salam knows what
he's about to ask him like do I have to
recite the verses about my dad do I have
to know these I don't know much of the
Quran knows where he's going with this
and insists he says recite to me the
verses about my father so I can repeat
them why does he want to repeat them
Subhan Allah look how look how dedicated
he is to Islam he's saying I will not
have IM like my faith is not going to be
complete unless I can do this so repeat
them to me or say them to me and I will
repeat them and and he repeats those
until I will punish him
subh has to do this with a quivering
voice but it's tough on him he dedicates
his life to helping and supporting the
prophet s and his father was dedicated
to fighting the prophet s. wasallam but
his his
sincerity is going to show for the next
few years in a way that is as beautiful
as the strategies and the campaigns that
he would devise to bring the two empires
of the day to their knees and this is
how he becomes sa the sword of Allah may
Allah subhana waala be pleased
with for all of his sacrifices for Islam
may Allah subhana T reward all of the
companions of the messenger Alat send
his peace and blessings upon our
messenger and his
next week we will continue with the

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