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Passive Voice 13

Active Voice

Subject Verb Object

(कर्ता) does (क्रियत) on

Eg:- I teach
I wrote
the book
You will help
Students make
• Here 'Doer' (Subject) does the 'Verb' on the 'object'. (Here कर्ता क्रियत को कर्ा पर
करर्त है।)

Now let us assume we want to

1. Put 'object' at the beginning of the sentence (object को वतक्य के शुरू
र्ें रखनत हो)
Eg:- This book has been written by me.
ये क्रकर्तब र्ेरे द्वतरत क्रिखी गई है।
2. We don't know who the doer is (हर्े कर्ता ज्ञतर् नत हो)
Eg:- He was killed.
उसकी हत्यत हो गई।
3. The doer is not important and we do not need to mention it (कर्ता
र्हत्वपूर्ा नत हो और हर् उसकत उल्िेख करनत जरूरी नहीं सर्झर्े है)
Eg:- He was declared dead.
उसे र्ृर् घोक्रषर् कर क्रियत गयत।
We use Passive Voice in these three conditions.
(इन र्ीन हतितर् र्ें Passive Voice कत प्रयोग होर्त है।)

KD LIVE 179 Class Notes : Passive Voice

Passive Voice



Now let us see Passive Voice one by one.

(अब Passive Voice एक-एक कर के िेख।ें )

Present Indefinite Tense

Active Voice Subject + V1 + object.

Passive Voice Object + is/ am/ are + V3 + by + Subject.


1. I teach English. 6. She needs help.

2. I write books. 7. Mukesh sings classical songs.

3. She helps all. 8. I watch television every night.

4. Prashant understands her. 9. She plays Hockey.

5. We send messages 10. Soldiers follow commands.

KD LIVE 180 Class Notes : Passive Voice
1. English is taught by me. 7. Classical songs are sung by
2. Books are written by me. Mukesh.
3. All are helped by her. 8. Television is watched by me every
4. She is understood by Prashant. night.
5. Messages are sent by us. 9. Hockey is played by her.
6. Help is needed by her. 10. Commands are followed by soldiers.

Change in Pronoun with Change of Voice

के पहिे के बति
Preceded by followed by
Subject Form Object Form

He िड़कत के क्रिए Him

Singular She िड़की के क्रिए Her
It क्रनजीव वस्र्ु व जतनवर के क्रिए It
I र्ैं Me
We हर् िोग Us
Singular They वे (he, she, it कत बहुवचन) Them
You आप, आप िोग You

Past Indefinite Tense

Active Voice Subject + V2 + object.

Passive Voice Object + was/ were + V3 + by + Subject.


1. I helped them. 6. He bought a gun.

2. Some Americans saw an alien. 7. The man stole my purse.
3. He made a plan. 8. The bird made a nest to lay eggs.
4. She shed tears. 9. My brother bought a dress.
5. Rashmi liked him. 10. Parul answered all the questions
KD LIVE 181 Class Notes : Passive Voice
1. They were helped by me. 6. A gun was bought by him.
2. An alien was seen by some Americans. 7. My purse was stolen by the man.
8. A nest was made by the bird to lay
3. A plan was made by him.
4. Tears were shed by her. 9. A dress was bought by my brother.
5. He was liked by Rashmi. 10. All the questions were correctly
answered by Parul.

Future Indefinite Tense

Active Voice Subject + will/ shall + Vb.f. + object.

Passive Voice Object + will/ shall + be + V3 + by + Subject.

Ex 1. I shall inform you. 6. Your boss will question you.

2. She will sweep the floor. 7. Media will raise the issue of fake
3. She will spread the butter.
8. My mother will not punish me.
4. Rohan will post the letter. 9. Harish will pack the bags soon.
5. I will need a gun. 10. I will soon give the relieving letter.
1. You will be informed by me. 6. You will be questioned by your boss.
2. The floor will be swept by her. 7. The issue of fake encounter will be
raised by Media.
3. The butter will be spread by her.
8. I shall not be punished by my mother.
4. The letter will be posted by Rohan. 9. The bags will be packed by Harish soon.
5. A gun will be needed by me. 10. The relieving letter will be soon given
by me.

