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Guat 3 Sting Date “au Topi SPEAKING PRACTICE - PART 1 Let's talk about fashion: >, Do ert fas son Why? Why not Ts: pal Lode. fashion es foie” ' ‘ ‘wh do poet fen go out with friends? ember TEAS Zit and jhe ones bateney = conqiaend. hes ai i Lee’ talk bout Sa - Whi ithe wether {ny your area at this time of year? : nad rar hich on do you be 2 Why! ca syningy mesh. | ack "be Me. weathen. ts. Ween. ites, cubis Alou ns..0nd..ind2.050g. isivals., MoRLAUER yn.» = of. H eb - 1 prefer co live in cold region oF ot region? Why? Da you pre Ee hell cer Ee oon Relp. me. re and ult. gop ise Md cs Sere LGR PRE tise ecket majuttntsunsoh gael Lee al about your accommodation iy i (SoS Do yu lvein a hose ora fay . . My PADIS. Besides,00Y ans t.18 5, How long have you been living there? Tabet tie Rived..ahote...SO1CC.L. Jas. u.. tA fled, Do you want ime een trite bb. dlsy onus L wanking wall £ sinh winklowakenge anit vai Seta LER LE BO EE BA Bf GEERT LEASE aking wel, = What kinds of fruits do you tike? Aly... shpat te tak at Art Pe) Dire... Apel 1 BAABDGRA 0. Which fruits are oa ‘in your country? Thens. otra. sont resail 5. a is 2d. 5.8 OLEMN YE. gran ble = hate act heap Panera Tat ey vt gamer =, As jcimy Kea ts i Jeol nd ¢ ch dd neil Lage Ase i diseases Let's om abou sara atl Did you collece anyching when you were a childi Y $e Slamps whieh maSR-O-childy 2. cabbriehZ lov - hat do Vietnamese people collect? L.Abinke..Na este toe.. Len. collect. wAdoes.,Jrand hays, 50 ce neon te fae gr (tnd gsr) 5 ik late collet fyou have ney eatle Mg iM Duvgc quét bang CamScanner at 8 oka PPracice ttn fy students Spabing Prac ‘Talk about the happiness Ate you tay pat Gur wy P PR rapuenl eye Jle.. Ss 7 ee makes yu hay? Rep atbtssS.gehadigh.nandks., ut 1 Ne Be GO he Adon ‘hehe jh ue 35. Atint.o7.£n} up dairous dye ‘Does the weather affect how you feel? WANthan.nuap aye Mscaccathia is ce wlan eA ng ae a Sb aa aller” py nnd Let's talk about favorite beach, + What is your favourite beach in Vietnam? = How often do you go there? bin 4 aqhi ‘Whar do you often do when you are there? ‘Let's talk about colors. ~ What's your favourite color? = Whatise meaning! my Sy nd He ges 2" Why do people like diffrent colors? ce si Alek yedny ony ‘Talk about relationship with parents + Are you closer with your Mom or Dad? Why? - = What do you and your Mom/ Dad do together? = Do you want to live with your parents when you are married? tly pala o yor fot Dugc quét bang CamScanner a Spking Dace em ‘Topic: Museums and art galleries should be free in clea for students + Widen knowledge ' ms a : Reduce stress je ‘Museums and art galleries Jmol Your own idea zr Meet people in the same interests J. Why don’t many children nowadays like museum? Ver'nsy J thay Sake Gling gowes-/ ase smartphone 1. What types of museums are popular in your country? ‘What are reasons that have made people to visit museum change in the last 10 years? ai jes are beneficial for students ; Wah -inbeneseng coast mak naw qneaeds~ \sheruc Stes’ Al Develop communication Agr shook elias Cee oT - Sense ofcommitment = After school activities e{___ Your own idea ey ar i Time-management Topic: After school activi oe a he 6 Follow-up questions 1. Are.common extra- curriculum activities for students compulsory? 2. Should extra- curriculum activities be compulsory? Why? 3. What have you done to encourage students to participate in extra- curriculum activities? aly pial to yo eft uve quét bang CamScanner Ghonaking Dectice Topic: There are some benefits of eco-tourism Ty Preserve our cultures penigits ‘Ee Reduce poverty ff __Beotourism | Your own idea _] Conserve environment Rew N bien st Topic: There are some several qualities to make a good teacher. Broad knowledge Galto a a good teacher if Good teaching methods Love to teaching ‘Your own idea aly pra to youn eat Dugc quét bang CamScanner Sucking Dracice * Pat 3 ‘opie: There are several ways o overcome sadness Share with someone else ]v*" “2 ss Sat! Listen to mus a = i ‘Your own idea pom