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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Study Material
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Table of Contents

Module I 2-15
Module II 16-22
Module III 23-37
Module IV 38-92
Module V 93-121
Module VI 122-140

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 1
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Definition of hacking & types of hacking

Hacking is the process of gaining unauthorized access to a computer system or network with the intention of
stealing, altering, or destroying data or disrupting the system's operations. There are several types of hacking and
hackers, which are as follows:

1. White Hat Hacker: Also known as ethical hackers, they are security professionals who use their hacking
skills to identify vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks and fix them. They are hired by
organizations to test the security of their systems and protect them from malicious attacks.

2. Black Hat Hacker: They are hackers who gain unauthorized access to computer systems and networks with
malicious intent, such as stealing data, installing malware, or causing disruption. They are motivated by
personal gain, financial profit, or ideological reasons.

3. Grey Hat Hacker: They are hackers who use their skills for both ethical and unethical purposes. They may
identify vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks and inform the owners of the systems or use
the vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access.

4. Script Kiddie: They are inexperienced hackers who use automated tools and scripts to launch attacks on
computer systems and networks without fully understanding how they work. They often copy and paste
code from the internet without any modifications.

5. Hacktivist: They are hackers who use their skills to promote a political or social cause. They may launch
attacks on government or corporate websites to protest against their policies or expose their

6. State-Sponsored Hacker: They are hackers who work for government agencies or military organizations to
conduct cyber espionage or launch attacks on foreign countries or organizations.

7. Insider Hacker: They are employees or contractors who use their authorized access to computer systems
and networks to steal or manipulate data or cause disruption. They may be motivated by personal gain or

Cybercrime, types of cybercrime

Cybercrime refers to criminal activities that are committed using the internet, computer networks, or other digital
devices. Cybercrime can take many forms, and here are some of the most common types of cybercrime:

1. Identity Theft: This is a type of cybercrime where criminals steal personal information, such as social
security numbers or credit card information, to commit fraud or other crimes.

2. Phishing: This is a type of cybercrime where criminals send fraudulent emails or messages to trick people
into revealing their personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.

3. Malware: This is a type of cybercrime where criminals use malicious software, such as viruses or
ransomware, to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or networks or to damage or destroy data.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 2
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

4. DDoS Attacks: This is a type of cybercrime where criminals use multiple computers or networks to flood a
targeted website or server with traffic, causing it to crash or become inaccessible.

5. Cyberstalking and Harassment: This is a type of cybercrime where individuals use the internet or other
digital devices to harass, intimidate, or threaten others.

6. Child Exploitation: This is a type of cybercrime where criminals use the internet to exploit children for
sexual purposes, such as by producing or distributing child pornography.

7. Intellectual Property Theft: This is a type of cybercrime where criminals steal or illegally distribute
copyrighted materials, such as movies, music, or software.

8. Financial Fraud: This is a type of cybercrime where criminals use the internet or other digital devices to
commit financial crimes, such as embezzlement or money laundering.

9. Cyberbullying: This is a type of cybercrime where individuals use the internet or other digital devices to
bully or harass others, often through social media platforms or online messaging.

The hacker mindset

The hacker mindset is a way of thinking that focuses on solving problems creatively and exploring technology in
new and innovative ways. It is not inherently malicious or illegal, and many hackers use their skills for positive
purposes, such as improving security or advancing technology.

The hacker mindset involves a curiosity about how things work and a desire to explore and experiment with
technology. Hackers are often self-taught and have a deep understanding of computer systems and networks.
They enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems and are motivated by the intellectual challenge of
overcoming obstacles.

Hackers are also typically driven by a desire for knowledge and a passion for learning. They are constantly seeking
out new information and techniques to improve their skills and understand how technology works. They are often
part of a community of like-minded individuals who share knowledge and collaborate on projects.

However, it is important to note that the hacker mindset can also be used for malicious purposes. Hackers who
engage in illegal activities, such as stealing personal information or launching cyber-attacks, are not representative
of the broader hacker community. It is essential to distinguish between ethical hacking, which is conducted with
the intention of improving security, and illegal hacking, which is a criminal activity.

Overall, the hacker mindset is characterized by a passion for technology, a curiosity about how things work, and a
desire to push the boundaries of what is possible. When applied ethically, the hacker mindset can be a powerful
tool for innovation and problem-solving.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 3
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Threats, concept of Ethical Hacking

Threats refer to any potential danger or risk that could harm a system, organization, or individual. In the context of
cyber security, threats are typically posed by hackers, cybercriminals, and other malicious actors who seek to
exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks for their own gain.

Ethical hacking, also known as "white hat" hacking, is the practice of using hacking techniques to identify and
address vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. Unlike malicious hackers, ethical hackers work with the
permission and support of the system owners to improve the security of the system.

Some common types of cyber security threats that ethical hackers may need to address include:

1. Malware: Malware is any type of software that is designed to harm a computer system, network, or
device. Malware can include viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, and other types of malicious software.

2. Phishing: Phishing is a type of social engineering attack where cybercriminals use fake emails, websites, or
other communications to trick users into giving away sensitive information such as passwords or credit
card numbers.

3. DDoS attacks: A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is a type of attack where a large number of
computers are used to flood a system or network with traffic, causing it to crash or become unavailable.

4. Insider threats: Insider threats refer to the risks posed by employees, contractors, or other insiders who
have access to sensitive information or systems. These threats can be intentional, such as when an
employee steals information for personal gain, or unintentional, such as when an employee accidentally
deletes important data.

Ethical hackers can help organizations identify and address these and other types of threats by testing the security
of their systems and networks, identifying vulnerabilities, and providing recommendations for improving security.
Ethical hacking can help organizations stay ahead of cyber threats and minimize the risk of a data breach or other
security incident.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 4
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Phases involved in Hacking

It's important to note that there are two types of hacking: ethical hacking (also known as "white hat" hacking) and
malicious hacking (also known as "black hat" hacking). Ethical hacking involves using hacking techniques to
identify and address vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks, while malicious hacking involves using
hacking techniques for personal gain or to harm others. Here are the phases typically involved in the process of
ethical hacking:

1. Reconnaissance: In this phase, the ethical hacker gathers information about the target system or network,
such as IP addresses, operating systems, and software versions. This information can be obtained through
public sources, such as the organization's website, or through more covert means, such as scanning the
network for open ports.

2. Scanning: In this phase, the ethical hacker uses tools such as port scanners and vulnerability scanners to
identify potential entry points into the target system or network. This phase may also involve analyzing
network traffic to identify potential vulnerabilities.

3. Gaining Access: In this phase, the ethical hacker attempts to gain access to the target system or network
using various methods, such as exploiting vulnerabilities or using social engineering techniques to trick
users into providing access.

4. Maintaining Access: Once the ethical hacker has gained access to the target system or network, they may
attempt to maintain that access in order to continue to gather information or to launch further attacks.

5. Covering Tracks: In this phase, the ethical hacker attempts to cover their tracks by deleting logs or other
evidence of their activities. This is important to avoid detection by system administrators or security

6. Reporting: The final phase of ethical hacking is reporting the findings and recommendations to the
organization. The ethical hacker provides a detailed report of vulnerabilities and recommendations for
improving security, which can be used to address any issues and improve the overall security posture of
the organization.

Role of Ethical Hacking

The role of ethical hacking is to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in computer systems and networks, and
provide recommendations to improve their security. Ethical hackers are professionals who use hacking techniques
and tools to test the security of systems and networks with the consent of their owners.

The main role of ethical hacking is to help organizations ensure the security of their systems and networks by:

1. Identifying vulnerabilities: Ethical hackers use a variety of tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities in
computer systems and networks that could be exploited by malicious actors. These vulnerabilities can
include weak passwords, outdated software, misconfigured firewalls, and more.

2. Assessing the effectiveness of security measures: Ethical hackers can also test the effectiveness of security
measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other security tools. This helps organizations
identify areas where security can be improved and ensure that their security measures are working as

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 5
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

3. Providing recommendations for improvement: Once vulnerabilities have been identified, ethical hackers
provide recommendations for improving security. These recommendations may include implementing
new security measures, patching software vulnerabilities, or providing employee training to prevent social
engineering attacks.

4. Helping to prevent cyber-attacks: By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be
exploited by malicious actors, ethical hacking helps organizations prevent cyber-attacks and protect their
sensitive data.

5. Maintaining regulatory compliance: Many industries are subject to regulatory compliance requirements,
such as HIPAA in healthcare or PCI DSS in finance. Ethical hacking can help organizations ensure that they
are meeting these requirements and avoiding potential fines or legal action.

Overall, the role of ethical hacking is to help organizations maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
their information systems and data, and protect against cyber-attacks and other security threats.

Common Hacking methodologies

Here are some of the most common hacking methodologies:

1. Footprinting: Footprinting involves gathering information about the target system or network, such as IP
addresses, domain names, and other information that can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities.

2. Scanning: Scanning involves using tools such as port scanners and vulnerability scanners to identify
potential entry points into the target system or network.

3. Enumeration: Enumeration involves actively probing the target system or network to gather additional
information about its structure and components, such as user accounts and network shares.

4. Exploitation: Exploitation involves using a vulnerability or weakness in the target system or network to
gain unauthorized access or control.

5. Social Engineering: Social engineering involves using psychological manipulation to trick users into
providing access or sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.

6. Password Cracking: Password cracking involves using tools to guess or brute force passwords in order to
gain unauthorized access to a system or network.

7. Sniffing: Sniffing involves intercepting and analyzing network traffic in order to capture sensitive
information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers.

Profiles of hackers

Hackers come from diverse backgrounds and may have varying levels of expertise and motivations. Here are some
common profiles of hackers:

1. Script Kiddies: These are individuals who have little to no technical expertise and rely on pre-made scripts
and tools to launch attacks. They often engage in hacking for fun or to gain notoriety.

2. Hacktivists: Hacktivists are motivated by social or political causes and use hacking as a form of protest or
activism. They may target organizations or governments they perceive as oppressive or unjust.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 6
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

3. Cybercriminals: Cybercriminals use hacking for financial gain, such as stealing credit card numbers or
personal information to sell on the black market. They may work alone or in groups, and are often highly
skilled and motivated by profit.

4. Nation-state Hackers: Nation-state hackers are employed by governments to conduct espionage, cyber
warfare, or sabotage. They often have advanced technical skills and access to sophisticated tools and

5. Insider Threats: Insider threats are individuals with authorized access to a system or network who use that
access for malicious purposes. They may be motivated by financial gain, revenge, or other factors.

6. Ethical Hackers: Ethical hackers, also known as "white hat" hackers, are professionals who use hacking
techniques to identify and address vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. They are typically
hired by organizations to test the security of their systems and provide recommendations for

Limitations of Ethical Hacking

While ethical hacking can provide many benefits to organizations, there are also several limitations to consider:

1. Limited scope: Ethical hacking can only identify vulnerabilities that exist within the scope of the
assessment. This means that there may be other vulnerabilities that are not identified during the

2. False sense of security: Ethical hacking can provide organizations with a false sense of security, as they
may assume that because they have undergone an assessment, they are completely secure. However, new
vulnerabilities can emerge over time, and the security landscape is constantly changing.

3. Ethical issues: Ethical hacking involves using techniques and tools that could be considered unethical if
used for malicious purposes. There may be ethical concerns around using these techniques and tools,
even if they are being used for a legitimate purpose.

4. Legal issues: Ethical hacking can raise legal issues, particularly if it involves accessing systems or data
without permission. Organizations need to ensure that they have the appropriate permissions and legal
agreements in place before conducting ethical hacking assessments.

5. Cost: Ethical hacking can be expensive, particularly if it is conducted regularly or if specialized tools or
expertise are required.

6. Human error: Ethical hacking assessments rely on the skills and knowledge of the individuals conducting
the assessment. If there are errors or oversights in the assessment, vulnerabilities may be missed or

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 7
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

How to identify active attacks and compromises.

Identifying active attacks and compromises can be a challenging task, but there are several techniques that can
help. Here are some steps that can be taken to identify active attacks and compromises:

1. Monitor network traffic: One of the most effective ways to identify active attacks and compromises is to
monitor network traffic for suspicious activity. This can include traffic patterns, unusual traffic volumes,
and unexpected connections.

2. Use intrusion detection systems (IDS): IDS can help to detect attacks by monitoring network traffic and
looking for patterns of suspicious behavior. IDS can be configured to generate alerts when certain types of
activity are detected.

3. Conduct regular vulnerability assessments: Regular vulnerability assessments can help to identify
weaknesses in the network or system that may be exploited by attackers. This can help organizations to
proactively address vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

4. Monitor system logs: Monitoring system logs can help to identify unusual or suspicious activity. This can
include failed login attempts, unexpected changes to files or configurations, and other suspicious activity.

5. Use threat intelligence: Threat intelligence can provide information on known attacks, vulnerabilities, and
threat actors. This information can be used to identify potential threats and to take proactive measures to
prevent them.

6. Train employees: Employees are often the weakest link in the security chain, so it is important to provide
regular security training to help them identify and report suspicious activity.

Overall, identifying active attacks and compromises requires a combination of technical tools and human
expertise. By implementing these steps, organizations can increase their ability to detect and respond to attacks in
a timely manner.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 8
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

What is the primary motivation of a Black Hat hacker?

a) To enhance cybersecurity

b) To exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain

c) To promote ethical hacking

d) To develop open-source software

Answer: b

Which of the following is NOT a type of hacker based on their motivations?

a) White Hat

b) Blue Hat

c) Green Hat

d) Red Hat

Answer: c

What is the main goal of Cybercrime?

a) Promoting online safety

b) Improving digital literacy

c) Committing criminal activities using computers

d) Developing new software technologies

Answer: c

Which hacking method involves manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential

a) Social Engineering

b) SQL Injection

c) DDoS Attacks

d) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Answer: a

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 9
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

What is the Hacker Mindset characterized by?

a) Respect for privacy

b) Curiosity and creativity

c) Strict adherence to rules and regulations

d) Fear of legal consequences

Answer: b

What is the concept of Ethical Hacking primarily focused on?

a) Illegally breaching systems for personal gain

b) Testing and securing computer systems

c) Promoting cyber warfare

d) Creating malware for research purposes

Answer: b

In the context of hacking, what is the Reconnaissance phase primarily concerned with?

a) Gaining unauthorized access

b) Gathering information about the target

c) Modifying system files

d) Executing malicious code

Answer: b

What role does Ethical Hacking play in cybersecurity?

a) Creating vulnerabilities

b) Exploiting weaknesses

c) Identifying and fixing security flaws

d) Spreading malware

Answer: c

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 10
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Which is a common hacking methodology used to test the security of a system by simulating an attack from a
malicious outsider?

a) Buffer Overflow

b) Penetration Testing

c) Spoofing

d) Ransomware

Answer: b

What is a script kiddie in the context of hacking profiles?

a) A highly skilled and experienced hacker

b) An inexperienced hacker who uses pre-written tools and scripts

c) An ethical hacker

d) A government-sponsored hacker

Answer: b

What is the main benefit of Ethical Hacking?

a) Disrupting computer systems

b) Identifying and fixing security vulnerabilities

c) Spreading awareness about hacking

d) Promoting illegal activities

Answer: b

What is a limitation of Ethical Hacking?

a) It is too expensive

b) It may lead to legal consequences

c) It is not effective in identifying vulnerabilities

d) It encourages unethical behavior

Answer: b

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 11
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

How can active attacks and compromises be identified?

a) By ignoring unusual network activities

b) By regularly updating software

c) Through continuous monitoring and analysis of system logs

d) By avoiding cybersecurity training

Answer: c

Which of the following is an example of a passive cyber threat?

a) DDoS Attack

b) Man-in-the-Middle Attack

c) Phishing

d) SQL Injection

Answer: b

What is the primary focus of a Black Box penetration test?

a) Testing internal system vulnerabilities

b) Simulating an attack with full knowledge of the system

c) Assessing network security from an external perspective

d) Identifying software bugs

Answer: c

What term is used to describe the process of converting plaintext into unreadable gibberish to protect sensitive

a) Encryption

b) Decryption

c) Hashing

d) Spoofing

Answer: a
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 12
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Which hacking method involves flooding a network or website with traffic to overwhelm and crash it?

a) SQL Injection

b) Social Engineering

c) Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attack

d) Man-in-the-Middle Attack

Answer: c

What is the primary goal of a Grey Hat hacker?

a) To improve cybersecurity

b) To exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain

c) To promote ethical hacking

d) To expose security flaws without authorization

Answer: d

Which type of hacker is known for hacking to support political or social causes?

a) Script Kiddie

b) Hacktivist

c) White Hat

d) Black Hat

Answer: b

What is the term for a security mechanism that monitors and analyzes system activities for potential security

a) Antivirus

b) Firewall

c) Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

d) Encryption

Answer: c

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 13
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

3 Marks

1. What is hacking, and how would you define a hacker?

2. Briefly explain the different types of hacking and provide examples for each.

3. What are the common types of cybercrime, and how do they differ from traditional crimes?

4. Define the term "hacker mindset" and discuss its significance in the world of cybersecurity.

5. What are the major threats faced in the realm of cybersecurity today?

6. Explain the concept of ethical hacking and its role in ensuring digital security.

7. List and describe the various phases involved in the hacking process.

8. How does ethical hacking contribute to strengthening cybersecurity measures?

9. Discuss common hacking methodologies used by attackers to compromise systems.

10. What are the distinct profiles of hackers, and how do their motivations differ?

11. Highlight the benefits of ethical hacking in identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities.

12. What are the limitations or challenges associated with ethical hacking practices?

13. How can one identify active cyber attacks and compromises on a system?

14. Provide examples of how ethical hacking has been instrumental in preventing cyber threats.

15. In what ways can organizations leverage ethical hacking to enhance their overall cybersecurity posture?

5 Marks

1. Define hacking and identify its types. (Knowledge level 1)

2. Explain the concept of cybercrime and identify its types. (Knowledge level 2)

3. Analyze the hacker mindset and discuss its impact on cybersecurity. (Comprehension level 3)

4. Identify the different threats associated with hacking and cybercrime. (Knowledge level 1)

5. Discuss the concept of ethical hacking and its role in cybersecurity. (Comprehension level 3)

6. Describe the phases involved in hacking and the common methodologies used by hackers.
(Comprehension level 3)

7. Identify the profiles of different types of hackers. (Knowledge level 1)

8. Discuss the benefits of ethical hacking for organizations. (Comprehension level 3)

9. Analyze the limitations of ethical hacking in preventing cyber attacks. (Analysis level 4)

10. Explain how to identify active attacks and compromises in a system. (Comprehension level 3)

11. Compare and contrast the different types of hacking methodologies used by hackers. (Analysis level 4)
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 14
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

12. Evaluate the effectiveness of ethical hacking in preventing cyber attacks. (Evaluation level 6)

13. Describe the different types of cybercrime and their impact on individuals and organizations.
(Comprehension level 3)

14. Explain the importance of cybersecurity in protecting against cybercrime. (Comprehension level 3)

15. Analyze the different techniques used by hackers to carry out cyber attacks. (Analysis level 4)

16. Develop strategies for preventing cyber attacks and mitigating their impact. (Synthesis level 5)

17. Discuss the role of government and law enforcement agencies in preventing cybercrime. (Comprehension
level 3)

18. Evaluate the effectiveness of legal frameworks in preventing cybercrime. (Evaluation level 6)

19. Explain the ethical considerations involved in hacking and cybercrime. (Comprehension level 3)

20. Develop strategies for promoting ethical behavior in the field of cybersecurity. (Synthesis level 5)

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 15
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)


Foot printing

Foot printing is the process of gathering information about a target system or organization, with the goal of
identifying vulnerabilities that can be exploited to launch an attack. Here are some common uses of foot printing:

1. Reconnaissance: Foot printing can be used as a reconnaissance technique to gather information about a
target system or organization. This information can include details about the network topology, operating
systems, applications, and other key details that can be used to plan an attack.

2. Vulnerability assessment: Foot printing can help to identify potential vulnerabilities in a system or
organization. This can include weak passwords, open ports, outdated software, and other weaknesses that
could be exploited by an attacker.

3. Social engineering: Foot printing can be used to gather information about individuals within an
organization, such as their job roles, contact information, and personal details. This information can be
used to launch social engineering attacks, such as phishing emails or phone calls.

4. Penetration testing: Foot printing can be used as a preliminary step in a penetration testing engagement.
By gathering information about the target system or organization, the penetration tester can identify
potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access.

5. Competitive intelligence: Foot printing can be used to gather information about competitors in a particular
industry. This can include details about their products, services, marketing strategies, and other key details
that can be used to gain a competitive advantage.

Overall, foot printing is an important technique for both attackers and defenders, as it can be used to identify
potential vulnerabilities and plan attacks or countermeasures. However, it is important to use foot printing
techniques ethically and with appropriate authorization, as unauthorized foot printing can be illegal and unethical.

Types of Foot Printing

There are several types of foot printing techniques that can be used to gather information about a target system
or organization. Here are some common types of foot printing:

1. Passive Footprinting: Passive foot printing involves gathering information about the target system or
organization without directly interacting with it. This can include searching public databases, social media
profiles, and other online sources of information. Passive foot printing techniques can include searching
the internet for publicly available information, reviewing job postings or press releases, and scanning
social media profiles to gather information.

2. Active Footprinting: Active foot printing involves gathering information by interacting directly with the
target system or organization. This can include scanning the network for open ports and services,
performing network and vulnerability scans, and using other technical tools to gather information. Active
foot printing techniques can include port scanning, banner grabbing, traceroute, and WHOIS lookups.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 16
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

3. Website Footprinting: Website foot printing involves gathering information about a target website or web
application. This can include identifying the web server software, database software, and other key details
about the website architecture. Website foot printing techniques can include analyzing HTTP response
headers, reviewing HTML source code, and using specialized tools to gather information.

4. Physical Footprinting: Physical foot printing involves gathering information about a target organization by
physically visiting its premises. This can include reviewing physical security measures, identifying access
control systems, and gathering information about the physical layout of the facility. Physical foot printing
techniques can include taking photos of the facility, reviewing visitor logs, and interviewing employees.

Overall, foot printing is an important technique for both attackers and defenders, as it can be used to identify
potential vulnerabilities and plan attacks or countermeasures. However, it is important to use foot printing
techniques ethically and with appropriate authorization, as unauthorized foot printing can be illegal and unethical.

Introduction to Reconnaissance

Reconnaissance is the process of gathering information about a target system or organization, with the goal of
identifying vulnerabilities that can be exploited to launch an attack. It is a critical step in the hacking process, as it
allows attackers to gather information about the target and plan their attack strategy.