Present Continuous Tense

Active Voice Subject + is/am/are + V1 + ing + object.

Passive Voice Object + is/am/are + being + V3 + by + Subject.

1. He is teaching us 5. I am teaching the students.
2. The labourers are digging a well. 6. She is feeding the poor.
7. The PMO is investigating the case.
3. We are watching a movie.
8. We are demanding our rights.
4. The government is not taking the 9. The chief is discussing the matter.
pandemic seriously. 10. He is drafting a case.

KD LIVE 182 Class Notes : Passive Voice

1. We are being taught by him. Here the poor is plural noun and will
2. A well is being dug by the labourers. take plural verb.
3. A movie is being watched by us. 7. The case is being investigated by the
4. The pandemic is not being taken PMO.
seriously by the government. 8. Our rights are being demanded by us.
5. The students are being taught by me. 9. The matter is being discussed by the
6. The poor are being fed by her. (‘The chief.
poor’ means poor people (गरीब िोग). 10. A case is being drafted by him.

Past Continuous Tense

Active Voice Subject + was/were + V1 + ing + object.

Passive Voice Object + was/were + being + V3 + by + Subject.

1. I was thinking of a new plan. 6. She was helping the poor.
2. She was looking into the matter. 7. Mohan was making a noise.
8. Rajesh was attending the music
3. Rajesh was taking care of the old
9. You were always disturbing the
4. My parents were looking for a class.
suitable match. 10. Some countries were trying new
5. He was cleaning the mess. medicines to control corona.
1. A new plan was being thought of by me. 5. The mess was being cleaned by him.
2. The matter was being looked into by 6. The poor were being helped by her.
her. 7. A noise was being made by Mohan.
3. The old people were being taken care of 8. The music class was being attended by
by Rajesh. Rajesh.
4. A suitable match was being looked for 9. The class was always being disturbed by
by my parents. you.
(1-4) : If Preposition comes in Active 10. New medicines were being tried by
Voice, it must be used in Passive Voice. some countries to control corona.

Future Continuous Tense

Active Voice Subject + will/ shall + be + V1 + ing + object.

Passive Voice

Present Perfect Tense

Active Voice Subject + has/have + V3 + object.

Passive Voice Object + has/ have + been + V3 + by + Subject.

KD LIVE 183 Class Notes : Passive Voice

1. I have seen this movie. 7. India has already made Corona
2. Sheela has supported me. vaccine.
3. Rishi has made the bed. 8. She has performed her duty well.
4. You have cleaned all the clothes. 9. My mother has scolded me very
5. My brother has bought this car. badly.
6. The government has launched 10. The Judiciary has taken this
some schemes. matter seriously.
1. This movie has been seen by me. 7. Corona vaccine has already been made
2. I have been supported by Sheela. by India.
3. The bed has been made by Rishi 8. Her duty has been performed well by
4. All the clothes have been cleaned by her.
you. 9. I have been scolded very badly by my
5. This car has been bought by my brother. mother.
6. Some schemes have been launched by 10. This matter has been taken seriously
the government. by the Judiciary.

Past Perfect Tense

Active Voice Subject + had + V3 + object.

Passive Voice Object + had + been + V3 + by + Subject.

1. I had completed the work till then. 7. The WHO had given wrong
2. My mother had seen the thief. information about Corona.
3. A pilot had predicted such an 8. Such a pandemic had crippled the
accident. world 100 years ago too.
4. The staff had informed the police. 9. The boys had left a frog in the
5. He had already destroyed the drawer.
documents. 10. The teacher had lodged a
6. My sister had fired the servant. complaint against you.

1. The work had been completed by me till 6. The servant had been fired by my sister.
then. 7. Wrong information about Corona had
2. The thief had been seen by my mother. been given by the WHO.
3. Such an accident had been predicted by 8. The world had been crippled by such a
a pilot. pandemic 100 years ago too.
4. The police had been informed by the 9. A frog had been left in the drawer by the
staff. boys.
5. The documents had already been 10. A complaint had been lodged against
destroyed by him. you by the teacher.

KD LIVE 184 Class Notes : Passive Voice

Future Perfect Tense

Active Voice Subject + will/ shall + have + V3 + object.

