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iy It aleo gives a brief overview ofthe current status of higher c t Preface ” 2 Psp of Eduaton nd Emerging Issues in Edam nn 134 2, Concept of Teaching and Leaning enone 3557 Cree Oe Ge 4 Methods and Techniques of Teaching, 5. Planning for Teaching. 6. Teaching Aids 7. Measurement and Evalaion ‘8 Guidance and Counting cnn TATE 8 Clinical Edeation on nnn AR 10, Current Isues and Trends in Higher Education. ..195-199 inde oe ve 20204 Cunrren, 1 Philosophy of Education Education -E implies a movement from inward to outward, ducormeans developing ox progressing, ‘Thus, education means to provide a nourishing environment that would facilitate or bring out and develop the potentialities of person, 3 ‘to conto, The later, Vidya’ is derived from the verbal root word "Vt mening te know Ancent idan eucaton wich 2 Proacoor m Pwrsomneary Eaucaron had a pista flavour, obviously it stressed “discipline” and Educators have defined education in so many ways as ‘+ "Education is that proces of development which consist the passage of human being from infancy to maturity, the process whereby he adopts himeelf gradually in various ways to his physical and Spiritual environment” “T. Raynont ‘+ “Education is that training whichis given by suitable habits tothe frst instnets of virtue in children”. Plato ‘+ *Bducationis conscious and deliberate process in which ‘one personality acts upon another inorder to modify the evelopment of the other by the communication and. Pervpepitere belionad ptt uta y _Prosonn oF Ean 3 ‘+ "Thehighesteducaton stat which doesnot merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all, existence”, “Tagore ‘+ “Temeans universal distribution of extent knowledge “LE. Word Education is a process through which human personality Aconing oS. Makes, “dation process that goes on ought it ans promoted by oe every experince wh te an ui thee important elements are 4 eoncosy m Prrsoraary Eovearon re Pree Eo canbe considered a “t-polar process”, where the thee elements, le, educand, the educator and the society are the three essential poles. CConcerruat Disrmcmonss Berween EoucanioN ano ScH0OuNG, ‘ur interests, and schooling at best, can only be a past of cx ‘education. We may also draw a distinction between learning and education, Prosonr oF EovcaTon 5 Leas Learning is & proces which results in more of less permanent ‘modification of behaviour asa result of practice or experience. “Temporary states of the organism and the permanentbehavioural changes resulting from physical o physiological maturation are texcluded from the purview of learning. 1nus any relatively ‘of master-worker’ relationship between education and learning. Eauication employs and utilizes the learning proces to serve is ‘own broad goals of developing harmonious personalities. thought fs devlopmentf silo partcalr eects whereas ‘education concer the development ofthe whole individual. 5 —___trnaoor spor Enero, administrator, who will inspire the students with their potetalitien the proces of inrensng hi her eapaaltien le land the process of growing up. talking of proper synthesis between the Individual and Society. Classification of Aims of Education {and where both should always be trying to prove beneficial to Broadly aims of eduction are dassifid into wo ways. be different because of diference in interests ability and aptitude.” ‘According to Las, “The welfare of commiiity is built ‘upon the welfare of individuals.” * Sodas: nis imple form social ain meat roth 0 Peonaoar m Pursomnary Eoveanon importance forthe continanton of a democratic socal order. "TYPES OF EDUCATION, ‘Tere are four dasifcations of type of education as following ‘© “the tt classification is 1. Formal type: simported tothe individuals through eliterately planned proces I's planned before 2 Irma! ype OF eb lucation is reeived by imitation of elders in the society and through experience in diferent walks of lie Second classification consists of: 1. Direc education: Is generally personal education and {isthe result of direct contact between the teacher and the student. 2. Indirect education: Is a reslt of other media adopted bythe teacher instead of iret teaching Tsconcemed with several students being taught a the same time + The fourth classification consists of 1. Gera education Liberal eduaton: which prepares the students for genera life and trains thelr general intelet, having no specific goals, 2 Specific education: has specific vocation or definite activities. Int te proces of education debra planned Respon ‘ication itookthe form oextauriclarcestoremedy {he deficiencies ofthe formal education an to rate and to supplement its im Tee = pplemen Special Feature of Non-formal Education 1. Alearer-centered approach with the in Alan pro the instructor as a 2. Emphasis on eaming rather than teaching and an and for this Purpose he capably ofthe children flea frm each 3 Organization of activites soa to enable eam Progr thir own pce, 4 Une ofticlent techniges oer fat pac eami and provision of necessary equipments. Ere ‘ 8 6 Creation