ye te posd | fraak orn /bary at beneficial for our breath, ’ hence 0 help us reduce stress lal! Doing yoga Jeo Yourown idea good for our attention aly prado yoo fot Duvgc quét bang CamScanner GD cosh 4 php Seg quawieNMbal $9989 | @ apr uO TO, le I ‘aanssoad ‘wonnaduios pussy |) t fe sword] casey suoneisedxa siusieq ® vaanssaad auc 10s Buysey Mou aze stuapmig :21d0], caony nb rg oy wy = Wonbony Won a Wine mY sey supp Supe, seuinyaty aly wees Leger pb See, Guns ‘vapy UMNO sno, — Lisp anol ssounan Geep | SaNpMeD weoy E +. aoe Ir ‘pea e>ISAYA Handopanacy ayy juousod «jo our yuer4odu wow aM 8 poy. :51U0, MPG bryonlgo 1984 Suny) Dug quét bang CamScanner oe Hing Task 7 Bat 3 Speoing Prati phi PART 1: SOCIAL INTERACTION Lats talk about traditional village 1 village? _ Have you ever been to a traditional tional village because + If do bi Not really. I never go (0 ara “tate some poplar oa ile Your coun tons nd 7 There are some popular traditional villages in country such as BSt Trang Caremicr ‘Bong Hi fotkpaincings, and Linh Mj A silk wills traditional villages? pend money on improving ai al villages on social media and TV. to atract visitors. “What should we do to maintain the local © think the government should s onal villages. Besides. people can introduce tradition _ Are you a family person? «, Loften spend a lot of time 2 {Wes}. Lam a family person because I really love my family. Besides, com taking care My my parents: What do you think are qualities ofa good wife! «© Iehnk a good wife shouldbe caringand responsible Besides, she can c alot of time on taking care of her family: change when you are older? For example, I wll become independent and cook meals well and spend _ Do you think your personality will Well: my personality will change when Lam older. more responsible for my family. PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION Sieations 10 buy a present for her. ‘There e 3 options: a tt a wr aw le Ahoh ghoa + Bisa $e wher .chday in coming next week and you wane © ‘Which one is the best choice? Your mother’s bit plant, a bottle of ferfume, & piece of kitchenware. Ge fea piece of kitchenware ~ Suitable => my mom — se => help my mom => cook easly and quicky => save time and have more love cooking — cook every day => feel happy ~ receive it - Useful = > easy to us time to relax Meaning => when my mother ~ use => remember me =? cook together => become closer (a plant => boring; a bottle of perfume => unsuitable) tudy grote to you ft a Duc quét bang CamScanner -_ fing Fash 1 “” Speaking Peace PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT ‘Topic: Cohabitation has some bad sides for people. _ higher rate of eae Daobelk. { i Your own idea ‘more financial issues J+ eh nan : more tention U * higher rate of separation: live together => understand and know about bad habitshobbies => feel bored and unsuitable => get broken "more financial issues: work hard => make money => spend on daily living costs => have baby => spend money on milk, clothes => face financial pressure ‘* more tension: => have argument: lose freedom = > become stressful PART 1: SOCIAL INTERACTION iy Let's talk about home punishment + Have u ever been punished by your parents? © Yes...My parents often punish me when | make some mistakes, and get bad marks. ~ What are some common types of home punishments? © There are some common types of home punishments such as writing lines, facing to the wal, and doing housework: ‘Should childrenghe punished when they make mistakes? © think caldthye punished when they make mistakes because tcan help them avid making mistakes again and become good people inthe future. «Let's talk about dating = Do you like dating? © Yes... [love dating because it can help me have more useful experiences and find a suitable person for me. = Have you dated someone? If yes, can you describe that person? © Yes... Thave a boyfriend/ginfiend. He/She....imidu ti] hedseme 5° © No... [never date someone, because [bin]. wall, caring = And what should you prepare for a successful date? © I should choose