Passive Voice Object + will/shall + have + been + V3 + by + Subject.

1. She will have sorted out the matter.
2. The shopkeeper will have given some discount.
3. The milkman will have stopped the service by then.
4. We shall have taken the test by this time next week.
5. The ED officers will have arrested him by then.
6. The Indian Army will have pushed back the Chinese Army by then.
7. My mother will have cooked the finest meal before I reach home.
8. Scientists will have invented the vaccine by the end of this year.
9. Millions of people will have lost their jobs.
10. This pandemic will have changed our society, economy and mindset too if
it doesn't go soon.
1. The matter will have been sorted out by her.
2. Some discount will have been given by the shopkeeper.
3. The service will have been stopped by the milkman by then.
4. The test will have been taken by us by this time next week.
5. He will have been arrested by the ED officers by then.
6. The Chinese Army will have been pushed back by the Indian Army by
7. The finest meal will have been cooked by my mother before I reach home.
8. The vaccine will have been invented by scientists by the end of this year.
9. Jobs will have been lost by millions of people.
10. Our society, economy and mindset too will have been changed by this
pandemic if it doesn't go soon.


Modals Indefinite Modal Perfect

Active Voice Subject + modal + Active Voice Subject + modal +

Vb.f + object. have + V3 + object.
Object + modal + Object + modal +
Passive Voice be + V3 + by + Passive Voice have + been + V3 +
Subject. by + Subject.
KD LIVE 185 Class Notes : Passive Voice
Examples Examples
1. She must understand her duty. 1. She will have delivered the letter.
2. Satish should take the test. 2. The doctors could have saved him.
3. Our army must avenge the 3. She should have put on the new sari.
martyrdom of the soldiers 4. The students ought to have respected
4. I can lift this box. the teachers.
5. The doctor could not save him. 5. My mother need not have watered
6. The schools must not conduct the plants.
online classes. 6. My mother should have taken care of
7. You need not take his advice her health.
seriously. 7. People should have voted him to
8. The government should impose power.
lockdown again. 8. The police could have arrested him
9. The poor cannot buy these easily.
expensive medicine. 9. You need not have filed a complaint.
10. China could not hide its real 10. The government should not have
intention. allowed social gatherings.

Answers Answers
1. Her duty must be understood by 1. The letter will have been
her. delivered by her.
2. The test should be taken by 2. He could have been saved by the
Satish. doctors.
3. The martyrdom of the soldiers 3. The new sari should have been
must be avenged by our army. put on by her.
4. The teachers ought to have been
4. This box can be lifted by me.
respected by the students.
5. He could not be saved by the 5. The plants need not have been
doctor. watered by my mother.
6. Online classes must not be 6. Her health should have been
conducted by the schools. taken care of by my mother.
7. His advice need not be taken 7. He should have been voted to
seriously by you. power by the people.
8. Lockdown should be imposed 8. He could have been arrested
again by the government. easily by the police.
9. These expensive medicines 9. A complaint need not have been
cannot be bought by the poor. filed by you.
10. Social gatherings should not have
10. Its real intention could not be
been allowed by the government.
hidden by China.

In these sentences we need not write by the people, by the

Q. 7, 8, 10 police or by the government because the actions mentioned
here are generally done by these subjects only.

KD LIVE 186 Class Notes : Passive Voice


1. Wh family (Open questions)

Who By whom 1. Who loves chocolate?

(A.V) (P.V) 2. What did you say?
3. Where have you kept the pen?
4. How can you do this?
To whom 5. Why shall I take the exam again?
Who (P.V) 6. Why are you making a noise?
(A.V) in case of verb 7. Who likes her?
know & marry 8. What have you done?
9. Why couldn't they use public wells?
10. When did he fill the form?
Helping verb will Answers
come before object 1. By whom is chocolate loved?
as the sentence is 2. What was said by you?
interrogative 3. Where has the pen been kept by
4. How can this be done by you?