of patcpatory treating the Cen wi _,_osereedin pie ee rznzaton oy eter actin lays, skits, games, sports and excursions etc. = 4 5 Enrng hata fete annie ae provided [ ‘There are two classifications of agencies of education: 11. One clastification of agencies of education consists of: between the educator and the educing and both of them influence each other, Schoo, family, society, state and church etc. are known active agencies of education + Passive agencies: Influence the lear tum, arenotingluenced by tbem-Thus, Newspaper, films, television, ‘example of passive agencies ‘This dlassfication of agencies may be influenced by public opinion in long-run and not regarded as very 2. Another classification of agencies consist of: ‘excursions television, radio, museums etc. “The term philosophy has been derived from two Greek words Philen means love and Sophia means wisdom. Philosophy 1s a science through which we se or receive the knowledge of reality. ‘According to Dr. §. Radukrshnan, "tis logical inquiry int the nature of realty and in lrge-sense, isthe unseen foundation on “ Peonaoay m Prrsorienary Eovcaron rn Perm vcs ‘which the structure of civilization rests. Its the bass ofall social ‘movement ‘and pe the ol the world” All Purposive human action are guided and directed by a pulosophy of ite, EoucaTON avo Piatosorn ane InrenoEneNoeNT ‘The relationship between philosophy and education isnot one sided tral and both are required for progres of life A ves some suggestions to make society progressive lucation asthe origin ‘coring to him, “the function of philosophy ito think over the problem of edcation ” ‘According to Bertrand Russel, “Philosophy isto be studied ‘ot forthe sake of any definite answers to enlarge our conception of whats possible, enrich our intelectual lmaginaton and diminish the dogmatic assurance which dose the mind against speculation, but above all because trough the ‘reainess of the universe which philosophy contemplate, the mind is also rendered grat and becomes capable ofthat union, With the universe which constitutes ts highest good” Pastore oF Eoucavon 1 i _ [Neto ror Eoucarion Paaosorny “Theinter dependence of philosophy and educations clearly seen ave aso fact thatthe great philosophers ofall times hi ee tnd thelr pisopy is reflected in hit tence that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physi ‘al ability ofan individual. Education in this sense never ends, ‘we truly lea from experience throughout ou lives. Education and philosophy ate inseparable teas the eds of ation fate the ends of philosophy, ie, wisdom and the means of phi- Tosophy is the means of education, Le, inquiry, which alone can ead to wisdom. the world of Education involves both the world of ideas and practical activity; good ideas can lead to good practice and good practices reinforce good ideas. In order to behave ntligently in the educational process, education needs direction and guidance ‘which philosophy an provide. Hence philosophy is not only a profesional tol forthe educator but also a way of improving 16 Peaacoay m Prsorienary Eoucrion the quality of life because It helps us to gain a wider and deeper perspective on human existence and the world around us “The chief tsk of philosophy isto determine what constitutes provides the means to achieve those goals of good life In this fenst, philosophy of education isa distinct but not a separate discipline requires an unde ts problems. Inefficient jst as theory which is not llimately translatable into practice is useless and confusing, In the words of Ros, “Philosophy is the contemplative side while ‘education isthe active side”. Like general philosophy, educational philosophy is speculative, prescriptive critical or analytic. ‘ofall separated itself fom philosophy ast has definiteness. Its ‘based on the contemplation method of philosophy. Gradually other sciences alo separated themselves from philosophy. All Peon oF Eovcaron 7 theses sciences ultimately tok support of mathematic 19 #6 the relationship ofthe objects. ‘Naturalism asa philosophy of educationhas exercised 2 764 softs on the theory and practice of education. 1 deci all somal restraint and i necessary formalities nthe naturalistic oysem of education there no plac For anonma, texbooks, imeables, curriculum, formal sons ‘Sensation is the basis of our knowledge +5, Because nature's processes are slow, gradual and aesotonary, aur education aso should be steady Eger jen changes take place in the germ. ae Fates » | to Lamark it is external environment that creates Role of the Teacher According to Naturalism “According to naturalists the teacher i the observer and fa ciltator ofthe cil’s development rather than a giver of infor ‘ration, ideas, deals and will power or a moulder of character Tithe words of Ros, “Teacher ina naturalistic setup is on se, 2 supplier of materials and opportunities, atta environment as an educative force the teacher does not Rtere with nature, but rather cooperates with theebb and flow cof natural frees. “The teacher, ist of all is «person who is completely in kane with nature