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(many possible answers, so I will shortly summarize my

definitions to help you if needed)

1. Give your definition for “near” and “close to”

a. Not far away, a small distance

2. How do you define “next to” and “beside”

a. Literally, it’s to be to your immediate left

or right. To your side.

b. If we are not being literal, possibly

exaggerating, what else can “next to” mean?

i. It can mean close to, near, not far

3. Define “between”

a. In the middle of two things, people or

4. How do you understand “behind” and “in front


a. In front of means further ahead of, further

forward. And behind means to the back of

you, at the back of.

5. In your words, define “under” and “below”

a. Under is the opposite of on. Below is

more general and just means lower than,


6. Give your definition of “over” and “above”

a. Over and above both mean higher than.

But they are not touching or directly over

it. That’s because over and above mean

higher than that

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