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Nombre de los alumnos: Yuridia ,

Fátima , Yashir Y Rafael

Nombre de la escuela ; CTEC UVAP






Most of the parents of the cholos work as service

employees, maquila workers, merchants, laborers

or farm laborers, construction workers, or artisans.

In the vast majority of cases, the cholos have to

interrupt their studies, mainly due to reasons

derived fromtheir precarious living conditions and

the need to participate in the contribution to the

family income, however, we also find cholos at the

secondary, high school and even professional; Two

trends are mixed in their school development, the

economic reasons already mentioned and the

tendency to abandon style" as their level of

schooling progresses.

If we analyze the occupation of the cholos, the

em p lo y ees in th e serv ice secto r stan d o u t, b o th fo r

th e ty p e o f jo b s th ey h av e, an d fo r th e lev els o f

in co m e m an ifested , th e ch o lo b elo n g s to th e

p ro letarian p o p u latio n , ch aracterized b y a lev el o f

in co m e th at w e can co n sid er p recario u s. In

choüsmo there is a strong search for recognition

ex p ressed in m u ltip le w ay s, th ese ran g e fro m sty le,

w h ere clo th in g is in clu d ed , o rig in ality, to lan g u ag e,

to th o se th at are m an ifested in v io len t attitu d es,

this attitude of standing out from being the the best

to fight, the most daring, is not exclusive to the

cholo, but is manifested in all social sectors.

The initiation of youth and children into cholismo

generally occurs in a "natural" way within the

context of daily life in the neighborhoods, as part

of a need to acquire identity, which can be sought

through integration into the neighborhood or the

clique (gang). In this way, many young people

find a vehicle of expression that, at the same time

that gives them identity among themselves,

exposes them to the rejection of society. In the

particular case of the "Cholos" of Ciudad Juárez,

they are young people who have a symbology and

a form of communication of their own and

characteristic that differentiates them according to

the area in which they are. In this way it is

p o ssib le to fin d v ery calm b an d s an d o th ers th at

are very violent, according to their individual

situation. Among the first cholo neighborhoods in

Juárez are the "Happys N" and the nHappys 30",

later th ey em erg ed in a larg e n u m b er o f

Generally the theme of cholismo has been treated

w ith g reat su b jectiv ity ; in th e ch o lo a co m m o n

targ et h as b een fo u n d o n w h o m to u n lo ad

d eficien cies, sh o rtco m in g s o r fru stratio n s. It is

th erefo re n ecessary to d isco v er th e "real ch o lo "

an d th e reality o f th e ch o lo
.4.2 Uses of the term Cholo: The

meanings and uses of the term

cholo have been multiple:

> In America, cholo has been used to

refer to the mestizo of white and Indian

as well as the civilized Indian.

> Xólotl is a numen linked to death and

transformations: transformation into

various strange forms.

> In Nahuatl, Xolo "would be the

apocope of xoloescuincle (mute dog).

> Chol "is the Indian belonging to the

great family of the chotes or mopons of

Guatemala and parts of Tabasco and


> The cholos or mopones are the Maya-

Quiché Indians who live in eastern

Chiapas and in the province of Veracruz

in Guatemala.
> In Mexico, the Colollanos were the

Cholollan Indians, and the Cholomos

were the "Indians of an ancient

aboriginal tribe from northern Mexico,

which inhabited the present-day

territories of Chihuahua and Coahuila.

> Fray Alonso de Molina defines it as

"page, monkey, servant or slave".

> Cholo, caste that results from the

crossing of the white race, with the

indigenous and in general, mestizo, Creole,

etc., or by extension, lowpeople, of a rude,

coarse, rude nature. In Mexico usually half

civilized Indian.

> Cholo, traditionally has been used in a

pejorative way, to refer to "low",

"uneducated", "rude", "coarse", "coarse"


The cholo has also been associated with

th e co lo r o f th e sk in : th e ch o lo is th e

b ro w n , th e "p rietito ", th e In d ian o r th e

p o o r, a co n n o tatio n th at cro sses th e

b o rd ers an d reach es th e U n ited S tates,

w h ere fro m th e last cen tu ry it w as u sed

to d esig n ate M ex ican m ig ran ts.

