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Enjoying Delicious Meals Without Gluten Is Possible

-Diapo 2: What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Some people need to avoid eating foods with

-Diapo 3: When should you follow a gluten-free diet? (recommendation expressions)

Following a gluten free diet is recommended for those experiencing gluten intolerance. When a
person is intolerant to gluten, the consumption of gluten containing foods can result in various
digestive issues and discomfort. On the other hand, individuals with celiac disease or allergy to
gluten should strictly avoid gluten containing foods, as it could be fatal.

-Diapo 4: Eating gluten free (recommendation expressions)

For optimal health, it’s recommended to incorporate naturally gluten-free foods, such as fruits,
vegetables, meat, fish, and dairy, into a gluten free diet.

Gluten free grain-options: (relative clauses)

-quinoa, which is a nutritious whole grain, is an excellent alternative.
-Corn, which is naturally gluten free, serves as a versatile grain option for those seeking
alternatives in their gluten free lifestyle.
-rice, which is a staple in many gluten free diets, provides a familiar and easily accessible gluten
free grain option

-Diapo 5: Creative gluten free cooking (adjectives + to infinitive)

Currently, there are thousands of gluten free recipes on the internet. Here are some flours that
work as substitutes for wheat flour, whether in sweet o savory preparations:

-Almond flour: is a nutritious alternative to use in gluten free baking due to its high protein content
-Coconut flour: is a flavorful option to incorporate into gluten free recipes, adding a subtle coconut
-Chickpea flour: is a versatile choice to include in gluten free cooking, providing a unique taste and

-Diapo 6:

Here are some examples of delicious gluten free sweets. My girlfriend is gluten intolerant, and she
has a business called “mi lado gluten free” on Instagram. She makes muffins, desserts, cakes,
cinnamon rolls, snickers and more. It’s all very delicious, you should follow her! (recommendation

-Diapo 7: Restaurants and gluten free dining (participles as adjectives)

-Baque café: Standing out for being on every corner of concepcion, serves delectable treats like
walnut kuchen and passion fruit pie gluten free.
-Low and free bakery: appreciated for its gluten free, lactose free, and sugar free options, is a go to
destination for diverse palates.
-Kinwa: known for its gluten free bread option, caters to those seeking alternatives in their diet
-Carmela: famed for its diverse menu, includes tempting gluten free options like rice noodles.

-Diapo 8: Label reading and smart shopping

Understanding food labels is crucial for identifying hidden gluten. Look for terms like wheat, barley,
rye, or any derivatives of these grains. Additionally, be cautious about cross-contamination
warnings. Learning to recognize these details can help you make informed choices about the
gluten content of the products you purchase.

To make sure that a food item is gluten free, you should look for a seal on the packaging that
certifies it (señalar los sellos que certifican sin gluten que puse en la diapo)

-Diapo 9: Health benefits (habla de Djokovic) (reported speech)

Individuals with allergies or intolerances can experience significant improvements by eliminating

gluten from their diet.

One example is: Novak Djokovic, the world renowned tennis player, has been a prominent
advocate for a gluten free diet. In an interview with the BBC he said: “the principles of decision
making on my body are more important that any title or anything else. I’m trying to be in tune with
my body as much as I possibly can”. His experience highlights how tailored dietary choices can
positively impact not just athletic performance but overall health.

-Diapo 10: conclusion

As you can see, living without gluten is not as complex as you think, and thanks to the existence of
the internet, many delicious gluten free recipes can be easily found. Also, various establishments
such as cafes and restaurants have been incorporating option catering to those with intolerances. I
invite you to explore this gluten free world and realize that replacing wheat is entirely feasible.

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