5. Why will the exam be taken by me 8. What has been done by you?
again? 9. Why couldn't the public wells be
6. Why is a noise being made by used by them?
you? 10. When was the form filled by him?
7. By whom is she liked?
2. Without Wh family (Closed Questions)

1. Are you reading the book? Answers

2. Was he taking medicines on 1. Is the book being read by you?
time? 2. Were medicines being taken by him
on time?
3. Did he understand the lesson?
3. Was the lesson understood by him?
4. Has he understood the 4. Have the consequences been
consequences? understood by him?
5. Had the boys misplaced the 5. Had the equipment been misplaced
equipment? by the boys?
6. Are you taking the exam? 6. Is the exam being taken by you?
7. Were you seen by him?
7. Did he see you?
8. Have you been scolded by him?
8. Has he scolded you? 9. Is she being taken to the school
9. Is he taking her to the school? him?
10. Does he know the answer? 10. Is the answer known to him?
KD LIVE 187 Class Notes : Passive Voice
Sentences of Orders, Requests, Commands, Suggestions etc.
1. With obj. Let + obj + be + V3 ?

2. With/Without obj. You are ordered/ requested etc + to + Vb.f + object

3. Mild or Moral Suggestion Obj. + should + be + V3 + by + Sub.

Examples 1. Lock the gate.

P.V (i) Let the gate be locked.
(ii) You are ordered to lock the gate.
2. Go away.
P.V You are ordered to go away.
3. Help the needy.
P.V The needy should be helped.
1. Shut the door.
Let the door be shut.
OR You are ordered to shut the door.
2. Please keep quiet.
2. You are requested to keep quiet.
3. You are ordered to raise your hands.
3. Hands up.
4. The medicine should be taken on
4. Take the medicine on time.
OR You are advised to take the
medicine on time.
5. Come in.
5. You are allowed to come in.
6. You are ordered to go from here.
6. Go from here.
7. You are requested to complete this
work today.
7. Please complete this work today.
8. You are warned not to move.
9. The poor should be helped.
8. Don't move.
10. You are instructed not to press the
9. Help the poor.
OR You are forbidden to press the
10. Don't press the button.
OR Let not the button be pressed.

If the subject is Vague i.e. unclear such as one, they, people, someone,
somebody, nobody or None, we avoid adding ‘by + Subject’ in Passive Voice.
(अगर subject अस्पष्ट हो जैसे क्रक One, they, people, someone, somebody nobody यत
none र्ो हर् ‘by + subject’ को Passive Voice र्ें नही िगतर्े है)

KD LIVE 188 Class Notes : Passive Voice

Examples Answers
1. One must keep one’s promise. 1. Promise must be kept.
2. No one desires riots. 2. Riots are not desired.
3. Someone has stolen my shoes. 3. My shoes have been stolen.
4. They elected him to power again. 4. He was elected to power again.
5. People speak English all over the 5. English is spoken all over the
world. world.

If the subject is that Noun which usually does the action mentioned in the
sentences, we avoid using ‘by + subject’ in Passive Voice.
(अगर Subject वो Noun है जो अक्सर क्रियत को करने वतित एकर्तत्र subject होर्त है र्ो ‘by +
Subject’ कत प्रयोग Passive Voice र्ें नहीं होर्त है)

Examples Answers
1. The police arrested him. 1. He was arrested.
2. Farmers are harvesting the 2. The crops are being harvested.
crops. 3. The accused was sentenced to
3. The court sentenced the accused death.
to death. 4. Circumstances obliged him to
4. He was obliged to resign. resign.
5. He has been rusticated from the 5. The principal has rusticated him
college. from the college.

Explanation to 4 to 5 : If no subject is given in Passive Voice, we must use

that subject in Active Voice that usually does that action.

There are certain Verbs that take fixed Preposition in Passive Voice and this
fixed Preposition replaces ‘by.
(कुछ ऐसे Verb होर्े है वो Passive Voice र्ें Fixed Preposition िेर्े है और ये Fixed
Preposition ‘by’ के स्थतन पर आर्े है)