suitable clothes, a romatic place and a special gift for a successfl date uly teal te yor eft Dugc quét bang CamScanner Goh Fe using a tablee > Convenient share with my classmates when they need => study bet > Suitable and effective =: => can take anywhere and anytime I want ter => review the lessons easily and quickly => > many useful features/ functions = > take note quickly ~> use photosicolors => lessons become lively => study more effectively (sing pens => boring recording the teacher's lecture => unsuitable) PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT Sie kite ‘Topic: Equal partnership in family has some features, ing share some routines and household tasks Tr childcare responsil es | Your own idea zr 7 work as a team have fee time to work and relax "childcare respon: spend time on talking and playing with children => parents => give useful advice to help children become good people share some routines and household tasks: man and woman => share housework such as cooking meals => > parents have responsibilty for taking care of and educa ng children => + work asia team => wife and husband => build a cory family together => support each other => ' become closer. tly afl yo dot Duvgc quét bang CamScanner raking Dractia Fat 5 pis: i PART 1; SOCIAL INTERACTION Let's talk about celebrities Aw toy celebrity in your country? ‘> My favorite celebrity is Who is your favorite Sing Vang wll ‘ becaute hehe (handuomefbeautifl talented)... Sir) Ve Wt ~ How docetebiie!inucnce thee fame in our country? ‘In my country, celebrities influence their fame on social media because they have a lot of ‘anpages and followers. Besides, they can raise ‘money for charity to help other people. + Doyou like any foreign celebrities? ‘ Mysforeign celebrities are,......, because they are....(khen) Talk about the favorite pair of shoes How often do you wear your shoes? ‘> Toften wear my shoes everyday to goto school because it can help me feel comfortable. Do you prefer shoes or sandals? Why? 23 ‘prefer shoes because they are fashionable and help me become confident. Besides, dawials are uncomfortable. ~ What makes it your favorite Pair of shoes? ‘Tike the colors of my shoes because they are my favorite colors, and they can help me become active. PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION Situation: Your managet is poing to retire next month, your department i going to ld afaenel party and you are thinking of buying him a present. There are three options: abotle of fevers a te of fowes, and cup. Gof fz a cup > can use and take anytime and anywhere he want => at home => go traveling => useful and suitable => use to drink coffee every day => my manager => love drinking cofce in the morning => meaningful => when my manager use => remember me = > help us become closer (4 bottle of champagne => unhealthy; a bouquet of flowers => boring tly patel o yun dint Duvgc quét bang CamScanner Hing Task etter‘! Wwraime Tk am , Gat 3 PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT, ‘Topic: Taking a gap year is benet Relax aa] <=> make money + learn some softskils => find 9 Have experience: people => #0 to work stable job in the fature traveling => discover new places « Refax: spend time on family => relax + become closer > meet + make => improve social interaction and culeure ine vo think carefully about goals for study = Clearly define goals for study or work: ‘or work => help them become independent and conden tudy gate to yon ft Dugc quét bang CamScanner Wing Tsk ¢ Wreuing Task LY TH 1. NHAN DANG — PHAN LOAL THU (Phong 1. Dang th = 6 02 dang? + Thu than mit ++ Thr trang or minh, cde 0 quan, = €6 07 loi the “Advice (Khuyén nha) ‘Thank you (Cém on) Muén viét thir 11. CAU TRUC CHUN’ (informal) _ Mue dich viét thir mu 4 ‘vési mye dich gi thi ch uyET CHUNG cach thee): kni ngudi hi ngudi abén 14 abn 2g (Formal): chic. dich viel); Sha hong Re at sipion me cs ich cia 16 thu ma inky JogitHurtuong me v' a vier Ta NA, “NGi dun pHAN VIET T nan 1a ban bé thant 2 ngudi I, Complaint {eras juan bividt theoryeu cdu ct vei mie di Lenerttamnel! 