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Use & Speak


Uzupełnij każdą lukę przekształcając słowo podane w nawiasie

w taki sposób, aby powstało spójne i logiczne zdanie.
Następnie powiedz, czy zgadzasz się z opiniami zaprezentowanymi
w zdaniach. Uzasadnij swoją wypowiedż.

1. I don’t like getting ................................... (invite) to formal parties.

2. Working as a shop .................................. (assist) is a good way to meet new people.
3. We pay too much attention to ................................. (different) between people.
4. There are a lot of new ........................... (build) completed every year in my area.
5. Going ................................. (cycle) always helps me forget about my problems.
6. (journal) have to work under a lot of pressure.

1. I once had to wait almost a month for a ................................. (deliver).

2. Solving a task that turns out to be quite ................................. (challenge)
gives you more satisfaction.
3. Not everybody should get ................................. (permit) to drive a car. B1
4. Being ................................. (charm) is a useful characteristic when you w
ork with people.
5. I get nervous when I have to give a ................................. (speak).
6. I believe that everybody has some artistic ................................. (able).
7. It’s ................................. (possibility) that there will be a war in my country.

1. Fines for using ................................. (dispose) bags should be introduced.

2. I sometimes feel ................................. (envy) of others’ achievements.
3. If you are a parent, you need a lot of ................................. (flexible). B2-C1
4. It’s better to have a ................................. (hand) of reliable friends than lots of
5. I can’t stay ................................. (different) when I watch so much suffering
on TV or social media.
6. It’s shocking that so many people are still ................................. (literacy) in the 21st
century. Sprawdź Use & Speak A2-C1
Use & Speak

Uzupełnij każdą lukę przekształcając słowo podane w nawiasie

w taki sposób, aby powstało spójne i logiczne zdanie.
Następnie powiedz, czy zgadzasz się z opiniami zaprezentowanymi
w zdaniach. Uzasadnij swoją wypowiedż.

1. I don’t like getting invitations/invited (invite) to formal parties.

2. Working as a shop assistant (assist) is a good way to meet new people.
3. We pay too much attention to differences (different) between people.
4. There are a lot of new buildings (build) completed every year in my area.
5. Going cycling (cycle) always helps me forget about my problems.
6. Journalists (journal) have to work under a lot of pressure.

1. I once had to wait almost a month for a delivery (deliver).

2. Solving a task that turns out to be quite challenging (challenge)
gives you more satisfaction.
3. Not everybody should get permission (permit) to drive a car.
4. Being charming (charm) is a useful characteristic when you work with people.
5. I get nervous when I have to give a speech (speak).
6. I believe that everybody has some artistic ability (able).
7. It’s possible/impossible (possibility) that there will be a war in my country.

1. Fines for using disposable (dispose) bags should be introduced.

2. I sometimes feel envious (envy) of others’ achievements.
3. If you are a parent, you need a lot of flexibility (flexible).
4. It’s better to have a handful (hand) of reliable friends than lots of
5. I can’t stay indifferent (different) when I watch so much suffering
on TV or social media.
6. It’s shocking that so many people are still illiterate (literacy) in the 21st century. Sprawdź Use & Speak A2-C1

Use & Speak

Uzupełnij zdania. Wykorzystaj wyrazy podane w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie

(nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli jest to
konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy) lub przetłumacz fragmenty z nawiasów. Uwaga:
w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy (A2), pięć wyrazów (B1),
sześć wyrazów (B2-C1). Nastepnie odpowiedz na pytania lub wyraż swoją opinię.

1. (You/always/agree) ............................................... with your friends?

2. I believe (cat/intelligent) ............................................... than dogs.
3. (You/have) ............................................... a pet when you were a kid?
4. I make (enough/money/buy) ............................................... a new car. A2
5. My friend (nie wolno jeść) ............................................... nuts because
he has a strong allergy.
6. I go to the hairdresser’s about (cztery razy w roku) ............................................... .
7. Harry Potter is (najgorszy film) ............................................... I have ever seen.
8. (Czy chciałbyś) ............................................... move to the countryside?

