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35a] 2024/03/29 14:18:58: Startup

[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:18:59: create() cold start
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:18:59: translation en_US
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: instance MA==
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: create() finish
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: create() end
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: resume app
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: refresh
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: loading Warm-up
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: loading Startup
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00:
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Error reading file:
key_mapping.json (Absolute)
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Error reading file:
key_mapping.json (Absolute)
at com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle.reader(
at info.flowersoft.theotown.util.Files.readTextFile(
at info.flowersoft.theotown.util.Files.readTextFile(
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$
at io.blueflower.stapel2d.gamestack.GameStack.update(
at info.flowersoft.theotown.TheoTownX.render(TheoTownX.kt:179)
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
Caused by:
key_mapping.json: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
... 12 more
Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
at Method)
... 14 more

[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: Max texture size 16384

[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: Max heap size is 512MB
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: Screen size is 2260x1080, ppi: 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: loading Texture
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:00: loading Fonts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:01: loading Skin
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:01: loading Extract files
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:01: loading Frames
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:01: loading Scripting
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:02: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:03: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:03: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:06: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:07: loading Loading music
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:07: loading Shaders
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:07: loading Topics
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:07: loading Loading textures
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:09: loading Checking winter
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:09: loading Preparing background
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: loading Finishing
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: bind RegionStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:10: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:12: enter RegionStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: bind GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: prepare GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:42: bind GalleryStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:42: prepare GalleryStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:42: enter GalleryStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:45: leave GalleryStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:45: drop GalleryStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:57: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:57: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:57: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:19:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:12: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:12: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:12: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:12: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:12: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:22: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:22: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:40: bind Store
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:40: prepare Store
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:40: enter Store
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:20:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:11: leave Store
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:11: drop Store
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:15: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:15: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:15: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:29: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:29: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:29: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:29: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:29: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:45: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:45: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:45: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:45: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:45: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2259x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:47: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:47: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:47: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:47: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:47: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2259x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:50: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:50: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:50: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:50: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:50: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:55: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:55: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:55: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:55: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:55: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:56: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:56: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:21:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:07: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:07: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:07: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:12: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:12: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:12: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:12: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:12: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:13: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:13: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:13: bind SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:13: prepare SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:13: enter SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:14: leave SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:14: drop SettingsStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:22: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:22: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:22: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2256x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 14:22:58: pause app
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:09: Startup
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:09: create() cold start
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:10: translation en_US
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:10: instance MA==
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:10: create() finish
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:10: create() end
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:10: resume app
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:10: refresh
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:10: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:10: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:10: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:10: loading Warm-up
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:11: loading Startup
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:11: Max texture size 16384
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:11: Max heap size is 512MB
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:11: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:11: Screen size is 2260x1080, ppi: 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:11: loading Texture
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:11: loading Fonts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:12: loading Skin
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:12: loading Extract files
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:12: loading Frames
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:12: loading Scripting
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:12: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:13: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:13: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:16: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:17: loading Loading music
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:17: loading Shaders
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:17: loading Topics
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:17: loading Loading textures
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: loading Checking winter
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: loading Preparing background
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: loading Finishing
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: bind RegionStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: enter RegionStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: bind GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: prepare GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:50:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:52:29: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:52:29: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:52:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:52:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:52:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:52:39: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:52:39: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:52:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:53:33: instance MTA=
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: leave GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: drop GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: enter RegionStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:22: bind GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:22: prepare GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:25: bind Store
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:25: prepare Store
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:25: enter Store
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:54:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:55:33: leave Store
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:55:33: drop Store
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:55:33: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:55:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:55:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/29 15:55:53: pause app
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:34: Startup
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:34: create() cold start
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: translation en_US
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: instance MTA=
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: create() finish
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: create() end
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: resume app
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: refresh
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: loading Warm-up
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: loading Startup
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: Max texture size 16384
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: Max heap size is 512MB
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: Screen size is 2260x1080, ppi: 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: loading Texture
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:35: loading Fonts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:36: loading Skin
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:36: loading Extract files
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:36: loading Frames
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:36: loading Scripting
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:36: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:36: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:36: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:37: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:38: loading Loading music
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:39: loading Shaders
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:39: loading Topics
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:39: loading Loading textures
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:40: loading Checking winter
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:40: loading Preparing background
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: loading Finishing
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: bind RegionStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: enter RegionStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: instance OQ==
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: instance MTA=
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:42: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:42: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:42: bind GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:42: prepare GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:22:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:23:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:23:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:23:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:23:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:23:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:23:15: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:23:15: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:23:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:23:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 551 for res 2260x1080
with xdpi 409.432 derived from 409.432
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:23:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (4) with 4 factors
[1.11.35a] 2024/03/30 15:25:06: pause app

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