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1. What surprised you the most? What are the biggest cyber threats to your day to
day activities?

What surprised me the most was how easy it is to have my data and network hacked using methods
that are supposed to be safe and routine for users. The biggest cyber threat to my day to day activities
would be the emails that I receive. I have a user account with many big name websites and this
seems to be the route that hackers use. Many times I have received an email claiming to be one of
those legitimate websites but when I looked into it I realise they were fake accounts.

2. Now that you’ve completed this module, think about some areas where you might
be vulnerable while online, then write down 5 things you can do today to make
your online activities more secure.

 Make sure my passwords are difficult to decipher for others.

 Being cautious with websites that require personal and financial information.
 Not downloading files from email attachments or the Internet that are from a questionable
 Have a strong antivirus and firewall to prevent unwanted attacks.
 Have a password protected network to prevent unwanted access.

3. Ask yourself, are there realistic safeguards in place to protect student and staff
privacy at my institution? Think about 2 recommendations you can make to your
principal or supervisor to strengthen the security of your classroom.

 Educating both staff and students about the dangers of cyber threats and how to recognise and
protect themselves from those threats.
 Placing limitations on what can be done by students and staff on the network, such as
prohibiting certain websites from being accessed.

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