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Delegation: The federal republic of Somalia

Committee: Futuristic General Assembly (FGA)
Topic: DNA modification for soldiers
Delegates: x
School: x

“Once you choose hope, anything's possible” Around the world, there are already more than 590,000 super soldiers,
which have been used for purposes other than ensuring peace. For years we have faced a long history of armed conflict
and lack of stability due to the presence of extremist groups in our country. In this context, we see these soldiers as an
opportunity to enhance peacekeeping capacity and mitigate violence and conflicts around the world. However, we also
recognise the need for greater international regulation of the use of super-soldiers. It is crucial to establish clear rules and
guidelines to ensure that the creation and use of these super-soldiers are consistent with human rights principles and
international law. Only in this way can we ensure that the rights and dignity of all persons involved are respected, and
avoid abuses and violations in the use of this technology.

The rights of people have been damaged by the introduction of these soldiers, and in order to make the use of these
soldiers more sustainable, different organizations have provided assistance in resolving these conflicts. For security and
peace we have been active in discussions and deliberations within the United Nations on DNA modification of soldiers.
We have participated in previous international efforts, such as the “Berlin Agreement” of 2027 with the aim of
establishing guidelines for the control and regulation of human modification practices, in order to maintain ethics and
safety in such practices. This agreement guaranteed those involved in experimentation access to medical treatment during
and after the experiments, as well as supervision to protect their safety and the safety of those around them. In addition, it
prohibited the addition of biologically impossible capabilities to ordinary human beings, allowing only the enhancement
of existing capabilities. It also required transparency from each country about the progress and results of biological
enhancement projects. However, these agreements lost relevance due to the expansion of Russia and China. In 2033,
NATO and like-minded countries signed the "Zagreb Accords", which limited the use that signatory countries could
make of their biologically enhanced and genetically modified soldiers outside their territory, and obliged them to respect
each country's sovereignty and abandon any expansionist agenda. In addition, there was an obligation to provide military
support in the event of a foreign attack on any of the signatory countries. This guarantees better security and protection
for neighboring countries. The correct use and administration of these forces are in the hands of all countries, that is why
from our situation we propose solutions to guarantee their correct use.

As we mentioned before, the correct use of these floorings is vital for us, that is why we propose the following solutions.
Plan for Biological and Ethical Licensing (BNL) aims to promote biological and ethical licensing in all aspects of society,
ensuring the welfare and safety of the individuals involved. BNL seeks to establish comprehensive policies and
programmes that promote ethics and responsibility in biological modification. First: Regulation and oversight: rigorous
regulations and oversight mechanisms will be established for biological modification at all levels, including research,
experimentation, application and commercialisation of related technologies. These regulations will be based on ethical
principles and updated to maintain safety and transparency in the field of biological enhancement. Second: Responsible
research: Responsible research in the field of bioremediation will be promoted by encouraging collaboration between
scientific institutions and the implementation of ethical research practices. Research projects that have a positive impact
on society will be supported and research for harmful or discriminatory purposes will be prohibited Third :International
collaboration: We will promote international collaboration in the regulation and oversight of biological improvement,
through active participation in international agreements and treaties, as well as cooperation with other countries and
international bodies. We will seek to establish global standards of ethics and safety in breeding.

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