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IMR English Vocabulary

 I wanted to smack that girl – Quería cachetear esa mujer

 I started following the trail – Empecé a seguir el rastro
 The women´s face had burn wounds – La cara de la mujer tenía heridas
por quemaduras
 There was a small pot – Había una olla pequeña
 your wishes need to revolve around your present – Tus desos deben girar
entorno a tu presente
 I turned back for one last glance – Voltié atras para echar un ultimo vistazo
 I enjoyed the cruel deed – Disfruté el hecho cruel
 I clamped my hand over my mouth – Me tapé la boca con la mano
 I ran through the dark blizzard – Corrí a tarves de la oscura tormenta de
 Come live with me, I´ll do all the arrangements – Ven a vivir conmigo, yo
hare todos los arreglos
 Molly and I were arranging my bed in the living room – Molly y yo
estabamos arreglando mi cama en la sala
 She totally disregarded my words – Ella desantendio totalmente mis
 The call was made 11 days prior to her death – La llamada se hizo 11 dias
antes de su muerte (previo)
 My vision started to blur – Mi vision empezó a nublarse
 We set off to my destination – Partimos hacia my destino
 I silently scolded myself for the intrusive thoughts – Me regañé en silencio
por los pensamientos intrusivos
 Are you trying to run over me? - ¿Estas intentando atropellarme?
 That junk you could eat on weekends – Esa basura que podias comer en
los fines de semana
Junk: is something that a person think is useless
 She could barely keep her hand still – Ella apenas podia mantener su mano
 She suddenly bent her head saying: my head it never stops itching – De
repente inclinó la cabeza diciendo: Mi cabeza nunca deja de picar
 This dude´s crazy we shoudn´t mess with him – Este tipo esta loco no
debriamos meternos con el
 We went to the other side of the creek to avoid him – Fuimos al otro lado
del riachuelo para evitarlo
 Nobody would run into him – Nadie se toparía con el
 I made sure to rub it into Mark´s face - Me aseguré de restregarselo en la
cara de Mark
 There are two acres that me and my friends can play on – Hay 2
hectareas en las que yo y mis amigos podemos jugar
 We found a stairway leading to the upper floor – Encontramos una
escalera que conducia al piso de arriba
 Stop messing with me – Deja de jugar conmigo
 Sorry, I´m tied up –
 I´m looking forward to seeing you

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