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论述 IV 们和中介变量关系为何重要 :既缺乏 同时又是重要的 重要性

The variable as shown:

1- IV: multifaceted drivers of knowledge-sharing behaviour

a) individual factors (Motivation at work).

b) organisational factors(leadership support, communication channels).

c) external factors (Industry, collaborations, market demand).

2- DV: Firm performance,

a) revenue growth

b) customer satisfaction

c) profitability

d) operational efficiency

e) market share
3- Mediator : Organizational culture

a. Impact of Dominant Characteristics

b. Influence of Criteria of Success

c. Role of Organizational Leadership

d. Impact of Strategic Emphases

e. Effect of Employee Management

4- Moderator :Technological advancements

1) Adoption of New Software and Hardware

2) Data Analytics
3) Automation

5- Control variable
Firm Size which we will see the result using SEM- PLS
Industry style
1.1 Research Questions

1. What are the multifaceted drivers of knowledge-sharing behaviour in Small and Medium

Enterprises (SMEs) within the dynamic Chinese business landscape, and how do these

drivers affect firm performance?

2. How does organisational culture mediate the relationship between the multifaceted drivers

of knowledge-sharing behaviour and firm performance in Small and Medium Enterprises

(SMEs) operating within the dynamic Chinese business landscape?

3. To what extent do technological advancements influence the impact of the multifaceted

drivers of knowledge-sharing behaviour on firm performance in Small and Medium

Enterprises (SMEs) within the ever-evolving Chinese business landscape?

4. How does the size of the SME (measured by the number of employees) act as a control

variable in the relationship between the multifaceted drivers of knowledge-sharing

behaviour and firm performance in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) within the

dynamic Chinese business landscape?

5. What is the framework through which adopting Multifaceted drivers of knowledge-

sharing behaviour can lead to high Firm performance?

1.2 Research objectives

The present study seeks to provide significant contributions to understanding the intricate

interplay between information sharing, organisational culture, and technological improvements in

Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This will be accomplished by pursuing the

following objectives. This research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the

combined impact of these elements on the overall performance of firms operating within a

dynamic and evolving business landscape.

1. To identify and analyse the multifaceted drivers that shape knowledge-sharing behaviour

within SMEs operating in the dynamic Chinese business landscape.

2. To explore the mediating role of organisational culture in the relationship between the

multifaceted drivers of knowledge-sharing behaviour and firm performance in SMEs in

the Chinese business context.

3. To assess how technological advancements act as a catalyst or modifier in knowledge-

sharing behaviour within SMEs and their impact on firm performance, particularly within

the ever-evolving Chinese business landscape.

4. Examine how the size of SMEs, measured by the number of employees, acts as a control

variable in the relationship between the multifaceted drivers of knowledge-sharing

behaviour and firm performance in SMEs within the dynamic Chinese business


5. To develop a framework for the successful adoption of Multifaceted drivers of

knowledge-sharing behaviour with certainty on Firm performance

2.3 Hypotheses Development

2.3.1 H1: There is a significant positive relationship between multifaceted drivers of

sharing behaviour and firm performance in Small and Medium Enterprises

operating within the dynamic Chinese business

This hypothesis is derived from the extant research, which posits that several elements,

including individual motivation, organisational culture, and external influences, have a

beneficial effect on firm performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China.

Previous studies have demonstrated that the act of sharing knowledge has a positive impact

on various aspects of organisational functioning, such as innovation, problem-solving,

and decision-making, ultimately resulting in improved company performance. Thus,

this hypothesis suggests that the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
will improve as they actively participate in knowledge-sharing activities influenced by


diverse circumstances.

2.3.2 H2: Organizational culture mediates the relationship between the multifaceted drivers

knowledge-sharing behaviour and firm performance in Chinese SMEs.

organisational culture plays a moderating role in enhancing the impact of

sharing drivers on athletic

The formulation of this hypothesis is derived from scholarly literature that emphasises

the substantial impact of organisational culture on the behaviour of knowledge sharing and,

consequently, on the performance of a firm. The corporate culture, distinguished by

transparency, collaboration, and a dedication to continuous learning, has been demonstrated to

enhance knowledge exchange and establish a setting that fosters innovation and


resolution of problems. Thus, the hypothesis above posits that the association between drivers
of knowledge-sharing and firm performance is more complex but somewhat contingent upon

the influence of organisational culture, which enhances the effects of these drivers.

2.3.3 H3: Technological advancements positively moderate the relationship

multifaceted drivers of knowledge-sharing behaviour and firm performance in

within the ever-evolving Chinese business landscape. In other words,

advancements enhance the positive effect of knowledge-sharing drivers on


The formulation of this hypothesis stems from the acknowledgement of the pivotal

significance of technology within the contemporary corporate environment. Existing

scholarly research indicates that using technological breakthroughs, such as data

analytics and automation, can optimise knowledge-sharing procedures by increasing their

efficiency and effectiveness. Consequently, this hypothesis suggests that the correlation

between factors that encourage knowledge-sharing and the performance of a corporation

will be enhanced when

modern technology is present.

2.3.4 H4: The size of the SME, measured by the number of employees, acts as a control

in the relationship between multifaceted drivers of knowledge-sharing behaviour and

performance in Chinese SMEs. The effect of knowledge-sharing drivers on

performance varies depending on the size of the

This hypothesis is based on existing literature, which indicates that small and medium-

sized enterprises (SMEs) of different scales may encounter distinct effects of

knowledge- sharing factors on their overall performance. Larger small and medium-

sized enterprises

(SMEs) may possess more excellent resources and capabilities for facilitating information
sharing, whereas smaller SMEs may depend on distinct factors to foster knowledge exchange.

Consequently, this hypothesis posits that the magnitude of the small and medium-sized

enterprise (SME) will impact the intensity and orientation of the association between


driving knowledge-sharing and the firm's success.

2.3.5 H5: The combined adoption of multifaceted drivers of knowledge-sharing behaviour

Chinese SMEs leads to higher firm performance. The presence of these drivers as

framework within SMEs positively influences overall athletic

The formulation of this hypothesis is derived from existing literature, which posits

that the drivers of knowledge-sharing are not independent factors but rather a

comprehensive framework. It is believed that when these drivers are implemented in

conjunction, they enhance business performance. The existing body of research places

significant emphasis on the interconnectedness of human motivation, organisational

culture, external influences, and technical improvements in fostering a comprehensive

approach to knowledge sharing, which ultimately contributes to the overall performance

of a corporation. The hypothesis above suggests that the integration of these factors by

Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises

(SMEs) will result in enhanced overall performance.

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