Reconnaissance can be conducted using a variety of techniques, including passive and active foot printing,
scanning, social engineering, and other methods. The goal of reconnaissance is to gather as much information
about the target as possible, including information about the network architecture, operating systems,
applications, users, and other key details.

Reconnaissance is a critical component of both offensive and defensive security strategies. Attackers use
reconnaissance techniques to gather information about potential targets and plan their attacks, while defenders
use reconnaissance to identify potential vulnerabilities and proactively address them.

It is important to note that reconnaissance should always be conducted ethically and with appropriate
authorization. Unauthorized reconnaissance can be illegal and unethical, and can result in serious consequences
for the attacker

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 17
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Types of Reconnaissance

There are several types of reconnaissance techniques that can be used to gather information about a target. Here
are some common types of reconnaissance:

1. Active Reconnaissance: Active reconnaissance involves directly probing the target system or network to
gather information. This can include scanning for open ports, performing network and vulnerability scans,
and using other technical tools to gather information. Active reconnaissance techniques can include port
scanning, banner grabbing, traceroute, and WHOIS lookups.

2. Passive Reconnaissance: Passive reconnaissance involves gathering information about the target system or
organization without directly interacting with it. This can include searching public databases, social media
profiles, and other online sources of information. Passive reconnaissance techniques can include
searching the internet for publicly available information, reviewing job postings or press releases, and
scanning social media profiles to gather information.

3. Human Reconnaissance: Human reconnaissance involves gathering information about the target
organization by interacting with people associated with it. This can include interviewing employees,
suppliers, or partners, or posing as a customer or contractor to gain access to information. Human
reconnaissance techniques can include conducting phishing attacks, pretexting, or elicitation.

4. Competitive Intelligence: Competitive intelligence involves gathering information about competitors in a

particular industry. This can include details about their products, services, marketing strategies, and other
key details that can be used to gain a competitive advantage.

Overall, reconnaissance is an important technique for both attackers and defenders, as it can be used to identify
potential vulnerabilities and plan attacks or countermeasures. However, it is important to use reconnaissance
techniques ethically and with appropriate authorization, as unauthorized reconnaissance can be illegal and

Now that we’ve covered the two base types of recon, let’s go over some of the recon terms that we’ll hear

• Discovery: This is the act of discovering possible victims. Discovery is essential to reconnaissance as it tells
us who our potential victims are.

• Port Scanning: As the name implies, this is the act of scanning a range of ports on a victim. A port is used
to make connections and manage communications for net-workable services or applications. Any open
port is a possible avenue of attack. There are multiple kinds of port scans, but those go beyond the scope
of this introductory article.

• OS Fingerprinting: OS fingerprinting is the act of attempting to determine a victims operating system.

Knowing the victims OS is crucial to choosing an attack that will work. Attempting a Windows based attack
on a Linux victim doesn’t make much sense.

Now that we know about these terms and methods. Allow me to introduce you to one of the most used and best
active recon tools, nmap. Nmap stands for network mapper. Nmap is an active reconnaissance tool, so it will make
some noise. We’ll be using nmap to quickly demonstrate the above concepts. We’ll be performing our recon via
Kali Linux, which already has nmap installed. The target we’ll be performing reconnaissance on is Metasploitable,
running inside VirtualBox.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 18
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

First, we’ll scan through our targets to discover the Metaploitable IP. We can do this through a ping scan. A ping
scan simply pings every IP in a range of IPs and reports any hosts that respond. We can enable this feature in
nmap by giving the -sn flag before the target address. Let’s perform our ping scan now:

We’ve given a range of, this means that it will test every IP from all the way to Here we can see that there are multiple hosts on our network. But the address of is
the address of our Metasploitable VM. It may prove challenging to find a specific hosts on bigger networks, but
there are more advanced scans for that. Don’t worry about them now, we’ll cover them in time.

Now that we have our target IP address, we can scan it for open ports. This will attempt a connection to each port
in the range, it will then report back to us which ports are open based on a successful connection. We’ll be
scanning the range of ports 1 -100. If we want to specify the range, we need to use the -p flag after we give the
target address. Let’s perform our scan now:

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 19
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Here we can see that there are quite a few open ports, especially since we only scanned 1-100! Each one of these
ports represents a possible attack method for hacking this target.

Now that we’ve identified some open ports, let’s try and figure out what OS the victim is running. We can enable
this feature in nmap by giving the -O flag before the target address. This will produce quite a bit of output, so let’s
take a look at the command first:

Remember to keep in mind that these are basic scans, we’re making quite a bit of noise against the target here.
Now let’s run this command and find our victims OS:

After sifting through the output for a while, we’ve come across what we’re after. Nmap tells us that our victim is
running Linux. This result is correct, Metasploitable is built on Linux! There are many tools for OS fingerprinting
other than nmap, but this demonstrates that nmap is truly versatile. We’ve covered quite a bit here today, but
these are just the tip of the basics when it comes recon, there is still much more to cover. After this article you
should have a fundamental idea of discovery, port scanning, and OS fingerprinting. Remember, proper recon is
a must for any potential hack.

Understanding the information gathering process

The information gathering process is a critical step in any security assessment or attack. The goal of this process is
to gather as much information as possible about the target system or organization, including technical details,
organizational structure, and potential vulnerabilities. Here are some key steps in the information gathering

1. Define the scope: The first step is to define the scope of the information gathering process. This involves
identifying the target system or organization, as well as any relevant constraints or limitations.
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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 20
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

2. Identify information sources: The next step is to identify sources of information that can be used to gather
data about the target. This can include public databases, social media profiles, and other online sources of
information. It can also include technical tools for scanning networks, identifying open ports, and other
details about the target system.

3. Collect information: Once the sources of information have been identified, the next step is to collect as
much data as possible. This can include reviewing public records, conducting interviews with employees
or partners, and using technical tools to scan the target system for vulnerabilities.

4. Analyze the data: Once the data has been collected, the next step is to analyze it to identify potential
vulnerabilities or other key details. This can involve reviewing technical details, organizational structure,
and other factors that can impact the security of the target system.

5. Report findings: Finally, the information gathered during the process should be documented and reported.
This report should include an assessment of the target system's security posture, as well as
recommendations for addressing any identified vulnerabilities or weaknesses.

There are the following three methods of information gathering:

1. Footprinting

2. Scanning

3. Enumeration


In this technique, the information of a target network or system or victim is collected as much as possible.
Footprinting provides various ways to intrude on the system of an organization. The security posture of the target
is also determined by this technique. It can be active as well as passive. In Passive footprinting, the information of
any user is collected without knowing him. If the user's sensitive information gets released intentionally and
consciously or by the direct contact of the owner, active footprinting will be created.

Footprinting techniques are three types. These are as follows:

• Open source footprinting

• Network-based footprinting

• DNS interrogation

Open source footprinting

Open source footprinting is the safest footprinting. The limitation of footprinting is illegal. It is illegal; that's why
hackers can do open source footprinting without fear. Examples of open source footprinting include DOB, phone
number, search for the age, finding someone's email address, using an automation tool scans the IP, etc. Most
companies provide information on their official websites related to their company. Hackers will use the
information provided by the company and take benefit from them.

Network-based Footprinting

Network-based footprinting is used to retrieve information like network service, information name within a group,
user name, shared data among individuals, etc.
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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 21
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

DNS interrogation

After gathering all the required information on various areas using different techniques, the hacker uses the pre-
existing tools to query the DNS. DNS interrogation is performed by many freeware online tools.

Objectives of Footprinting

Network Information collection: Footprinting is used to collect the information about the network like protocol
used, authentication mechanism, internal domain name, domain name, existing VPNs, system enumeration,
digital and analog telephone number, IP address of the reachable system, etc.

System information collection: Footprinting is used to collect information about the system like group names and
users, routing protocol, routing table, operating system used, system banners, SNMP information, remote system
type, system architecture, username, and passwords.

Organization information collection: Footprinting is used to collect information about an organization like
employee details, local details, security policies implemented, company directory, address and phone numbers,
organization's website, organization's web server links comments in HTML source code, news articles and press


Another essential step of footprinting is scanning, which contains the package of techniques and procedures. In
the network, hosts, ports and various services are identified by it. It is one of the components of information
gathering mechanism and intelligence gathering, which is used by an attacker to create an overview scenario of
the target. To find out the possibility of network security attacks, pen-testers use vulnerability scanning. Due to
this technique, hackers can find vulnerabilities like weak authentication, unnecessary services, missing patches,
and weak encryption algorithms. So an ethical hacker and pen-tester provide the list of all vulnerabilities they
found in an organization's network.

There are three types of scanning

• Port scanning

• Network scanning

• Vulnerability scanning

Port scanning

Hackers and penetration testers use this conventional technique to search for open doors so that the hackers can
access the system of any organization. Hackers need to identify the live hosts, topology of the target organization,
firewall installed, different devices that are attached to the system, operating system used, etc., during this scan.
Once the hacker fetches the IP address of the victim organization by scanning ports of UDP (user datagram
protocol) and TCP (transmission control protocol), they map the organization's network under his grab. Port
scanning is performed by the Amap tool.

Network scanning

You should understand the process of 3-way TCP/IP handshaking before learning the vulnerability scanning
techniques. Handshaking is the automated process in which communication between two entities is set using
some protocols. To provide handshaking between the server and client, two protocols, TCP and IP, are used. A
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 22
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

synchronized packet sends by the client to establish a connection. The server listens to the packet and responds to
the client with a syn/ack packet. The client again responds by sending the ack packet to the server. The initialized
connection between server and client in packets is denoted by SYN (synchronization). The establishment of a
connection between hosts is denoted by ACK.

There are various scans used by scanning techniques, which are as follows:

SYNScan: The three-way handshaking technique of TCP is not completed by an SYN scan or stealth. An SYN packet
is sent by the hacker to the target, and if the hacker receives back the SYN/ACK frame, the connection would be
completed by the target, and the port is able to listen anything. If the target retrieves the RST, it will assume that
the ports are not activated or closed. Some IDS system logs this as connection attempts or an attack that why SYN
stealth scan is advantageous.

XMASScan: This scan is used to send the packet containing PSH, FIN, and URG flags. The target will not provide
any response if the port is open. But an RST/ACK packet is responded by the target if the port is closed.

FINScan: XMAS scan and FIN scan is almost the same except that it does not send a packet with PSH and URG
flags; it only sends packets with a FIN flag. The response and the limitations of the FIN scan are the same as the
XMAS scan.

IDLEScan: This scan determines the sequence number of IP header and port scan response and sends the SYN
packet to the target using the spoofed/hoax IP. The port is open or not depends upon the response of the scan.

Inverse TCP Flag scan: In this scan, the TCP probe packet with no flags or TCP flags send by the attacker. If the
target does not provide any response, it means the port is open. If the RST packet is responded by the target, it
means the port is closed.

ACK Flag Probe Scan: In this scan, TCP probe packets are sent by the attacker where the ACK flag is set to a remote
device, analyzing the header information. The port is open or not signified by the RST packet. This scan also checks
the filtering system of the victim or target.

Vulnerability scanning

Vulnerability scanning is a proactive identification of Vulnerabilities on the target network. Using some automatic
scanning tools and some manual support, vulnerabilities, and threats can be identified. To provide vulnerability
scanning, the computer should have an internet connection.

The ports and network can be scanned by the following tools:

Nmap: It is used to extract information like operating system, packet filters or firewall type, live host on network,
version of the operating system.

Angry IP scanner: It is used to scan for systems availability within the given range of input.

Hping2/Hping3: They are network scanning tools and command-line packet crafting. TCP/IP protocols use them.

Superscan: Macfee, which is a TCP port scanner, develops this powerful tool. A super scan is used for pinging.

ZenMap: ZenMap is a very powerful GUI tool. It is used to detect the port scanning, ping sweep, OS type, version
of OS, etc.

Net scan Tool: It contains different types of tools. It is used to perform the web rippers, flooding, mass emailers,
port scan. This tool is available as a trial version, but it is also has a paid version.
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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 23
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Objective of Network scanning

• Network scanning is used to find the open ports, live hosts, IP address of the target.

• Network scanning is used to find the services which are running on the computer of a target.

• Network scanning is used to find the system architecture and operating system of the victim.

• Network scanning is used to find and deal with vulnerabilities.


Enumeration is the process in which information is extracted from the system like machine names, user names,
network resources, shares and services. In enumeration, an active connection is established with the system by
the hacker. Hackers use this connection and gain more target information by performing direct queries. If the
attacker wants to directly exploit the system, the outcome of the enumeration phase is very useful for them.
That's why, in penetration testing, the enumeration phase is considered risky.

There are various types of enumeration. These are as follows:

NetBIOS Enumeration: NetBIOS means Network Basic Input Output System. It is developed by IBM. If you want to
enumerate NetBIOS on Windows OS, printer and file server should be enabled. Using NetBIOS, an attacker can
perform a DOS attack on a remote machine.

SNMP Enumeration: SNMP means Simple Network Management Protocol. If the network device is run on Internet
Protocol (IP) like a router, SNMP will be used for managing the device. It is based on the client-server architecture.
Every network device has the SNMP client or agent, and using the request and response; it communicates with
the SNMP managing station. Agent software can access the SNMP request and response, which are the
configurable variable. Using the SNMP enumeration, an attacker can get information on network resources like
devices, shares, routers, etc. An attacker can get device-specific information, traffic statistics, and ARP and Routing
table by enumerating the SNMP on the remote device.

LDAP Enumeration: LDAP means Light Weight Directory Access Protocol. It is based on the client-server
architecture. The distributed directory services can be accessed by LDAP. Directory service is used for storing
user's records, and it is a logical and hierarchical structure. Using the BER (Basic Encoding Rules), the information
transmits between server and client. The LDAP transmits over TCP (Transmission control protocol). If the server
has an anonymous remote query, LDAP supports it. Using the query, the sensitive information of users like contact
details, address, user name, department details, etc., can be accessed.

NTP Enumeration: NTP means Network time protocol. Clocks of network computers are synchronized by the NTP.
If NTP is in ideal condition, it can achieve 200 milliseconds accuracy in the local area network. It is based on agent-
server architecture. It works on port 123 and UDP (user datagram protocol). The NTP server is queried by the NTP
agent. If the attacker queries the NTP server, they can enumerate the host's list, which is connected to the server
of NTP. They can also enumerate the operating system, hostname and IP address of the internal clients.

SMTP Enumeration: SMTP means Simple Mail Transfer protocol. It is used to transmit electronic mail. It is based
on the client-server architecture. It works on port number 25 and TCP (Transmission control protocol). To send the

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 24
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

mail through DNS, it will use the MX server (Mail exchange server). The following built-in commands are given by

VERY: In the SMTP server, this command validates the users.

EXPN: It is used to identify the list of mails and deliver the address of aliases.

RECT TO: It is used to define the message's recipients.

The response of the SMTP server towards the above command is different. Because of the varied response of
SMTP, SMTP enumeration is possible. Using the same technique, an attacker can find a valid user on the server of

DNS Enumeration: DNS means Domain name service. DNS is used to store the record using the DNS database. In
DNS, the most commonly used types of record are as follows:

• Domain name aliases

• IP Address

• Name servers

• Start of authority

• Pointers for reverse DNS lookups

• Mail exchange

DNS works on TCP (Transmission control protocol) as well as UDP (User datagram protocol). It uses port number
53. In DNS, TCP is used for zone transfer, and UDP is used for resolving queries. The database's position can be
replicated from the primary server to the secondary server using the DNS zone transfer. DNS enumeration is
possible when the DNS primary server is requested by the zone transfer and pretends like a client. In response to
the request, it reveals the sensitive information related to domain records.

Windows Enumeration: Windows Os and Sysinternals tools can be enumerated together. You can download the
many more Sysinternals tools using the URL

LINUX/UNIX Enumeration: Linux or Unix OS and Multiple command-line utilities can be enumerated together. The
utilities are provided by the operating system.

Methodology of the hackers

Hackers typically follow a methodology or a process when carrying out an attack. While the exact methodology
can vary depending on the specific attack and the target system, here are some common steps that are often

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 25
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

1. Reconnaissance: The first step in any attack is reconnaissance, which involves gathering information about
the target system or organization. This can include reviewing publicly available information, scanning the
network for open ports, and using other technical tools to identify potential vulnerabilities.

2. Scanning: Once reconnaissance is complete, the next step is scanning. This involves using technical tools
to probe the target system and identify potential vulnerabilities, such as open ports, unsecured services,
and weak passwords.

3. Gaining Access: Once vulnerabilities have been identified, the next step is to gain access to the target
system. This can involve exploiting a software vulnerability, using a phishing attack to trick an employee
into revealing login credentials, or using other methods to gain access to the system.

4. Maintaining Access: Once access has been gained, the hacker will typically attempt to maintain access to
the target system for as long as possible. This can involve installing backdoors or other methods to
maintain a persistent presence on the system.

5. Covering Tracks: Finally, the hacker will attempt to cover their tracks to avoid detection. This can involve
deleting log files, obscuring their activities through encryption or other techniques, or using other
methods to avoid detection.

Tools used for the Reconnaissance phase

There are various tools and techniques used by hackers to conduct reconnaissance or information gathering. Some
commonly used tools include:

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

1. WHOIS: WHOIS is a tool that provides information about the ownership and registration of a domain
name or IP address. It can be used to identify the organization responsible for a website or server, as well
as contact information for the owner or administrator.

2. Nmap: Nmap is a network scanning tool that can be used to identify open ports, running services, and
potential vulnerabilities on a target system. It can be used to conduct port scans, version detection, and
service enumeration.

3. Shodan: Shodan is a search engine that can be used to identify internet-connected devices, including
servers, routers, and other network devices. It can be used to identify devices with known vulnerabilities,
open ports, and other potential security issues.

4. Recon-ng: Recon-ng is a tool that can be used to gather information about a target system or organization
from various sources, including social media, search engines, and other online sources.

5. Maltego: Maltego is a data mining tool that can be used to visualize and map relationships between
different entities, such as domains, email addresses, and IP addresses. It can be used to identify potential
vulnerabilities and attack vectors.

6. Google Hacking: Google hacking involves using advanced search operators in Google to identify specific
information about a target system or organization. This can include searching for specific file types,
directory listings, or other information that may be useful in an attack.

What is vulnerability assessment?

A vulnerability assessment is a systematic review of security weaknesses in an information system. It evaluates if

the system is susceptible to any known vulnerabilities, assigns severity levels to those vulnerabilities, and
recommends remediation or mitigation, if and whenever needed.

Examples of threats that can be prevented by vulnerability assessment include:

1. SQL injection, XSS and other code injection attacks.

2. Escalation of privileges due to faulty authentication mechanisms.

3. Insecure defaults – software that ships with insecure settings, such as a guessable admin passwords.

There are several types of vulnerability assessments. These include:

1. Host assessment – The assessment of critical servers, which may be vulnerable to attacks if not
adequately tested or not generated from a tested machine image.

2. Network and wireless assessment – The assessment of policies and practices to prevent unauthorized
access to private or public networks and network-accessible resources.

3. Database assessment – The assessment of databases or big data systems for vulnerabilities and
misconfigurations, identifying rogue databases or insecure dev/test environments, and classifying
sensitive data across an organization’s infrastructure.

4. Application scans – The identifying of security vulnerabilities in web applications and their source code by
automated scans on the front-end or static/dynamic analysis of source code.

Vulnerability assessment: Security scanning process

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 27
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

The security scanning process consists of four steps: testing, analysis, assessment and remediation.

1. Vulnerability identification (testing)

The objective of this step is to draft a comprehensive list of an application’s vulnerabilities. Security analysts test
the security health of applications, servers or other systems by scanning them with automated tools, or testing
and evaluating them manually. Analysts also rely on vulnerability databases, vendor vulnerability announcements,
asset management systems and threat intelligence feeds to identify security weaknesses.

2. Vulnerability analysis

The objective of this step is to identify the source and root cause of the vulnerabilities identified in step one.

It involves the identification of system components responsible for each vulnerability, and the root cause of the
vulnerability. For example, the root cause of a vulnerability could be an old version of an open source library. This
provides a clear path for remediation – upgrading the library.

3. Risk assessment

The objective of this step is the prioritizing of vulnerabilities. It involves security analysts assigning a rank or
severity score to each vulnerability, based on such factors as:

1. Which systems are affected.

2. What data is at risk.

3. Which business functions are at risk.

4. Ease of attack or compromise.

5. Severity of an attack.

6. Potential damage as a result of the vulnerability.

4. Remediation

The objective of this step is the closing of security gaps. It’s typically a joint effort by security staff, development
and operations teams, who determine the most effective path for remediation or mitigation of each vulnerability.

Specific remediation steps might include:

1. Introduction of new security procedures, measures or tools.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 28
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

2. The updating of operational or configuration changes.

3. Development and implementation of a vulnerability patch.

Vulnerability assessment tools

Vulnerability assessment tools are designed to automatically scan for new and existing threats that can target your
application. Types of tools include:

1. Web application scanners that test for and simulate known attack patterns.

2. Protocol scanners that search for vulnerable protocols, ports and network services.

3. Network scanners that help visualize networks and discover warning signals like stray IP addresses,
spoofed packets and suspicious packet generation from a single IP address.

It is a best practice to schedule regular, automated scans of all critical IT systems. The results of these scans should
feed into the organization’s ongoing vulnerability assessment process.

Vulnerability assessment and WAF

Imperva’s web application firewall helps protect against application vulnerabilities in several ways:

1. As a gateway for all incoming traffic, it can proactively filter out malicious visitors and requests, such as
SQL injections and XSS attacks. This eliminates the risk of data exposure to malicious actors.

2. It can perform virtual-patching — the auto-applying of a patch for a newly discovered vulnerability at the
network edge, giving developers and IT teams the opportunity to safely deploy a new patch on the
application without concern.

