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Chris Hladczuk @chrishlad | read all 40,000 words from Jeff Bezos' Amazon shareholder letters. Here are 9 lessons worth your time: 9:34 AM - Mar 27, 2022 - Twitter Web App 11.8k Likes 3k Retweets 172 Replies Chris Hladezuk @chrishlad How to Make Decisions: Is it a one-way or two-way door? One-way = can't reverse so make them slowly and carefully Two-way = reversible so make them fast Most big companies die by using the slow one-way door process for a two-way decision. (2015) 9:34 AM - Mar 27, 2022 - Twitter Web App. Chris Hladczuk @chrishlad Wake Up Terrified Don't be terrified of the competition. Be terrified of customers. You can expect customer loyalty right until the moment someone else offers a better service. (1998) 9:34 AM - Mar 27, 2022 - Twitter Web App Chris Hladezuk @chrishlad How to Hire: 1) Will you admire this person? 2) Will this person raise the average level of effectiveness of the group they're entering? 3) Along what dimension might this person be a superstar? (1998) 9:34 AM - Mar 27, 2022 - Twitter Web App Chris Hladczuk @chrishlad Failure is Not Optional Failure comes with invention. So it’s necessary. “We understand that and believe in failing early and iterating until we get it right." Run experiments to fail small and double-down on what works. (2013) 9:34 AM - Mar 27, 2022 - Twitter Web App. Chris Hladczuk @chrishlad High Standards are Contagious Bring a new person to a high standards team and they quickly adapt. The opposite is also true. The longer low standards survive, the deeper the infection. (2017) 9:34 AM - Mar 27, 2022 - Twitter Web App Chris Hladezuk @chrishlad "How will you do electronic book signings? We won't." When Bezos starts selling books online he never tried to copy a physical bookstore. He found what the new medium could do that the old couldn't. Avoid copying the past when creating the future. (2007) 9:34 AM - Mar 27, 2022 - Twitter Web App. Chris Hladczuk @chrishlad Seek Debate Most decisions are based on data. They are easy. But the most important decisions require judgment. They are debated and controversial. So any company that wants to innovate must embrace debate or die. (2005) 9:34 AM - Mar 27, 2022 - Twitter Web App Chris Hladczuk @chrishlad Disagree and Commit If you have conviction with no consensus: "Look, | know we disagree on this but will you gamble with me on it? Disagree and commit?" This gets you to Yes. You now avoid decisions made by exhaustion. And keep velocity high in a big company. (2016) 9:34 AM - Mar 27, 2022 - Twitter Web App Chris Hladczuk @chrishlad Life's Universal Law "If you want to be successful in business or life, you have to create more than you consume." Your goal is to create value for anyone you interact with. Let the universe do the rest. (2020) 9:34 AM - Mar 27, 2022 - Twitter Web App

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