> Some more recent interpretations

considered that cholo derives from the

conjunction of the English terms show

and low (show, short, slow) and that this

has to do with their slow, leisurely, short

movements. Likewise, there are some

cholos who believe that the word comes

from the union of the terms chicano

> The word cholo has been taken up by

groups of young people to define themselves.

They are marginalized groups that identify with

an expression that has traditionally

defined the one from "all the way

down." The cholo is assumed as such,

and in the integration the challenge is

incorporated: ! what

4.3.1 The Neighborhood The neighborhood and

th e g an g , to a g reat ex ten t, rep resen t a

m eltin g p o t w h ere affin ities are fo u n d

an d w h ere co llectiv e n eed s th at u n ify

th eir m em b ers are satisfied ; Y o u n g

p eo p le try to ex p ress th em selv es th ro u g h

w ay s th at g iv e th em self-co n fid en ce,

th u s g an g s, b an d s, cliq u es, g an g as,

n eig h b o rh o o d s, etc. arise. T h ro u g h th ese

informal organizations young people find

identity and gain self-confidence.

The "natural" form of organization among the

ch o lo s o ccu rs th ro u g h th e n eig h b o rh o o d ,

th e n eig h b o rh o o d an d th e g an g rep resen t

u n ity ag ain st o u tsid ers, it b asically

m ean s u n ity an d co ex isten ce am o n g

frien d s.
It represents a way of acquiring a series

of means that satisfy some of their needs

that they would hardly acquire

individually. They begin with

accompaniment when they leave,

accompaniment that represents a form of

protection and identity that is acquired

by belonging to the neighborhood.

The geographical proximity that gives them

co n fid en ce am o n g th em selv es, th e

sim ilarity o f th eir p ro b lem s an d

sh o rtco m in g s, as y o u n g an d p o o r, th e

n eed fo r secu rity in th e face o f ex tern al

ag en ts th at are h o stile to th em , are

elem en ts th at p ro v id e stro n g co h esio n .

In cholismo, the family situation, in

many cases, includes alcoholism,

beatings, mistreatment and other forms

of intrafamily violence that influence the

integration of a picture of insecurity and

despair among young people. It is a

situation that induces the cholos to look

for new affective ties in the


ithin the neighborhood, there are

generally different stratifications based on

the age of the members, "Piuis"

(children) and "Oldies" (adolescents and

young people).

The element that at first glance shows the

ch o lo , is h is clo th in g , clo th in g is a

sy m b o l o f id en tificatio n an d ex clu sio n ;

m ech an ism o f co h esio n an d rejectio n .

The simple wardrobe places them "on the margin

o f th e law ", d ressin g ch o lo in m o re th an

o n e sen se is co n sid ered a crim e, d ressin g

"firm ly " sh o w s th e ch allen g e.

For Jos é Cuellar, the cholo's wardrobe is

strongly marked by two aspects that are

part of the development of the

phenomenon: the veteran pachuco of the

forties, and the job occupation, the

cholos took their work clothes to the

streets, a w ard ro b e w ith w h ich so ciety is

scan d alized .
> The bandana or handkerchief. It is

precisely in field work ^ or construction,

where the bandana or handkerchief is

used on the forehead in order to stop

sw eatin g . T h e ch o lo in teg rates it in to h is

wardrobe, using it almost covering his

eyes; In this way, in order to see, he

must raise his head, which gives him a

certain aspect of defiance.

> The mesh or net that he uses to

protect his hair, is taken up again as a

brand of the Mexican "labour force

relationship" in the United States, where

the use of this type of mesh in the work

of workers is required as a hygienic

factor. kitchen.
> Dickiens pants come from work in the

industry, they are pants in khaki, lead,

blue or green.

> The Pendelton shirt is used as a work

shirt in cold regions.

> Also the "tecatitos" or "wainitos", are

shoes that for their comfort are used in

jobs where many hours must be spent

stan d in g . O n th e o th er h an d , th e m ilitary

influence is expressed in the folds and

the use of white shirts, as well as other

elements such as the use of tattoos on

the body.

• Baggy clothes =Freedom

• Excessively ironed shirts = Cleanliness

• Haircuts =Group identity and



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