4U (EMAIL) niet. mai quen, nguai 1 WO! hon nin) Applications (tuyén dene) saa dé. th do. ; es HAN MAT ___ Fi TRANG TRONG __ 5 Dear ier Ms.+ (ho? nguai nhan|, OS eet, Dear Sir, -/ 8°" dud 1 | chao dau | Deartfenmene nhan), Dear Madam, — “ | ’ Dear Sir or Madam, v* Jodk v8 0 Hoi tham Sie khoe: > How, arg you? Tam glad to — a atu Tue ~ receive your letter. I hope you anit] ee vin dé, neu won mvs 3 Mé bai jo manigg dich viét thu: jabai [your are doing well. pi iti i Tach z am writing to + [mye dich & Ne me iting to + (mye ich |" eel " viée thu] . —frinh bay noi dung chinh: (Trd 161 | - Trinh bay ndi dung ehinh: (Trd [oi “de edu hit hoae yeu edu trén dé) — | ede edu at hod you cdu trén dé) ™ | aia n58 hoe o ting bai cu thé sad hoe & ting biti cw thé r [Nin ni cudi than thu: TNhin nha cudi thn thee: * _ofléi nan oho] > .. fli nbn nha]... a Két bai Took forward to hearing from you. Tiook forward to hearing from you. | romans Indi te.) (Pai mong hat dm te.) | 5 Két thr Best, Ante aa Yours sincerely, (da biét dani is ih tinh) ‘ours faithfully, (chica bidt cu thé) Aen ANG Tabi ligula has nh ndi b6 var chi ding khri da diege hueéng cin Dugc quét bang CamScanner ‘hing Task 1 LETTER OF ADVICE ok Writing Task I Lather lEmalt () Miu cau dang dé néu MYC DICH VIET THU’ _. va . | Mye dich Mi | 7 Khuyén nha | 1am writing to give you some advice about + N/V-ing (Advice) => Lam writing to give you some advice about learning English effectively i | Mota Tam writing to give you some information about + N/V-ing \ } (Description) => | am writing to give you some information about Cai Rang floating market. 1 | Cimon Tam writing to thank you for + NIV-ing | \ (Thank you) Tam writing to thank you for your meaningful gifts —-| | Xin Tam writing to apologize [or + NV-ing | | (Apology) (n) 1am writing to apologize for not coming to your party. _ | Phin aie im writing to coniblaia about + NIV-ing (Complaint) (») Lam writing to complain about the attifudé of the staff at your store. . | | | Yew elu .m writing to ash you for some information about + N/V-ing - (Request) 1am writing to ask you forsome information about your hometown. | | “Tuyén dung | Vam writing to aably fortheX position inyour + (nai tayén) | (Application) |») | => 1am writing to apply for the manager position in your restaurant | Mye dich Miu cau \ Khuyén nha | Please write to me if you have any questions. | (Advice) (Vui long viét the cho t6i néu ban c6 bat ett céu hoi gi.) Mé ta Please write to me if ‘ou have any questions. \ (Description) | (Yui ling viét thu cho t6i néu ban c6 bat cit cdu hoi gi) | Cam on ‘Thank you again for everything you have done for me. ~ I (Thank you) (Cém on ban lin nita vi nhitng gi ban lam cho toi.) | 7 Xin Ii Thope you will let me make it up for you. | . | (Apology) (Toi hi vong ban sé cho t6i co hgi dé bit déip cho ban.) Phan na Thope you will 0k into the problem and give me a direct reply. (Complaint) _ | (Toi hi vong ban sé nhin nhn van dé va cho t6i phan héi ngay lép tite.) \ Yéu chu Thank you in advance for your help. ~ (Request) (Cam on trucée vi se gitip da cita ban) | Tuyén dung | Took forw: + (Application) \ Tai tigu lieu hanh ngi bo va chi ding khi di dieoe huetmg din Duvgc quét bang CamScanner Loner Lint ER OF ADVICK, * NOU dung ehinhs Thin WO thang e6 O2 ngt dung: (1) Diea va ede Ti khuyén (de xude) gidi quyde win da va (2) gidi hich cho 10i khuyen, ‘A LOL KHUYEN - DE XUAT ] | Twill recommend suggest that you should + V,. (Toi sé dé aude...) {will recommend that you should choose a major relted to history. (T0438 dd sude rang byn nén chon mée ngiimh ign quan dén lich sie) MAU CAU DUNG DUA R Think you should + V, (Toi nght bgn nén ... ) think you should try your best to get high marks. (Ti mght ban nen e6 ging hét minh dé dau dé cao.) My advice is to + Vq. (Li khuyén evia tila hay . My advice is to choose the major that you like. (Ln Khuen ia tL hay chgm nn ghé ma bya thich). BAL TAP VAN DUNG “ou have received an email from your English friend, Jack. Read part of his email