1. Before I went to bed yesterday, (I/watch) ............................................... a new TV series.

2. I (be/afraid) ............................................... of dogs since a tiny dog bit me on my leg.
3. (High/price/be) ..............................................., the less satisfied the customers are.
4. I (must/avoid/eat) ............................................... sweet things because they make me
feel sleepy.
5. I hardly ever (złoszczę się na) ............................................... my friends. B1
6. People (często ranią się nawzajem) ............................................... because they
don’t know how to talk about their emotions.
7. I have a lot of neighbours and (żaden z nich nie mówi) ............................................... hello
to me. Sprawdź Use & Speak A2-C1

Use & Speak

Uzupełnij zdania. Wykorzystaj wyrazy podane w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie

(nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli jest to
konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy) lub przetłumacz fragmenty z nawiasów. Uwaga:
w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy (A2), pięć wyrazów (B1),
sześć wyrazów (B2-C1). Nastepnie odpowiedz na pytania lub wyraż swoją opinię.

1. (You/always/agree) Do you always agree with your friends?

2. I believe (cat/intelligent) cats are more/less intelligent than dogs.
3. (You/have) Did you have a pet when you were a kid?
4. I make (enough/money/buy) enough money to buy a new car. A2
5. My friend (nie wolno jeść) can’t/mustn’t eat nuts because he has a strong allergy.
6. I go to the hairdresser’s about (cztery razy w roku) four times a year.
7. Harry Potter is (najgorszy film) the worst film I have ever seen.
8. (Czy chciałbyś) Would you like to move to the countryside?

1. Before I went to bed yesterday, (I/watch) I had watched a new TV series.

2. I (be/afraid) have been afraid of dogs since a tiny dog bit me on my leg.
3. (High/price/be) The higher the prices are, the less satisfied the customers are.
4. I (must/avoid/eat) must avoid eating sweet things because they make me
feel sleepy.
5. I hardly ever (złoszczę się na) get angry with my friends. B1
6. People (często ranią się nawzajem) often hurt one another because they
don’t know how to talk about their emotions.
7. I have a lot of neighbours and (żaden z nich nie mówi) none of them say/says hello to
me. Sprawdź Use & Speak A2-C1

Use & Speak

1. Two years ago, I spent my holiday abroad; it was the first time I (travel/plane)
................................................ .
2. Before the Covid pandemic, people (not/use/work) ...............................................
from home. B2-C1
3. The quality of films available on streaming services
(slow/get/bad) ............................................... compared to films released five years ago.
4. I need to find a specialist because I (need/house/repaint) ...............................................
this year.
5. I (warn/not/rely) ............................................... too much on others but rather trust
6. Living in my country (staje się coraz bardziej) ............................................... difficult.
7. (Czy masz uczestniczyć) ............................................... any urgent meetings this week?
8. I never (mam ochotę wyjść w) ............................................... a Friday night; I’m just too
drained after the whole week of work
B1 Sprawdź Use & Speak A2-C1

Use & Speak

1. Two years ago, I spent my holiday abroad; it was the first time I (travel/plane) had
travelled by plane.
2. Before the Covid pandemic, people (not/use/work) weren’t used to
working from home. B2-C1
3. The quality of films available on streaming services (slow/get/bad) is slowly
getting worse compared to films released five years ago.
4. I need to find a specialist because I (need/house/repaint) need to have/get my/the
house repainted this year.
5. I (warn/not/rely) have been warned not to rely too much on others but rather trust
6. Living in my country (staje się coraz bardziej) is getting more and more difficult.
7. (Czy masz uczestniczyć) Are you supposed to attend any urgent meetings this week?
8. I never (mam ochotę wyjść w) feel like going out on a Friday night; I’m just too
drained after the whole week of work
B1 Sprawdź Use & Speak A2-C1

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