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Ruano 1

Samantha Ruano

Professor Shahrazad Encinias

CAS 113A

12 March 2024

Why I like Batman

I like and respect Batman for his intelligence, bravery, and determination to protect

Gotham city. I mean really, he’s a man in a bat costume who goes out every night to patrol the

city and all because he doesn't want that same night that happened to him to happen to another.

Not only that but Batman is known to be the world's greatest detective in the DC comics, he can

find any human with his intelligence and determination. Batman bravery is to the next level, if he

has to sacrifice his life to save a person he will on the spot. Just the fact that he goes out every

night fighting bad guys shows how brave he truly is. Something else I like about Batman is he is

a really quiet and serious hero. When it comes to showing emotions in most situations you can

count on Batman to not show any but there are some moments where emotion is seen. I also like

the fact that the man under the mask is actually known in the world as the Handsome,

millionaire, playboy Bruce Wayne. I mean who in the world would figure out that Batman is

Bruce Wayne. Batman is such an admirable hero that he makes me want to be just like him.

These are but some of the reasons why I like and respect Batman.

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