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product Of oxidation and heating Of Oil.

flash point Of marketable

kerosene should be above 42 "C.

(4) Fire Point; The temperature at which oil vapors can burn continuously for 5 seconds
When tested in flash point apparatus. It occurs after the flash point by 30C40C.

Significance: Flash point can predict the possible fire hazards during transm»rtation, storage
and handling. Fire point closely follows the flash point in significance purpose.

Take the test sample in clean and dry oil cup up to mark.
put the lid on the cup and insert the thermometer.
Now start heating with the help of heater.
Measure the temperature of oil and with the help of
When the temrrrature reaches about 10 below the flash point start supplying open
name for each degree rise of temperature.
Record the temperature at Which momentary flash
Keep continuous heating.
Also record the temperature at which vapor above the oil burn continuously.
These temperatures are known as flash g»int and fire point respectively.
I. Room temperature:
2. Barometric pressure: mm He.

Observation table:
Test Observation Result of test (00
The Flash point Of Kerosene (oc)
The Fire point Of Kerosene (oc)
The Flash point of Diesel (OCI
The Ere point of Diesel (T)
3. Flash point of Kerosene is oc & Fire of Kerosene is
4. Flash point or Diesel is c & Fire point Of Diesel is

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