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Rijul Rana

Coursera – University of Virginia

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing - Design an

AI Marketing Campaign

In a hyper-competitive athletic landscape, customer loyalty and engagement are
more crucial than ever. This proposal outlines "Project Ignite," an AI-powered
marketing campaign designed to unlock the potential of personalized experiences for
Nike customers. By leveraging their rich customer data and cutting-edge AI
technology, Nike can deliver hyper-relevant product recommendations, training
insights, and community engagement, ultimately driving brand loyalty, boosting
sales, and solidifying Nike's position as an innovative leader.

Campaign Elements:
1. AI-Powered Product Recommendations:
o Going beyond demographics: Integrate purchase history, browsing
behavior, fitness tracker data, and social media interactions to
recommend products that align with individual goals, training styles,
and emerging trends.
o Real-time in-store experiences: Implement AI-powered kiosks in
stores that offer personalized product suggestions based on the
customer's scanned clothing and physique, creating a seamless cross-
channel experience.
o Predictive restocking: Analyze customer sentiment and purchase
patterns to anticipate demand and optimize inventory levels, ensuring
desired products are available when customers need them most.
2. Dynamic Training Insights:
o AI-powered coaching companion: Partner with fitness apps and
wearables to provide real-time personalized coaching based on
performance data (e.g., running form analysis, stride adjustments).
o Adaptive training plans: Develop AI-driven training plans that
dynamically adjust based on individual progress, fatigue levels, and
changing goals, maximizing workout effectiveness and preventing
o Injury prevention and recovery: Leverage AI algorithms to analyze
data and alert users of potential injury risks, recommending
preventative measures and personalized recovery routines.
3. Hyper-local Community Engagement:
o Geo-targeted challenges and events: Utilize location data and social
media trends to connect athletes with nearby communities for group
workouts, challenges, and events based on shared interests and
o AI-powered social media interaction: Analyze sentiment and trends
on social media platforms to respond to individual inquiries and foster
meaningful conversations within the Nike community.
o Local influencer partnerships: Partner with relevant local fitness
influencers to promote Nike products and experiences within specific
communities, driving authentic engagement and brand advocacy.
4. AI-Powered Storytelling:
o Personalized content campaigns: Analyze customer data and
interests to create targeted marketing campaigns featuring inspiring
stories, athletes they admire, and products that resonate with their
unique aspirations.
o Dynamic website and app content: Leverage AI to curate website
and app content based on individual browsing behavior, ensuring they
see relevant product recommendations, athlete features, and
motivational stories.
o Personalized video experiences: Develop AI-powered video ad
campaigns that dynamically adjust messaging and visuals based on
user profiles, creating a deeply engaging and memorable experience.
Types of Data:
The success of Project Ignite hinges on seamless data integration and analysis. This
 Customer data platform (CDP): Consolidate all customer data (purchase
history, app usage, social media interactions, etc.) into a single platform for
unified analysis and insights.
 Real-time data streaming: Integrate data from fitness trackers, apps, and
social media platforms to enable real-time personalized recommendations
and insights.
 Advanced AI and machine learning algorithms: Utilize cutting-edge AI and
machine learning models to extract meaningful insights from diverse data
sources and deliver hyper-personalized experiences.

New Business Model Proposals:

1. Personalized Subscription Service: Offer tiered subscription plans that
o Curated product recommendations based on AI analysis.
o Personalized training plans with AI-powered coaching insights.
o Exclusive access to community events and challenges.
o Discounts and early access to new products.
2. Data-Driven Product Development: Analyze customer data and AI-
generated insights to identify emerging trends and preferences, informing
future product design, innovation, and marketing strategies.
3. AI Partnership Platform: Partner with leading AI companies to co-develop
cutting-edge personalized marketing solutions that can be offered to other
brands, creating a new revenue stream and solidifying Nike's position as an AI
Project Ignite presents a unique opportunity for Nike to leverage the power of AI to
deliver impactful personalized experiences that deepen customer engagement, drive
sales, and solidify their position as a leader in innovative marketing. By embracing
AI-powered personalization, Nike can not only meet the evolving needs of today's
athletes but also unlock new revenue streams and pave the way for the future of
athletic performance and community building.
Disclaimer: This proposal is a hypothetical example and does not represent any
official plans or partnerships by Nike or other mentioned companies.
Note: This expanded version offers additional details and expands on the core
elements of the campaign. Be sure to tailor the level of detail and complexity to meet
the specific requirements of your project.

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