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NAME: …………………………………………………………………GROUP…….

The patient comes to the emergency room, with abdominal pain, began
approximately 8 hours ago, in the right upper quadrant, colic type, with
an intensity of 6/10, which increases with movement. The patient reports
that she took a pill to relieve the pain, it worked for a few hours, but then
the pain intensified even more.
She also tells us about episodes of nausea and vomiting on 2 occasions,
after having eaten fatty food (pork) at a new restaurant. In the last few
hours, she also has noticed a rise in her temperature before her
admission to the hospital, in addition to an increase in pain with an
intensity of 10/10 that radiates to the shoulder and back and the area is
very sensitive to touch.

1. According to the current illness, fill in as appropriate. (10 pts.)

Site: ________________________
Onset: _______________________
Character: ____________________
Radiation: _____________________
Associated symptoms: __________________
Timing: ________________
Exacerbating and _________________________
relieving factors: __________________________
Severity: ________________
Evolution: _________________
2. According to the current illness, mention two possible diagnoses.
(2 pts)
3. Mention three main backgrounds and exemplify one of them. (3 pts)
4. Mention four main regional exams and exemplify one of them (4 pts)

5. In your own words, how useful is medical English for your career? (1 pt)

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