Verbs Fixed Preposition Verbs Fixed Preposition

Known to Astonished at
Contained in Startled अचंक्रिर् at
Embodied (र्ें सर्तवेश) in Amazed at
Engulfed (क्रघर जतनत) in Annoyed (परे शतन) with someone
Crammed (ठू ूँसत हु आ) with Annoyed at something
Filled with Vexed (परे शतन) with someone
Tired (थकत) of Vexed at something
Comprised (बनत हु आ) of Surprised by
Married to Surprised at (When opposite to
expectation happens)
KD LIVE 189 Class Notes : Passive Voice
1. He annoys me. 6.The atmosphere comprises many
2. I know you. rare gases.
7. He married a pretty girl.
3. Our Constitution embodies six
8. The sweet songs of birds have
fundamental rights.
filled the air.
4. A thick cloud of dust engulfed the 9. The news surprised me.
village. 10. His insolent behaviour surprised
5. This jar contains six packets. me.
1. I am annoyed with him. Answers
2. You are known to me.
3. Six fundamental rights are embodied in our constitution.
4. The village was engulfed in a thick cloud of dust.
5. Six packets are contained in this jar.
6. The atmosphere is comprised of many rare gases. ('Comprise' takes no
preposition in Active Voice but takes 'of' in Passive Voice. Comprise
means (1) to form (बनतनत), (2) Consist of (से बनत होनत). Hence the subject and
object do not exchange position.
7. He was married to a pretty girl. Here too, we need not change the position
of subject and object.
8. The air has been filled with the sweet songs of birds.
9. I was surprised by the news.
10. I was surprised at his insolent behaviour.

Fill in the blanks

1. I am tired ______ his tantrums. 3. The hall was decorated _____ flowers.
2. The suitcase was crammed _______ 4. The jar was filled _______ milk.
clothes. 5. The street was thronged ____ people.

Answers 1. Of 2. with 3. with 4. with 5. with


Active Voice Passive Voice

to Vb.f to be V3

1. I have to finish the work 6. I am not going to tolerate this

2. She is to deliver a speech. nonsense.
3. I am about to start a new business. 7. Women use tongs to make chapatis.
4. I want the CA to check the 8. They gave me a book to read.
accounts. 9. It's time to buy new shoes.
5. Women like men to flatter them. 10. It's time to inform the police.

KD LIVE 190 Class Notes : Passive Voice

1. The work has to be finished by me.
2. A speech is to be delivered by her.
3. A new business is about to be started by me.
4. I want the accounts to be checked by the CA.
5. Women like to be flattered by men.
6. This nonsense is not going to be tolerated by me.
7. Tongs are used by women to make Chapatis.
8. I was given a book to read. or, A book was given to me to read.
9. It's time for new shoes to be bought.
10. It's time for the police to be informed.

Verbs followed by Adjectives

Eg:- Rose smells sweet.

Rose is sweet when it is smelt. Answers

1. This surface feels smooth. 1. This surface is smooth when it is felt.

2. Those mangoes were sour when they
2. Those mangoes tasted sour. were tasted.
3. Medicines usually taste awful. 3. Medicines are usually awful when they
are tasted.
4. The dumbbell weighs 10 kgs. 4. The dumbbell is of 10 kgs when it is

Passive Voice
Vis – a Vis
Eg:- Answers
1. He bid the highest price. 1. The highest price was bid by him.
2. Small strokes fell great oaks. 2. Great oaks are felled by small strokes.
3. They ground the spices. 3. The spices were ground.
4. They ground such pilots. 4. Such pilots are grounded.
5. They hang pictures on the wall. 5. Pictures are hung on the wall.

Passive Voice vis-a-vis Subject-Verb Agreement

1. The robbers killed the merchant as Answers

well as his sons. 1. The merchant as well as his sons was
2. I helped neither him nor his killed by the robbers.
accomplices. 2. Neither he nor his accomplices were
3. We saw nothing but two birds. helped by me.
4. God helps none but the brave. 3. Nothing but two birds was seen by us.
5. They killed more than one deer. 4. None but the brave are helped by god.
5. More than one deer was killed.

KD LIVE 191 Class Notes : Passive Voice

1. They fear that ghosts live here. 1. It is feared that ghosts live here.
2. They say that dreams come true. 2. It is said that dreams come true.
3. They reported that two traders 3. Two traders were reported to
were killed. have been killed.
4. We expect that the problem will 4. The problem is expected to be
be resolved soon. resolved soon.
5. I suppose you know your duty 5. You are supposed to know your
well. duty well.