below: Dm jase Pome 10 have 6 months to study Vietnamese in Vietnain. Tim very excked abo this trip. Dm isso ‘wond. ‘more Vietnamese besides class time. How ate the local people? I'm also thinking about parttime job I can dato have more Imactice of the language. ‘Can yon give me some advice? ‘Write an email to respond to your friend, Jack. You should wake ar least 120 words, You allowed to include your name. Dang thu: are not Mye dich: Phan tich yéu clu dé bai: ; oul grad to your eft at pp eyo Dugc quét bang CamScanner SSE Lenten Lavut writing Task 1 Khut dom ) sys con mest indantsting aopleqnd ena nt gad, ____—___-___ —_ rope wel eu) - 66 muén. {part of hi pore gad GO gaa vm ‘member ih peneyit MA Ss at the weckend HOMEWORK . ee ‘ite him. Situation: You have received an,empail from your English friend, Mary. Read part of his email helow pe we eae pool . ude your »--How is it going? Tam about to have an important exam because it is the end of the term. Therefirre, | have t frst lot of homework and goto the library fier school to study forthe exam However, Ive just = signed up for a piano course, ‘nd T don't want to skip. Tam considering whether. | should continue takin — fear in piano classes or not. Can you give me some advice? * Tansy ‘Write an email to respond to your friend, Mary. You should write at least 120 words, You ave nes allowed to include your name, x Moy xin LG h in Vane pert in piano classes es ey, OES UO Fe bo yeh, A t0m Wehke -+ elatymatad hE Jill hemewenk 9 Ay MMS fen pantie 380 468d masks | Dugc quét bang CamScanner Lots ema! ny al 7 THANK YOU LETTERs i. LY THUYET THAN BAL Noi dung chink: Nén chia thanh 02 phan: ~ Phin 1: Nhic lai Sy vite => Ké Igi “Tinh hudng, cAu chuy61 (Lrac s: do phan ny ching ta nhde lai ste vige, mén hay diang thi Qué hve dom.) > Phhiin 2: Néu ra d nghj (mis) dé Ben dap (andi dian thi, dén nha, re di chat, xem phim...) [ MAU CAU DUNG DUA RA LOI MOL | * Would you like + to Vo? (Ban 6 muén ”) | | Would yo like to have dinner with me on Sunday? Xo ase N. (Toi mudn moi ban dén .. => 1 would like to invite you to my house for dinner, I would like to invite you to + I would be very happy if you could + Vo. (Toi sé rét vui néu ban 6 thé... ) => T would be very happy if you coild go to the cinema with me {was just wondering if you would liké + to Vo. (Tai tye hdi ligu éng/ba c6 mudn... (Cau nay thaeing dis trong Une Trang rong) : => was just wondering if you would lke to have diner with mne on Sunday. ) 2. BALTAP VAN DUNG You have received an email from your former English teacher, below: Mr. Watson. Read part of his email ° Ye about to = pegeing te Theard that you are about to graduate from university. Time flies so fast. yu studied in England. Do you have any plan for the future? Muye dich: cava in Phan tich yéu cau dé bai: 1 Lye hoe -heaik Teerkng ge OF isa And allah jobs ake ture than < Ie 4 NE Moston dagnae wp ee eypowenee TOT tar arte tae tia monty > dake rare ey PM ELS [hatp my ston, Ay . Dugc quét bang CamScanner hating Taal ¢ Son ss sing TV 1. LY THUYET THAN BAT cH wid Noi dung chinh: Nén chia thank 02 phan: =< Phan 1: Néu Ly do => Ké lai “Tinh hudng, cau chuygn” pe ("Lieu $: do phin naty ching ta ne la se wig, nén hay ding thi Quai khie dom.) MAU CAU DUNG DUA RA LY DO Teannot / UNS not + Vo because $ + V. => Teould not come to your party because I was sick. (Toi da khong thé dén budi tige cia ban bd ei toi da bj bénh) Phin 2: Neu ra d& nghj (mdi) dé ba dip hoje Wi hita ben MAU CAU DUNG BUA'RA LOL BU DAP * By way of an apology, I would like to +:Vo. (Dé thay loixin 1d ro) => By way of an apology, I would ike’to invite you fora dinner. ‘Ke (Dé thay loi xin Ii, 134 mud mak ban di nab.) | cc eas! = = ie 2. BALTAP VAN DUNG ie te You have received letter from yourEnglih frend, Jasmine, She asked you roexphin the ease NE for not adtomipanyang her for her Woliday i your city. Read part of his email below: yo: I'm terribly sorry that to hear that you can't go with me for my holiday in your city next month | | really want to spend time with you, so I plan to say a at your house for one week. Can you explain why | ym can’t accompany me? Will you suggest me an alternative plan forthe holiday? ‘Write a letter in reply to her. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to includ your name. Dang thu alsin pet Mye dich: __sin hey Phan tich yéu cdu dé bai: tly patel yr et a Dugc quét bang CamScanner Laem ca watching TV in tn ‘te wo watch pt Ave the DESCRIPTION LETTERS tenat? How LY THUYET THAN BAL Pm looking, NOi dung chinh: ee Luu § 1 Nov dung eda thit phy thuge vao dé bai => DE Age ea nbsmys yuu chu (cite heed nao thi phai tra lai (cung cdp: thimg tin) vé c&i 6. pe ee ene ne cung cp nhimg thong tin, chi iée ndi bac exis chi thé date Sing ay MAU CAU DUNG CUNG CAP THONG TIN ‘6 ii * You should know that + S + V. (Ban nén biét rang ...) DRS => You should know that Viet Nam has a lot of beautifl lands. apes. hey (Ban nén bide ving Vigt Num és nit whidu phong cdinh def) ada ashe | Hone: + Itisu eful to know that + S + V. (Né6thi hinu (ch dé bi ring. > Ttis useful to know th: (N6 thi hin the seafood there is really delicious, had sain 6d jt steve nym.) \ below: ing son in gone craantry, Fam really nwerested in this festive Can yon introduce me some infomation about this festival? What do children reswally » mi thes days? Are there any special foods? What are traditional activities of Mid-Autwnn festival in Vietnam? Write a letter responding to Henry. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allo ect to include your name. Dang thu: Dean Baars Mue dich: 2 " ‘ chiA and your aie Phan tich pea clu dé bai vel ini ent Augie ts . woe non eb hor ia eT a = ivy ters é shee auction cots alata 2 pthing AD as peamar pears —— @ special yoods > Moon calce, Pie tht, ead cake (eae wpe eh] Uabicious [ai yee Reersyiet y polar tn AL os Ce eae sta s Up ek Tin ee @ Argh Ment aed f eke cole nit “fendlangy cank cakes and bik dey ye dhilbun > netec 7 Berfdnagen degets« wateh|sacc the pl Dugc quét bang CamScanner emet hig Tak = DE: der Aen Abt in You have received an email from your English pen friend, Paul. He asked you about watching TV your country. Read part of his email below: ar ; —— . the Lem se Sg Dak 1 APPLICATION LETTERS 1. LY THUYET THAN BAL NGI dung ehinhs ap rung gid chigu vé nhimg wu diém, kin mghige tia bin (Ching mink ban than phi hop di vt eri ing exyén- MAU CAU GOLY see, I graduated from (tring) and my major was (tén chuyén ngdnh) => As you can see, l graduated from Can Tho university and my major was English studies lds (Niue ban 6 thd chy, 10% da we nghitp vaing Dai oe Can Tho wa chuyén nganh cia ei La Neon nett An Noi vé kinh nghigm + While learning at university, I worked as a (céng wife) at (ché lam) => While learning at university, [ worked as a waiter ata seafood restaurant. (Rha diy, ci dat Kam ple a 8 me nbd agai can fa : ene ~ werk indipendendly ewenk well with, ot! Noi vé phim chit, tinh eich ‘ pees, * Tama a inh fel = WHER vind os 2H 04 Tam a/an + (tink ti chi tinh céch) + person. pe ren > Tam a hard-working person. (Ti La. Ge neue chm chi.) aR — A Mpponstble © take bid 2. BALTAP VAN DUNG ~ achive |Ouaiive = patient You want to apply for the following job. i “A restaurant hay culvertised in a newspaper that a saiter/waitress is required for evening work, It also been mentiemed that the prospesuve candidate should have some experience.” Write a leter to’Mr. Moore descrifgng your experience and explaining why you would be suit: for the job. You should write atleast 120 words. You ate not allowed to include your name. Dir Mn. Meons pikes Dang thu: siting ol mn a ue nant Muc dich: ss at a Phan ich you chu dB bas — cepexiince Co fla Lalo b © eather a ae atten Prec Auis Set stots PEM ations skis ot Sa it eta sls j aly gata to yr ft Duvge quét bang CamScanner «Lam sorry to inform ve Lam srry to norm tht the stat (Tat re de phi thon aio ving nan cen tt tée dong. ie. au anh. 1g badly affects) +N (badly affeet® <=> Traffic jam badly affects mY daily li + have/has negath ce has negative effects 0" én Bhi gd) uncomfortable . Think the best stuion would be + Y ee => I think the be (i neh gi ph would be grateful if => I would be grateful (Tai se biée on néu ban sun sé Ua vige thud net you could + Vo (Tai sé dy gir to por fet frat your store impactsleffects 07 + =~ people's health: (Toi nghi gidi phap t6t se solution would be hiring Peo dé nhat rac.) 1 if you could send mea new one: ons ep 2 Re, du) concentration. and lose nhét la..