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‘7.08 11/oar2024 MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung ) X_ 1. Sewerd Furnishings is closing some of its showrooms because *o/1 customers are — ordering furniture online. O increasing @ () increase x O (increasingly O (increased Cau tra Idi dung ®@® (increasingly Phan hoi Chon (C) vi sau ché tréng la déng tir ordering nén chon trang tir (A) tinh to7 Ving (8) déng tu danh tir (0) Ved Dich: Seward Furnishings dang déng cua mét s6 phong trung bay cia né béi vi khéch hang dang ngay cang dat hang noi that trac tuyén nhiéu hon.!FAIpOL Scttc6IRoAOD_sviBQ8GL-6_S.ldXNZP7ZBSLAXAIZNWNEFONiewscore? iewscor ‘7.08 11/oar2024 MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung ) X 2. The chief financial officer has — the importance of attractingnew —*0/1 customers next quarter. O applied © (®) demanded © (©) administered x © (©)emphasized Cau tra Idi dung @® (0) emphasized Phan hoi Chon (D) nhain man. Hay gép cum tir emphasized the importance/ the need/ the point, (A) xin (viée, hoc béng...), ép dung (8) yéu cu, d6i hdi (©) quan Wy, thyc thi Dich: Giém d6c tai chinh da nhdn manh tam quan trong cua vig thu hut khach hang mdi trong quy téi Scttc6IRoAOD_sviBQ8GL-6_S.ldXNZP7ZBSLAXAIZNWNEFONiewscore? iewscor ‘7.08 11/oar2024 MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung )!FAIpOL Scttc6IRoAOD_sviBQ8GL-6_S.ldXNZP7ZBSLAXAIZNWNEFONiewscore? iewscor XX 3.Mr. Kim considers punctuality a crucial —-for all his assistants to *0/1 have. © Weevice x O ©)vype O action O ©) trait Cau tra Idi dung @® (0) trait Phan hoi Day Ia céu tur vung khé ma nhiéu ban hay sai do ko biét nghia cua 2 tu bén dudi day va cée ban hay nhm sang dép én A do Ide lém bai dich {8 Mr Kim cn nhdc mét thiét bj quan trong cho tat ed cde tro ly phéi od - punctuality: ding gis He had a list of the things he needed to do, and punctuality was crucial. Punctuality is a key element for those who travel frequently for business. = trait: dc diém, nét tiéu biéu. His sense of humour is one of his better traits. (A) thigt bi (8) loai (C) hanh d6ng Dich: Ong Kim coi sur dting gic’ la mét dc diém quan trong déi véi tat cd cdc tro ly ctla minh. OzAgAUSmmhy ita ‘7.08 11/oar2024 MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung ) X 4. Providing precision welding to a — array of industries, Mistone Metalworks recently celebrated a century of service in Quebec. O @widely O ©®widen © ©width O wide Cau tra Idi dung @ (wide Phan hoi Chon (D) do sau ché tréng Ia danh tr array nén c&n chon tinh tur cum a (wide) array of something: mét loat cai gi (A) trang tir (8) dng tir (©) danh tir Dich: Cung cép dich vu han chinh xéc cho mét loat céc nganh céng nghiép, Mistone Metalworks gan day d& ky niém mét thé ky phuc vu tai Quebec Scttc6IRoAOD_sviBQ8GL-6_S.ldXNZP7ZBSLAXAIZNWNEFONiewscore? iewscor on ‘7.08 11/oar2024 MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung ) X_5.All communications must be approved by the public relations director *0/1 before they can be shared —. O certainly O @)externally @® Oceepy x O O)utterly Cau tra Idi dung © (externally Phan hoi Chon (B) externally : bén ngoai (on the outside of something/somebody ) The building has been restored externally and internally. (A) chae chén, dit khoat = definitely (6) rat = very; very much (I deeply regret my error) (0) hoan toan, cue ky = completely Dich: Tat cd céc théng tin lién lac phdi duro phé duyét béi giém d6c quan hé céng ching trudc khi ching o6 thé duge chia sé ra bén ngoai!FAIpOL Scttc6IRoAOD_sviBQ8GL-6_S.ldXNZP7ZBSLAXAIZNWNEFONiewscore? iewscor ‘7.08 11/oar2024!FAIpOL Scttc6IRoAOD_sviBQ8GL-6_S.ldXNZP7ZBSLAXAIZNWNEFONiewscore? iewscor MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung ) VY 6.