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School of Business

Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune –


MCA Management

Review Summarisation on Literature

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare


Anurag Bais

PRN: 1062222693
Division: C
Batch: 2022 – 2024

Under the guidance of

Dr Aditi Agarwal
MIT World Peace University, Pune

Academic Year 2022-24

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of healthcare, offering a
multitude of innovative applications. The synergy between AI and healthcare
leverages the abundance of medical data, encompassing electronic health
records, medical images, and clinical notes, to enhance patient care and
streamline medical processes. This literature review explores the profound
influence of AI in healthcare, delving into its multifaceted applications, such as
disease diagnosis, patient-centered care, medical imaging, drug discovery, and
healthcare management.

AI's strength lies in its ability to analyze vast datasets at remarkable speed and
precision, outperforming human capabilities. Machine learning algorithms, deep
learning models, and natural language processing techniques enable AI to
identify patterns and generate valuable insights. This empowers healthcare
professionals to make informed decisions, tailor treatments to individual
patients, and detect potential risks early.

However, alongside its promises, the integration of AI into healthcare raises

ethical, regulatory, and privacy concerns. As AI technologies continue to evolve,
it is crucial to address these challenges while maximizing the potential for
improved healthcare outcomes. This review examines the current state of AI in
healthcare, its challenges, and the prospects for future advancements, offering a
comprehensive exploration of the transformative role AI plays in modern
healthcare practices.
Research Paper#1:

Artificial intelligence in healthcare: opportunities and risk for future

The paper examines the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on
healthcare. It seeks to elucidate the advantages and challenges that arise with
the integration of AI in healthcare services. The paper underscores the swift
adoption of AI in healthcare, automating previously manual processes and
addressing escalating healthcare demands. AI is proclaimed as a potential boon,
with the capacity to elevate patient care, cut healthcare expenses, and ensure
equal access to healthcare services. The paper further emphasizes the critical
role of technology, particularly AI and robotics, in revolutionizing the healthcare
sector. The opportunities offered by AI in healthcare are discussed at length. AI
has the potential to revolutionize diagnostics, prevention, and treatment of
diseases, bolster cost efficiency, and enhance equity in healthcare access. It is
lauded for its rapid evolution and efficiency, often surpassing human
capabilities while being cost-effective. It is evident that AI's early detection and
diagnostic capabilities, especially in diseases like cancer, are poised to make
healthcare more precise, dependable, and swift. The integration of AI, such as
Google's DeepMind Health Technology, demonstrates how machine learning
can support healthcare professionals in making diagnostic and treatment

However, the paper does not shy away from highlighting the challenges and
risks. One of the significant challenges identified is the lack of AI adoption in the
public sector, potentially leading to disparities in healthcare access. Moreover,
patient privacy and autonomy rights are deemed as concerns when AI systems
collect and analyze patient data. Additionally, the paper acknowledges the
debate surrounding the extent to which AI can replace or complement human
healthcare providers. Overall, the study advocates for the necessity of AI in
healthcare management and medical decision-making. Nevertheless, it
acknowledges the hurdles of early adoption and sustained integration. Ethical
dilemmas related to AI clinical applications are also emphasized. The paper
anticipates the evolution of legal and regulatory frameworks to support AI in
healthcare while underscoring the need for ongoing research to better
understand both the potential and limitations of AI in the healthcare domain.

Sunarti, S., Rahman, F. F., Naufal, M., Risky, M., Febriyanto, K., & Masnina, R.
(2021). Artificial intelligence in healthcare: opportunities and risk for future.
Gaceta Sanitaria, 35, S67-S70.
Research Paper#2:

Artificial intelligence in healthcare: past, present and future

The paper offers a comprehensive exploration of the evolving landscape of

artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector. It begins by acknowledging
the increasing role of AI in healthcare and the debates surrounding AI doctors
potentially replacing human physicians. Motivations for employing AI in
healthcare are elucidated, focusing on its capacity to learn from vast healthcare
datasets, reduce diagnostic and therapeutic errors, and provide current medical
information to augment clinical decision-making. The increasing availability of
healthcare data and the development of robust AI analytics methods have
driven the recent successes of AI in healthcare applications. The paper
distinguishes between structured and unstructured healthcare data,
encompassing demographics, clinical notes, medical device recordings, genetic
information, diagnostic imaging, and more. It underscores the need to
transform unstructured data into machine-readable formats for effective

AI devices are categorized into machine learning techniques, which analyze

structured data, and natural language processing methods, which handle
unstructured data. The synergy between these techniques and clinical practice
is emphasized. The focus of AI applications in healthcare primarily centers on
critical disease areas like cancer, neurology, and cardiovascular disease, with
notable examples highlighting AI's role in diagnosis and treatment. Altogether,
the paper underscores AI's transformative potential in healthcare and its
alignment with clinical needs, emphasizing that AI should serve as a tool to
enhance clinical decision-making rather than replace human expertise.

