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Library Management System



Vishal Kumar Yadav


JPR Technosoft LLP




The scope of library Website and Online Library Management System includes:

 Create distinct product users based on their roles and permissions.

 Authenticate users at their login.
 Provide the list of books the users can borrow.
 Facility to reserve books that are available.
 A status page for all users to view books reserved by them.
 Facility to cancel the reservation for a book made earlier.
 A status page for all users to view books borrowed by them, their individual due dates and their
individual penalties if any.
 An interface to view and edit the own profile.
 Provide method for adjusting account settings such as passwords.
 Mechanism to reset the password in case user forgets it.
 Providing interface to add or delete books to staffs.


We take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude and whole hearted thanks to
Project guide JPR Technosoft LLP, Coordinator for the guidance throughout this
Work. We are very much thankful to him for their constant encouragement, support
And kindness.

We are also greatful to our teachers and my colleagues and classmates for their
Contributions, feedback and support during project. Their constructive criticism
and feedback helped me to refine and improve the project.

We also wish to express our sincere thanks JPR Technosoft LLP to for providing
us wide range of opportunities, facilities, and inspiration to gather professional
Knowledge and material without which this project could not havecompleted.

Thank You
Vishal Kumar Yadav

CERTIFICATE .............................................................................................................i

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT............................................................................................... iii

Table of Contents...........................................................................................................iv

List of Figures ................................................................................................................ vi

Chapter: 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Features
1.2 Modules of Library Management System

Chapter: 2. Technology Stack ........................................................................................................2

2.1 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

2.2 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Chapter: 3. HTML ......................................................................................................................... 3

3.1 Introduction to HTML

3.2 HTML Structure
3.3 HTML Tags and Elements
3.4 Semantic HTML

Chapter: 4. CSS .......................................................................................................................... 5

4.1 Introduction to CSS

4.2 CSS Selectors
4.3 CSS Box Model

4.4 CSS Layouts and Grids

4.5 Responsive Design with CSS

Chapter: 5. Library Management System Project ............................................... 7

5.1 Home Page

5.2 About Menu

5.3 Services Section

5.4 Blog Section

5.5 Contact Section

5.6 Signup Page

5.7 Searches

Chapter: 6. Purpose of Project ....................................................................... 13

Chapter: 7. Conclusion....................................................................................14
Chapter:8. Reference...............................................................................................15


Figure 1: Home Page of Library Management System .........................7

Figure 2: About Menu ........................................................................ 8

Figure 3: Service Section .................................................................... 9

Figure 4: Blog Section……………………………………………..10

Figure 5: Contact Section ………………………………………..11

Figure 6: Signup Page...................................................................12

Chapter 1: Introduction

In an age where information is at our fingertips, efficient management of library resources is essential for
the smooth operation of educational institutions, public libraries, and research organizations. Our Library
Management System (LMS) is designed to streamline the administrative tasks associated with library
operations and enhance the user experience for patrons.
1.1 Features:
1. User Friendly Interface
2. Search and Discovery
3. Security and access control
4. Mobile Accessibility
5. Digital Resource Integration

1.2 Modules of Library Management System

1. Home
2. About

3. Services
4. Blogs
5. Contacts

6. Sign In

7. Sign up

Chapter 2: Technology Stack

The Library Management System Website utilizes a comprehensive technology

stack to ensure a robust and efficient platform. The key technologies employed
in the development process include:

2.1 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

HTML forms the foundation of the website's structure, defining the layout and
organizing the content. It allows for the creation of a user-friendly interface,
providing the necessary elements for displaying text, images, forms, and other
multimedia components.

2.2 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):

CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation and layout of the website. It
enables developers to customize the appearance of HTML elements, applying
styles, colors, fonts, and positioning. CSS ensures a consistent and visually
appealing design across different web browsers and devices.

Chapter 3: HTML

3.1 Introduction
to HTML:

HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is the standard markup
language used for creating the structure and content of web pages. It is the
backbone of web development and defines the elements and layout of a
webpage. HTML provides a set of tags and attributes that allow developers to
structure and organize content such as text, images, links, headings, paragraphs,
and more.

3.2 HTML Structure:

HTML documents follow a hierarchical structure consisting of various

elements. The basic structure of an HTML document includes an opening <html>
tag followed by <head> and <body> tags. The <head> section contains meta
information, such as the page title, character encoding, CSS stylesheets, and
JavaScript files. The actual content of the web page is placed within the

3.3 HTML Tags and Elements:

HTML tags are used to define different elements and their attributes within an
HTML document. Tags are enclosed within angle brackets (<>) and come in
pairs, consisting of an opening tag and a closing tag. Elements can be nested
inside one another to create complex structures. Some common HTML tags
include <p> for paragraphs, <h1> to <h6> for headings, <a> for links, <img>
for images, <div> for divisions, and many more.

3.4 Semantic HTML:

Semantic HTML refers to using HTML tags that convey meaningful information
about the structure and purpose of the content. Instead of using generic tags,
semantic HTML introduces specific tags that describe the content they wrap. For

example, `<header>` is used to represent the header section of a webpage, <nav>
represents the navigation menu, <article> represents a self-contained Piece of
content, and <footer> represents the footer section By using semantic HTML, not
only does the structure of the webpage become more meaningful and accessible to
both humans and search engines, but it also helps with search engine optimization
(SEO) and enhances the overall user experience

Understanding HTML, its structure, tags, and the use of semantic HTML is
fundamental in creating well-structured and accessible web pages. It forms the
building blocks for designing and developing the content and layout of the Library
Management System.

