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PART 1: Social Media

1. Do you like to use social media?

I like to use social media now and then, although I hardly post anything on my accounts.
I tend to use Facebook and Instagram for new updates.

2. Do you think your friends use too much social media?

To be honest, some of us can be said to be addicted to the virtual space/the delusion

life since we usually glue our eyes to the screen all day long without even trying to
exercise, which is an alarming issue for teenagers these days. The reason for that is
because online content is very sensational/audience catching and I think that we are the
main targeted audience of them.

3. What’s the most popular social media in Viet Nam? Why?

Well, when it comes to the most well-known application/ online platform, Facebook
would ranks first without a doubt because it provides a lot of information, which is
suitable for people of all ages. Nonetheless, it is anticipated that Tiktok will take over the
throne of Facebook, to be the prominent network in the future because it offers a
plethora of short videos, which meets the entertainment needs of young people without
wasting time watching long ones.
PART 2: Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
You should say:
● Where you can see it
● What it shows
● Why you think it is useful
● And explain how you feel about it

Not often in life do I find advertisements useful. I find most of them to be irrelevant to my
daily life mainly because I don’t really need to buy the products that are being
advertised. However, there have been some advertisements which were useful, most of
them being for pharmaceuticals. One advertisement in particular which stood out to me
as being useful was one for Panadol, which is a pill intended for curing headaches and
other forms of pain. It is only shown on television across the nationally syndicated
channels of Vietnam such as VTV; it cannot be found in print or on the Internet.

The advertisement shows various people suffering from different kinds of pain such as
headaches, stomachaches and aching knees. The pain is shown by flashes of red on
the area suffering from pain. Later on, the advertisement shows the Panadol pills and
their packaging as well as the people ingesting the pills and then suddenly feeling better
as their pain goes away. I think this advertisement is useful because it shows viewers
what the medicine does and how it should be taken to get the best effect possible. It
also has a disclaimer at the end where it informs people to read the instructions first
before taking the medicine to avoid misuse which is useful in itself. In all, though I do
still think most advertising is useless (at least personally), there is some of it that has its
place such as this one for Panadol.
Part 3
1. What do you think of online advertising?

Online advertising is a double-edged sword, if you ask me. On the plus side, it's super
handy for businesses. They can reach their target audience without spending as much
as they would on traditional media like a TV commercial. For consumers, online
advertising can be a way to discover new products, services, or content that aligns with
their interests. However, on the flip side, there are challenges and concerns. The sheer
volume of ads online can be overwhelming, leading to ad fatigue or so-called ‘banner
blindness’ where users simply ignore the ads. Then, there are concerns about privacy,
with advertisements sometimes being perceived as intrusive, especially when they
seem to know too much about our personal preferences or browsing habits. This raises
questions about data collection, user consent, and how our information is being used
and exploited.

2. Are there any great online advertisements?

Oh, absolutely! Over the years, I've seen some really creative and impactful online
advertisements. Great online ads aren't just about selling a product but also tell a story.
For instance, some ads use humor to be more memorable and persuasive. Think about
those catchy jingles or funny characters that you might get stuck in your head
sometimes. Then there are those ads that tug at your heartstrings. They might be
centered around family, friendships, or personal achievements, making us reflect on our
own experiences.

3. What do people usually buy?

Well, that's quite a broad question! What people buy can really vary based on factors
like age, interests, culture, and financial status. That said, there are some common
things that I’d highlight. For starters, daily essentials are a given. I mean, things like
groceries, toiletries, and household supplies. Everyone needs to eat and maintain their
home, right? Then there are clothing and accessories. With the change of seasons,
fashion trends, or simply wear and tear, people often find themselves shopping for new
apparel. And of course, there’s emphasis today on services more than ever before.
Whether it's getting a haircut, dining out, or taking a yoga class, people are often keen
to invest in their mental and physical well-being and cool experiences.

4. Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives?

It’s actually hard to say. On the one hand, we really are bombarded with so much
advertising that it does get overwhelming for people to take in. Some of it is indeed
irrelevant to our lives as we do not really need the products being advertised. On the
other hand, advertising is really the only way a product can enter the market for public
consumption; otherwise, it is unrealistic to expect healthy sales figures for that product if
it isn’t widely marketed. Also, each product has a target market to reach so it needs to
be advertised to that market. Thus it is expected that there will be that many
advertisements trying to reach their intended audience.

5. Do people watch useless advertisements in this day and age?

Oh, for sure! Even in this modern era, many of us end up watching ads that might not
be relevant or have any meaningful connection to our lives. Whether we're scrolling
through social media or binge-watching a series, we're bound to encounter ads that are
irrelevant or simply uninteresting. Of course, some of them can be catchy or amusing,
but others? They just make you wonder, "What was that all about?" It's just part and
parcel for the digital age we're living in!

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