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1. The Red Hot Chili Pepper song quot;Give It Awayquot; is from what album?

a. !Blood Sugar Sex Magik

b. Stadium Arcadium
c. By the Way
d. One Hot Minute

2. Which of these songs by Skrillex features Fatman Scoop as a side artist?

a. Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites
b. All is Fair in Love and Brostep
c. !Recess
d. Rock N Roll Will Take You to the Mountain

3. The 1952 musical composition 4039;33quot;, composed by prolific American

composer John Cage, is mainly comprised of what sound?
a. Farts
b. Cricket chirps
c. !Silence
d. People talking

4. Which of these songs by artist Eminem contain the lyric quot;Nice to meet you.
Hi, my name is... I forgot my name!quot;?
a. Square Dance
b. Without Me
c. !Rain Man
d. Kim

5. In the Panic! At the Disco039;s song quot;Nothern Downpourquot;, which lyric

follows 039;I know the world039;s a broken bone039;.
a. quot;So let them know they039;re on their ownquot;
b. !quot;So melt your headaches call it homequot;
c. quot;So start a fire in their cold stonequot;
d. quot;So sing your song until you039;re homequot;

6. Ellie Goulding039;s earliest album was named?

a. Halcyon Days
b. Halcyon
c. Bright Lights
d. !Lights

7. Which group performs the song quot;Crash into Mequot;?

a. !Dave Matthews Band
b. Destiny039;s Child
c. Phish
d. The Grateful Dead

8. Pamina and Papageno are characters in what Mozart opera?

a. !The Magic Flute
b. The Impresario
c. The Marriage of Figaro
d. The Goose of Cairo
1. The proof for the Chinese Remainder Theorem used in Number Theory was NOT
developed by its first publisher, Sun Tzu.
a. False
b. !True

2. The 039;Squaring the Circle039; problem is solvable.

a. !False
b. True

3. The binary number quot;101001101quot; is equivalent to the Decimal number

a. !False
b. True

4. If you could fold a piece of paper in half 50 times, its039; thickness will be
34th the distance from the Earth to the Sun.
a. False
b. !True

5. Zero factorial is equal to zero.

a. True
b. !False

6. The set of all algebraic numbers is countable.

a. False
b. !True

7. L039;Hocirc;pital was the mathematician who created the homonymous rule that
uses derivatives to evaluate limits with indeterminations.
a. !False
b. True

8. The sum of any two odd integers is odd.

a. !False
b. True

9. How many books are in Euclid039;s Elements of Geometry?

a. 17
b. 8
c. 10
d. !13

10. Which of the following mathematicians made major contributions to game theory?
a. Leonhard Euler
b. Stefan Banach
c. !John Von Neumann
d. Carl Friedrich Gauss
11. The notion of a quot;set that contains all sets which do not contain
themselvesquot; is a paradoxical idea attributed to which English philospher?
a. !Bertrand Russel
b. Alfred North Whitehead
c. John Locke
d. Francis Bacon

12. What is the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of two positive
cubes in two different ways?
a. !1729
b. 561
c. 4104
d. 91

1. Whose 2016 presidential campaign slogan was quot;Make America Great Againquot;?
a. Marco Rubio
b. Bernie Sanders
c. Ted Cruz
d. !Donald Trump

2. Who was the British Prime Minister at the outbreak of the Second World War?
a. Clement Attlee
b. !Neville Chamberlain
c. Winston Churchill
d. Stanley Baldwin

3. Despite being seperated into multiple countries, The Scandinavian countries are
unified by all having the same monarch.
a. !False
b. True

4. According to the United States Constitution, how old must a person be to be

elected President of the United States?
a. 40
b. 30
c. !35
d. 45

5. Donald Trump won the popular vote in the 2016 United States presidential
a. True
b. !False

6. Who became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in July 2016?

a. Boris Johnson
b. !Theresa May
c. Tony Blair
d. David Cameron
7. George Clinton, Vice President of the United States 18051812, is an ancestor of
President Bill Clinton.
a. True
b. !False

8. Which former US president used quot;Let039;s Make America Great Againquot; as

his campaign slogan before Donald Trump039;s campaign?
a. !Ronald Reagan
b. Jimmy Carter
c. Gerald Ford
d. Richard Nixon

9. What year did the effort to deploy the Common Core State Standards CCSS in the
US begin?
a. 2006
b. !2009
c. 2012
d. 1997

10. Which of the following Argentinian presidents was elected in 2015?

a. !Mauricio Macri
b. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
c. Nestor Kirchner
d. Juan Domingo Peron

11. Who is the only US president to serve two nonconsecutive terms in office?
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. Franklin D. Roosevelt
c. James K. Polk
d. !Grover Cleveland

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