Verbs followed by Direct and Indirect Objects

1. He gave me a book. 1. (i) I was given a book by him.
(ii) A book was given to me by him.
2. (i) The dog was given biscuits by
2. The woman gave biscuits to the
the woman.
(ii) Biscuits were given to the dog by
the woman.
3. (i) He was given a glass of water by
3. She gave him a glass of water. her.
(ii) A glass of water was given to
him by her.
4. They conferred him with the title. 4. (i) He was conferred with the title.
(ii) The title was conferred upon
5. The guards refused him 5. (i) Admittance was refused to him.
admittance. (ii) He was refused admittance.

When the object is a sentence

1. You cannot undo what you have 1. What has been done cannot be
done. undone.
2. Is what is taught by me
2. Do you understand what I teach?
understood by you?

KD LIVE 192 Class Notes : Passive Voice

Exam held on : 15-11- 2020
Direction (1–20) : In the following question, a sentence has been given in
Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one
which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
1. He was given another chance by his employer.
(A) His employer is giving him another chance.
(B) His employer gave him another chance.
(C) His employer has given him another chance.
(D) He gave his employer another chance.
2. The man eating tiger will be captured tomorrow by the forest officers.
(A) The forest officers will have captured the man eating tiger tomorrow.
(B) The forest officers will capture the man eating tiger tomorrow.
(C) The forest officers will be capturing the man eating tiger tomorrow.
(D) The man eating tiger will capture the forest officers tomorrow.
3. The terrorist was arrested by Mumbai Police.
(A) Mumbai Police has arrested the terrorist.
(B) Mumbai Police arrested the terrorist.
(C) Mumbai Police is arresting the terrorist.
(D) The terrorist arrested Mumbai Police.
4. Let this email be sent immediately.
(A) Send this email immediately.
(B) Ask him to send this email immediately.
(C) We can send this email immediately.
(D) You could send this email immediately
5. The light was switched off by her before sleeping.
(A) She is switching off the light before sleeping.
(B) She switches off the light before sleeping.
(C) She had switched off the light before sleeping.
(D) She switched off the light before sleeping.
6. The ticket will be sent to you by the airlines on e-mail.
(A) The airlines had sent you the ticket by e-mail.
(B) The airlines will have sent you the ticket by e-mail.
(C) The airlines will send you the ticket by e-mail.
(D) The airlines will be sending you the ticket by e-mail.
7. Success cannot be achieved without hard work and sincerity.
(A) Hard work and sincerity one cannot achieve without success.
(B) One cannot achieve hard work and sincerity without success.
(C) No one could achieve success without hard work and sincerity.
(D) One cannot achieve success without hard work and sincerity
8. All his faults were forgiven by her.
(A) She forgave all his faults.
(B) She has forgiven all his faults.
(C) She will forgive all his faults.
(D) She is forgiving all his faults

KD LIVE 193 SSC CGL TIER–II : 2019, Exam held on : 15-11- 2020
9. The audience was surprised by the ending of the play.
(A) The ending of the play was surprising for the audience.
(B) The ending of the play surprised the audience.
(C) The ending of the play has surprised the audience.
(D) The audience surprised the ending of the play.
10. They were refused entry in Delhi by the police.
(A) The police refused them entry in Delhi.
(B) The police had refused them entry in Delhi.
(C) The police have refused them entry in Delhi.
(D) The police can refuse them entry in Delhi.
11. Her failure to get admission in the Science stream surprised us.
(A) We are surprised about her failure to get admission in the Science stream.
(B) We were surprised about her failure to get admission in the Science stream.
(C) We had been surprised about her failure to get admission in the Science
(D) We have been surprised about her failure to get admission in the Science
12. He was eating a large pizza.
(A) A large pizza was eating him.
(B) A large pizza has been eaten by him.
(C) A large pizza was being eaten by him.
(D) A large pizza was eaten by him.
13. Why did the editor give such a rude comment?
(A) Why had such a rude comment been given by the editor?
(B) Why is such a rude comment being given by the editor?
(C) Why was such an editor given by the rude comment?
(D) Why was such a rude comment given by the editor?
14. We expect good news about the corona vaccine.
(A) Good news has been expected by us about the corona vaccine.
(B) Good news expected us about the corona vaccine.
(C) Good news is expected by us about the corona vaccine.
(D) Good news was expected by us about the corona vaccine.
15. The masons are building the house.
(A) The house has been built by the masons.
(B) The house is being built by the masons.
(C) The house was being built by the masons.
(D) The house is building the masons.
16. Animals cannot make tools.
(A) Animals cannot be made by tools.
(B) Tools cannot be made by animals.
(C) Tools are not to be made by animals.
(D) Tools could not be made by animals.