3. Our WAF provides a view of security events. Attack Analytics helps contextualize attacks and expose
overarching threats, (e.g., showing thousands of seemingly unrelated attacks as part of one big attack

4. Our WAF integrates with all leading SIEM platforms to provide you with a clear view of the threats you’re
facing and help you prepare for new attacks

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 29
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

1. What is Footprinting in the context of cybersecurity?

a. A dance move

b. A process of collecting information about a target system

c. Measuring shoe sizes

d. Designing foot-shaped logos

Answer: b

2. Which of the following is NOT a type of Footprinting?

a. Passive Footprinting

b. Active Footprinting

c. Evasive Footprinting

d. Open-source Footprinting

Answer: c

3. What is the primary goal of the Reconnaissance phase?

a. Gain unauthorized access

b. Gather information about the target

c. Delete sensitive data

d. Install malware

Answer: b

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

4. Which of the following is an example of Passive Reconnaissance?

a. Port scanning

b. Social engineering

c. Network sniffing

d. SQL injection

Answer: c

5. What does OSINT stand for in the context of information gathering?

a. Operating System Interface

b. Open-Source Intelligence

c. Overly Sensitive Internet

d. Operational Security and Intrusion Network Toolkit

Answer: b

6. In the information gathering process, what does the term "Scanning" refer to?

a. Finding vulnerabilities in a system

b. Collecting data about the target

c. Extracting passwords

d. Gaining unauthorized access

Answer: a

7. Which methodology do hackers often follow during the information gathering process?

a. CIA Triad


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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 31
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

c. CEH

d. Intelligence Cycle

Answer: d

8. What is the primary purpose of DNS Interrogation in the Reconnaissance phase?

a. Map the network topology

b. Gather information about domain names

c. Exploit vulnerabilities

d. Disable firewalls

Answer: b

9. Which tool is commonly used for network mapping during the Reconnaissance phase?

a. Wireshark

b. Nmap

c. Metasploit

d. Burp Suite

Answer: b

10. What is the goal of Footprinting during the information gathering process?

a. Launching attacks

b. Identifying vulnerabilities

c. Deactivating firewalls

d. Encrypting data

Answer: b

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 32
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

11. Which of the following is an example of Active Footprinting?

a. Reading online forums

b. Port scanning

c. Social engineering

d. Reviewing public documents

Answer: b

12. What is the purpose of WHOIS in Footprinting?

a. Identify the owner of a domain

b. Scan open ports

c. Extract passwords

d. Decrypt encrypted files

Answer: a

13. Which type of Footprinting involves direct interaction with the target system?

a. Passive Footprinting

b. Active Footprinting

c. Evasive Footprinting

d. Indirect Footprinting

Answer: b

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 33
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

14. What is the primary focus of Open-source Footprinting?

a. Gathering information from public sources

b. Hacking closed-source software

c. Conducting social engineering attacks

d. Decrypting encrypted files

Answer: a

15. Which tool is commonly used for social engineering attacks during the Reconnaissance phase?

a. Burp Suite

b. SET (Social-Engineer Toolkit)

c. Wireshark

d. Nessus

Answer: b

16. What is the goal of Footprinting in ethical hacking?

a. Destroying data

b. Identifying weaknesses and vulnerabilities

c. Creating new security policies

d. Generating fake data

Answer: b

17. In the information gathering process, what is the significance of fingerprinting?

a. Identifying the target's system

b. Analyzing network traffic

c. Extracting passwords

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

d. Launching malware attacks

Answer: a

18. Which phase of the hacking process involves information gathering?

a. Exploitation

b. Post-exploitation

c. Reconnaissance

d. Escalation

Answer: c

19. What role does social engineering play in the Reconnaissance phase?

a. Identifying vulnerabilities

b. Gathering information through human interaction

c. Network mapping

d. Exploiting software flaws

Answer: b

20. Which tool is commonly used for DNS information gathering?

a. Netcat

b. Dig

c. Hydra

d. Snort

Answer: b

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

3 Marks

1. What is Footprinting in the context of cybersecurity, and why is it a crucial phase in the information
security process?

2. Can you explain the different types of Footprinting techniques used by hackers to gather information
about a target?

3. How does the process of Reconnaissance contribute to the overall understanding of a target system
before launching an attack?

4. What are the primary objectives of the information gathering process during Reconnaissance?

5. Discuss the methodologies that hackers employ during the Reconnaissance phase to collect valuable
information about a target.

6. How can passive information gathering differ from active information gathering in the context of

7. Provide examples of open-source intelligence (OSINT) techniques that can be used for information
gathering in the Footprinting phase.

8. Why is it essential for hackers to gather accurate and up-to-date information during the reconnaissance

9. Explain the concept of social engineering and its relevance in the information gathering phase of an

10. What role do tools play in the reconnaissance phase, and can you name some commonly used tools by
hackers for this purpose?

11. How can WHOIS databases be utilized in the footprinting process, and what kind of information can be
extracted from them?

12. Discuss the significance of DNS enumeration in the reconnaissance phase and its impact on the overall
attack strategy.

13. What challenges do ethical hackers face while performing reconnaissance, and how can they mitigate
these challenges?

14. How does footprinting differ in the context of network reconnaissance compared to web application

15. Can you explain the legal and ethical considerations that should be taken into account when conducting
reconnaissance activities for cybersecurity purposes?

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 36
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

5 Marks

1. What is Foot Printing and how is it used by hackers? (Knowledge, Level 1)

2. Identify the different types of Foot Printing techniques used by hackers. (Comprehension, Level 2)

3. Explain the purpose and process of Reconnaissance in hacking. (Comprehension, Level 2)

4. Evaluate the information gathering process used in hacking. (Analysis, Level 3)

5. Analyze the methodology of hackers during the Reconnaissance phase. (Analysis, Level 3)

6. Compare and contrast different tools used for Foot Printing in the Reconnaissance phase. (Analysis, Level

7. Discuss the importance of Foot Printing and Reconnaissance in Ethical Hacking. (Synthesis, Level 4)

8. Formulate a plan to gather information about a target system using Foot Printing techniques. (Synthesis,
Level 4)

9. Create a report summarizing the results of a Foot Printing and Reconnaissance phase. (Evaluation, Level 5)

10. Evaluate the effectiveness of different Foot Printing tools in achieving hacking goals. (Evaluation, Level 5)

11. Justify the use of Reconnaissance and Foot Printing in Ethical Hacking. (Evaluation, Level 5)

12. Develop a strategy to mitigate the risks associated with Foot Printing and Reconnaissance. (Creation, Level

13. Design a customized tool for Foot Printing and Reconnaissance for a specific hacking scenario. (Creation,
Level 6)

14. Critique the use of Foot Printing and Reconnaissance by hackers and propose ethical alternatives.
(Evaluation, Level 5)

15. Explain the impact of legal and ethical considerations on the use of Foot Printing and Reconnaissance in
Ethical Hacking. (Analysis, Level 3)

16. Demonstrate the steps involved in conducting Foot Printing and Reconnaissance using relevant tools.
(Application, Level 2)

17. Utilize critical thinking to analyze and solve problems associated with Foot Printing and Reconnaissance.
(Analysis, Level 3)

18. Evaluate the limitations of Foot Printing and Reconnaissance in Ethical Hacking. (Evaluation, Level 5)

19. Synthesize information from multiple sources to assess the potential risks associated with Foot Printing
and Reconnaissance. (Synthesis, Level 4)

20. Apply ethical principles to guide decision-making during the Foot Printing and Reconnaissance phase of
hacking. (Application, Level 2)

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 37
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Describe vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability assessment is a process of identifying and evaluating vulnerabilities in a system or network to

determine the potential risk to the organization's assets, such as data, software, or hardware. The goal of
vulnerability assessment is to identify potential weaknesses and prioritize them based on their severity and
potential impact on the organization's operations.

The vulnerability assessment process typically involves the following steps:

Below is an executive summary of the broad steps covered in a typical vulnerability management lifecycle process.
We will explain these steps throughout the article.

Prepare an asset inventory, and identify business-critical assets. This can also identify
unauthorized assets or assets missed in asset management processes.
Discover assets
Alongside, get organization-wide agreement on the need, objectives, and goals of the
vulnerability management program

Prioritize assets based on the potential impact of a vulnerability’s exploitation

Prioritize enterprise Also identify the key performance indicators (KPI) and other relevant metrics to report
assets progress, measure success, and confirm if the program is delivering on its stated

Find and assess

Perform a vulnerability scan and penetration test

Prioritize and report Prioritize identified vulnerabilities based on potential impact and risk, prepare a detailed
vulnerabilities report

Address vulnerabilities Address vulnerabilities based on priority

Verify remediation Assess where remediation actions were successful

Maintain the cycle of excellence through feedback and continuous improvement

What is a vulnerability?

A vulnerability is a cyber-security weakness that a bad actor could exploit to gain unauthorized access to your
enterprise network and compromise resources. The vulnerability could be present in unpatched or out-of-date

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 38
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

software, or occur due to missing or weak authentication credentials. System misconfigurations, poor data
encryption, malicious insider threats, injection flaws and zero-day vulnerabilities are some other, common types.

If an attacker successfully exploits a vulnerability, they can damage your organization in many ways. Here are a few

• Run malicious code on your systems, such as ransomware

• Install dangerous malware

• Steal sensitive data

• Conduct corporate espionage

One 2021 report revealed that 50% of internal application vulnerabilities were high-risk or critical-risk. Another
study in 2020 revealed that a whopping 84% of companies had high-risk vulnerabilities on their external networks.

What is vulnerability management?

The SANS Institute defines vulnerability management as a “process in which vulnerabilities in IT are identified and
the risks of these vulnerabilities are evaluated. This evaluation leads to correcting the vulnerabilities and removing
the risk or a formal risk acceptance by the management of an organization.”

The 7 stages of the vulnerability management lifecycle

The vulnerability management lifecycle is an intricate cybersecurity practice that can help your organization find
and fix security weaknesses before they can lead to an attack. It consists of 7 key stages.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 39
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

1. Discover enterprise assets

The first step involves preparing an asset inventory – a list of all enterprise assets, such as devices, operating
systems, software, and services that will be assessed for vulnerabilities. Make sure to uncover any forgotten or
shadow IT devices. They may contain vulnerabilities that could harm the organization if left unattended or uncover
unauthorized access (a new threat). Also, determine who has access to these assets and to what degree (read
only, edit, move, etc).

Asset discovery is a method to help audit and potentially identify gaps in your asset inventories. The goal here is to
have a fully defined scope of assets for your vulnerability management program and ensure that you are prepared
for vulnerability scans and tests.

2. Prioritize enterprise assets

Business-critical assets should then be prioritized based on impact and risk. Prioritization is crucial because it will
help focus your vulnerability management efforts. Consider some of the following:

• Which assets are the most critical for ongoing operations?

• Which assets, if affected by a cybersecurity attack, could affect your organization’s business continuity,
reputation, or financial position?

• Which assets contain sensitive or confidential data?

3. Find and assess vulnerabilities

Now that you have an asset inventory, perform a vulnerability scan to find any vulnerabilities that may result in a
breach, including:

• Misconfiguration

• Injections

• Broken authentication

• Missing encryption

• Human error

• Zero-day errors

• Missing software updates or patches

Select a tool that can perform both authenticated (credential-based) and unauthenticated (non-credential-based)
scans to find different types of vulnerabilities. Ensure that the tool can effectively differentiate between true
positives (real vulnerabilities) and false positives (vulnerabilities that appear real but are not). This will minimize
the burden of assessment, verification, and remediation on the security team.

4. Prioritize and report vulnerabilities

Once you have discovered assets that are potentially weakened, prioritize the identified vulnerabilities based on
potential impact: high-impact, medium-impact, and low-impact. Leverage threat intelligence to add context to

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 40
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

vulnerability and threat data, and move from a reactive to a proactive stance in your fight against threat
actorsCompile all this information into a report that outlines:

• Identified vulnerabilities

• Prioritization levels

• Recommendations to address them

Include clear instructions to inform the remediation team what actions to take in order to address vulnerabilities
and decrease risks.

5. Remediate

Before you start addressing vulnerabilities, prepare a plan of action with a list of activities, remediation owners,
and important milestones. Track progress to confirm that the remediation effort is appropriately focused and on-
track. Also, perform root cause analyses to expand your knowledge of the vulnerability landscape and improve
your vulnerability management program.

With a prioritized vulnerability list, decide whether you should:

• Accept the risk of the vulnerable asset

• Delay remediation

• Mitigate the vulnerability

• Remove the vulnerability

6. Verify remediation

The assessment stage will reveal whether your remediation actions were successful and to what extent. This stage
often includes a rescan of the remediated assets affected by the vulnerability. It should also reveal how successful
your efforts were at:

• Reducing the size of your organization’s attack surface

• Limiting the exposure of assets to threat

• Increasing transparency and accountability in your cyber security program

7. Continuous improvement

Since vulnerability management is a cycle, feedback and continuous improvement are critical to maintain
effectiveness. Look for ways to improve your security controls, policies, and procedures.

Research ways to strengthen weak defenses, and proactively defend the organization from both existing and
evolving vulnerabilities.

Understand different approaches of vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability assessment is the process of identifying, quantifying, and prioritizing vulnerabilities or weaknesses in
a system, network, or application. There are various approaches to conducting vulnerability assessments,

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 41
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

1. Network-based vulnerability assessment: This approach involves scanning the network for vulnerabilities
using automated tools like vulnerability scanners. These tools scan the network for known vulnerabilities
in the operating system, software, and other components of the network.

2. Application-based vulnerability assessment: This approach focuses on the applications running on the
network, such as web applications or databases. It involves identifying vulnerabilities in the application
code, configuration, or design using tools like web application scanners or manual code reviews.

3. Host-based vulnerability assessment: This approach involves assessing the vulnerabilities on individual
systems or hosts, such as servers or workstations. It may include reviewing system configuration settings,
checking for software updates, or analyzing system logs.

4. Physical security assessment: This approach involves assessing the physical security of a facility, including
buildings, equipment, and personnel. It may include checking for unauthorized access points, reviewing
security policies and procedures, and testing security controls.

5. Social engineering assessment: This approach involves testing the human element of security by
attempting to exploit human weaknesses, such as tricking employees into giving out sensitive information
or gaining unauthorized access to a facility.

6. Red teaming: This approach involves simulating a real-world attack on a system or network by using a
team of security professionals to identify vulnerabilities and test the effectiveness of security controls.

Overall, a comprehensive vulnerability assessment should involve a combination of these approaches to identify
and prioritize vulnerabilities and ensure that appropriate remediation actions are taken to mitigate the identified

Vulnerability assessment tools

Good vulnerability assessment tools should possess the following characteristics:

1. Accuracy: The tool should accurately identify vulnerabilities and potential threats in the system, network
or application. It should use reliable and up-to-date vulnerability databases to ensure accuracy.

2. Ease of use: The tool should be easy to install, configure and use. It should have a user-friendly interface
that allows for customization and scheduling of scans.

3. Comprehensive coverage: The tool should scan for a wide range of vulnerabilities across different systems,
networks, and applications. It should also support a variety of platforms and operating systems.

4. Flexibility: The tool should be flexible enough to allow customization of scans to fit specific needs. It
should allow users to choose the level of severity, scan frequency and scope of the scan.

5. Integration: The tool should integrate seamlessly with other security tools and systems such as intrusion
detection and prevention systems, security information and event management systems (SIEMs), and
patch management tools.

6. Reporting: The tool should provide detailed and actionable reports that highlight the vulnerabilities found,
the potential impact of those vulnerabilities, and recommendations for remediation.

7. Support: The tool vendor should provide adequate technical support and documentation to assist users in
deploying and using the tool effectively.
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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 42
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

8. Compliance: The tool should support regulatory compliance frameworks such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, or GDPR,
and be able to generate reports that demonstrate compliance.

Vulnerability assessment tools

Choosing an appropriate vulnerability assessment tool depends on the specific needs and requirements of the
organization. Here are a few popular vulnerability assessment tools that may be suitable for different scenarios:

1. Nessus: Nessus is a widely used network vulnerability scanner that can identify vulnerabilities across
multiple operating systems, applications, and network devices. It offers comprehensive reporting and
analysis, along with customizable scan options and integration with other security tools.

2. OpenVAS: OpenVAS is an open-source vulnerability scanner that offers both network and application
scanning capabilities. It includes a powerful reporting engine, allows for customized scans, and supports a
wide range of operating systems and applications.

3. Qualys: Qualys is a cloud-based vulnerability management tool that offers network, web application, and
endpoint scanning capabilities. It provides detailed reporting, automated workflows for remediation, and
integration with other security tools.

4. Rapid7: Rapid7 offers vulnerability assessment tools such as Nexpose and Insight VM. These tools provide
network and web application scanning, detailed reporting, and integration with other security tools. They
also offer advanced analytics and risk prioritization capabilities.

5. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) is a free tool that scans
Windows systems for common security misconfigurations and missing updates. It provides a basic level of
vulnerability assessment for organizations that use Windows systems.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 43
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

1. What is vulnerability assessment?

a. Identifying and prioritizing weaknesses in a system

b. Exploiting system vulnerabilities

c. Securing network connections

d. Enhancing system performance

Answer: a

2. What is the vulnerability management lifecycle?

a. Detection, assessment, remediation

b. Exploitation, assessment, prevention

c. Backup, recovery, monitoring

d. Installation, configuration, maintenance

Answer: a

3. Which is a common approach to vulnerability assessment?

a. Proactive scanning

b. Reactive scanning

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

Answer: c

4. What are characteristics of good vulnerability assessment tools?

a. Accuracy, reliability, ease of use

b. Complexity, speed, popularity

c. Cost, vendor reputation, compatibility

d. All of the above

Answer: a

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 44
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

5. How should one choose an appropriate vulnerability assessment tool?

a. Based on popularity

b. By vendor reputation

c. Considering organization needs and goals

d. Random selection

Answer: c

6. What is the purpose of generating vulnerability assessment reports?

a. To share with competitors

b. To demonstrate compliance

c. To sell to external organizations

d. Both b and c

Answer: d

7. What is system hacking?

a. Improving system performance

b. Gaining unauthorized access to a computer system

c. Upgrading system software

d. Configuring system settings

Answer: b

8. What are the types of system hacking?

a. White hat hacking

b. Black hat hacking

c. Grey hat hacking

d. All of the above

Answer: d

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 45
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

9. What are hacking tools used for?

a. Improving system performance

b. Identifying vulnerabilities

c. Enhancing cybersecurity

d. Exploiting security weaknesses

Answer: d

10. What is a computer hole in the context of hacking?

a. A software vulnerability

b. A hardware defect

c. A network breach

d. A programming language error

Answer: a

11. What is the hacking process?

a. Detection, assessment, remediation

b. Reconnaissance, scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, analysis

c. Backup, recovery, monitoring

d. Installation, configuration, maintenance

Answer: b

12. What are various methods of password cracking?

a. Brute force, dictionary attacks, rainbow tables

b. Backup, recovery, monitoring

c. Encryption, decryption, hashing

d. Firewall, antivirus, intrusion detection

Answer: a

13. What is Remote Password guessing?

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 46
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

a. Guessing passwords from a remote location

b. Cracking passwords remotely

c. Brute force attacks

d. Social engineering attacks

Answer: a

14. What is the role of eavesdropping in hacking?

a. Gaining unauthorized access to a system

b. Intercepting and monitoring communication

c. Exploiting software vulnerabilities

d. Improving network security

Answer: b

15. What are Keystroke Loggers?

a. Tools for typing faster

b. Devices to track mouse movements

c. Software or hardware that records keystrokes

d. Encrypted password databases

Answer: c

16. How can Keystroke Loggers be detected?

a. By antivirus software

b. By analyzing network traffic

c. By monitoring system logs

d. All of the above

Answer: d

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 47
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

17. What is the prevention method for Keystroke Loggers?

a. Regularly changing passwords

b. Using secure and updated software

c. Avoiding public Wi-Fi

d. All of the above

Answer: b

18. How can one ensure attackers do not return?

a. Regularly changing passwords

b. Conducting periodic security audits

c. Monitoring network traffic

d. All of the above

Answer: d

19. What is the primary goal of password cracking?

a. To improve system performance

b. To gain unauthorized access

c. To enhance cybersecurity

d. To analyze system vulnerabilities

Answer: b

20. Which hacking tool is commonly used for network scanning?

a. Wireshark

b. Nmap

c. Metasploit

d. Snort

Answer: b

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 48
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

21. What is the primary objective of system hacking?

a. To enhance system performance

b. To identify vulnerabilities

c. To gain unauthorized access

d. To improve network security

Answer: c

22. What is the purpose of a firewall in cybersecurity?

a. To prevent unauthorized access

b. To improve system performance

c. To encrypt communication

d. To monitor network traffic

Answer: a

23. What is the primary function of intrusion detection systems (IDS)?

a. To prevent hacking attempts

b. To detect and alert on suspicious activities

c. To enhance system performance

d. To secure wireless networks

Answer: b

24. What is the significance of regular security audits?

a. To identify and fix vulnerabilities

b. To improve system performance

c. To encrypt communication

d. To enhance user experience

Answer: a

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 49
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

25. Which is an example of a physical security measure?

a. Antivirus software

b. Biometric access control

c. Network encryption

d. Firewalls

Answer: b

26. What is the primary purpose of encryption in cybersecurity?

a. To improve system performance

b. To secure communication

c. To detect hacking attempts

d. To prevent network intrusion

Answer: b

27. What is the difference between white hat and black hat hacking?

a. Motivation and legality

b. Skill level and expertise

c. Hacking tools used

d. All of the above

Answer: a

28. Which type of hacking is done with the intention of improving system security?

a. Black hat hacking

b. Grey hat hacking

c. White hat hacking

d. Red teaming

Answer: c

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 50
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

29. What is the primary goal of ethical hacking?

a. To exploit vulnerabilities

b. To improve system performance

c. To identify and fix security weaknesses

d. To gain unauthorized access

Answer: c

30. How can an organization enhance cybersecurity awareness among employees?

a. Conduct regular training sessions

b. Install antivirus software

c. Use strong passwords

d. Both a and c

Answer: d

31. What is a zero-day vulnerability?

a. A vulnerability that exists for zero days

b. A recently discovered software flaw with no available patch

c. A vulnerability with a patch available for zero days

d. A vulnerability in hardware components

Answer: b

32. What is the primary purpose of a honeypot in cybersecurity?

a. To lure attackers and detect their activities

b. To enhance system performance

c. To prevent unauthorized access

d. To encrypt communication

Answer: a

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 51
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

33. What is the difference between penetration testing and vulnerability assessment?

a. They are synonymous terms

b. Penetration testing simulates real attacks, while vulnerability assessment identifies weaknesses

c. Vulnerability assessment is automated, while penetration testing is manual

d. Both b and c

Answer: b

34. What is the main objective of a Red Team in cybersecurity?

a. To identify and fix vulnerabilities

b. To simulate real-world attacks and test defenses

c. To enhance system performance

d. To monitor network traffic

Answer: b

35. What is the purpose of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) in cybersecurity?

a. To prevent hacking attempts

b. To improve system performance

c. To secure communication over the internet

d. To detect and alert on suspicious activities

Answer: c

36. What is the concept of "least privilege" in cybersecurity?

a. Giving users the maximum access they might need

b. Limiting user access to the minimum necessary for their tasks

c. Allowing unrestricted access to all users

d. Encrypting all communication for maximum security

Answer: b

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 52
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