He has a profound faith in the original goodness of human saree believes that human beings have their own timetable Torleaming So Rousseau in is didacticnovel “Emile” organized for each stage of development, the chil, shows certain signs thot hes realy to lear what appropriate to that tage: “Like Rousseau, Tagoreis also an individualistand anatrais “Hezaysthat everyone is unique an ever individual diferent Fhumanises the leaming process and activates the mind instead ‘of suing it tis the teacher who Kindles independent thinking, Imagination and judgement. Rousseau opines that teacher should notbeina hurry tomake ‘expression of personal and humane development. Hence such subjects as history, geography, language, fine ats, “othe idealist “the schoolisa garden, theeducandis atender ee eon seas mateenatiaseal tests Ta tir Gs Gael ucla"! hs Wl ‘be included in the curriculum. | Ross, “the educator constitutes the special environmental factor HES Protocorm Prrsomenarr Eoveaon ‘whose function i to lead the child neater to reality to guide him ‘owards his utmost possible perfection”. |. Donald Butler has identified some ofthe desired qualities ofthe good teacher. According to him the teacher should 1. Personify culture ad reality fr the student 2. Bea specialist inthe knowledge ofthe pupils. of person who commands the respect ofthe Vite of what he himself is 4 Bea personal elend of th 5. Awaken students’ desires 6. Bea master of art of 7. Becane who capably communicates his subject 8, Appreciate the subject he teaches 9. Aid in the cultural rebirth of generations. oem, Ines Ano Discrune Interest and disiplne are interconnected devices of education, Pmuoson or Boveaon 2s ‘conversely. But today education has by-passed this eancept by authority begins by being external, but should end in becoming Internal through habit formation and self-control. Some Domains and Subjects According to Idealism Tnialociuel Moral Aesthetic Religious Spiritual 1 sbahems 1 4 LUtertue ies Fine arts Theology Soul Language Sergtres Metaphysics Works of Frances Bacon Jo Lake Jan aces Rousse and They: ce P between the teacher and taught takes place, Pracowansa ano Cunsscutune ‘According to pragmatists the main focus of education isnot social 2 Piece 5 Deena (Pinon oe Eovernon ‘wher knowledges separated from hil’ own interests, neds Pragati believe in a broad and diversified curiam. Endesperences andl fragmented or compartmentalze, They ‘hoy use amore geerl eduction as opposed 9 N=rOW specialization. Teagamati criculum is composed ofboth proces and aiden anoturalit aswell as prgmatt Hebelevesinthe ‘edltaowtadge iv th pupil because what pupleame depends Prin of leaming by doing SESE wn personal eed, interests and problems, Dewey Gi) iological Pagmaton: hiss Pragmation. iis found in fancion of Boaght orn apatite eed toe pte end ethic Cag Ce tom opie rete augh cordon might force the stents © ce person, the pragmatic teacher needs tobe non: nung er what Dewey es ss pele ty students to make errors and to experience the consequences of ‘ay, he/she helps the students to Become than to know and to originate rather than repeat. The pragmatic teacher is a pragmatist Rist and a teacher afterwards, Pracianse ano Discrune "agmaton on mi lin th tional mai work hile you work and play while discipline that can be maint According to the pragmatis converts a work into lay football game becomes layed Pressure anddifict algchraic sum becomes play iit is coved Differences between the three Philosophies of Education 8 Proometien ‘eatin Tealy fos ns process, We wl] Mind and Thought In mating, not readymede. 2 The ouilook of the| The outlook of @ pragmatst natural is materiast | social ‘3 They do not believe in| Pragati bobevosin the existence | Bolove mn the exetncs of God, xstence of God. | of God to an extent. “4 Unimate rely is phir | Uninet reaity i iy ‘Unimate realty sepia cal “The outook of Woaiet april '5 Universe is natura ce-| Universe has boon reat by man | Univaree has been erevted by God vale, sou God, religion | change Truth, goodness and beauty nd divine spt ‘men stoma value. 7, Physi and natural lows | No ows fe universal ‘Spiitat ows oe univers. pee eo es pre erase { as : al aaa | hs Soaany aa Tatwre “Far Sosy mth bane Es] Spuaiy io the bane. oh + Mate sane sop | on pyc! nd scl onearnat | on te pial an mor envonment ‘ins of Eaveston Tat eBVCaTan] To ona wien Soran] Thea oT aan SoG * Tee arponmcana|peromatame srame n nue | elem aenanon wong = Wana at socal efficiency. Tame a spiel dovopment | =| Rajssiment with present and to] Presentation end enrichment of ‘hang the pesert cura environment Curcuar Emphasis on seenoos Ea Teo SET aa] Enns on NE nd Say OF sie romero ay Scan a Tas pa Bove on te pnd oT wy | Besed_ on maal, punto Faas, spares | tein 20d en's etre) taba vos ese tha noure of | wrest and ecereee | or | | ‘nasi on ropuated freedom ood sultdscpine ‘postion ie vry igh. Thay havohigh exoectasonsot the teacher gests and [reametien lace in education. ts the pupl in he post | Teacher guides, direct

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