KD LIVE 194 SSC CGL TIER–II : 2019, Exam held on : 15-11- 2020
17. Our advocate is arguing the case very effectively.
(A) The case has been argued very effectively by our advocate.
(B) The case is arguing very effectively by our advocate.
(C) The advocate is being argued very effectively by our case.
(D) The case is being argued very effectively by our advocate
18. Somebody has already tipped the custom authorities about the drugs.
(A) Custom authorities have already been tipped by the drugs.
(B) Custom authorities have already been tipped about the drugs.
(C) Custom authorities have already tipped someone about the drugs.
(D) Custom authorities were already tipped about the drugs.
19. Who has broken the chair?
(A) By whom was the chair been broken?
(B) By whom is the chair been broken?
(C) By whom has the chair been broken?
(D) By whom had the chair been broken?
20. Our team scored 350 runs in the Inter-college Cricket Tournament.
(A) Our team was scored by 350 runs in the Inter-college Cricket Tournament.
(B) 350 runs have been scored by our team in the Inter-college Cricket
(C) 350 runs were scored by our team in the Inter-college Cricket Tournament.
(D) 350 runs were scoring our team in the Inter-college Cricket Tournament

Answer Key
1. (B) 6. (C) 11. (B) 16. (B)
2. (B) 7. (D) 12. (C) 17. (D)
3. (B) 8. (A) 13. (D) 18. (B)
4. (A) 9. (B) 14. (C) 19. (C)
5. (D) 10. (A) 15. (B) 20. (C)

KD LIVE 195 SSC CGL TIER–II : 2019, Exam held on : 15-11- 2020
Direction (1–20) : In the following question, a sentence has been given in
Passive Voice. Out of four alternatives suggested, select the one which best
expresses the same sentence in Passive Voice.
1. Every passing vehicle was being thoroughly checked by the guards.
(A) The guards were thoroughly checkubg every passing vehicle.
(B) The guards have thoroughly checked every passing vehicle.
(C) Every passing vehicle were thoroughly checking the guards.
(D) The guards have been thoroughly checking every passing vehicle.
4th June Morning, 2019
2. The main gate of the building was being guarded by gun-totting guards.
(A) Gun-totting guards have been guarding the main gate of the building.
(B) The main gate of the building were guarding gun-totting guards.
(C) Gun-totting guards were guarding the main gate of the building.
(D) Gun-totting guards guarded the main gate of the building.
4th June Afternoon, 2019
3. The crop was adversely affected by the inadequate rainfall.
(A) The adversely rainfall has affected the inadequate crop.
(B) The inadequate rainfall was adversely affecting the crop.
(C) The inadequate rainfall adversely affected the crop.
(D) The inadequate crop adversely affected the rainfall.
4th June Evening, 2019
4. Their children were brought up with great care.
(A) They had brought up their children with great care.
(B) Their children brought them up with great care.
(C) They brought up their children with great care.
(D) They have been bringing up their children with great care.
6th June Morning, 2019
5. The wall of this park is being painted by children.
(A) Children are painting the wall of this park.
(B) The wall is painting children of this park.
(C) Children have been painting the wall of this park.
(D) Children painted the wall of this park.
6th June Afternoon, 2019
6. The injured were being removed to the hospital by the police.
(A) The police removed the injured to the hospital.
(B) The injured was removing the police to the hospital.
(C) The police were removing the injured to the hospital.
(D) The police has been removing the injured to the hospital.
6th June Evening, 2019
7. One of the passengers was being thoroughly checked by the custom officers.
(A) The custom officers have been thoroughly checking one of the passengers.
(B) The custom officers thoroughly checked one of the passengers.
(C) One of the passengers was thoroughly checking the custom officers.
(D) The custom officers were thoroughly checking one of the passengers.
7th June Morning, 2019