37. What is a common method for preventing unauthorized physical access to a data center?

a. Biometric access control

b. Encryption

c. Network segmentation

d. Intrusion detection systems

Answer: a

38. What is the primary purpose of an intrusion prevention system (IPS)?

a. To detect and alert on suspicious activities

b. To prevent unauthorized access

c. To improve system performance

d. To block and mitigate potential attacks in real-time

Answer: d

39. What is the concept of "Social Engineering" in the context of hacking?

a. Exploiting vulnerabilities in social media platforms

b. Manipulating individuals to divulge confidential information

c. Enhancing social interactions within a network

d. Social responsibility in ethical hacking

Answer: b

40. What is the primary purpose of a security policy in an organization?

a. To improve system performance

b. To define guidelines and rules for securing information assets

c. To detect and alert on suspicious activities

d. To prevent unauthorized physical access

Answer: b

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 53
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

41. What is the role of a vulnerability scanner in vulnerability assessment?

a. To exploit vulnerabilities

b. To identify and assess weaknesses in systems

c. To generate reports for compliance purposes

d. Both b and c

Answer: d

42. What is the purpose of two-factor authentication (2FA)?

a. To enhance system performance

b. To prevent unauthorized access by requiring two forms of verification

c. To improve network security

d. To encrypt communication

Answer: b

43. What is the main objective of ethical hacking?

a. To gain unauthorized access

b. To improve system performance

c. To identify and fix security weaknesses

d. To exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain

Answer: c

44. What is the role of a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system?

a. To prevent hacking attempts

b. To detect and analyze security events in real-time

c. To improve system performance

d. To monitor network traffic for malicious activities

Answer: b

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 54
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

45. What is the purpose of a DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) in network security?

a. To improve system performance

b. To prevent unauthorized access

c. To segregate and protect internal networks from external threats

d. To encrypt communication

Answer: c

3 Marks:

1. What is vulnerability assessment, and why is it essential for cybersecurity?

2. Can you outline the vulnerability management lifecycle and its key stages?

3. Explain the different approaches used in vulnerability assessment.

4. What are the characteristics of good vulnerability assessment tools?

5. How do you choose an appropriate vulnerability assessment tool for a specific environment?

6. What is the process involved in generating vulnerability assessment reports?

7. Define system hacking and its significance in cybersecurity.

8. Enumerate the types of system hacking techniques commonly employed by attackers.

9. Provide examples of hacking tools and their functionalities.

10. Explain the concept of a computer hole in the context of cybersecurity.

11. Describe the steps involved in the hacking process.

12. What are the various methods used for password cracking in cybersecurity?

13. Explain the concept of Remote Password Guessing and its implications.

14. What role does eavesdropping play in the context of cybersecurity attacks?

15. Elaborate on the use of Keystroke Loggers in cyber attacks.

16. Identify and describe different types of Keystroke Loggers.

17. How can Keystroke Loggers be detected in a system?

18. What preventive measures can be implemented to mitigate Keystroke Logger threats?

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

19. Outline the steps involved in removing Keystroke Loggers from a compromised system.

20. How can one ensure that attackers do not return after a security incident?

21. Discuss the significance of continuous vulnerability assessment in cybersecurity.

22. What challenges may arise in the vulnerability management lifecycle, and how can they be addressed?

23. Compare and contrast active and passive vulnerability assessment approaches.

24. How does automated vulnerability scanning differ from manual assessment methods?

25. What factors should be considered when selecting a vulnerability assessment tool for a specific network?

26. Explain the concept of ethical hacking and its role in identifying vulnerabilities.

27. How does social engineering contribute to system hacking, and what preventive measures can be taken?

28. Discuss the importance of regularly updating and patching software in vulnerability management.

29. Enumerate common types of hacking attacks and their potential impacts on systems.

30. What role does user education and awareness play in preventing and mitigating cybersecurity

5 Marks

1. Define vulnerability assessment and its importance in cybersecurity.

2. Identify the steps involved in vulnerability management file cycle.

3. Explain different approaches used in vulnerability assessment.

4. Evaluate the characteristics of good vulnerability assessment tools.

5. Select an appropriate vulnerability assessment tool for a given scenario.

6. Generate vulnerability assessment reports and interpret the results.

7. Describe system hacking and its potential impact on a network.

8. Recognize the different types of system hacking and their methods.

9. Identify various hacking tools and their uses in system hacking.

10. Explain the concept of a computer hole and its role in system hacking.

11. Demonstrate various methods of password cracking and their effectiveness.

12. Analyze the role of eavesdropping in system hacking and how it can be prevented.

13. Classify the different types of keystroke loggers and their features.

14. Develop a plan for detection, prevention, and removal of keystroke loggers.

15. Create strategies to ensure attackers do not return after a successful system hack.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 56
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)


Trojans and Backdoors

Trojans and backdoors are two types of malicious software (malware) that can be used to compromise
computer systems, steal information, or gain unauthorized access to a system. While they share
similarities, they have distinct characteristics and purposes. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

1. Trojans: Trojans, short for Trojan horses, are a type of malware that disguise themselves as
legitimate programs or files. They are named after the famous Greek myth where soldiers hid
inside a wooden horse to infiltrate the city of Troy. Similarly, Trojans appear harmless or
desirable, tricking users into executing or installing them. Once activated, Trojans can perform
various malicious activities, such as:
o Creating backdoors: Trojans can create secret entry points in a system, allowing attackers
to access the compromised system remotely.
o Stealing information: Trojans may capture sensitive data like login credentials, credit card
details, or personal information from the infected system.
o Installing additional malware: Trojans can download and install other malware onto the
compromised system, further compromising its security.
o Modifying or deleting files: Trojans may alter or remove files on the infected system,
leading to data loss or system instability.
o Remote control: Trojans can provide attackers with unauthorized control over the infected
system, enabling them to perform various malicious actions.

Trojans often spread through email attachments, software downloads from untrusted sources, or
malicious websites. To protect against Trojans, it's crucial to have up-to-date antivirus software, exercise
caution when opening attachments or downloading files, and regularly update your operating system
and applications.

2. Backdoors: Backdoors are a type of hidden entry point or vulnerability deliberately inserted into a
computer system or software by its developers or attackers. Backdoors are designed to bypass
authentication or security measures, providing unauthorized access to a system. They can be
used for legitimate purposes by developers to access systems for troubleshooting or debugging.
However, when they are exploited by attackers, backdoors can lead to significant security

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 57
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Backdoors can be created through various means, such as:

• Exploiting software vulnerabilities: Attackers may discover or exploit weaknesses in software or

operating systems to create backdoors.
• Malicious code insertion: Attackers can inject code into legitimate programs to create secret
entry points.
• Weak or default passwords: Backdoors can be created if default or weak passwords are left
unchanged on system accounts or services.

Once a backdoor is in place, attackers can gain unauthorized access to the compromised system
remotely, without needing to go through normal authentication mechanisms. This can allow them to
execute arbitrary commands, steal data, install additional malware, or control the system for malicious

To protect against backdoors, it's crucial to follow security best practices, such as using strong and
unique passwords, regularly updating software and systems, applying security patches, and conducting
security audits to detect any potential vulnerabilities.

In summary, Trojans and backdoors are both types of malware that can compromise computer systems,
but they differ in their methods of operation. Trojans masquerade as legitimate files or programs and
can perform various malicious activities, including creating backdoors. Backdoors, on the other hand, are
hidden entry points intentionally inserted into a system or software, providing unauthorized access to
attackers. It's important to have robust security measures in place to defend against both Trojans and

Overt and covert channels

Overt and covert channels are two concepts related to the communication or transfer of information
between different entities within a computer system or network. Let's explore each of them:

1. Overt Channels: Overt channels are legitimate means of communication or information transfer
within a system. They are designed and intended for authorized and transparent communication
between different components or entities. Overt channels operate within the boundaries of the
system's intended functionality and are typically part of the system's architecture or protocols.

For example, in a computer network, overt channels can include standard network protocols such as
TCP/IP, HTTP, or FTP, which are used for data exchange between devices. These channels are openly
recognized and supported by the system.

2. Covert Channels: Covert channels, on the other hand, are unauthorized or unintended methods
of communication that exploit system vulnerabilities or utilize unconventional techniques to
transfer information. Covert channels are often used to bypass security controls or conceal the
transmission of data from detection.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 58
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Covert channels can be classified into two main types:

a. Storage Covert Channels: These channels involve the storage of information in a manner that is not
typically used for communication. For example, an attacker may use the storage capacity of unused or
reserved areas in memory or file systems to store and retrieve data, bypassing normal communication

b. Timing Covert Channels: Timing channels rely on the variation of timing or delays in system operations
to transmit information. For instance, an attacker might intentionally introduce delays or modify the
timing of certain events to convey information by encoding it in the timing patterns.

Covert channels can be challenging to detect and prevent since they exploit system vulnerabilities or
leverage unconventional methods of communication. They can be used to bypass security controls,
exfiltrate data, or enable unauthorized communication between entities.

Both overt and covert channels have implications for system security. While overt channels are
legitimate and necessary for system functionality, covert channels can pose a risk to the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of data and systems. Detecting and mitigating covert channels typically requires
robust security measures, including intrusion detection systems, access controls, monitoring of system
behavior, and regular security audits.

It's important to note that the use of covert channels can be considered a security violation or an attack
on a system, especially if it involves unauthorized communication or information leakage.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 59
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Types of Trojans

There are several types of Trojans, each designed to perform specific malicious activities. Here are some
common types of Trojans:

1. Remote Access Trojans (RATs): Remote Access Trojans are designed to provide unauthorized
remote access and control of a compromised system. Attackers can use RATs to perform various
activities, such as spying on the user, capturing keystrokes, accessing files, and executing
2. Banking Trojans: Banking Trojans specifically target online banking and financial transactions.
They are designed to steal login credentials, credit card information, and other sensitive financial
data. Banking Trojans often employ techniques such as keylogging, screen capturing, or webpage
manipulation to intercept and harvest user data during online banking sessions.
3. Spyware Trojans: Spyware Trojans are designed to monitor and gather information about the
user's activities without their knowledge or consent. They can track keystrokes, capture
screenshots, record browsing habits, and collect sensitive information. The harvested data is
often sent to the attacker or a remote server for further analysis or exploitation.
4. DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) Trojans: DDoS Trojans are used to launch Distributed Denial
of Service attacks on targeted systems or networks. They allow attackers to control a network of
compromised computers, known as a botnet, to flood a target with a massive volume of traffic,
overwhelming its resources and causing service disruptions or downtime.
5. Ransomware Trojans: Ransomware Trojans encrypt the victim's files or lock their system, making
them inaccessible. The attacker then demands a ransom payment in exchange for providing the
decryption key or unlocking the system. Ransomware Trojans have caused significant damage and
financial losses in recent years.
6. Rootkits: Rootkits are Trojans that aim to gain administrative or privileged access to a
compromised system. They modify or replace system files and processes to hide their presence

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 60
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

and maintain persistent control over the infected system. Rootkits can be difficult to detect and
remove, as they often interfere with system functionality and security mechanisms.
7. FakeAV Trojans: FakeAV Trojans, also known as Rogue Antivirus Trojans, mimic legitimate
antivirus software but provide no real security protection. They trick users into believing that
their system is infected with malware and prompt them to pay for a full version of the software
to remove the supposed threats. In reality, the FakeAV Trojan may perform no actual malware
removal or protection.

1. Reverse-Connecting Trojans: Reverse-Connecting Trojans are a type of Trojan that establish a

connection from the compromised system to the attacker's system. Unlike traditional Trojans that
wait for incoming connections, reverse-connecting Trojans initiate the connection, making it
more challenging to detect and block the malicious traffic.
2. Netcat Trojan: Netcat is a legitimate and versatile network utility used for various purposes, but it
can also be abused as a tool by attackers to create a Trojan. A Netcat Trojan uses Netcat
functionalities to establish unauthorized network connections, transfer files, or execute
commands on a compromised system.

3. Indications of a Trojan Attack: Signs that may indicate a Trojan attack include:
o Unusual system behavior, such as slow performance, crashes, or frequent error messages.
o Unexpected system restarts or shutdowns.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 61
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

o Unusual network traffic, especially to unfamiliar or suspicious destinations.

o Unauthorized modification or deletion of files.
o Changes in system configurations or settings without user action.
o Antivirus or security software alerts indicating the presence of a Trojan or suspicious
4. Wrapping, Trojan Construction Kit, and Trojan Makers: Wrapping is a technique where attackers
wrap a legitimate file or program with a Trojan payload, making it appear harmless. The wrapped
file can be distributed or shared, tricking users into executing the Trojan unknowingly.

A Trojan Construction Kit, also known as a Trojan Generator, is a tool or software package that allows
individuals with limited technical skills to create custom Trojans. These kits provide a user-friendly
interface and pre-built malicious functionalities, making it easier for non-experts to generate Trojans.

Trojan Makers are individuals or groups who specialize in creating Trojans for malicious purposes. They
often sell or distribute Trojans to other attackers or use them for their own illicit activities.

5. Countermeasure Techniques in Preventing Trojans: To mitigate the risk of Trojan attacks, consider
implementing the following countermeasures:
o Use reputable antivirus and security software and keep them up to date.
o Regularly update your operating system and applications with the latest security patches.
o Exercise caution when downloading files or opening email attachments from unknown or
untrusted sources.
o Be wary of clicking on suspicious links or visiting potentially malicious websites.
o Enable firewalls and configure them to block unauthorized incoming and outgoing
o Practice good password hygiene by using strong, unique passwords and enabling multi-
factor authentication.
o Educate users about safe browsing habits, the risks of social engineering, and the
importance of being cautious online.
o Regularly back up important data and store backups offline or in a secure location.
o Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address
potential weaknesses in your systems.

Implementing a layered security approach that combines preventive measures, user awareness, and
proactive monitoring can significantly reduce the risk of Trojan attacks and enhance overall system

Trojans can employ various techniques to evade detection and countermeasures. Here are some
common techniques used by Trojans and corresponding countermeasures:

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 62
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

1. Polymorphism: Polymorphic Trojans have the ability to modify their code or structure, making
each instance appear unique and difficult to detect using traditional signature-based detection
methods. Countermeasures against polymorphic Trojans include:
o Behavior-based detection: Instead of relying solely on signatures, use behavioral analysis
techniques to identify suspicious activities and behavior patterns that may indicate the
presence of a Trojan.
o Heuristic analysis: Employ heuristic scanning techniques to detect potentially malicious
behaviors and activities rather than relying solely on known signatures.
2. Encryption and Obfuscation: Trojans can use encryption and obfuscation techniques to hide their
code or communication channels, making it challenging to analyze or detect their malicious
activities. Countermeasures against encryption and obfuscation include:
o Advanced malware analysis: Employ sophisticated malware analysis tools and techniques
to decrypt or deobfuscate the Trojan's code and reveal its true nature.
o Network traffic analysis: Monitor and analyze network traffic for any suspicious or
anomalous behavior that may indicate hidden communication channels.
3. Rootkit Functionality: Rootkit Trojans are designed to hide their presence and activities by
modifying or replacing system files and processes. Countermeasures against rootkit Trojans
o Integrity checking: Implement system file integrity checking mechanisms to regularly
verify the integrity of critical system files. This can help identify any unauthorized
modifications made by the Trojan.
o Use dedicated rootkit detection tools: Employ specialized tools designed to detect and
remove rootkits from infected systems.
4. Zero-day Exploits: Trojans can take advantage of previously unknown vulnerabilities or zero-day
exploits in software or operating systems, making them difficult to defend against using known
signatures or patches. Countermeasures against zero-day exploits include:
o Vulnerability management: Regularly update software and systems with the latest patches
and security updates to minimize the risk of exposure to zero-day vulnerabilities.
o Network segmentation and isolation: Implement network segmentation and isolation
techniques to minimize the potential impact of an exploited zero-day vulnerability.

Sub-objective to Trojan Countermeasures: A sub-objective to Trojan countermeasures could be to

establish a comprehensive incident response plan. This plan would include the following components:

• Incident detection and response: Implement monitoring systems to detect and respond to
potential Trojan attacks promptly.
• Containment and mitigation: Isolate compromised systems, disconnect them from the network if
necessary, and apply mitigation measures to prevent further damage or unauthorized access.
• Investigation and analysis: Conduct a thorough investigation to understand the extent of the
breach, identify the Trojan's entry point, and determine the scope of the compromise.
• Remediation and recovery: Remove the Trojan from the compromised systems, restore affected
data from clean backups, and ensure that the systems are fully secure before returning them to
normal operation.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 63
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

• Lessons learned and continuous improvement: Review the incident response process, identify
any weaknesses or gaps, and implement improvements to enhance future incident response

Viruses and worms are two types of malicious software (malware) that can infect computer systems and
cause harm. While they both have the ability to replicate and spread, there are distinct differences
between the two:

1. Viruses: A computer virus is a type of malware that attaches itself to a legitimate program or file,
and it requires a host program or file to spread and execute. When the infected host program or
file is executed, the virus is activated, and it can perform various malicious actions, such as:
o Replication: Viruses can create copies of themselves and infect other files or programs on
the same computer or across a network.
o Damage or destruction: Viruses may corrupt or delete files, causing data loss or system
o Unauthorized actions: Viruses can perform unauthorized actions, such as displaying
messages, stealing information, or modifying system settings.
o Concealment: Viruses often attempt to hide their presence and evade detection by
antivirus software.

Viruses typically spread when infected files are shared or exchanged between computers, often through
email attachments, infected removable media, or downloaded files from the internet. They rely on user
actions to execute the infected files and initiate the infection process.

2. Worms: Worms are self-replicating malware that can spread across computer networks without
requiring a host program or file. Unlike viruses, worms can propagate themselves independently
by exploiting vulnerabilities in operating systems, network services, or applications. Once a worm
infects a system, it can perform various malicious activities, such as:
o Network scanning: Worms can actively scan networks for vulnerable systems to exploit
and infect.
o Replication: Worms can create copies of themselves and distribute them to other
vulnerable systems.
o Resource consumption: Worms can consume network bandwidth, processing power, or
other system resources, leading to performance degradation or system failures.
o Payload delivery: Worms can carry additional malicious payloads, such as Trojans or
ransomware, and deliver them to infected systems.

Worms can spread rapidly across networks, as they exploit security vulnerabilities to automatically infect
and propagate to other connected systems. They often leverage techniques like email attachments,
network shares, or software vulnerabilities to infiltrate systems and continue spreading.

To protect against viruses and worms, it's crucial to follow these best practices:

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 64
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

• Install and regularly update antivirus and anti-malware software.

• Keep your operating system and applications up to date with the latest security patches.
• Exercise caution when opening email attachments or downloading files from untrusted sources.
• Use strong and unique passwords for your accounts and enable multi-factor authentication.
• Implement network firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems.
• Regularly back up your important data to protect against data loss from virus or worm infections.
• Educate users about safe browsing habits, the risks of opening unknown files, and the
importance of software updates.

Virus vs worms

1. Method of Propagation: A virus requires a host program or file to attach itself to in order to
spread. It relies on human interaction or the execution of infected files to propagate from one
system to another. Viruses typically spread through sharing infected files or programs, email
attachments, removable media, or downloaded files.

In contrast, a worm is a self-replicating program that can spread independently without the need for a
host program or file. It exploits vulnerabilities in network services, operating systems, or applications to
propagate across computer networks. Worms can automatically scan for and infect other vulnerable
systems, spreading rapidly without user intervention.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 65
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

2. Infection Mechanism: A virus infects files or programs by embedding its malicious code into
them. When the infected file or program is executed, the virus becomes active, allowing it to
perform its malicious actions. Viruses often modify or corrupt the host files, potentially causing
damage or loss of data.

On the other hand, a worm does not require a host file to propagate. It can exploit security
vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to a system and then self-replicate and spread across the
network. Worms create copies of themselves and distribute them to other vulnerable systems, often
without the knowledge or interaction of the user.

3. Payload and Malicious Actions: Both viruses and worms can carry a payload, which is the
malicious code or actions they perform once activated. However, the specific actions may vary
between the two:
o Viruses often focus on activities such as data corruption, file deletion, displaying
messages, or stealing information. They may also serve as a delivery mechanism for other
types of malware, such as Trojans or ransomware.
o Worms, in addition to self-replication, can have a wide range of payloads. They can
consume system resources, spread other types of malware, create backdoors for remote
access, launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, or perform other malicious
4. Propagation Speed and Scope: Viruses typically spread at a slower pace compared to worms
since they rely on human actions or the sharing of infected files. The scope of a virus infection is
often limited to the systems where infected files are executed or shared.

Worms, being self-replicating and capable of exploiting vulnerabilities, can spread rapidly across
networks and infect a large number of systems within a short period. They can infect multiple systems in
different locations simultaneously, posing a significant threat to network infrastructure and causing
widespread disruptions.

Types of Viruses: Viruses can be categorized based on their behavior, characteristics, or targeted areas.
Here are some common types of viruses:

1. File Infectors: File infector viruses attach themselves to executable files (e.g., .exe or .dll files) and
infect them. When an infected file is executed, the virus is activated and can spread to other files.
2. Boot Sector Viruses: Boot sector viruses infect the boot sector of storage devices, such as hard
drives or floppy disks. They activate when the infected device is accessed during the boot
process, and they can spread by infecting other devices or the boot sectors of other computers.
3. Macro Viruses: Macro viruses infect documents or templates that contain macros, such as
Microsoft Word or Excel files. They utilize the macro programming capabilities of these
applications to spread and execute malicious code.
4. Polymorphic Viruses: Polymorphic viruses have the ability to change their own code or
appearance while keeping their main functionality intact. This makes them difficult to detect
using traditional signature-based antivirus approaches.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 66
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

5. Multipartite Viruses: Multipartite viruses infect both executable files and boot sectors. They can
spread through various means, making them versatile and challenging to eradicate.
6. Stealth Viruses: Stealth viruses employ techniques to conceal their presence and activities from
antivirus software. They may intercept system calls or modify file metadata to avoid detection.
7. File Overwriting Viruses: File overwriting viruses replace the content of files they infect,
rendering them inaccessible or useless.
8. Direct Action Viruses: Direct action viruses typically target specific file types and only execute
when the infected file is accessed or executed.

Antivirus Evasion Techniques: Malware authors continually develop new techniques to evade antivirus
detection. Some common antivirus evasion techniques employed by viruses include:

1. Encryption and Obfuscation: Viruses may use encryption or obfuscation techniques to hide their
code, making it more difficult for antivirus scanners to analyze and detect their malicious
2. Polymorphism and Metamorphism: Polymorphic viruses can modify their code or appearance
each time they replicate, generating unique variants that can evade signature-based detection.
Metamorphic viruses go a step further by completely rewriting their code while preserving
3. Anti-Emulation Techniques: Viruses may incorporate anti-emulation techniques to detect if they
are running within an emulated environment, such as a virtual machine, sandbox, or antivirus
lab. If detected, they may alter their behavior or remain dormant to avoid detection.
4. Rootkit Functionality: Some viruses incorporate rootkit techniques to hide their presence from
the operating system and antivirus software. Rootkits modify or manipulate system components
to conceal malicious activities and make detection more challenging.

