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2024 Easter Message from the General Superintendent



I bring you the Season’s greetings.

We are grateful to God for the gift of life and strength. How I yearn to be
physically present with you so I can read this address myself to this special
congregation. But as you all know, it is humanly impossible for me to be at
all the Easter Centres at the same time. That notwithstanding, I am elated to
bring you my address for the 2024 Easter Convention.

As we ponder and reminisce over the death, burial and resurrection of our
Lord Jesus Christ, may we have cause not only to be grateful to God for
condescending to secure our salvation; but to make time to also share the
redemptive work of Christ with all mankind.

Beloved, there is no opportunity so compelling for us to SEND THE LIGHT

than this season of Easter. There is no better time to plant churches in
consonance with the Reach component of the Transformation
Agenda/MM33, than this spice of Easter. Again, a more appropriate
pedestal, to get your name crafted in the Legacy Temple Project is this
season. We are not merely doing this to satisfy a vision, but to we are doing
this to mollify the Mission of God – Missio Dei. As such, let us use the
occasion to renew our faith in God and loyalty to the Assemblies of God,

Easter touches on several anecdotes - sacrifice, forgiveness, reconciliation,

and propitiation inter alia. Christ Jesus did all that for us. It is our turn and
time, to bring others to His saving knowledge by sacrificing our time, energy
and resources to reach the world for Christ. Somebody introduced you to the
saving grace of Christ, do same without procrastinating.

2024 Easter Message from the General Superintendent

Some take the salvation message lightly, others smear at us when they hear
it, and yet there are those who want to hear it over and over again (Acts
17:32). Like the thieves who were crucified alongside Jesus Christ, by all
means some people will reject the message of the Cross, but others will
accept it. No doubt the betraying Judases and doubting Thomases will be in
town, but the people of God must keep gravitating toward the Cross.

I urge all pastors, church leaders and members alike, to concentrate on the
message of the Cross and the power of the resurrection. The preaching of
Jesus Christ, His crucifixion and resurrection, should be the fulcrum of all
messages this Easter. Therefrom, getting the members of each local church
to go out there and evangelise within this Easter week, must be encouraged.
Indeed this Easter Convention must not end without members reaching out
to the communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Beloved, the Gospel has the power to save! Salvation will not reach them if
they do not believe; and they cannot believe if we do not reach out to them
with the Gospel (Romans 10:14,15). Therefore:

Send the Light

Send the Light!!

Send the light for growth and expansion!!!

Rev. Dr. Stephen Wengam

General Superintendent

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