-) ple to collect the rubbish. bide om néu ban 6 thé...) ci thd it cho tdi me ed dt) Duygc quét bang CamScanner iy Cah 4 Din You hay st One of part of his ema tld wy febhie b wa II below, on Ten ted my uh dy TY Thee lg enone ere are many fantastic _T ode cee ne in your cnet int much TV da ym a are oe fans “bream aba x ae na st Pn oe og yan aig Mab fad 71 “S >. partarvAN DUNG S™ “snc course fora month Howeret YOu have some problems wil . aed with. In your email You have taken pati Write an email to Ms. you should tll about: tye satisfied with sis come? ge 1? = Why ater “Which couse do you want 1 ha «Yu rent allowed incase our AE You should write at least 120 word: Mye dich: {Ui Phan tich yeu bu db bait Duc quét bang CamScanner 2. 4 Piting Tak 4 Din Yo bare received an email fen i shut ecu om your English pe =F iy: ioe cate pen frend, Poul my hobbies is watching TV. Thor Leta! tel He asked you about ware y TV in 4 oe crs atte an REQUEST LETTERS “ _ yy tHuyér THAN BAL [Ni dung chin: Nen chia than 0? phin: dng, fe Oe ‘Abn vige dua ra yeu clu ¢ = phn 1: New Ly do dfn is request is that + col like 10 irmprow® wo ‘The reason for this for this requests shat T => The reason, this is The reason why Tam asking fF ® nay la ring for this that want eu chu Au CAU DUA yeu cCAU tS + Vite (pd sult cia ti 1B) ceo L would like to suggest thar You © should give me more in concert: BAI TAP VAN DUNG You haye gn anaes to che educa sofia a foreign ln xa an evening course ro study nt fo Fre course. In your letter: tk fr das of te conse (tang dat SOS nds you their brochure. You are not allowed to ine! ner alloyed to inlug 29 Pus mack Jock The counse a Bab Ieeiid, fees, teachers" request that fon should write atleast 120 words. Dang thie: Me dich: Phan tich yeu ci 7 ais “Dear sino Madam Tisdecy a Ew eX if pete 4) sales, Wry £ is ak ie aad Ade gion gee eb sanily S siay ae i et Pastor degree ae | epost 4 My suggestion is tha > My suggestion is that You ghould tell me more about your new house: would like to suggest that YOU should + Vo mmudn d xudt rang ban nén «--) formation about the Write a letter ele “$ dhieyay’ experience) NOCH yeuage dev + i sen © pe abe’ nai ny (Ry TA Dugc quét bang CamScanner hitng Task at Di: = You have received an email from your English pen Abe ht friend, Paul, He asked you about watching TV in your country. Read part of his email below. One of my bis arching TV. There ane many feast programs fin me 10 watch. Sometimes can spend my whole day watching TV. Could you rll me about TV in your country! Ave the program @\intresting to you? Whats yee est favourite TV program? What i that program abt? Hone ‘much TV do you watch everyday? Do people in yor counary watch too much TV these days? I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. ‘Write an email responding to Paul. -Dear.Pouk ,.. cate a aR 5 7 Soe Now. one, Yos.2.. Ln. dbn..ghed AP. gece. YOw..ftmd Dhol And. oun ml ne doing. When gyros bg sods. ARNIS A. REC HOS nation abhins ee “_ Finstly,waddhitg 4V..c3..papalan. vn. ahy. cot ‘few. awaddhing, AV Thane. tnd het of inAaas Raamning.tlan'y2 doy. might gun. hs Rhea. t04s Up i 4n.40.b¢.. honest, wry Ax eride... ONLY Rta S. ARS. N ROLE. ama lion aboisk...1n ang fialds an v Pipe tad Aen, 4 co. dpulp. yng... updade “atest. Wows Sonoend Knowhedge,.Besites, 2. become. thostn...Honesdly » pin. ‘yeas WV. wills, yo Apend..abaved lott, hewn wedahing Avery de had is Lecaust T Tae dave Ae. foster “ll claw). Manzoni, Dadsave Ae Bef and ctins, ‘jolo..a¥4 Pale Bestdet, 2. Aas propia to..rg.ceuuniny. 