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Oliver, Azzielle Aira A.

In my understanding, Kairos is a time which measures impact in our life where we are at stake on the
ground, those moments that changes the course of our life forever. These are the moments that happened
unexpectedly to us. There’s this passage in the bible specifically Mark1:15 that I believe God is telling us that
the kingdom of God is near and we have to repent and believe the good news. So we think of Kairos times in
terms of Kairos moments. There are this moments in our life that God is present and he is moving us in times of
disruption and hard times, it is specifically paying attention to what God is doing in our lives when life feels
disrupted, these times God is close and near. These are the moments in our lives that we can say that God has
done something significant that changes us.
There’s plenty of Kairos moment of me, but here’s one. So my Kairos moment goes like this. It was
during my summer break in my province, Oriental Mindoro. June 6, 2019 I was admitted to the hospital because
of dengue. But before that, flashback first. A week before getting admitted, it was all a chronos day for
everyone in my family. The weather is not good because there’s a time that it was very sunny but it suddenly
rained. My father got the flu first, then all my 6 siblings followed, then eventually I got it too. So it was really
tough for mama because she is the one taking care of all of us with flu. After several days, they all went well
except for me. I’ve been lying in my bed for almost a week of having fever, cough, cold, and red spots on my
skin. My prayer of healing for my family is really granted except for me. So I told mama that I should go to the
Barangay Clinic for check-up. The doctor said it was only allergy so he gave me Citirizine for it. The following
day, it gets worse, my eyes were blurry, I can’t eat, I’m always dizzy, and I can’t stand-up. So I was brought to
our municipal hospital, and the doctor inspected my skin says that it is suspected dengue and I needed to have a
CBC Test as soon as possible. But unfortunately, there’s no such test in that hospital so I needed to be
transferred to a hospital with it. With one and a half hour and 49km distance, we quickly drove to that hospital.
I was urgently drawn to have that CBC Test, and minutes later the nurse approaches us and said that I
should be admitted very soon because my platelet count dropped 47 with normal count of 150-450. That was
my first time being admitted in the hospital. I pray time after time, minutes after minutes. And my prayer goes
to my parents that they don’t worry about me, and be strong all the time because I knew myself that I will be
healed by our savior Jesus Christ.
And it doesn’t end there yet, the next day after being admitted, I undergo again a CBC test and it gets
worsen because from 47 it dropped to 42. My doctor is a little bit alarmed because there are 3 dextrose
connected in me and then it further decrease. So she said, if tomorrow it will decrease again, there will be blood
transfusion that will be happening. And my father rapidly says that he will be the one to give me blood. I prayed
again that night, and it goes to my papa and I am hoping that there’s no transfusion that will happen. Next day, I
get what I prayed for, and I knew it was God. It increases to 67, and my doctor is really hoping for my better
recovery. Third day in the hospital, I vomited with blood, luckily my doctor told me that it’s normal because the
viruses inside me is causing my digestive system to get wounded, and that was the my last day in the hospital.
During my quiet time, I thanked Him for that Kairos moment of my life. I thanked Him because I knew he gave
me that dengue and not to my little brothers so they won’t experience that and mama will not worry so much
because they’re so little that time. I knew He gave me that because He knew I can.
I am a Christian and a believer of God, but I also believe that even though you are one of his disciples, He will
let you experience disruptions like this to make your relationship to Him stronger.

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