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SES Mees Renee eM ete Teg eg Ie SIIS JOINS THE NATION IN CELEBRATING WOMEN’S MONTH 2024 SIIS Principal | Gilberto O. Gratuito weleoming the participants in the SIIS Women’s Month Celebration 2024, SIIS Women's Month Celebration 2024 poster. AIS uC en ea Rec sie Cuei72) Page 1 in accordance with and reiteration of Executive Order No. 273: Approving and Adopting the Philippine Plan for Responsive Development issued on September 9, 1995, Republic Act No. 9710: An Act Providing for the Magna Carta for Women, RANo. 11936, DepEd Order No. 32, 5.2017 or the Gender Responsive Basic Education Policy, and DO No. 519, s. In 2023, San Isidro Integrated School (SIS) conducted the yearly SIS Women's Month Celebration 2024 through its SIIS GAD Foca Person Shojie R. Sasahara and SlIS SHS GAD Coordinator May Ann E. Salcedo on March 15, 2024, at the second floor of the SIS SHS building Gender in the said event, the first resource speaker was PCPL. Maria Teresita B. Tulagan, WCPD-PNCO. of the Tagkawayan Municipal Police Station, lengthy discussed in detail the Anti-Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) and the SAFE SPACE ACT (AntiBastos) with their provisions and penalties with legal backing in accordance with the prevailing laws of the country She also gave a variety of examples and situations that depict violations of VAWC and the Safe Space Act, which elicited many responses from her target participants in the SIIS Women’s Month Celebration 2024. Her talk became a frank storytelling and discussion, although she tried to choose her words carefully, but the reality is harsh in her eyes as a police officer assigned to dealing with VAWC and Safe Space victims. Immediately after her talk, the SIIS GAD committee awarded her the Certificate of Recognition for her time as a resource speaker, followed by a photo op with SIIS Principal Sir Gilbert and May Ann E. Salcedo, SIIS SHS GAD Coordinator. After the meaningful VAWC and Safe Space discussion, the next resource speaker in the SIIS Women’s Month Celebration 2024, Jaime T. Alpuerto, Jr. RSW, started discussing the Gender Sensitivity topic by starting an activity by participant category from parents or guardians, students, and teachers in which Sir Jay asked them to write down distinct characteristics of both men and women. Leomar E. Villanueva provided manila papers and markers. The participants gathered and shared their insights about men and women's characteristics, with Sir Jay asking the rest if they agreed or not. He continued the GAD discussion with a new topic, Gender-Fair Language, in which he gave examples of situations where gender-fair language must be considered. Although this may be hard because of social norms and constructs, He advised parents or guardians and the rest of the members of the community to respect the chosen gender of individuals as a sign of their self-expression. He then asked the participants to share their insights on the topic. After his talk, he was also awarded the Certificate of Recognition for his time as a resource speaker in the SIIS Women’s Month Celebration 2024. The SIIS GAD focal person, Shojie R. Sasahara, and May Ann E. Salcedo, SIIS SHS GAD coordinators, also received their certificates. The event formally ended with a closing remark given by SIS MT-1 Meltony R. Cabillage. and was hosted by Leomar E. Villanueva with Jeremy A Andal as the technical assistant. AIS Cun Cakes Let) Page PCPL. Maria Teresita B. Tulagan engaging with the SIIS Women's Month Celebration 2024 participants, Jaime T. Alpuerto, Jr. RSW discussing the outputs of the participants in the SiIS Women’s Month Celebration 2024 activity PCPL. Maria Teresita B. Tulagan receiving her Certificate of Recognition as a resource speaker. = Jaime T.Alpuerto, Jr. RSW receiving his Certificate of Recognition as resource speaker. SIIS Women's Month Celebration 2024 Neazoly incre) ets

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