Jiang, F., Jiang, Y., Zhi, H., Dong, Y., Li, H., Ma, S., ... & Wang, Y. (2017). Artificial
intelligence in healthcare: past, present and future. Stroke and vascular
neurology, 2(4).
Research Paper#3:

The rise of artificial intelligence in healthcare applications

In this chapter, the authors provide a comprehensive overview of the

burgeoning role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector. The
chapter begins by acknowledging the increasing prominence of AI and its
potential to revolutionize healthcare practices. One major focus is the
application of AI in medical imaging, where AI algorithms enhance diagnostic
accuracy, particularly in radiology. The authors emphasize AI's role in image
analysis, early disease detection, and the development of predictive models,
especially for conditions like cancer. Additionally, AI's impact on managing
electronic health records (EHRs) is highlighted, enabling healthcare providers to
make data-driven decisions and improve patient care.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is discussed as a vital component, allowing

for the extraction of valuable insights from unstructured clinical notes and
medical literature. AI's involvement in drug discovery, patient monitoring, and
personalized medicine is also explored, emphasizing its potential to accelerate
drug development, monitor patients continuously, and deliver tailored
treatment plans. The chapter addresses challenges such as data privacy,
regulatory compliance, and ethical considerations associated with AI adoption
in healthcare. It concludes by stressing the importance of responsible AI
integration, ethical practices, and ensuring that AI benefits both healthcare
professionals and patients.

Bohr, A., & Memarzadeh, K. (2020). The rise of artificial intelligence in
healthcare applications. In Artificial Intelligence in healthcare (pp. 25-60).
Academic Press.

The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare

The authors introduce the growing significance of AI in healthcare, emphasizing

its potential to bring about transformative changes in this article. The article
underscores AI's role in improving diagnostic accuracy and clinical decision-
making. AI algorithms, particularly in radiology and pathology, have
demonstrated their ability to enhance disease detection and interpretation of
medical images. AI is positioned as a tool for advancing personalized medicine
by tailoring treatment plans to individual patients based on their unique genetic
and clinical profiles. The authors discuss how AI can streamline administrative
processes in healthcare, such as managing appointments, billing, and patient
records, leading to cost savings and improved patient experiences. The article
acknowledges challenges, including data privacy concerns, integration
difficulties, and the need for regulatory frameworks to govern AI in healthcare.
Ethical considerations, such as transparency in AI decision-making, are
emphasized as critical in ensuring patient trust and ethical AI use. Davenport
and Kalakota conclude by highlighting the significant potential of AI in
healthcare, particularly in diagnosis, treatment personalization, and
administrative tasks. They stress the importance of addressing challenges and
ethical concerns to realize the full benefits of AI in healthcare. This article
provides a concise overview of how AI is poised to revolutionize various facets
of healthcare, from diagnosis and personalized medicine to administrative
efficiency. It underscores the need for responsible implementation and ethical
considerations to harness AI's potential fully.


Davenport, T., & Kalakota, R. (2019). The potential for artificial intelligence in
healthcare. Future healthcare journal, 6(2), 94. 10.7861/futurehosp.6-2-94
Economics of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Diagnosis vs.

The authors introduce the growing role of AI in healthcare and emphasize the
need to understand its economic impact, particularly in the context of diagnosis
and treatment. Khanna et al. establish an economic evaluation framework to
assess the cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit aspects of AI applications in
healthcare. The paper distinguishes between AI applications in the diagnosis
phase, which primarily involves identifying medical conditions, and the
treatment phase, which encompasses therapeutic interventions and care.
Economic considerations are discussed separately for these two phases. The
authors conduct cost-benefit analyses to evaluate the economic viability of AI in
healthcare, considering factors such as reduced diagnostic errors, improved
treatment outcomes, and potential cost savings. The paper presents findings
indicating that the economic impact of AI in healthcare varies between the
diagnosis and treatment phases. It suggests that AI's economic benefits may be
more pronounced in the diagnosis phase due to improved accuracy and
efficiency, leading to earlier interventions and cost savings. Khanna et al.
conclude that AI's economic implications in healthcare are multifaceted, with
diagnosis and treatment phases presenting different economic dynamics. The
paper underscores the importance of considering these economic factors when
implementing AI in healthcare and calls for further research in this area. This
paper provides a valuable economic perspective on the application of AI in
healthcare, focusing on diagnosis and treatment phases. It highlights the
potential economic benefits and complexities associated with AI adoption in
these areas, offering insights for healthcare decision-makers and policymakers.

Khanna, N. N., Maindarkar, M. A., Viswanathan, V., Fernandes, J. F. E., Paul, S.,
Bhagawati, M., ... & Suri, J. S. (2022, December). Economics of artificial
intelligence in healthcare: diagnosis vs. treatment. In Healthcare (Vol. 10, No.
12, p. 2493). MDPI.

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