8. The chairs were being arranged in the examination hall by the staff.
(A) The chairs were arranging the staff in the examination hall.
(B) The staff was arranging the chairs in the examination hall.
(C) The staff has been arranging the chairs in the examination hall.
(D) The staff has arranged the chairs in the examination hall.
7th June Afternoon, 2019
9. The hunchback was being laughed at by everyone.
(A) Everyone was laughing at the hunchback.
(B) Everyone is laughing at the hunchback.
(C) Everyone laughed at the hunchback.
(D) Everyone laughs at the hunchback.
7th June Evening, 2019
10. She was seen sitting in the last row.
(A) We see her sitting in the last row.
(B) We saw her sitting in the last row.
(C) We had seen her sitting in the last row.
(D) We have seen her sitting in the last row.
10th June Morning, 2019
11. Let the bell be rung every forty minutes.
(A) The bell should be rung every forty minutes
(B) Ring the bell every forty minutes.
(C) The bell ought to be rung every forty minutes
(D) Let the bell keep ringing every forty minutes.
10th June Afternoon, 2019
12. You will either be taken prisoner or shot by the enemy.
(A) The enemy will be either taking you prisoner or shooting you.
(B) The enemy either takes you prisoner or shoots you.
(C) The enemy would either take you prisoner or shoot.
(D) The enemy will either take you prisoner or shoot you.
10th June Evening, 2019
13. We will all be greatly benefitted by this scheme.
(A) This scheme has greatly benefitted us all.
(B) This scheme would greatly benefit we all.
(C) This scheme will greatly benefit us all.
(D) This scheme is going to greatly benefit us all.
11th June Morning, 2019
14. Heavy taxes have been imposed on luxury items by the government.
(A) The government is imposing heavy taxes on luxury items.
(B) The government has imposed heavy taxes on luxury items.
(C) The government imposed heavy taxes on luxury items.
(D) The government had imposed heavy taxes on luxury items.
11th June Afternoon, 2019
15. Superstitions are still believed in by people.
(A) People have still believed in superstitions.
(B) People are still believing in superstitions.
(C) People still believe in superstitions.
(D) People still believed in superstitions.
11th June Evening, 2019


16. It was decided by the members that the report would be placed before the
Chairman for his comments.
(A) The members decided to place the report before the Chairman for his
(B) The Chairman's comments were to be placed on the report of the
(C) Did the members decide to place the report before the Chairman?
(D) The Chairman decided to place the report before the members.
12th June Afternoon, 2019
17. By whom were you taught Mathematics?
(A) Who taught you Mathematics?
(B) Who teaching you Mathematics?
(C) Who will teach you Mathematics?
(D) Whom are you teaching Mathematics?
12th June Evening, 2019
18. He was given a book for his birthday.
(A) She has gave him a book for his birthday.
(B) She give a book to him for his birthday.
(C) She gave him a book for his birthday.
(D) She will by giving him a book for his birthday.
13th June Morning, 2019
19. Rudra was laughed at by all his friends when he wore his socks inside -out.
(A) If Rudra wears his socks inside-out all his friends will laugh at him.
(B) When Rudra wore his socks inside-out all his friends were laughing at
(C) All his friends will be laughing at Rudra for wearing his socks inside-out.
(D) All his friends laughed at Rudra when he wore his socks inside-out.
13th June Afternoon, 2019
20. Dinesh was looked after by his grandmother when his parents went abroad.
(A) Dinesh's grandmother looks after him when his partents went abroad.
(B) Dinesh's grandmothers looked after him when his partents aborad.
(C) Dinesh's looked after his grandmother when his parents went abroad.
(D) Dinesh's grandmother was looking after him when his parents went
13th June Evening, 2019

Answer Key
1. (A) 6. (C) 11. (B) 16. (A)
2. (C) 7. (D) 12. (D) 17. (A)
3. (C) 8. (B) 13. (C) 18. (C)
4. (C) 9. (A) 14. (B) 19. (D)
5. (A) 10. (B) 15. (C) 20. (B)


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