42 Joka tek Riad copy FT anopkee dn. altars 2 : mpl. tetera.» lady aie bu $y... go ‘Mba hawt, ded eee iin demalif, Biondi. shod Dama rots DPE ca s05 8. ALE LE 908. QPEL ARP HOP AES no na. i. Mou. Ahawe. westions, iene a. Xe Isaniny.. RED. -ythe aly gol te yor er aay st yon ee Dugc quét bang CamScanner Danttnl FEEDBACK LETTERS: Thebes You got a letter from Mary who asked ho asked you “How are you? Do ¥? Do you have any Bans Jor md who celeb deur birthday next Friday? Where do ae celel mutes Your birthday? What presencs bi a You celebrate your birdy ‘Want me to ve your” yon in ep ee and. YE .wou Samir ferrontion, Clout... Plan Wuxt. friday. TM, si Fant en sod £04 cay eam myold ae ney ‘ee paca Py cng speck! ef rdide and fe dna dai. tou tw ek rot le at vo Winceattene sd alti Sa deca ea, sc a le i a + Salle teed Meee etna cal tafe nd aint oh pater end pl bey, yp com etn nes th = hip uz ee ps 3 in aia My rally. ae shy ie nag “cis? And it oom, Hen a shen ana aha ety. KiM ak of Leaks. qn de, ta “Bed HOMEWORK You have got an email from a foreign friend who asked you about listening to music, Write an email to your friend to talk abour music in your country. In your letter you should write about: = What hinds of music in your country? - When do you listen to music? - Where do you listen to music? Do you usually go to the concert? aly gato to yo et Dugc quét bang CamScanner htsy Tot LanLenal FEEDBACK LETTERS 1,15 thuyét chung . : Td dos ¢ ibang shuns # he nF RE Rav Bag Lee he liog Please ue tne tae asks 4 quetion $_— Ogee et — che > Auk Adding aig. quai_phag £ an Gait ated yutthe (2c dang meulsu). tht beat poten O 4o08 - wee Nhs m dncanate 5 Ponte a nye earehing 2. Bai tap van dung sea good. qrush ay fasly DEL: You celebrated a birthday party at a restaurant last week. The restaurant manager asks for your feedback on the food, service, atmosphere, and anything else that does not satisfy you, and you make some suggestions. Write an email to reply toim) You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name. our Restaurant Se ea mal Le ad Sanvicsapmespha Q senuite (dady weambens) un prundly — speak iorpokitely jth cee not pea e oi tnd sul anes te Suu chyuld Anair ear A Arigna ne Zz Lr aes a sph with iho Air condAtonen > pl comontabls music oe ze di. a hine- clean % Top Preaek o te beste ¢§ P Stentor pais - wide zy ptncive <9) diccaraty Ivenche 4 =F Siti ing va aly rte to you eft / | Duge quét bang CamScanner ig Task mare WeMNeor seat ps abie vat hing Task De2: ~ ‘Tht spare ofthe leter you receive from Mr. Watson - the manager ofthe local us service, “Thank you for choosing Can Tho Bus. Please help us by taking a fow mies to tell ws abou the sonice ‘hat you have received day, Ae yen sais with our Bu servic? I ther anything yu want to change?” ‘Write an email respond the manager to give your feedback on the bus service. You chould wae least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name. rm = Madey — prejes wore pend polos = passengers (Qi seade —y small — Ud — digaroutl u genlable, Parse TVS equip nay Stats @_ BX moi phsne cyte] pascinpens — install —ain_seniitinn Sian everyday, f © bus =) aratve on timer adcid a4 Fe lasek Jot ils List ay gpl et Duvgc quét bang CamScanner Dang Tah 1 Dal: You have received an Gmail from John. Read this part of his email below: Wal T have homework abou describing a favorit fm. However I'm not invested in watching fils an | have never been to the cinema before. Can you tell me about your favorite film? What sit about? How. many mats ‘Characters? What do you like about se im? Finally, 1 hope you can tell me where and when I cam see she fm. Td love o receive your reply ‘Write an email to ey 1. You shoul wrt a Fay 120 words You fe not allowed ance your name wb nang kaha rn 28a hy Ves he eae cant pads nhin Uae 4 Denatnin. cankein.s. dienes». maingcnansctists cee me an ka. Mob Ln.njei heen fapagy fit ts Aivisndly. nd nesta amin noctnk Sess alects nase acho ba chai ‘fe “Dena 8, bali. Dean. pen ae ell siting BPS aoa me Hasta sf rmacuaningy ance iin, dnensvinus sibs. shout opriantshage) \ ms pope haga ene lggumate

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