Virus detection methods are techniques used by antivirus software to identify and detect the presence
of viruses and other malware on computer systems. Here are some common virus detection methods:

1. Signature-based Detection: Signature-based detection is one of the most widely used methods.
Antivirus software maintains a database of known virus signatures, which are unique patterns or
characteristics of specific viruses. When a file or program is scanned, the antivirus software
compares its code or behavior against the signatures in the database. If a match is found, the file
is flagged as infected.
2. Heuristic Analysis: Heuristic analysis is a proactive detection method that aims to identify new or
unknown viruses based on their suspicious behavior or characteristics. Instead of relying solely
on virus signatures, the antivirus software analyzes the code or behavior of files and looks for
patterns that indicate potentially malicious activities. Heuristic analysis helps detect viruses that
have not yet been added to the signature database.
3. Behavior-based Detection: Behavior-based detection monitors the real-time behavior of files or
programs as they execute. It looks for actions or activities that are commonly associated with
malware, such as unauthorized file modifications, attempts to modify critical system settings, or
self-replication behavior. Behavior-based detection can identify unknown viruses or variants that
have different signatures but exhibit similar malicious behavior.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

4. Sandbox Analysis: Sandboxing involves executing files or programs in a controlled and isolated
environment known as a sandbox. The sandbox allows the antivirus software to observe the
behavior of the file without risking the infection of the actual system. By monitoring the actions
and interactions of the file within the sandbox, the antivirus software can detect suspicious or
malicious behavior that may indicate the presence of a virus.
5. Machine Learning: Machine learning techniques are increasingly used in virus detection.
Antivirus software can leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets of known
malware samples and learn patterns or features associated with viruses. By training on this data,
the software can then identify new or unknown viruses based on similarities to previously seen

How A Sniffer Works

A computer connected to the LAN has two addresses. One is the MAC (Media Access Control) address that
uniquely identifies each node in a network and is stored on the network card itself. It is the MAC address that gets
used by the Ethernet protocol while building “frames” to transfer data to and from a machine. The other is the IP
address, which is used by applications. The Data Link Layer uses an Ethernet header with the MAC address of the
destination machine rather than the IP Address. The Network Layer is responsible for mapping IP network
addresses to the MAC address as required by the Data Link Protocol. It initially looks up the MAC address of the
destination machine in a table, usually called the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache. If no entry is found for
the IP address, the Address Resolution Protocol broadcasts a request packet (ARP request) to all machines on the
network. The machine with that address responds to the source machine with its MAC address. This MAC address
then gets added to the source machine’s ARP Cache. The source machine in all its communications with the
destination machine then uses this MAC address.

Though a switch is more secure than a hub, the following methods can still be used to sniff on a switch:

1. ARP Spoofing: We have explained earlier how ARP is used to obtain the MAC address of the
destination machine with which we wish to communicate. The ARP is stateless, you can send an
ARP reply even if one has not been asked for and such a reply will be accepted. Ideally when
you want to sniff the traffic originating from machine Venus, you can ARP Spoof the gateway of
the network. The ARP cache of Venus will now have a wrong entry for the gateway and is said
to be poisoned. This way all the traffic destined for the gateway will pass through your machine.
Another trick that can be used is to poison a hosts ARP cache by setting the gateway's MAC
address to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF (also known as the broadcast MAC). An excellent tool for this is the
arpspoof utility that comes with the dsniff

suite. Using arpspoof to poison the ARP cache of a machine is accomplished by giving the command:

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 68
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Note: This way you can sniff the traffic from the target machine to the gateway, but not the traffic from the
gateway to the target machine. In order to do that, you will need to poison the ARP cache of the gateway too.
Given the importance of the gateway machines, quite a few administrators often install programs like arp-watch to
detect such malicious activities. Hence trying to poison the gateway might be risky.

2. MAC Flooding: Switches keep a translation table that maps various MAC addresses to the
physical ports on the switch. As a result of this it can intelligently route packets from one host
to another. The switch has a limited memory for this work. MAC flooding makes use of this
limitation to bombard the switch with fake MAC addresses till the switch can't keep up. The
switch then enters into what is known as a “failopen mode” wherein it starts acting as a hub by
broadcasting packets to all the machines on the network. Once that happens sniffing can be
performed easily. MAC flooding can be performed by using macof, a utility that comes with
dsniff suite.

Warning: This method might lead to degeneration of the network services and should not be run for a long interval
of time.

The cases we discussed so far, involve usage of sniffers by malicious unauthorized users. If you are the LAN
administrator and need to set up a sniffer for some legitimate activity, you can connect the NIC of the sniffing
machine to the SPAN port of the switch. As the SPAN port mirrors all the traffic flowing across the switch, you
don’t need to perform activities like ARP spoofing or MAC Flooding to get the packets destined for other

Detecting Sniffers

A sniffer is usually passive, it just collects data. Hence it becomes extremely difficult to detect sniffers, especially
when running on a Shared Ethernet. But it is slightly easier when the sniffer is functioning on a Switched Ethernet
network segment. When installed on a computer, a sniffer does generate some small amount of traffic. Here is an
overview of the detection methods:

• Ping Method: The trick used here is to send a ping request with the IP address of the suspect machine
but not its MAC address. Ideally nobody should see this packet as each Ethernet Adapter will reject it as
it does not match its MAC address. But if the suspect machine is running a sniffer it will respond, as it
does not bother rejecting packets with a different Destination MAC address. This is an old method and
not reliable any longer.

• ARP Method: A machine caches ARPs. So what we do is send a non-broadcast ARP. A machine in
promiscuous mode will cache your ARP address. Next we send a broadcast ping packet with our IP, but

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 69
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

a different MAC address. Only a machine that has our correct MAC address from the sniffed ARP frame
will be able to respond to our broadcast ping request. Voila!

• On Local Host: Often after your machine has been compromised, hackers will leave sniffers, to
compromise other machines. On a local machine run ifconfig. On a clean machine the output will be:

But on a machine running a sniffer the output will be slightly different. Specifically check the last line wherein it
mentions “RUNNING PROMISC”. That means the machine is in promiscuous mode and probably a sniffer is
running on it.

The output of the ifconfig command has been slightly modified to fit screen

• Latency Method: This method is based on the assumption that most sniffers do some parsing. Very
simply put, in this method, huge amount of data is sent on the network and the suspect machine is
pinged before and during the data flooding. If the machine is in promiscuous mode, it will parse the
data, increasing the load on it. Therefore it will take

extra time to respond to the ping packet. This difference in response times can be used as an indicator of whether
a machine is in promiscuous mode or not. A point worth noting is that the packets may be delayed because of the
load on the wire, resulting in false positives.

• ARP Watch: As described earlier, one method to sniff on a switched network is to ARP spoof the
gateway. A utility called arpwatch can be used to monitor the ARP cache of a machine to see if there is
duplication for a machine. If there is, it could trigger alarms and lead to detection of sniffers.
Unfortunately on network implementing DHCP, this could trigger many false alarms. A simple change
that can be made is the increase the DHCP lease time. This way even after your users come back after
the weekend break, they will get the same IP address as before and the chance of a false alarm is
greatly reduced.

• Using IDS: Certain Intrusion Detection Systems, monitor for ARP Spoofing on the network. The Open
Source IDS Snort for instance has an arp-spoof preprocessor that allows it to record packets on the
network with spoofed ARP addresses. Typically it compares the IP/MAC pairing it is given in the
snort.conf file, against the pairing in the packet flowing across the network. Whenever there is a
mismatch, it generates an alert.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 70
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

To be honest, it is not easy to detect sniffers. Often you have to depend on intuition to realize you have a sniffer
running. If your network performance suddenly takes a hit, it is possible someone has caused the switch to go into
the failopen mode or if users suddenly claim that their passwords have been changed with out their knowledge,
you can suspect a sniffer on the network.

The old adage, “Prevention is better than cure” is very true here. Every sniffer needs to be run as root (on Linux
boxes) to be useful. Locking your network so that none of the users have administrative privileges is certainly an
easy way to ensure the purity of your network. Having access to the root account on every machine on the
network, you can periodically check if the Network Interface has been put in promiscuous mode by using the
ifconfig command. This can even be automated using scripts and run periodically every hour or so.

Preventing Sniffing

The best way to secure yourself against sniffing is to use encryption. While this won't prevent a sniffer from
functioning, it will ensure that what a sniffer reads is pure junk.

If you are on a Switched network, the chances are that arp spoofing will be used for sniffing purposes. The
machine that the malicious user will most probably try to arp-spoof is the gateway. To prevent this from
happening, you can add the MAC address of the gateway permanently to your ARP cache. This can be done by
placing the MAC address of your gateway and other important machines in the /etc/ethers file.

Switch to SSH. SSH is fast becoming the de facto standard method of connecting to a Unix/Linux Machine. For
more information on SSH, check out You might want to check out the open-source
implementation OpenSSH at

Instead of using http, use https if the site supports it. In case you are really bothered about the privacy of your
mail, then you should give a try. Hushmail uses SSL to ensure that the data is not read
in transit. You might also want to try out Pretty Good Privacy


or GnuPG ( for encrypting and signing your mails to prevent others from
reading them.

If you don’t want others to be able to sniff details of the websites you visit, check out http://anon.inf.tu-

Others like also offer similar services for a pay.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 71
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

On the Instant Messaging front, none of the main IM programs (Yahoo, MSN, AOL, ICQ Messengers) yet support
end-to-end encryption. As a result of that, IM conversations can (and often are) logged. Users might want to check
out, a messenger that supports encryption. Jabber ( is an open
source messenger that supports both end- to-end encryption as well as communication via SSL, making it
practically immune to sniffing.

[Note: I am not affiliated with any of the commercial vendors and do not vouch for them either. I am just providing
this information on an as-is basis.]

Sniffing Tools

Since I have been a Linux man through out, I will list some of the commonly available sniffers for Linux.

• tcpdump: The granddaddy of packet sniffers. Ships by default on many Linux distros! It captures the
headers of packets that match a Boolean expression. The captured packed data can be saved to a file
for later analysis. Available at:

• sniffit: Robust packet sniffer with good filtering. Available at:

• ethereal: A free network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows. It allows you to examine data from a
live network or from a capture file on disk. Captured data can be browsed via a GUI. Available for both
Unix and Windows at:

• hunt: According to Pavel Krauz, the main goal of the HUNT project is to develop tool for exploiting well
known weaknesses in the TCP/IP protocol suite. Well I think he comes pretty close to it. An added
advantage of using hunt is that it allows you to hijack active connections and take over their control. As
far as I know, no other sniffer allows you to do that. Available at:

• ettercap: Ettercap is a sniffer specifically designed for switched LANs. It allows you to perform man-in-
the-middle attacks against SSH and SSL. It has password collector for telnet, ftp, POP, rlogin, ssh1, icq,
smb, mysql, http, NNTP, X11, napster, IRC, rip, bgp, socks 5, IMAP4, VNC, LDAP, NFS etc. Available at:

• dsniff: I won't say much about dsniff except point you to an article by Kurt Seifried titled
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 72
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

``The End of SSL and SSH''. As Mark Joseph Edwards puts in an article, ``Dsniff is the Swiss army knife of privacy
invasion''. The package ships with a handful of nasties: urlsnarf (to keep track of websites your network users are
visiting), msgsnarf (to keep track of the instant messenger sessions of users on your LAN), mailsnarf (to keep track
of the mails that users of your network are receiving), webspy (to follow a users web-surfing in real time), dsniff
(to capture user passwords for quite a few protocols), filesnarf (to capture NFS files), sshmitm (to launch a man-in-
the-middle attack against SSH) etc. In my opinion it is one of the most comprehensive sniffer packages available
anywhere. It can wreck havoc when used for illegitimate purposes, but it is a valuable tool in hands of a capable
systems administrator. Available at:

• lcrzoex: It is a network toolbox for administrators that supports spoofing, sniffing, client and server
creation. Over 400 possible examples are included in the package. This is another incredible package
that I feel every systems administrator should try out. It is under active development and the author
(Laurent Constantin) is a very friendly and an amazingly helpful person. Available at:

Often one or more of these programs need to be used in conjunction, to get results. Often on a switched LAN, you
will first use arpspoof (which comes with Dsniff) along with hunt (in case you are planning to hijack the session) or
maybe with lcrzoex (in case you are planning to capture the data to a file for later analysis). Ideally, a systems
administrator should try all these packages and finally use whatever he is comfortable with.

Programs to Detect Sniffers

• Anti Sniff: From the L0pht Heavy Industries comes the new program Anti Sniff. It has the ability to
monitor a network and detect if a computer is in promiscuous mode. Available at:

• Neped: It detects network cards on the network that are in promiscuous mode by exploiting a flaw in
the ARP protocol as implemented on Linux machines. Outdated. Available at:

• ARP Watch: ARPWatch keeps track of Ethernet/IP address pairings. This is useful when you suspect you
are being arp-spoofed. Available at:

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 73
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

• Snort: Snort is an excellent Intrusion Detection System and its arp-spoof preprocessor can be used to
detect instances of ARP Spoofing, which might be an indication that someone on the network is
Sniffing. Available at:

None of these programs are foolproof. I speak from personal experience. I deliberately ran a sniffer on a machine
and tried using these tools to detect the presence of the sniffer. Unfortunately none of the programs detected the
sniffer. The reason why sniffers are called a network administrator’s worst nightmare is because they are
practically impossible to detect. Having blind faith in these programs to tell you if your network in under attack
would be foolish. These can be aids in detection; please do not use them as the sole means of detection. And
remember, with sniffers, Prevention in better than cure.

protocols susceptible to Sniffing, active and passive Sniffing


2. FTP

3. Telnet


5. POP3


7. DNS

8. SSH (unless it is configured with encryption)

There are two main types of sniffing techniques: active and passive.

Active Sniffing

Active sniffing is when a sniffer actively sends out packets to a network and captures the responses. The goal of
active sniffing is to simulate network traffic and capture packets that contain sensitive information, such as login
credentials or confidential data.

Active sniffing is commonly used in security testing and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in a network.

Passive Sniffing

Passive sniffing, on the other hand, is when a sniffer simply monitors network traffic without interfering with it.
The goal of passive sniffing is to capture network packets as they pass by and analyze them without modifying or
altering them in any way.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 74
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Passive sniffing is commonly used for network troubleshooting and monitoring, as it allows administrators to
observe network traffic and identify any issues or potential problems.

Overall, both active and passive sniffing techniques can be used for legitimate purposes, such as network
monitoring and security testing, but they can also be used for malicious purposes, such as stealing sensitive
information. It's important to take steps to secure your network and protect your data from sniffing attacks.

What is the ARP Protocol?

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol that enables network communications to reach a specific device
on the network. ARP translates Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to a Media Access Control (MAC) address, and vice
versa. Most commonly, devices use ARP to contact the router or gateway that enables them to connect to the

Hosts maintain an ARP cache, a mapping table between IP addresses and MAC addresses, and use it to connect to
destinations on the network. If the host doesn’t know the MAC address for a certain IP address, it sends out an
ARP request packet, asking other machines on the network for the matching MAC address.

The ARP protocol was not designed for security, so it does not verify that a response to an ARP request really
comes from an authorized party. It also lets hosts accept ARP responses even if they never sent out a request. This
is a weak point in the ARP protocol, which opens the door to ARP spoofing attacks.

ARP only works with 32-bit IP addresses in the older IPv4 standard. The newer IPv6 protocol uses a different
protocol, Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP), which is secure and uses cryptographic keys to verify host identities.
However, since most of the Internet still uses the older IPv4 protocol, ARP remains in wide use.

What is ARP Spoofing (ARP Poisoning)

An ARP spoofing, also known as ARP poisoning, is a Man in the Middle (MitM) attack that allows attackers
to intercept communication between network devices. The attack works as follows:

1. The attacker must have access to the network. They scan the network to determine the IP addresses of at
least two devices⁠—let’s say these are a workstation and a router.

2. The attacker uses a spoofing tool, such as Arpspoof or Driftnet, to send out forged ARP responses.

3. The forged responses advertise that the correct MAC address for both IP addresses, belonging to the
router and workstation, is the attacker’s MAC address. This fools both router and workstation to connect
to the attacker’s machine, instead of to each other.

4. The two devices update their ARP cache entries and from that point onwards, communicate with the
attacker instead of directly with each other.

5. The attacker is now secretly in the middle of all communications.

What is DNS cache poisoning?

DNS cache poisoning is the act of entering false information into a DNS cache, so that DNS queries return an
incorrect response and users are directed to the wrong websites. DNS cache poisoning is also known as 'DNS
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 75
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

spoofing.' IP addresses are the 'phone numbers' of the Internet, enabling web traffic to arrive in the right places.
DNS resolver caches are like a directory that lists these phone numbers, and when they store faulty information,
traffic goes to the wrong places until the cached information is corrected. (Note that this does not actually
disconnect the real websites from their real IP addresses.)

Because there is typically no way for DNS resolvers to verify the data in their caches, incorrect DNS information
remains in the cache until the time to live (TTL) expires, or until it is removed manually. A number of
vulnerabilities make DNS poisoning possible, but the chief problem is that DNS was built for a much smaller
Internet and based on a principle of trust (much like BGP). A more secure DNS protocol called DNSSEC aims to
solve some of these problems, but it has not been widely adopted yet.

What do DNS resolvers do?

DNS resolvers provide clients with the IP address that is associated with a domain name. In other words, they take
human-readable website addresses like '' and translate them into machine-readable IP addresses.
When a user attempts to navigate to a website, their operating system sends a request to a DNS resolver. The DNS
resolver responds with the IP address, and the web browser takes this address and initiates loading the website.

How does DNS caching work?

A DNS resolver will save responses to IP address queries for a certain amount of time. In this way, the resolver can
respond to future queries much more quickly, without needing to communicate with the many servers involved in
the typical DNS resolution process. DNS resolvers save responses in their cache for as long as the designated time
to live (TTL) associated with that IP address allows them to.

DNS Uncached Response:

DNS Cached Response:

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

How do
attackers poison DNS caches?

Attackers can poison DNS caches by impersonating DNS nameservers, making a request to a DNS resolver, and
then forging the reply when the DNS resolver queries a nameserver. This is possible because DNS servers
use UDP instead of TCP, and because currently there is no verification for DNS information.

DNS Cache Poisoning Proces

Poisoned DNS Cache:

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 77
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Instead of using TCP, which requires both communicating parties to perform a 'handshake' to initiate
communication, DNS requests and responses use UDP, or the User Datagram Protocol. With UDP, there is no
guarantee that a connection is open or that the recipient is ready to receive. UDP is vulnerable to forging for this
reason – an attacker can send a message via UDP and pretend it is a response from a legitimate server by forging
the header data.

If a DNS resolver receives a forged response, it accepts and caches the data uncritically because there is no way to
verify if the information is accurate and comes from a legitimate source. DNS was created in the early days of the
Internet, when the only parties connected to it were universities and research centers. There was no reason to
expect that anyone would try to spread fake DNS information.

Despite these major points of vulnerability in the DNS caching process, DNS poisoning attacks are not easy.
Because the DNS resolver does actually query the authoritative nameserver, attackers have only a few
milliseconds to send the fake reply before the real reply from the authoritative nameserver arrives.

Attackers also have to either know or guess a number of factors to carry out DNS spoofing attacks:

• Which DNS queries are not cached by the targeted DNS resolver, so that the resolver will query the
authoritative nameserver

• What porst* the DNS resolver is using – they used to use the same port for every query, but now they use
a different, random port each time

• The request ID number

• Which authoritative nameserver the query will go to

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 78
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Attackers could also gain access to the DNS resolver in some other way. If a malicious party operates, hacks, or
gains physical access to a DNS resolver, they can more easily alter cached data.

*In networking, a port is a virtual point of communication reception. Computers have multiple ports, each with
their own number, and for computers to talk to each other, certain ports have to be designated for certain kinds of
communication. For instance, HTTP communications always go to port 80, and HTTPS always uses port 443.

The ARP spoofing attacker pretends to be both sides of a network communication channel

Once the attacker succeeds in an ARP spoofing attack, they can:

• Continue routing the communications as-is⁠—the attacker can sniff the packets and steal data, except if it
is transferred over an encrypted channel like HTTPS.

• Perform session hijacking⁠—if the attacker obtains a session ID, they can gain access to accounts the user
is currently logged into.
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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

• Alter communication⁠—for example pushing a malicious file or website to the workstation.

• Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)⁠—the attackers can provide the MAC address of a server they wish to
attack with DDoS, instead of their own machine. If they do this for a large number of IPs, the target server
will be bombarded with traffic.

How to Detect an ARP Cache Poisoning Attack

Here is a simple way to detect that a specific device’s ARP cache has been poisoned, using the command line.
Start an operating system shell as an administrator. Use the following command to display the ARP table, on both
Windows and Linux:

arp -a

The output will look something like this:

Internet Address Physical Address 00-14-22-01-23-45 40-d4-48-cr-55-b8 00-14-22-01-23-45

If the table contains two different IP addresses that have the same MAC address, this indicates an ARP attack is
taking place. Because the IP address can be recognized as the router, the attacker’s IP is probably

To discover ARP spoofing in a large network and get more information about the type of communication the
attacker is carrying out, you can use the open source Wireshark protocol.

ARP Spoofing Prevention

Here are a few best practices that can help you prevent ARP Spoofing on your network:

• Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)⁠—a VPN allows devices to connect to the Internet through an
encrypted tunnel. This makes all communication encrypted, and worthless for an ARP spoofing attacker.

• Use static ARP⁠—the ARP protocol lets you define a static ARP entry for an IP address, and prevent devices
from listening on ARP responses for that address. For example, if a workstation always connects to the
same router, you can define a static ARP entry for that router, preventing an attack.

• Use packet filtering⁠—packet filtering solutions can identify poisoned ARP packets by seeing that they
contain conflicting source information, and stop them before they reach devices on your network.

• Run a spoofing attack⁠—check if your existing defenses are working by mounting a spoofing attack, in
coordination with IT and security teams. If the attack succeeds, identify weak points in your defensive
measures and remediate them.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 80
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Question: What is a Sniffer?

A) A computer virus

B) A network device

C) A tool used to capture and analyze network traffic

D) A hardware firewall

Answer: C) A tool used to capture and analyze network traffic

Question: Which of the following is an example of a passive Sniffer?

A) Wireshark

B) Tcpdump

C) ARP Spoofing

D) Netcat

Answer: A) Wireshark

Question: What is active Sniffing?

