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Solve Conflict .


When you encounter a conflict in appsettings.json (or any file, really) during a merge process, and automatic
merging is not possible, you'll need to manually resolve these conflicts. Here's a step-by-step guide to do this

1. Understand the Conflict

Conflicts typically occur when two branches have made changes to the same part of a file. Git can automatically
merge changes in different parts of a file, but if the changes overlap or are close to each other, it requires human
intervention to decide which changes to keep.

2. Open the File with Conflicts

Open the appsettings.json file in your preferred text editor or integrated development environment (IDE).
Conflicted areas are marked with conflict markers:

<<<<<<< marks the beginning of the conflicted area, showing your changes.
======= divides your changes from the changes in the other branch.
>>>>>>> marks the end of the conflicted area, showing the changes from the other branch.
3. Resolve the Conflicts
You have to decide whether to keep your changes, the other branch's changes, or to combine both. Here's an
example of a conflict in appsettings.json:

Copy code
<<<<<<< HEAD
"ConnectionStrings": {
"MyApp": "Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Trusted_Connection=True;"
"ConnectionStrings": {
"MyApp": "Server=otherServerAddress;Database=otherDataBase;Integrated Security=True;"
>>>>>>> branch-name
You need to decide which version of the ConnectionStrings section to keep or if a new version combining
elements of both should be created. After deciding, remove the conflict markers and edit the section to reflect
your decision.
4. Save and Test
After resolving all conflicts in the file, save your changes. It's crucial to test your application thoroughly to
ensure that the merge didn't introduce any errors or issues.

5. Mark the Conflicts as Resolved

You need to tell Git that you've resolved the conflicts. You can do this by adding the files to the staging area.
Use the command:

Copy code
git add appsettings.json
6. Commit the Resolved Changes
Once the conflicts are resolved and the changes are staged, you can commit them. This step usually involves Git
automatically opening a text editor for you to write a commit message. If you're using the command line, you
can simply type:

Copy code
git commit
Write an appropriate commit message that explains the conflict resolution, then save and close the editor.

7. Push Your Changes

After committing your changes, push them to the repository. This step might be to your feature branch or
directly to the main branch, depending on your workflow.

Copy code
git push origin your-branch-name
8. Continue with the Merge
Now that the conflicts are resolved and the changes have been pushed, you can continue with the merge process
as usual, depending on your workflow. This might involve creating a pull request (if you haven't already) or
completing the merge if you're merging locally.

Resolving merge conflicts is a common part of working with Git, especially in collaborative environments. It's
essential to understand the changes and their implications on the application's functionality. Always test your
application after resolving conflicts to ensure stability.

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