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Table 2, Statements of Soci | Networking Usage Questionnaire and Their Factor Loadings Ttems Statements Factor Dimension: One ‘Academic teadings Ttem 39___Tuse social networking sites to solve my academic problem, 70 Tem33___Tuse social networking sites to do research work. 648 Ttem28___Tuse sodial networking sites for online academic group discussion. 46 Teamag 2 Communicate with my fiends via socal networking sites for preparation of 645 exam. Ttem3_Tuse social networking sites for collaborative learning, “560 Tem 34 Fuse social networking sites to learn about my curricular aspect 530 Ttem 14 _Tuse social networking sites to seek help from my teachers. 99 Dimension: Two Socialization Ttem0 Tuse social networking sites to become more sociable, “80 Tiem25___ use social networking sites to create my social entity. 673 Teem26___ I prefer using social networking sites to attending social gathering. 622 Ttemi0 use social networking sites for strengthening interpersonal relationships. 543 Temi Tuse social networking sites to keep in touch with my relatives, Baz Ttem27__ Fuse social networking sites to get information regarding current social events, S12 Dimension: Three Entertainment Ttem32__Tuse social networking sites for sharing pictures. 7686 Tema2___Tuse social networking sites to look at funny sharing. 683 Tem37___Tuse social networking sites for watching movies. B87 Ttem36__Tuse social networking sites to get relief from academic stress, 7 Dimension: Four Tnformativeness Teem30___Tuse social networking sites for reading news, Tia Ttem23__Tuse social networking sites to share new ideas. “26 Temi6 Fuse social networking sites for gatting jobs related information. ABE Dimension: Five Constraints Item21 ‘face difficulty in finding exact information for academic via social networking 709. sites. Teemi2 Compulsive usage of social networking sites Is a problematic issue. “664 Temao 1 Usually postpone my academic task for spending more Une on the social 62 networking sites. Teemay While sing social networking sites itis dificult for me to concentrate on my 582 studies. CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS The confirmatory factor analysis by Sorbom, & Joreskog (2004) is a different case of Structural Equation Modeling which is called the “linear structural relationship model.” Confirmatory factor ical process for provi ity evidence (Gerbing, & Hunter 1982), which ms, when the scale statements have a linear association to the scale total or average, and when an examiner has an a priori knowledge of, which statements measure which constructs. Confirmatory factor analysis is a statistical method 219

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