A) Capturing network traffic without detection

B) Intercepting and modifying network packets

C) Sending fake ARP responses

D) Analyzing captured traffic in real-time

Answer: B) Intercepting and modifying network packets

Protocols Susceptible to Sniffing:

Question: Which protocol is particularly susceptible to Sniffing attacks?


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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)



D) Telnet

Answer: D) Telnet

ARP Spoofing and ARP Poisoning:

Question: What does ARP stand for?

A) Address Resolution Protocol

B) Advanced Routing Protocol

C) Authentication and Routing Protocol

D) Application Relay Protocol

Answer: A) Address Resolution Protocol

Question: What is the main goal of ARP Spoofing?

A) To secure the network

B) To redirect network traffic

C) To create a denial-of-service attack

D) To encrypt network communication

Answer: B) To redirect network traffic

DNS Spoofing, MAC Flooding, DHCP Starvation:

Question: What is DNS Spoofing?

A) Modifying DNS records to redirect traffic

B) Decrypting DNS traffic

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

C) Denying DNS service

D) Enhancing DNS speed

Answer: A) Modifying DNS records to redirect traffic

Question: MAC Flooding is an attack that targets:

A) Domain Controllers

B) Network switches

C) Routers

D) Firewalls

Answer: B) Network switches

Question: What does DHCP Starvation involve?

A) Overloading the DHCP server with requests

B) Preventing devices from obtaining IP addresses

C) Forcing devices to release their IP addresses

D) Manipulating DNS responses

Answer: A) Overloading the DHCP server with requests

Sniffing Countermeasures:

Question: Which of the following is a Sniffing countermeasure?

A) Installing a Trojan

B) Enabling network sharing

C) Encryption of sensitive traffic

D) Disabling firewalls

Answer: C) Encryption of sensitive traffic

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 83
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Question: How can network administrators prevent Sniffing attacks?

A) Disable all security protocols

B) Regularly update antivirus software

C) Use strong encryption protocols

D) Share passwords among team members

Answer: C) Use strong encryption protocols

Trojans and Backdoors:

Question: What is a Trojan?

A) A type of computer virus

B) A malicious program disguised as a legitimate one

C) A hardware component of a computer

D) A form of active Sniffing

Answer: B) A malicious program disguised as a legitimate one

Question: Overt channels are:

A) Easily detectable and intentional

B) Covert and unintentional

C) Difficult to detect and intentional

D) Visible and unintentional

Answer: A) Easily detectable and intentional

Question: What is a key feature of a Covert Channel?

A) Intentionally visible

B) Hard to detect

C) Not used for communication

D) Only found in Trojans

Answer: B) Hard to detect

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Types of Trojans and Reverse-Connecting Trojans:

Question: Which of the following is a type of Trojan?

A) File-sharing Trojan

B) Network Switch Trojan

C) HTTP Trojan

D) BIOS Trojan

Answer: A) File-sharing Trojan

Question: What does a Reverse-Connecting Trojan do?

A) Connects to a remote server to await commands

B) Connects to a remote server to download files

C) Initiates a connection to a remote server

D) Connects to a remote server to upload files

Answer: A) Connects to a remote server to await commands

Netcat Trojan and Indications of a Trojan Attack:

Question: Netcat is commonly associated with:

A) Ransomware

B) Trojan attacks

C) Antivirus software

D) Firewall configuration

Answer: B) Trojan attacks

Question: What is an indication of a Trojan attack?

A) Increased network speed

B) Unusual network activity

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

C) Improved system performance

D) Decreased CPU usage

Answer: B) Unusual network activity

Wrapping, Trojan Construction Kit, and Trojan Makers:

Question: What is Trojan Wrapping?

A) A method to gift-wrap Trojans for delivery

B) A technique to conceal Trojans

C) A type of Trojan construction

D) A countermeasure against Trojans

Answer: B) A technique to conceal Trojans

Question: What is a Trojan Construction Kit?

A) A toolkit for building physical Trojans

B) Software that simplifies creating customized Trojans

C) A type of antivirus software

D) A hardware device to prevent Trojan attacks

Answer: B) Software that simplifies creating customized Trojans

Countermeasure Techniques in Preventing Trojans and Trojan-Evading Techniques:

Question: What is a countermeasure against Trojans?

A) Disabling firewalls

B) Regularly updating antivirus software

C) Sharing passwords among team members

D) Using default system settings

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Answer: B) Regularly updating antivirus software

Question: What is a Trojan-Evading technique?

A) Using strong encryption

B) Modifying system files

C) Regularly updating system software

D) Employing heuristic analysis in antivirus software

Answer: B) Modifying system files

System File Verification and Sub-Objective to Trojan Countermeasures:

Question: System file verification involves:

A) Regularly updating system files

B) Checking the integrity of system files

C) Disabling system files

D) Deleting system files

Answer: B) Checking the integrity of system files

Question: A sub-objective to Trojan Countermeasures is:

A) Increasing network traffic

B) Identifying Covert Channels

C) Disabling antivirus software

D) Promoting Trojans

Answer: B) Identifying Covert Channels

Viruses and Worms:

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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Question: What is the primary difference between a Virus and a Worm?

A) Viruses require human interaction, while Worms do not

B) Viruses spread through email, while Worms spread through networks

C) Viruses are always malicious, while Worms are not

D) Viruses can self-replicate, while Worms cannot

Answer: D) Viruses can self-replicate, while Worms cannot

Question: What is a characteristic of Worms?

A) Requires human interaction for spreading

B) Propagates independently through networks

C) Relies on attaching to host files

D) Cannot infect multiple devices

Answer: B) Propagates independently through networks

Types of Viruses and Antivirus Evasion Techniques:

Question: A Boot Sector Virus infects:

A) Application files

B) Operating system boot sectors

C) Network protocols

D) Graphics files

Answer: B) Operating system boot sectors

Question: What is an Antivirus Evasion Technique?

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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A) Regularly updating antivirus software

B) Using strong encryption

C) Modifying virus signatures

D) Disabling firewalls

Answer: C) Modifying virus signatures

Virus Detection Methods:

Question: Heuristic analysis in antivirus software involves:

A) Examining known virus signatures

B) Identifying viruses based on their behavior

C) Disabling antivirus protection

D) Ignoring new virus threats

Answer: B) Identifying viruses based on their behavior

Question: What is a common virus detection method?

A) Ignoring antivirus updates

B) Disabling real-time scanning

C) Regularly updating antivirus signatures

D) Sharing antivirus software licenses

Answer: C) Regularly updating antivirus signatures

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 89
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

3 Marks

1. What is a sniffer and how does it work?

2. Explain the difference between active and passive sniffing.

3. Name three types of sniffers and describe their functions.

4. Which protocols are susceptible to sniffing attacks?

5. What is ARP spoofing and how does it work?

6. Explain the concept of ARP poisoning.

7. Define DNS spoofing and its potential risks.

8. How does MAC flooding impact network security?

9. What is DHCP starvation and how can it be exploited in a network?

10. List three countermeasures against sniffing attacks.

11. What are trojans and backdoors in the context of cybersecurity?

12. Differentiate between overt and covert channels.

13. Name three types of trojans and provide brief descriptions.

14. What is a reverse-connecting trojan and how does it operate?

15. Explain the characteristics and risks associated with the Netcat trojan.

16. What are common indications of a trojan attack on a system?

17. Define wrapping in the context of trojan attacks.

18. What is a Trojan Construction Kit, and how is it used by attackers?

19. Describe the concept of Trojan Makers in cybersecurity.

20. List three countermeasure techniques to prevent trojan infections.

21. Explain techniques used by trojans to evade detection.

22. What is the significance of system file verification in trojan countermeasures?

23. Name a sub-objective related to trojan countermeasures.

24. Differentiate between viruses and worms in the realm of cybersecurity.

25. Provide examples of different types of viruses.

26. How do viruses spread and replicate in computer systems?

27. What are antivirus evasion techniques, and how do they work?

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 90
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

28. Describe common methods used for detecting viruses.

29. What is the primary distinction between a virus and a worm?

30. Explain how trojans, viruses, and worms can be interconnected.

31. Name and briefly describe two types of antivirus evasion techniques.

32. How can a system administrator enhance virus detection methods?

33. Discuss the importance of understanding virus detection methods in cybersecurity.

34. What is the role of heuristics in antivirus software?

35. How do polymorphic viruses pose a challenge to antivirus programs?

36. Explain the concept of signature-based detection in antivirus software.

37. Name two countermeasures to protect against virus infections.

38. Define the term "social engineering" and its relevance to malware attacks.

39. Discuss the role of firewalls in preventing malware infections.

40. How can regular software updates contribute to cybersecurity against malware?

5 Marks

1. Define the term "sniffer" and list the types of sniffers. (Knowledge)

2. Explain which protocols are susceptible to sniffing and why. (Comprehension)

3. Differentiate between active and passive sniffing and provide examples of each. (Analysis)

4. Create a flowchart detailing the steps involved in ARP Spoofing. (Synthesis)

5. Evaluate the effectiveness of different countermeasures for preventing sniffing attacks. (Evaluation)

6. Define trojans and backdoors and distinguish between overt and covert channels. (Knowledge)

7. Compare and contrast the characteristics of different types of trojans. (Analysis)

8. Develop a strategy to identify indications of a trojan attack. (Synthesis)

9. Design a countermeasure plan to prevent trojan attacks. (Synthesis)

10. Analyze the effectiveness of trojan-evading techniques. (Evaluation)

11. Describe the process of system file verification and explain its importance in preventing trojan attacks.

12. Define the difference between viruses and worms and list the types of viruses. (Knowledge)

13. Evaluate the effectiveness of different antivirus evasion techniques. (Evaluation)

14. Critically analyze the various methods of virus detection. (Evaluation)

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Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
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Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

15. Define social engineering and identify common types of attacks. (Knowledge)

16. Evaluate the effectiveness of different social engineering countermeasures. (Evaluation)

17. Define denial of service (DoS) attacks and list the types of DoS attacks. (Knowledge)

18. Create a plan to prevent DoS attacks. (Synthesis)

19. Analyze the effectiveness of different DoS/DDoS countermeasures. (Evaluation)

20. Define session hijacking and explain the phases involved in session hijacking. (Comprehension)

21. Compare and contrast different types of session hijacking. (Analysis)

22. Create a flowchart detailing the steps involved in a session hijacking attack. (Synthesis)

23. Analyze the effectiveness of different session hijacking tools. (Evaluation)

24. Define incident handling and explain the role of IDS, IPS, and honeypots in incident handling.

25. Develop a plan for incident handling using IDS, IPS, and honeypots. (Synthesis)

26. Evaluate the effectiveness of different incident handling strategies. (Evaluation)

27. Define the signs of an incident and explain the importance of documentation strategies. (Comprehension)

28. Analyze the effectiveness of different recovery and special actions for responding to different types of
incidents. (Evaluation)

29. Critically evaluate incident record keeping and follow-up strategies. (Evaluation)

30. Develop a comprehensive incident response plan that integrates various countermeasures and strategies.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 92
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Social Engineering

Social engineering is the act of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.
It is a type of confidence trick for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or system access. Social engineering
attacks can be carried out in person, over the phone, or online.

There are many different social engineering techniques, but some of the most common include:

• Phishing: Phishing is a type of social engineering attack in which the attacker sends an email or text
message that appears to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or credit card company. The email or
text message will often contain a link that, when clicked, will take the victim to a fake website that looks
like the real website. Once the victim enters their personal information on the fake website, the attacker
can steal it.

• Baiting: Baiting is a type of social engineering attack in which the attacker leaves a USB drive or other
electronic device in a public place. The device will often contain malware that will be installed on the
victim's computer when they plug it in.

• Quid pro quo: Quid pro quo is a type of social engineering attack in which the attacker offers the victim
something in exchange for their personal information. For example, the attacker might offer the victim a
free gift or a discount on a product if they provide their email address or phone number.

• Pretexting: Pretexting is a type of social engineering attack in which the attacker creates a false scenario in
order to gain the victim's trust. For example, the attacker might pose as a customer service representative
from a company and call the victim to ask for their personal information in order to "fix" a problem with
their account.
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 93
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Social engineering attacks can be very effective because they exploit human nature. People are often more likely
to trust someone they know or someone who appears to be from a legitimate source. Social engineers are also
very good at creating a sense of urgency or fear, which can make victims more likely to act without thinking.

There are a number of things that can be done to protect yourself from social engineering attacks. Some of the
most important tips include:

• Be suspicious of any email or text message that asks for personal information.

• Never click on links in emails or text messages from unknown senders.

• Be careful about what information you share on social media.

• Keep your software up to date.

• Be aware of the latest social engineering scams.

By following these tips, you can help protect yourself from social engineering attacks.

Social Engineering Attack

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 94
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Social engineering is a type of attack that relies on human interaction to trick the victim into giving up their
personal information or taking some other action that benefits the attacker. There are many different types of
social engineering attacks, but some of the most common include:

• Phishing: Phishing is a type of social engineering attack in which the attacker sends an email or text
message that appears to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or credit card company. The email or
text message will often contain a link that, when clicked, will take the victim to a fake website that looks
like the real website. Once the victim enters their personal information on the fake website, the attacker
can steal it.

• Whaling: Whaling is a type of phishing attack that targets high-profile individuals, such as CEOs or other
executives. Whalers often use more sophisticated techniques than phishers, such as researching their
targets to personalize their attacks.

• Smishing: Smishing is a type of phishing attack that uses text messages instead of emails. Smishing attacks
are often more successful than phishing attacks because people are more likely to open text messages
than emails.

• Pretexting: Pretexting is a type of social engineering attack in which the attacker creates a false scenario in
order to gain the victim's trust. For example, a pretexter might call a victim and pretend to be from their
bank, asking for the victim's account information to verify their identity.

• Tailgating: Tailgating is a type of social engineering attack in which the attacker follows someone else into
a secure area without authorization. Tailgaters often use deception or intimidation to gain access to the
secure area.

• Quid pro quo: Quid pro quo is a type of social engineering attack in which the attacker offers the victim
something in exchange for their personal information. For example, an attacker might offer a free gift card
in exchange for the victim's email address and password.

Social engineering attacks can be very effective because they exploit human nature. People are often more
trusting than they should be, and they may be more likely to give up their personal information if they think they
are dealing with a legitimate source. It is important to be aware of the different types of social engineering attacks
and to take steps to protect yourself. Here are some tips for protecting yourself from social engineering attacks:

• Be suspicious of any email or text message that asks for your personal information.

• Never click on links in emails or text messages from unknown senders.

• If you are unsure whether an email or text message is legitimate, contact the sender directly using a
phone number or email address that you know is legitimate.

• Be careful about what information you share online.

• Use strong passwords and change them regularly.

• Keep your software up to date.

• Be aware of the different types of social engineering attacks and how to protect yourself.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 95
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Insider Attack

An insider attack is a threat that originates from within an organization. It can be carried out by a current or
former employee, contractor, vendor, or partner with legitimate user credentials who misuses their access to the
detriment of the organization's networks, systems, and data.

Insider attacks can be intentional or unintentional. Intentional insider attacks are carried out by individuals who
have malicious intent, such as stealing sensitive information or sabotaging systems. Unintentional insider attacks
are carried out by individuals who make mistakes or are unaware of the risks of their actions, such as clicking on a
malicious link in an email or opening an infected attachment.

Insider attacks can be very damaging to organizations. They can lead to the loss of sensitive information, financial
losses, and damage to reputation. Insider attacks can also be difficult to detect and prevent, as insiders often have
access to sensitive information and systems.

There are a number of things that organizations can do to protect themselves from insider attacks, including:

• Implementing strong access control measures to restrict access to sensitive information and systems to
only those who need it.

• Educating employees about cyber security threats and how to protect themselves from them.

• Monitoring employee behaviour for any suspicious activity.

• Having a plan in place to respond to insider attacks.

By taking these steps, organizations can help to protect themselves from the threat of insider attacks.

Here are some additional tips that organizations can follow to protect themselves from insider attacks:

• Use multi-factor authentication to make it more difficult for attackers to gain access to accounts.

• Encrypt sensitive data to make it more difficult for attackers to access it if they do gain access to systems.

• Monitor network traffic for any suspicious activity.

• Have a plan in place to respond to security incidents, including insider attacks.

By following these tips, organizations can help to protect themselves from the threat of insider attacks.

Identity Theft

Identity theft is a crime in which someone steals your personal information, such as your name, address, and
Social Security number, and uses it to commit fraud. Identity theft can have a devastating impact on your life,
including financial losses, ruined credit, and even legal problems.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 96
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

There are many ways that identity thieves can steal your personal information. Some common methods include:

• Phishing: Phishing is a type of social engineering attack in which the attacker sends an email or text
message that appears to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or credit card company. The email or
text message will often contain a link that, when clicked, will take the victim to a fake website that looks
like the real website. Once the victim enters their personal information on the fake website, the attacker
can steal it.

• Skimming: Skimming is a type of physical attack in which the attacker installs a device on an ATM or credit
card reader that captures the victim's credit card information.

• Dumpster diving: Dumpster diving is a type of physical attack in which the attacker searches through trash
cans and dumpsters for discarded documents that contain personal information, such as bank statements,
credit card bills, and medical records.

• Data breaches: Data breaches are incidents in which sensitive information, such as personal information,
is stolen from a computer system or network. Data breaches can occur as a result of hacking attacks,
employee negligence, or other security vulnerabilities.

Once an identity thief has your personal information, they can use it to commit a variety of crimes, including:

• Opening new accounts in your name: Identity thieves can use your personal information to open new
accounts, such as credit cards, loans, and utility accounts, in your name. This can lead to financial losses,
ruined credit, and even legal problems.

• Making unauthorized purchases: Identity thieves can use your credit card information to make
unauthorized purchases. This can lead to financial losses and ruined credit.

• Applying for jobs in your name: Identity thieves can use your personal information to apply for jobs in
your name. This can lead to identity theft victims being contacted by potential employers about jobs that
they never applied for.

• Filing taxes in your name: Identity thieves can use your personal information to file taxes in your name.
This can lead to identity theft victims being liable for taxes that they never owed.

If you think that you may have been a victim of identity theft, there are a number of things that you can do:

• Place a fraud alert on your credit report: A fraud alert is a free service that tells creditors to take extra
steps to verify your identity before opening new accounts in your name.

• Place a credit freeze on your credit report: A credit freeze is a more restrictive service that prevents
creditors from accessing your credit report without your permission.

• Monitor your credit report: You should regularly check your credit report for any unauthorized activity.

• File a police report: Filing a police report is important if you want to pursue legal action against the
identity thief.

Here are some tips to help you protect yourself from identity theft:

• Be careful about what information you share online. Don't share your personal information, such as your
Social Security number or date of birth, with anyone you don't know and trust.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 97
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

• Use strong passwords and change them regularly. A strong password should be at least 12 characters long
and include a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

• Be careful about what emails you open and what links you click on. Don't open emails from senders you
don't know and don't click on links in emails unless you're sure they're legitimate.

• Keep your software up to date. Software updates often include security patches that can help to protect
your computer from attack.

• Be aware of the latest scams. There are many different types of scams out there, so it's important to be
aware of the latest ones. You can find information about scams on the websites of the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

By following these tips, you can help to protect yourself from identity theft and keep your personal information

Phishing attacks

attacks are deceptive attempts by malicious individuals or organizations to trick individuals into revealing sensitive
information, such as login credentials, credit card details, or personal information. These attacks typically involve
the use of fraudulent emails, messages, or websites that mimic legitimate sources, aiming to exploit human trust
and vulnerability. Here's a breakdown of key topics to cover in a module or course on phishing attacks:

Introduction to Phishing Attacks

Definition and characteristics of phishing attacks Common goals and motivations of phishers Impact and
consequences of successful phishing attacks Evolution of phishing techniques and trends

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 98
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Types of Phishing Attacks

General phishing attacks targeting a broad audience

Spear phishing attacks customized for specific individuals or organizations

Whaling attacks targeting high-profile individuals or executives

Clone phishing attacks using legitimate websites or emails as templates

Phishing Attack Techniques

Email-based attacks: analyzing phishing emails, spoofed headers, and malicious attachments or links

Website-based attacks: identifying fake websites, URL manipulation, and browser-based indicators

Voice phishing (vishing): understanding phone-based phishing techniques

SMS-based phishing (smishing) and social media phishing techniques

Recognizing and Reporting Phishing Attacks

Identifying common phishing red flags and warning signs Analyzing email headers, URLs, and content for
authenticity Training individuals to spot phishing attempts through awareness programs Reporting phishing
attacks to the appropriate authorities and organizations

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 99
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Phishing Prevention and Countermeasures

Educating individuals about phishing risks and safe online practices Implementing email filters and anti-phishing
technologies Multi-factor authentication and secure password management Anti-phishing plugins and browser
security features Incident response procedures for handling successful phishing attacks Phishing Awareness and
Education Strategies

Designing effective security awareness training programs Conducting phishing simulations and exercises to
reinforce learning Creating phishing awareness campaigns and materials

Measuring the effectiveness of phishing awareness initiatives.

Online scams refer to fraudulent schemes or deceptive activities conducted on the internet with the intention of
defrauding individuals or organizations. These scams typically involve various techniques and tactics to trick
victims into providing money, sensitive information, or access to their accounts. Online scams can take many
forms, such as phishing scams, advance fee fraud, romance scams, identity theft, investment scams, and more.

The perpetrators of online scams often exploit the anonymity and global reach of the internet to target
unsuspecting individuals. They may pose as legitimate businesses, government agencies, or individuals to gain the
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 100
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

trust of their victims. Scammers employ psychological manipulation, social engineering tactics, and sophisticated
techniques to deceive and convince their targets to fall for their schemes.

The consequences of falling victim to online scams can be severe, ranging from financial losses and identity theft
to emotional distress and reputational damage. It is essential for individuals to be aware of the different types of
online scams, recognize warning signs, and take preventive measures to protect themselves from becoming

Online scams are continuously evolving, with scammers adapting their techniques to exploit new technologies and
vulnerabilities. Staying informed, practicing safe online habits, and reporting suspicious activities are crucial in
combating online scams and maintaining a secure digital environment.

URL obfuscation

URL obfuscation refers to the technique of modifying or disguising a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to make it
less recognizable or more difficult to understand. This practice is often employed by cybercriminals, spammers,
and attackers to deceive users and hide the true nature or destination of a URL. URL obfuscation can be used in
various malicious activities, including phishing attacks, malware distribution, and social engineering scams.

Here are some common methods of URL obfuscation:

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 101
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

URL Encoding: This involves encoding special characters in a URL using percent-encoding or URL encoding. For
example, replacing certain characters with their hexadecimal representation preceded by "%". This can make the
URL appear garbled or unreadable to the average user.