Chapter 4: CSS

4.1 Introduction
to CSS:

CSS, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets, is a styling language used to define
the visual appearance and layout of HTML elements on a webpage. It allows
developers to control the colors, fonts, spacing, and positioning of elements,
transforming a plain HTML document into a visually appealing and well-designed
website. CSS works by applying styles to HTML elements using selectors and

4.2 CSS Selectors:

CSS selectors are used to target specific HTML elements on a webpage and apply
styles to them. Selectors can be based on element names, class names, IDs,
attributes, or even their relationship with other elements. For example, the selector
`h1`targets all `<h1>`headings,
`.class` targets elements with a specific class, `#id` targets an element with a specific
ID, and so on.

4.3 CSS Box Model:

The CSS box model is a fundamental concept that defines how elements are
structured and displayed on a webpage. It consists of content, padding, border, and
margin. The content area contains the actual content of the element, while padding
adds space between the content and the border. The border surrounds the padding
and content, and the margin adds space around the element, separating it from other

4.4 CSS Layouts and Grids:

CSS provides various techniques for creating different layouts and grids on a
webpage. Developers can use properties like `display`, `position`, and `float` to
control the positioning and arrangement of elements. Additionally, CSS
frameworks like Flex box and CSS Grid provide powerful tools for creating
responsive and flexible layout that adapts to different screen sizes and device.
4.5 Responsive Design with CSS:

Responsive design is an important aspect of modern web development, ensuring

that web pages adapt and display properly on different devices and screen sizes.
CSS enables responsive design through techniques like media queries, which allow
developers to apply different styles based on the device's screen width or other
characteristics. Responsive design ensures that the Netflix Clone Website is
accessible and user-friendly across a range of devices, from desktops to mobile
phones. Understanding CSS, its selectors, box model, layout techniques, and
responsive design is crucial for designing and styling the visual appearance of the
Library Management System.

Chapter – 5: Library Management System Project


The home page of our Library Management System (LMS) welcomes users with a clean, user-friendly
interface designed to facilitate easy navigation and access to essential library resources and services. Here
are the key components and features you'll find on our LMS home page:

• Search Bar

• About

• Services

• Blogs

• Contact

• Signup

Figure 1. Home Page of Library Management System

5.2 About Menu
In about section

Figure 2: About Menu

5.3 Services
In Services the main purpose is to provide the services for Students and Staff
1) Login to your account

2) Don’t have account to create a new account

3) Forgot your Password

4) Library Services

5) For Staffs

6) For Students

7) For Visitors

Figure 3. Services Section

5.4 Blog Section

In Blog Section
1) About our library

2) Library Website

3) EBooks

4) Students Links

5) Library Online

6) ELearning

7) Signup

8) Contact Us

Figure 4. Blog Section

5.5 Contact Section
In contact section people contact us and submit their reviews about our website.
1) First Name

2) Last Name

3) Select their country

4) Write their reviews

Figure 5. Contact Section

5.8 Signup Page

In Signup page it contains:

1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Email id
4. Password
5. Phone No.
6. Your Gender
7. Register

Figure 6. Signup page

Chapter-6: Purpose of Project

 A college library management is a project that manages and stores books information
electronically according to students needs. The system helps both students and library
manager to keep a constant track of all the books available in the library.
 It allows both the admin and the student to search for the desired book. It becomes
necessary for colleges to keep a continuous check on the books issued and returned
and even calculate fine.
 It provides "better and efficient" service to members.
 Reduce the workload of librarian.
 Faster retrieval of information about the desired book.
 Provide facility for proper monitoring reduce paper work and provide data security.
 All details will be available on a click for both user and librarian. Thus this system
reduces manual work to a great extent allows smooth flow of library activities by
removing chances of errors in the details.

Chapter – 7: Conclusion

A Library Management System is a project that tries to create an automated and computerized version for a
library so that the daily work of a library can be managed and monitored easily and efficiently. Earlier, the
librarian used to manage the whole work in manual mode in the form of files and record books. Also, the process
of adding new books, new students, issuing and returning books had to be managed in a manual manner which is
very slow and inefficient. The library management system resolves this problem and provide a better solution to
this. It provides a user-friendly interface application to the librarian where he can do all the operations of a library
very easily. The application mainly consists of three modules which are admin module, librarian module and
student module. The admin module will be managed by the system administrator. He manages the overall
functioning of the application. The librarian module will be accessed by the librarian. He can perform various
operations inside the application such as add new students, new books to the database, issuing and returning of
books, updating student’s details, book’s details, generating weekly/monthly reports etc. The student module can
be accessed by the registered students only. The operations that can be performed by the student includes: view
all books available in the library, search the availability of a particular book, number of books he has issued,
overall fine he has to pay etc. These three modules are interconnected with each other and also with the database.

 Hence we have designed the project to provide the user with easy navigation, retrieval of data and
necessary feedback as much as possible.
 In this project, the user is provided with an online system that can be used to issue and return books in
library management online. It should be convenient for the student to view the contents of their status
and to be able to return or add books to their account.
 The Online library System provides a number of features that are designed to make the student more
 This project helps in understanding the creation of an interaction and the transparency between the

student and the librarian of the books through the system.

Chapter -8: REFERENCES


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