—itis relatively small, the fitness center at Ginder Apartment is very *1/1 popular with residents. © (Reasoning © (@®)Essentially © (Although v O (©) Throughout Phan hoi Chon (C) do phia sau la ménh d@ c&n dién lién ti dién ta 2 su viée tréi nguoe nhau, Loaitriz (A) danh tir (suy don ) (8) trang tu (v8 ban chat, co’ ban) (0) ict tr (KhAp noi, sudt) Dich: Méc du tuong di nh, trung tém thé duc tai Ginder Apartment rét duoc wa chuéng vi cw dan. OzAgAUSmmhy ma ‘7.08 11/oar2024 MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung ) Y 7. Written permission must — before using Thavor Corporation's logo. * O @)to obtain O obtained © (©)be obtained O (©)obtaining Phan hoi Chon (C) must + Vnguyén mau @tov (@) Ved (O)v:ing Dich: Sy cho phép bang van ban phai duge nhén true khi st dung logo cua Thavor Corporation!FAIpOL Scttc6IRoAOD_sviBQ8GL-6_S.ldXNZP7ZBSLAXAIZNWNEFONiewscore? iewscor wn ‘7.08 11/oar2024 MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung ) Y 8. Mr. Montri politely — the job offer from Barranca Shipping Company. * 1/1 © declined v O (©®)decreased O (©)prevented O (©)converted Phan hoi Chon (A) decline cée ban chai y tirnay ngoai nghra Ia sut gidm, con nghia fa ttrchdi, Khong inhén = refuse (refuse politely to accept or to do something ) decline an offer/invitation (8) gidm suit (©) ngan chan (0) bién d6i= transformed Dich: Ong Montri dé lich sur tir ch6i loi més lam viée tir Céng ty Van chuyén Barranca,!FAIpOL Scttc6IRoAOD_sviBQ8GL-6_S.ldXNZP7ZBSLAXAIZNWNEFONiewscore? iewscor ‘7.08 11/oar2024 MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung ) Y 9. Mr. Okada met — with the building manager to discuss the an demolition project. O @ frequent O (©) frequenting @® (©) frequently v O (0) frequented Phan hoi Chon (C) do sau ché tréng 18 giéi ter with bé qua, nhin dang truéc la V met nén cn trang tw. (A) tinh to, dng tir nguyén mau (8) ving (0) Ved Dich: Ong Okada dé gap g@ thuéng xuyén véi ngudi quan ly téa nha dé thédo uan v8 dur én pha dé,!FAIpOL Scttc6IRoAOD_sviBQ8GL-6_S.ldXNZP7ZBSLAXAIZNWNEFONiewscore? iewscor OzAgAUSmmy.... 10/12 ‘7.08 11/oar2024 MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung ) X10. WRUZ Radio will broadcast a new show —— to business news and *o/1 economic analysis. O allowed © ©)prepared O (©) dedicated @ (0) introduced x Cau tra Idi dung @® (dedicated Phan hoi Cu nay nhiéu ban hay nh’m sang dép &n D vi lim bai cc ban dich la show nay gidi thiéu tin tac doanh nghiép. Nhung cdc ban cn chu J Ia introduce + N chi? ko di cling gidi tir to. dang sau Itis my pleasure to introduce my first guest on the show tonight. The director will introduce the film personally at its premiere. Chon (C) cum dedicated to: danh riéng cho cai gi hode tén tém cdg hién We have one TV channel completely dedicated to news, and another dedicated to sport. (A) cho phép (+N hod to V) (8) chuéin bi (+ for N hoa N) (0) gici thigu (+ N) Dich: WRUZ Radio sé phat mét chong trinh mdi danh riéng cho tin tire kinh doanh va phan tich kinh té. ‘Submission ID (skip this field) * A DO NOT EDIT this field or your time will not be recorded. i 'Ngi dung nay khéng phi do Google t20 ra hay xéc nhén. B40 co Lem cvng~ Bigu khod Dich vi~ Chin sch én riéng ir a Google Biéu mau!FAIpOL Scttc6IRoAOD_sviBQ8GL-6_S.ldXNZP7ZBSLAXAIZNWNEFONiewscore? iewscor OzAgAUSmmty.... 11/12 ‘7.08 11oar2024 MINI TEST 2.51120 (Tién Chung ) 12/12

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