URL Shortening: URL shortening services are often used to create shorter and more manageable URLs. These
services take a long URL and generate a shorter, redirected URL. Attackers can leverage these services to mask the
true destination of a URL and make it less suspicious-looking.

Homograph Attacks: Homograph attacks exploit the use of characters from different character sets that look
similar or identical to each other. For example, using characters from non-Latin scripts that resemble Latin
characters in a URL. This makes it difficult for users to distinguish between a legitimate URL and a malicious one.

Redirects and Hidden URLs: Attackers may use techniques such as JavaScript or meta-refresh tags to redirect users
from a legitimate-looking URL to a different, malicious website. They can also hide the true URL by using
hyperlinks with anchor text that misrepresents the actual destination.

Protecting against URL obfuscation:

Be Cautious: Exercise caution when clicking on links, especially if they come from unknown or suspicious sources.
Be particularly wary of URLs received through unsolicited emails, messages, or social media posts.

Hover over Links: Hover your mouse cursor over a link without clicking to view the actual destination URL. Check if
the URL matches the context of the message or if it redirects to an unexpected or suspicious website.

Verify the Legitimacy: Manually type URLs into your browser rather than relying solely on links. If you receive a
link from a trusted source, consider confirming its authenticity through other means, such as contacting the
sender directly.

Install Security Software: Keep your devices protected with reputable antivirus and anti-malware software that can
detect and block malicious URLs or warn you about potential threats.

Stay Informed: Stay updated on the latest techniques used in URL obfuscation and other cyber threats. Educate
yourself about common signs of phishing attacks and other online scams.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 102
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Social engineering countermeasures

Social engineering countermeasures are strategies and practices implemented to protect individuals and
organizations from falling victim to social engineering attacks. Here are some effective countermeasures to
mitigate the risks associated with social engineering:

1. Employee Education and Awareness:

• Conduct regular training programs to educate employees about social engineering tactics and

• Raise awareness about the potential consequences of social engineering attacks.

• Teach employees how to identify and report suspicious activities or requests.

2. Security Policies and Procedures:

• Establish strong security policies that cover information handling, access control, and
communication protocols.

• Implement procedures for verifying the identity of individuals before granting access or providing
sensitive information.

• Enforce policies regarding password management, including regular password changes and the
use of strong, unique passwords.

3. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

• Implement MFA for sensitive systems and accounts to add an extra layer of protection.

• Require users to provide additional authentication factors, such as a code sent to their mobile
device, in addition to their username and password.

4. Secure Communication Channels:

• Encourage the use of encrypted communication channels, such as secure messaging apps or
encrypted email services, for sensitive information exchange.

• Discourage the use of insecure channels like public Wi-Fi networks for transmitting confidential

5. Incident Response and Reporting:

• Establish clear incident response procedures to handle suspected or confirmed social engineering

• Encourage employees to promptly report any suspicious activities or attempted social engineering

• Conduct post-incident reviews to learn from the experience and improve security measures.

6. Regular Security Audits and Assessments:

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 103
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

• Perform periodic security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the
organization's security measures.

• Address any identified gaps and implement necessary security controls to mitigate risks.

7. Strong Physical Security:

• Implement measures to restrict physical access to sensitive areas and resources, such as secure
entry systems and surveillance cameras.

• Promote a clean desk policy to ensure that sensitive information is securely stored and not left

8. Ongoing Monitoring and Threat Intelligence:

• Continuously monitor network traffic, systems, and user behavior for anomalies and indicators of
social engineering attacks.

• Stay informed about the latest social engineering techniques and emerging threats through threat
intelligence sources.

9. Vendor and Third-Party Risk Management:

• Assess the security practices of vendors and third-party partners to ensure they have appropriate
measures in place to mitigate social engineering risks.

• Include security requirements in contracts and agreements with vendors to ensure compliance
with best practices.

10. Regular Updates and Patch Management:

• Keep systems and software up to date with the latest security patches and updates to mitigate the
risk of exploitation by social engineering attackers.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 104
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Denial of Service (DoS) & Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks involve malicious attempts to disrupt the availability or performance of a targeted
system, network, or service, rendering it inaccessible to legitimate users. These attacks overload the target's
resources, such as bandwidth, processing power, or memory, causing a service interruption or slowdown. There
are various types of DoS attacks, including:

1. ICMP Flood: This type of attack floods the target with a high volume of ICMP (Internet Control Message
Protocol) echo request (ping) packets, overwhelming the network and consuming its resources.

2. SYN Flood: In a SYN flood attack, the attacker sends a large number of SYN packets to the target system,
exhausting its resources by filling up the half-open connections table and preventing legitimate users from
establishing new connections.

3. UDP Flood: UDP (User Datagram Protocol) flood attacks flood the target with a large number of UDP
packets, consuming its bandwidth and resources, leading to service disruption.

4. HTTP Flood: This attack targets web servers by flooding them with a massive number of HTTP requests,
overwhelming the server's resources and causing it to become unresponsive to legitimate users.

5. Slowloris: Slowloris is a type of DoS attack that targets web servers by keeping multiple connections open
with minimal request headers. This consumes the server's resources, such as simultaneous connection
slots, and prevents legitimate connections from being established.

6. NTP Amplification: This attack exploits Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers that respond to time
synchronization queries. The attacker sends a small request to the NTP server, which then responds with a
significantly larger response, overwhelming the target with amplified traffic.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks: DDoS attacks involve multiple compromised systems, forming a
botnet or network of devices, to launch coordinated attacks on a target. These attacks amplify the impact by

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 105
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

generating a massive volume of traffic from various sources simultaneously. Common types of DDoS attacks

1. UDP Flood: Similar to UDP flood attacks, but carried out by a botnet, generating a massive amount of UDP
traffic from multiple sources.

2. DNS Amplification: This attack exploits misconfigured DNS servers to send a large amount of DNS response
traffic to the target, overwhelming its resources.

3. HTTP/S Flood: DDoS attacks targeting web servers by flooding them with a coordinated and amplified
volume of HTTP/S requests, often involving multiple botnet sources.

4. Smurf Attack: This attack abuses the ICMP protocol by sending ICMP echo requests to IP broadcast
addresses, causing all devices within the broadcast domain to respond, amplifying the traffic towards the

Mitigation techniques for DoS and DDoS attacks involve a combination of preventive measures, traffic filtering,
rate limiting, and network monitoring. These include:

• Implementing firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems.

• Deploying load balancers and scalable infrastructure to handle increased traffic.

• Utilizing traffic filtering mechanisms and blacklisting known malicious IP addresses.

• Employing rate limiting and traffic shaping techniques to mitigate the impact of excessive traffic.

• Monitoring network traffic for anomalies and implementing traffic analysis tools to detect and respond to

It is important for organizations to have a comprehensive strategy to mitigate the risks associated with DoS and
DDoS attacks, including incident response plans, regular vulnerability assessments, and staying informed about
the latest attack techniques and defence mechanisms.


BOTs/BOTNETs: BOTs (short for robots) are software applications or scripts that run automated tasks on the
internet. They can be designed to perform legitimate functions, such as web crawling for search engines or
automated customer support. However, in the context of cybersecurity, BOTs often refer to malicious software
that operates autonomously to carry out malicious activities. A network of compromised computers or devices
controlled by a central command-and-control infrastructure is known as a BOTNET. The attacker behind the
BOTNET, known as the BOT herder or BOT master, can remotely control and coordinate the actions of the
compromised devices.

BOTNETs are commonly used for various illicit purposes, including:

1. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks: BOTNETs can be employed to launch large-scale DDoS attacks
by flooding a target system or network with a massive amount of traffic from multiple sources

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 106
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

2. Spam Distribution: BOTNETs can be used to send out spam emails in bulk, spreading phishing attempts,
malware, or other unwanted content.

3. Credential Theft: BOTNETs may be used to deploy keyloggers or other password-stealing malware to
harvest sensitive information, such as login credentials, credit card details, or personal data.

4. Cryptocurrency Mining: BOTNETs can be utilized to mine cryptocurrencies by leveraging the

computational power of the compromised devices without the owners' knowledge or consent.

"Smurf" Attack: A "Smurf" attack is a type of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack that exploits the Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP). In a Smurf attack, the attacker sends a large number of ICMP echo request
(ping) packets to IP broadcast addresses, such as the broadcast address of a network. These broadcast addresses
cause all devices within the broadcast domain to respond with ICMP echo replies, overwhelming the target with
an amplified amount of traffic. This type of attack takes advantage of the broadcasting behaviour of ICMP packets
and the amplification effect caused by the numerous responses generated.

"SYN" Flooding: SYN flooding is a type of Denial of Service (DoS) attack that targets the TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol) handshake process. When establishing a TCP connection, a three-way handshake occurs: the client sends
a SYN packet to the server, the server responds with a SYN-ACK packet, and finally, the client acknowledges the
SYN-ACK packet by sending an ACK packet. In a SYN flooding attack, the attacker sends a large number of SYN
packets to the target system, but either does not respond to the SYN-ACK packets or spoofs the source IP
addresses, preventing the connection from being completed. This causes the target system's resources to become
exhausted as it holds open incomplete connections, resulting in denial of service for legitimate users.

SYN flooding attacks can be mitigated by implementing SYN cookies, which are a cryptographic technique that
allows the server to verify the legitimacy of connection requests without maintaining the state of incomplete

Protecting against BOTs, DDoS attacks, and SYN flooding involves implementing various security measures, such as
deploying firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, traffic filtering mechanisms, rate limiting, and
maintaining up-to-date security patches. It is important to have a comprehensive security strategy that includes
network monitoring, incident response plans, and regular vulnerability assessments to mitigate the risks
associated with these types of attacks.

Countermeasures for DoS and DDoS

Countermeasures for DoS (Denial of Service) and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks involve a
combination of preventive measures, traffic management techniques, and incident response strategies. Here are
some common countermeasures to mitigate the risks and impact of DoS and DDoS attacks:

1. Network Security Infrastructure:

• Deploy robust firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), and anti-malware

solutions to detect and block malicious traffic.

• Regularly update security patches and firmware to address vulnerabilities in network devices and

• Utilize rate-limiting mechanisms to control and manage incoming traffic.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 107
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

2. Traffic Filtering and Anomaly Detection:

• Implement traffic filtering mechanisms to drop or redirect suspicious traffic, such as filtering out
specific protocols or known attack signatures.

• Deploy traffic anomaly detection systems to monitor and identify unusual traffic patterns or
behaviors, triggering alerts for potential attacks.

3. Load Balancers and Redundancy:

• Distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers or data centers using load balancers to prevent
overwhelming a single resource.

• Implement redundancy in critical systems and infrastructure to ensure high availability and
resilience during attacks.

4. Bandwidth Management and Traffic Shaping:

• Employ Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms to prioritize network traffic, ensuring that critical
services receive sufficient bandwidth during congestion or attacks.

• Implement traffic shaping techniques to limit the impact of excessive traffic and prevent
congestion in the network.

5. Cloud-Based DDoS Protection Services:

• Consider leveraging cloud-based DDoS protection services that utilize advanced traffic filtering
and mitigation techniques.

• These services can absorb and filter out malicious traffic before it reaches the target network,
reducing the impact of DDoS attacks.

6. Incident Response and Emergency Preparedness:

• Develop an incident response plan that outlines steps to take in the event of a DoS or DDoS

• Establish communication channels and contacts to coordinate response efforts with service
providers, ISPs, and relevant authorities.

• Conduct regular drills and simulations to test the effectiveness of incident response procedures.

7. Scalable Infrastructure:

• Design and build infrastructure that can dynamically scale resources to handle sudden spikes in
traffic during attacks.

• Implement auto-scaling mechanisms or work with cloud service providers to scale resources as

8. Collaboration with ISPs and Service Providers:

• Establish relationships and open lines of communication with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and
relevant service providers to quickly address and mitigate attacks.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 108
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

• Work with ISPs to implement traffic filtering and blacklisting at their network level to prevent
attack traffic from reaching your network.

9. Intrusion Prevention Systems:

• Utilize Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) that can detect and block malicious traffic patterns in

• IPS can help identify and block various DoS and DDoS attack vectors, minimizing their impact on
the network.

10. Regular Monitoring and Analysis:

• Continuously monitor network traffic, system logs, and performance metrics to identify early signs
of DoS or DDoS attacks.

• Implement log management and analysis tools to detect patterns and anomalies associated with

Remember, it's crucial to have a layered defence strategy and regularly assess and update your security measures
to stay ahead of evolving DoS and DDoS attack techniques.

Understanding Session Hijacking

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 109
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Session hijacking, also known as session stealing or session sidejacking, is a form of security attack where an
attacker gains unauthorized access to a legitimate user's session on a computer system, web application, or
network. By hijacking the session, the attacker can impersonate the legitimate user, perform unauthorized actions,
and gain access to sensitive information.

Here's a breakdown of how session hijacking works and some preventive measures:

1. Session Establishment:

• When a user accesses a web application or logs into a system, a session is established between
the user's browser and the server.

• During this process, the server assigns a unique session identifier (session ID) to identify and track
the user's session.

2. Session Hijacking Techniques:

• Packet Sniffing: Attackers can use packet sniffing tools to intercept network traffic and capture
session-related data, such as session IDs.

• Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks: In a MitM attack, the attacker positions themselves between
the user and the server, intercepting and manipulating the communication to steal session

• Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): XSS vulnerabilities allow attackers to inject malicious scripts into web
pages, which can be used to capture session data from unsuspecting users.

• Session Prediction: Attackers can attempt to guess or predict session IDs by analyzing patterns or
exploiting weak session ID generation algorithms.

• Session Sidejacking: Attackers can target unencrypted Wi-Fi networks to capture session data
transmitted over the network.

3. Impact of Session Hijacking:

• Unauthorized Access: Attackers can gain access to sensitive user accounts, perform actions on
behalf of the user, or extract confidential information.

• Impersonation: By hijacking a session, attackers can impersonate the legitimate user, making it
difficult to detect fraudulent activities.

• Data Theft: Session hijacking can lead to the theft of sensitive data, including personally
identifiable information (PII), financial details, or login credentials.

4. Preventive Measures:

• Transport Layer Security (TLS) Encryption: Use HTTPS and SSL/TLS encryption to protect session
data during transmission, making it harder for attackers to intercept and decipher.

• Secure Session Management: Employ secure session management practices, including robust
session ID generation algorithms, session timeouts, and secure session storage mechanisms.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 110
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

• Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Implement 2FA to add an additional layer of security and reduce
the impact of session hijacking.

• Input Validation and Output Encoding: Apply proper input validation and output encoding to
prevent XSS vulnerabilities that can be exploited for session hijacking.

• Network Segmentation: Segment your network to minimize the impact of MitM attacks and limit
access to sensitive systems.

• Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS): Utilize IDPS to monitor network traffic for
suspicious activities and detect potential session hijacking attempts.

• User Education and Awareness: Train users to be vigilant and recognize the signs of potential
session hijacking attempts, such as unusual account activity or unexpected logouts.

What is social engineering?

a. A programming language

b. A psychological manipulation technique

c. A type of encryption algorithm

d. A hardware security device

Answer: b

What is the primary goal of identity theft?

a. Stealing physical belongings

b. Gaining unauthorized access to systems

c. Impersonating an individual for financial gain

d. Performing DDoS attacks

Answer: c

Which of the following is an example of a phishing attack?

a. Installing antivirus software

b. Sending fake emails to trick users into revealing sensitive information

c. Physical break-ins

d. Hardening network firewalls

Answer: b

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 111
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

What is the purpose of URL obfuscation in cyber attacks?

a. Encrypting internet traffic

b. Making URLs shorter for convenience

c. Hiding the true destination of a URL

d. Blocking access to specific websites

Answer: c

Which countermeasure is effective against social engineering attacks?

a. Multi-factor authentication

b. Regular data backups

c. Strong password policies

d. Physical security measures

Answer: a

Denial of Service, Types of DoS Attacks, DDoS Attacks, BOTs/BOTNETs, "Smurf" Attack, "SYN" Flooding, DoS/DDoS
Counter Measures:

What does DoS stand for in the context of cybersecurity?

a. Data over Storage

b. Denial of Service

c. Distribution of Security

d. Defending Online Systems

Answer: b

Which of the following is a type of DoS attack that floods a network with malicious traffic?

a. SYN flooding

b. Phishing attack

c. Smurf attack

d. URL obfuscation
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 112
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Answer: a

What is the main characteristic of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack?

a. Single point of attack

b. Multiple coordinated sources flooding the target

c. Phishing emails targeting individuals

d. Social engineering manipulation

Answer: b

What are BOTs/BOTNETs in the context of cyber attacks?

a. Software robots used to perform automated tasks

b. Biometric authentication systems

c. Cryptocurrency wallets

d. Social media accounts

Answer: a

Which attack floods a network by exploiting broadcast amplification?

a. "Smurf" attack

b. "SYN" flooding

c. DoS attack

d. DDoS attack

Answer: a

What is a common countermeasure against DDoS attacks?

a. Firewall configuration

b. Multi-factor authentication

c. Intrusion detection systems

d. Traffic filtering and rate limiting

Answer: d

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 113
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Understanding Session Hijacking, Phases Involved in Session Hijacking, Types of Session Hijacking, Session
Hijacking Tools:

What is session hijacking in the context of cybersecurity?

a. Forcing a user to log out of their session

b. Unauthorized access to a user's active session

c. Enhancing session encryption

d. Creating new user sessions

Answer: b

In which phase of session hijacking does the attacker intercept the communication between the client and server?

a. Session creation

b. Session prediction

c. Session interception

d. Session destruction

Answer: c

What type of session hijacking involves stealing the session ID and taking over the user's session?

a. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack

b. Session sidejacking

c. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

d. Brute force attack

Answer: b

Which tool is commonly used for session hijacking?

a. Wireshark

b. Nmap

c. Metasploit

d. Snort
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 114
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Answer: a

In session hijacking, what does the term "cookie theft" refer to?

a. Stealing physical cookies

b. Intercepting and using session cookies

c. Stealing browser bookmarks

d. Gaining unauthorized access to session logs

Answer: b

What is a countermeasure against session hijacking?

a. Using weak passwords

b. Regularly clearing browser cookies

c. Implementing secure, encrypted connections (HTTPS)

d. Disabling firewalls

Answer: c

Encryption, Firewalls, Malware, Ransomware, Data Breaches, Incident Response:

What is the primary purpose of encryption in cybersecurity?

a. Blocking network traffic

b. Securing communication by converting data into a coded format

c. Hiding the presence of malware

d. Enhancing the speed of data transmission

Answer: b

Which of the following is a hardware-based security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing
network traffic?

a. Antivirus software

b. Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 115
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

c. Firewall

d. Encryption key

Answer: c

What is malware?

a. A type of encryption algorithm

b. Software designed to harm or exploit computer systems

c. A secure communication protocol

d. A hardware security device

Answer: b

What does ransomware typically do?

a. Steals user credentials

b. Encrypts files and demands payment for decryption

c. Spreads via email attachments

d. Targets network infrastructure

Answer: b

In the context of cybersecurity, what is a data breach?

a. Unauthorized access to a computer system

b. A form of DDoS attack

c. Accidental release of sensitive information

d. Malicious code execution

Answer: c

What is the purpose of an incident response plan?

a. To prevent all cyber attacks

b. To quickly and effectively respond to and mitigate the impact of a security incident

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 116
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

c. To hack into systems for testing purposes

d. To create a vulnerability assessment

Answer: b

Which of the following is an example of a proactive cybersecurity measure?

a. Incident response planning

b. Regular security training for employees

c. Reacting to security incidents after they occur

d. Identifying vulnerabilities after an attack

Answer: b

What is a common method for delivering malware to a user's system?

a. Digital signatures

b. Penetration testing

c. Drive-by downloads from compromised websites

d. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

Answer: c

What type of malware is designed to self-replicate and spread to other computer systems?

a. Spyware

b. Worm

c. Trojan horse

d. Rootkit

Answer: b

How does a firewall contribute to cybersecurity?

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 117
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

a. By encrypting data transmissions

b. By monitoring and controlling network traffic

c. By detecting and removing malware

d. By preventing physical access to computer systems

Answer: b

What is a common characteristic of a strong password?

a. Short length for easy memorization

b. Use of easily guessable information (e.g., birthdate)

c. Inclusion of a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters

d. Use of the same password for multiple accounts

Answer: c

What is the purpose of a honeypot in cybersecurity?

a. To attract and identify malicious activity

b. To block incoming network traffic

c. To create a secure tunnel for data transmission

d. To encrypt sensitive information

Answer: a

Which action is part of an effective incident response plan?

a. Ignoring security incidents

b. Documenting and analyzing the incident

c. Delaying communication with stakeholders

d. Avoiding any changes to security measures

Answer: b

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 118
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Social Engineering, Common Types of Attacks, Insider Attacks, Identity Theft:

1. What is Social Engineering?

2. Name three common types of Social Engineering attacks.

3. How can an attacker exploit human psychology in a Social Engineering attack?

4. Define Insider Attacks in the context of cybersecurity.

5. What measures can organizations implement to prevent Insider Attacks?

6. Explain Identity Theft and its impact on individuals and organizations.

7. How can organizations safeguard against Identity Theft?

Phishing Attacks, Online Scams, URL Obfuscation, Social Engineering Countermeasures:

8. Define Phishing Attacks and provide an example.

9. What are some common signs of a phishing email?

10. How does URL Obfuscation contribute to phishing attacks?

11. Name two online scams and describe how they operate.

12. What countermeasures can individuals use to protect against phishing attacks?

13. How can organizations educate employees to recognize and avoid social engineering attacks?

Denial of Service, Types of DoS Attacks, DDoS Attacks, BOTs/BOTNETs:

14. Define Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

15. Name three types of DoS attacks and briefly explain each.

16. Differentiate between DoS and DDoS attacks.

17. What is a BOT and how is it related to cybersecurity?

18. Explain the concept of a BOTNET and its role in cyber attacks.

19. How can organizations mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks?

“Smurf” Attack, “SYN” Flooding, DoS/DDoS Countermeasures:

20. What is a "Smurf" attack?

21. Explain the "SYN" flooding technique in DoS attacks.

22. How does rate limiting contribute to DoS/DDoS countermeasures?

23. Name two other countermeasures to mitigate the impact of DoS attacks.

24. Why is network segmentation important in preventing DDoS attacks?

Understanding Session Hijacking, Phases Involved, Types, and Tools:

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 119
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

25. Define Session Hijacking in cybersecurity.

26. What are the three main phases involved in Session Hijacking?

27. Name two types of Session Hijacking attacks.

28. How does an attacker typically gain access to session tokens?

29. What role does encryption play in preventing Session Hijacking?

30. Name two tools used for Session Hijacking and briefly describe their functionality.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS):

31. What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)?

32. How can an attacker exploit XSS vulnerabilities?

33. What are the potential consequences of a successful XSS attack?

34. Name two methods to prevent XSS attacks on web applications.

Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks:

35. Explain the concept of Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks.

36. How can public Wi-Fi networks be susceptible to MitM attacks?

37. What measures can users take to protect themselves from MitM attacks?


38. Define Ransomware and describe how it works.

39. What are the common entry points for Ransomware into a system?

40. What preventive measures can organizations implement to avoid falling victim to Ransomware?

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

41. Explain the importance of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

42. How does 2FA enhance security against unauthorized access?

43. Name two different types of factors used in 2FA.

Data Breaches:

44. Define a data breach and its impact on individuals and organizations.

45. Name two common causes of data breaches.

46. What steps can organizations take to mitigate the consequences of a data breach?

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 120
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

5 Marks

1. What is Social Engineering? (Knowledge Level 1)

2. List common types of Social Engineering attacks. (Knowledge Level 1)

3. Identify Insider Attacks. (Knowledge Level 2)

4. Explain the concept of Identity Theft. (Knowledge Level 2)

5. Define Phishing Attacks. (Knowledge Level 1)

6. Identify common types of Online Scams. (Knowledge Level 2)

7. Explain URL Obfuscation. (Knowledge Level 2)

8. Describe Social-Engineering Countermeasures. (Knowledge Level 3)

9. Define Denial of Service. (Knowledge Level 1)

10. List types of DoS Attacks. (Knowledge Level 1)

11. Identify DDoS Attacks. (Knowledge Level 2)

12. Explain BOTs/BOTNETs. (Knowledge Level 2)

13. Describe the “Smurf” Attack. (Knowledge Level 3)

14. Define the “SYN” Flooding Attack. (Knowledge Level 1)

15. Explain the concept of DoS/DDoS countermeasures. (Knowledge Level 3)

16. Define Session Hijacking. (Knowledge Level 1)

17. Identify the phases involved in Session Hijacking. (Knowledge Level 2)

18. List types of Session Hijacking. (Knowledge Level 1)

19. Identify Session Hijacking tools. (Knowledge Level 2)

20. Compare and contrast Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks. (Analysis Level)

21. Apply Social-Engineering Countermeasures to prevent identity theft. (Application Level)

22. Evaluate the effectiveness of DoS/DDoS countermeasures. (Evaluation Level)

23. Synthesize a plan to prevent Session Hijacking. (Synthesis Level)

24. Create a presentation on types of Social Engineering attacks. (Creation Level)

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 121
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)


Incident handling using IDS (Intrusion Detection System), IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), and honeypots can be
an effective approach to detect, prevent, and respond to security incidents. Here's an overview of how these
technologies can be utilized:

1. Intrusion Detection System (IDS):

o IDS monitors network traffic and system activities to identify potential security breaches or
malicious activities.

o It analyzes network packets, logs, and system events to detect known attack patterns, anomalies,
or suspicious behavior.

o When an IDS identifies a potential security incident, it generates alerts or notifications to

administrators or a security operations center (SOC).

o Incident handling using IDS involves promptly investigating and responding to the alerts, validating
the nature of the incident, and taking appropriate actions to mitigate the impact.

2. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS):

o IPS builds upon the functionality of IDS and takes proactive measures to prevent security

o In addition to detecting and alerting on suspicious activities, IPS can also automatically block or
prevent malicious traffic or behaviors.

o IPS can be configured to drop or modify network packets, terminate connections, or implement
access control rules to thwart attacks.

o Incident handling using IPS involves configuring and fine-tuning the IPS to effectively detect and
prevent threats, analyzing and responding to IPS alerts, and updating IPS rules based on the
evolving threat landscape.

3. Honeypots:

o Honeypots are decoy systems or networks intentionally designed to attract and deceive attackers.

o They appear as legitimate targets but are isolated from critical systems and have extensive logging
capabilities to capture the attacker's activities.

o Honeypots can be configured to emulate different types of systems or services to lure attackers
into revealing their methods and intentions.

o Incident handling using honeypots involves monitoring and analyzing the activities and
interactions within the honeypot environment.

o By studying the attacker's behavior and techniques, organizations can gather valuable intelligence
to strengthen their security defenses and improve incident response capabilities.
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 122
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

When handling security incidents using IDS, IPS, and honeypots, the following best practices should be

• Ensure IDS and IPS are properly deployed and configured to monitor critical network segments and

• Regularly update IDS and IPS signatures/rules to detect the latest threats.

• Establish clear incident response processes and workflows to handle alerts and incidents identified by IDS
and IPS.

• Continuously monitor and analyze logs and events generated by IDS, IPS, and honeypots for suspicious
activities or emerging threats.

• Regularly review and update security policies, access control rules, and configurations based on the
insights gained from incident handling.

• Coordinate with internal teams, such as the SOC or incident response team, to ensure effective incident
detection, response, and remediation.

Signs of an Incident:

1. Unusual Network Traffic: Sudden spikes in network traffic, unexpected data transfers, or unusual
communication patterns may indicate a security incident.

2. Unauthorized Access: Detection of unauthorized access attempts or successful logins from unknown or
suspicious sources.

3. Anomalies in System Logs: Unusual system log entries, such as failed login attempts, privilege escalation,
or modifications to critical files or configurations.

4. Performance Degradation: Significant slowdowns or system crashes without any apparent reason.

5. Unexpected System Behavior: System processes running or behaving in unexpected ways, including the
execution of unknown programs or services.

6. Unusual User Behavior: Employees accessing unauthorized areas or engaging in activities outside their
normal scope of work.

7. Security Alerts: Notifications from security tools, such as intrusion detection systems (IDS) or antivirus
software, indicating potential security incidents.

8. Reports from External Sources: Reports from external parties, such as customers, partners, or security
researchers, regarding suspicious activities related to your organization.

Documentation Strategies: Video and Audio:

1. Video Documentation: Video recordings can be useful for documenting physical incidents or security
breaches. Install surveillance cameras in critical areas, such as server rooms, entry points, or high-security

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 123
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

2. Audio Documentation: Audio recordings can supplement video documentation by capturing conversations
or audio cues during incidents. This can be achieved using audio monitoring systems or by including audio
recording capabilities in surveillance cameras.

When using video and audio documentation strategies, consider the following:

• Ensure compliance with legal requirements and privacy regulations when capturing and storing audio and
video data.

• Clearly define the areas where video and audio recording will be used to avoid infringing on privacy rights.

• Protect video and audio recordings from unauthorized access by implementing appropriate access
controls and encryption.

• Regularly review and archive recordings, maintaining a sufficient retention period to cover the required
investigation timeframe.

• Have a documented procedure for accessing, retrieving, and reviewing video and audio recordings during
incident investigations.

Evaluating whether a backup is compromised:

1. Verify the integrity of backup files: Check the integrity of backup files by comparing them with known
good copies or using checksums or hash values to ensure they have not been altered or corrupted.

2. Check backup logs: Examine backup logs for any indications of anomalies, such as failed or incomplete
backups, unusual access patterns, or unexpected modifications.

3. Test data restoration: Select a subset of backup data and restore it to a separate, isolated environment to
verify its integrity and confirm that it functions as expected.

4. Conduct a security audit: Review access controls, permissions, and user activities related to the backup
system to identify any suspicious or unauthorized activities.

5. Analyze network and system logs: Investigate network traffic, system logs, or security event logs to
identify any signs of compromise that may have impacted the backup infrastructure.

6. Engage forensic experts: In case of suspected compromise, consider involving digital forensic experts who
can conduct a thorough investigation to identify any compromises to the backup system.

Recovery and special actions for responding to different types of incidents may vary depending on the specific
incident and its impact on the affected systems. However, here are some general guidelines and considerations for
incident response:

1. Data Breach or Unauthorized Access:

o Isolate affected systems or compromised accounts to prevent further unauthorized access.

o Collect evidence and perform a forensic investigation to determine the extent of the breach and
identify the attacker's entry points.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 124
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

o Implement strong access controls, including password resets and multi-factor authentication, to
prevent further unauthorized access.

o Notify relevant stakeholders, including customers, partners, or regulatory bodies, as required by

legal and compliance obligations.

o Conduct a post-incident review to identify vulnerabilities, strengthen security measures, and

improve incident response procedures.

2. Malware or Ransomware Attack:

o Isolate infected systems from the network to prevent the spread of malware.

o Disconnect compromised systems from external storage devices or network shares to limit further
damage or data loss.

o Remove or quarantine the malware using up-to-date antivirus or anti-malware tools.

o Restore affected systems from clean backups, ensuring the backups are verified and free from

o Patch or update vulnerable software or systems to prevent similar attacks in the future.

o Educate employees on safe browsing practices and the importance of avoiding suspicious email
attachments or downloads.

3. Denial-of-Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack:

o Monitor network traffic and implement traffic filtering or rate limiting to mitigate the impact of
the attack.

o Engage with internet service providers (ISPs) or DDoS mitigation services to help mitigate the
attack traffic.

o Implement load balancing or failover mechanisms to ensure service availability during an attack.

o Analyze the attack patterns and adjust network defenses accordingly to prevent future attacks.

o Consider implementing incident response playbooks specifically designed for DDoS incidents.

4. Insider Threat or Employee Misconduct:

o Collect evidence and conduct a thorough investigation while ensuring employee privacy and legal

o Involve human resources and legal teams to follow appropriate personnel policies and

o Temporarily suspend or revoke user privileges to prevent further unauthorized activities.

o Review access controls, user permissions, and monitoring mechanisms to strengthen internal
security measures.

o Provide additional training and awareness programs to employees regarding acceptable use
policies and security best practices.
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 125
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

5. Physical Security Incidents:

o Activate appropriate emergency response protocols, such as evacuations or lockdowns, to ensure

employee safety.

o Coordinate with law enforcement agencies, if necessary, to report the incident and assist in the

o Document and preserve physical evidence, such as security camera footage or access logs.

o Conduct a review of physical security measures and identify areas for improvement.

o Update security policies and procedures based on lessons learned from the incident.

Incident record keeping and incident record follow-up are crucial components of the incident response process.
Proper documentation and follow-up ensure that incidents are effectively tracked, analyzed, and addressed. Here
are some guidelines for incident record keeping and follow-up:

Incident Record Keeping:

1. Create an Incident Report: Develop a standardized incident report template to capture essential details
about the incident. This report should include information such as incident date and time, incident type,
impact assessment, involved systems or assets, actions taken, and individuals involved or affected.

2. Document Incident Details: Record a detailed account of the incident, including the initial discovery,
response actions taken, and any observations or findings during the investigation. Include relevant
technical information, logs, screenshots, or other supporting evidence.

3. Maintain a Centralized Incident Log: Establish a centralized repository, such as a ticketing system or
incident management platform, to log and track all reported incidents. Each incident should have a unique
identifier and be categorized based on severity, impact, or other relevant criteria.

4. Assign Incident Ownership: Designate an incident owner or incident response team responsible for
managing the incident from start to resolution. Ensure clear roles and responsibilities are defined, and
record the assigned owner in the incident record.

5. Update Incident Status: Regularly update the incident record with the current status, including the
progress of the investigation, containment measures implemented, and any changes to the incident
severity or impact.

6. Document Incident Response Actions: Record the steps taken to respond to the incident, including
containment, eradication, and recovery activities. Document any changes made to systems,
configurations, or access controls during the incident response process.

Incident Record Follow-Up:

1. Incident Review and Analysis: Conduct a post-incident review or analysis to understand the root cause,
contributing factors, and lessons learned from the incident. Document these findings in the incident
record for future reference and improvement.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 126
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

2. Remediation and Mitigation Actions: Identify and document any necessary remediation or mitigation
measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. Include timelines, responsible parties, and any
recommendations for process or technology improvements.

3. Communication and Reporting: Provide timely updates and reports to relevant stakeholders, such as
management, IT teams, or regulatory authorities, as required. Document the communication details,
including recipients, dates, and content of the communication.

4. Incident Closure: When the incident is resolved and all necessary actions have been taken, formally close
the incident. Include a summary of the incident resolution, any ongoing monitoring requirements, and
lessons learned during the incident response process.

5. Retention and Storage: Determine the appropriate retention period for incident records based on legal
and compliance requirements. Ensure the incident records are securely stored and accessible for future
reference or audits.

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 127
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

What is Social Engineering?

A) Software vulnerability exploitation

B) Manipulating individuals to disclose sensitive information

C) Network penetration testing

D) Firewall configuration

Answer: B) Manipulating individuals to disclose sensitive information

Which of the following is an example of a phishing attack?

A) Brute force attack

B) SQL injection

C) Spoofed email pretending to be from a trusted source

D) Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack

Answer: C) Spoofed email pretending to be from a trusted source

What is the primary goal of identity theft?

A) Distributing malware

B) Gaining unauthorized access to systems

C) Stealing personal information for fraudulent purposes

D) Denying service to legitimate users

Answer: C) Stealing personal information for fraudulent purposes

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 128
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Which type of attack involves tricking individuals into performing actions or divulging confidential information?

A) DDoS attack

B) Social engineering attack

C) SQL injection attack

D) Cross-site scripting attack

Answer: B) Social engineering attack

What is URL obfuscation used for in the context of cyber attacks?

A) Encrypting website traffic

B) Hiding malicious URLs within seemingly legitimate ones

C) Configuring firewalls

D) Securing email communications

Answer: B) Hiding malicious URLs within seemingly legitimate ones

Which of the following is a countermeasure against social engineering attacks?

A) Two-factor authentication

B) Port scanning

C) IP Spoofing

D) Rootkit installation

Answer: A) Two-factor authentication

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 129
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

What is the term for an attack carried out by someone within the organization?

A) External attack

B) Social engineering attack

C) Insider attack

D) Identity theft

Answer: C) Insider attack

Which of the following is an example of an online scam?

A) Buffer overflow attack

B) Man-in-the-middle attack

C) Nigerian Prince email scam

D) Zero-day exploit

Answer: C) Nigerian Prince email scam

What does the term "Pharming" refer to in the context of cyber attacks?

A) Manipulating individuals through fake emails

B) Redirecting website traffic to a fraudulent site

C) Exploiting software vulnerabilities

D) Identity theft through social engineering

Answer: B) Redirecting website traffic to a fraudulent site

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 130
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Which of the following is NOT a common type of social engineering attack?

A) Phishing

B) Vishing

C) SQL Injection

D) Impersonation

Answer: C) SQL Injection

Denial of Service, Types of DoS Attacks, DDoS Attacks, BOTs/BOTNETs, "Smurf" Attack, "SYN" Flooding, DoS/DDoS

What does DoS stand for in the context of cyber attacks?

A) Denial of Security

B) Distributed Online Scam

C) Denial of Service

D) Data Overload System

Answer: C) Denial of Service

Which type of attack floods a network with massive amounts of traffic to disrupt its normal functioning?

A) Smurf attack

B) SQL injection attack

C) Man-in-the-middle attack

D) Buffer overflow attack

Answer: A) Smurf attack

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 131
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

What is a characteristic of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack?

A) Launched from a single source

B) Involves overwhelming a target with traffic from multiple sources

C) Targets only specific individuals

D) Requires physical access to the target system

Answer: B) Involves overwhelming a target with traffic from multiple sources

What is a BOTNET in the context of cyber attacks?

A) A robot used for penetration testing

B) A network of compromised computers controlled by an attacker

C) A type of encryption algorithm

D) A specialized firewall

Answer: B) A network of compromised computers controlled by an attacker

Which of the following is a DoS attack that exploits the three-way handshake in TCP connections?

A) Ping flood attack

B) SYN flooding attack

C) UDP flood attack

D) Smurf attack

Answer: B) SYN flooding attack

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 132
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

What is the goal of a "Smurf" attack?

A) Exploiting DNS vulnerabilities

B) Flooding a network with ICMP echo request packets

C) Gaining unauthorized access to a server

D) Intercepting sensitive information during transmission

Answer: B) Flooding a network with ICMP echo request packets

Which type of attack floods a network with connection requests to overwhelm its capacity?

A) UDP flood attack

B) SYN flooding attack

C) Smurf attack

D) Ping flood attack

Answer: B) SYN flooding attack

What is the primary purpose of a DDoS attack?

A) Stealing sensitive data

B) Gaining unauthorized access to systems

C) Disrupting the normal functioning of a service or website

D) Installing malware on target devices

Answer: C) Disrupting the normal functioning of a service or website

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 133
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Which of the following is a countermeasure against DDoS attacks?

A) Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

B) Firewall configuration

C) Load balancing

D) Password encryption

Answer: C) Load balancing

What is the primary characteristic of a "SYN" flooding attack?

A) Sending large volumes of ICMP echo requests

B) Exploiting vulnerabilities in the DNS protocol

C) Overwhelming a server with TCP connection requests

D) Intercepting data during transmission

Answer: C) Overwhelming a server with TCP connection requests

Understanding Session Hijacking, Phases Involved in Session Hijacking, Types of Session Hijacking, Session
Hijacking Tools:

What is Session Hijacking in the context of cybersecurity?

A) Gaining unauthorized access to a server

B) Intercepting and taking over an established user session

C) Disrupting network communication

D) Manipulating DNS records

Answer: B) Intercepting and taking over an established user session

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 134
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

Which phase of session hijacking involves capturing or intercepting the session information?

A) Session creation

B) Session termination

C) Session interception

D) Session manipulation

Answer: C) Session interception

What is a common type of session hijacking?

A) SQL injection

B) Cross-site scripting (XSS)

C) Buffer overflow attack

D) Man-in-the-middle attack

Answer: D) Man-in-the-middle attack

Which tool is commonly used for session hijacking in a network?

A) Wireshark

B) Nmap

C) Metasploit

D) Nessus

Answer: A) Wireshark

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 135
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

In session hijacking, what does the term "cookie theft" refer to?

A) Capturing and using session cookies for unauthorized access

B) Interfering with network packets

C) Modifying website content

D) Exploiting SQL vulnerabilities

Answer: A) Capturing and using session cookies for unauthorized access

What is a key objective during the "session manipulation" phase of session hijacking?

A) Intercepting session information

B) Capturing session cookies

C) Altering the content of a user's session

D) Terminating the session

Answer: C) Altering the content of a user's session

Which type of session hijacking involves predicting or guessing session tokens to gain unauthorized access?

A) Brute force session hijacking

B) Man-in-the-middle session hijacking

C) Cross-site scripting (XSS)

D) Cookie theft

Answer: A) Brute force session hijacking

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 136
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

What is the primary defense against session hijacking?

A) Encryption of session data

B) Installing firewalls

C) Two-factor authentication

D) Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Answer: A) Encryption of session data

Which phase of session hijacking involves the termination of the hijacked session?

A) Session creation

B) Session termination

C) Session interception

D) Session manipulation

Answer: B) Session termination

What is the primary motive behind session hijacking attacks?

A) Stealing sensitive data

B) Gaining unauthorized access to systems

C) Disrupting network communication

D) Taking control of an established user session

Answer: D) Taking control of an established user session

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 137
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

1. What role do Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) play in incident handling?

2. How can an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) contribute to incident response efforts?

3. Explain the purpose of a Honeypot in incident handling and detection.

4. What are common signs of a security incident that an IDS might detect?

5. How does an IPS differ from an IDS in terms of incident response capabilities?

6. In incident handling, why is it important to identify and classify incidents accurately?

7. How can audio documentation be beneficial in incident handling, and what considerations should be
taken into account?

8. What are the advantages of using video documentation as part of incident response procedures?

9. Explain the key steps in evaluating whether a backup has been compromised during an incident.

10. Why is it essential to have a well-defined strategy for incident documentation?

11. In incident handling, how can video documentation aid in forensic analysis?

12. What special actions should be taken when responding to a ransomware incident?

13. How does incident response differ for a DDoS attack compared to a data breach?

14. What role does incident record keeping play in the overall incident handling process?

15. Why is it crucial to follow up on incident records after the initial response phase?

16. Describe the importance of timeline creation in incident response.

17. How can organizations ensure the legal admissibility of their incident documentation?

18. What are the key considerations when assessing the impact of a security incident on business operations?

19. Explain the concept of threat intelligence in the context of incident handling.

20. What steps should be taken to recover from a successful phishing attack?

21. In incident response, how can organizations ensure the preservation of evidence?

22. Describe the steps involved in conducting a post-incident analysis.

23. What role does employee training play in improving incident response capabilities?

24. How can organizations enhance their incident response through collaboration with external entities?

25. What are the challenges associated with incident record follow-up, and how can they be addressed

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 138
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

1. What is the definition of an incident in the context of cybersecurity? (Remembering)

2. Identify the signs of an incident using IDS, IPS & Honeypot. (Understanding)

3. Explain the purpose of using video and audio documentation strategies during incident handling.

4. Define the process of evaluating whether a backup is compromised. (Remembering)

5. Compare and contrast recovery strategies for different types of incidents. (Analyzing)

6. Explain the concept of special actions for responding to different types of incidents. (Understanding)

7. Describe the importance of incident record keeping in incident handling. (Understanding)

8. Identify the steps involved in incident record follow up. (Remembering)

9. Define the role of IDS in incident handling. (Remembering)

10. Explain the role of IPS in incident handling. (Understanding)

11. Define the role of Honeypot in incident handling. (Remembering)

12. Identify the benefits of using IDS in incident handling. (Understanding)

13. Explain the benefits of using IPS in incident handling. (Analyzing)

14. Identify the benefits of using Honeypot in incident handling. (Understanding)

15. Describe the challenges involved in incident handling using IDS. (Understanding)

16. Analyze the challenges involved in incident handling using IPS. (Analyzing)

17. Describe the challenges involved in incident handling using Honeypot. (Understanding)

18. Define the process of incident identification. (Remembering)

19. Explain the process of incident containment. (Understanding)

20. Identify the steps involved in incident analysis. (Remembering)

21. Define the process of incident eradication. (Remembering)

22. Explain the importance of incident reporting. (Understanding)

23. Describe the key components of an incident report. (Understanding)

24. Analyze the benefits of timely incident reporting. (Analyzing)

25. Explain the role of incident response teams in incident handling. (Understanding)

26. Identify the skills required for incident response teams. (Remembering)

27. Explain the importance of communication in incident handling. (Understanding)

28. Analyze the benefits of effective communication during incident handling. (Analyzing)

29. Identify the legal and regulatory requirements for incident handling. (Remembering)
Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 139
Hacking Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling (BNCSC601)

30. Explain the importance of incident handling in maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability
of data. (Understanding)

Soumik Pyne
Assistant Professor, Department of Cyber Science & Technology
Brainware University, Kolkata 140

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