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As a parent, you know the struggle of getting your child to sit down and complete their homework.

seems like a never-ending battle, with your child constantly getting distracted and unable to focus on
the task at hand. But have you ever stopped to think about why your child is having such a difficult
time with homework?

The truth is, there are many factors that can contribute to a child's inability to focus on their
homework. From the overwhelming amount of distractions in today's technology-driven world to
their own personal learning style, it can be a real challenge for children to stay on task and complete
their assignments.

One of the biggest culprits of homework struggles is the constant barrage of technology and social
media. With smartphones, tablets, and laptops always within reach, it's easy for children to get
sidetracked and lose focus on their homework. Social media, in particular, can be a major distraction
as children are constantly checking their notifications and scrolling through their feeds instead of
working on their assignments.

Another factor that can contribute to a child's difficulty with homework is their learning style. Every
child learns differently, and if their homework is not presented in a way that aligns with their
learning style, it can be challenging for them to stay engaged and focused. For example, a child who
learns best through hands-on activities may struggle with traditional homework assignments that
require a lot of reading and writing.

So what can you do as a parent to help your child focus on their homework? One solution is to
consider seeking outside help from a professional writing service, such as ⇒ ⇔.
These services provide personalized assistance for students who are struggling with their homework.
By working one-on-one with a professional, your child can receive the support and guidance they
need to complete their assignments and improve their focus.

Additionally, it's important to create a distraction-free environment for your child to do their
homework. This means limiting their access to technology and creating a quiet, designated
workspace for them to work in. Encouraging breaks and providing positive reinforcement can also
help your child stay motivated and focused on their homework.

In conclusion, homework can be a difficult task for children, but there are solutions to help alleviate
the struggle. By understanding the various factors that can contribute to a child's inability to focus,
and seeking outside help when needed, you can help your child succeed in completing their
homework. Consider utilizing the services of ⇒ ⇔ to provide your child with the
support they need to excel in their studies.
But, often adult chairs are too big and make it difficult for kids not to fall all over the place or get up
a hundred times. If you are ready to put this problem behind you click the button below and fill out
the form. If there are younger siblings in the house you might want to get some earplugs or put them
down for a nap. For more information or to apply for health and dental insurance for your child(ren),
simply click here and you’ll be taken directly to the Florida KidCare website. He’ll nod convinced,
and the next day we’re back to where we started. In “ The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary
Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind ” by Daniel J. Ideally, this space should be used
be for homework only, but that may not always be practical depending on the space you have in your
home. It’ll likely take dedication and time, but I promise there are ways to help even the most
distractible of children to follow through on homework expectations (just ask my 26 students).
Should parents be involved in their children’s lives. Take a short walk to help get rid of any extra
energy so your child will be ready to get back down to work. After all, “practice is the best of all
instructors”. Many parents wonder how to help a child who can’t seem to concentrate on his or her
school assignments. The most important thing that is this space remains distraction-free and has all
the supplies your child needs to work (like pencils and paper). These small “brain breaks” will help
your child refresh his or her mind and return to the material more invigorated. This doesn’t have to
be a bought item, it could be as simple as choosing a movie for Friday night. Now, I’m not usually a
quitter (our family motto is “persevere”!) but there are times when it’s clearly not the best course of
action. OX Royalties Limited Partnership, used under license. Like “where are you going sit back
down!” I find my self saying frequently. However, some kids were bringing home in excess of five
hours’ worth of homework. We’re all so vulnerable in this area that people get defensive fast. When
homework is assigned to a student, it serves as a vehicle for them to connect with their teachers and
families at home. However, on the other side of the argument is that homework is too excessive for
children after having already spent 7-8 hours at school. Stress, frustration, and simply not
understanding the material can have a big impact on a student’s ability to concentrate, as well as his
or her ability to master the material being taught in class. I’m trying to find the balance between
getting him to work independently and me sitting there for every question. We’ve been using this to
teach my daughter self-management. They both allow students to blacklist websites they deem to be
distracting — Minecraft, Twitter, YouTube, whatever it might be, for a certain period of time, say 20
or 25 minutes so they can focus on what they should be doing, which is usually studying or
homework. While it helps some kids relax, your child may have a hard time moving from 30 minutes
on the tablet to doing homework. It can also give teachers extra time to provide one-on-one
assistance to students who need it. When I get my kids home it’s nearly 6pm, and there’s no way I
can get them to focus on homework. Let your family know that you are doing your homework.
Even now she needs to do lots of running around, or physical activity to wear her out a bit. I’m
fortunate that our school has homework as an optional thing, but we do opt in. Self-regulation:
Learning how to prioritize work and stick with it by not giving in to impulses is a skill that students
develop over time. It’s a great technique to get them to reflect on their efforts. Not only does it get
the blood flowing but I think it also allows them to release some of that energy they have pent up
from being at school all day. Routines help us be productive without exerting too much effort. But I
also believe there’s a middle ground and that balance can be achieved. Also, remind your kid that it
needs to be a reward that doesn’t require you. Your knowledge of the subjects you will need to solve
your tasks will improve, and your time management skills will improve as you solve them. Avoid
letting them start another task or play during this break. Our brain seeks novelty and when we’re
engaged in the middle of a task, our brain desperately searches for an escape. You know preferring
dim lights or loving loud music. The Four Skills Kids Master in Elementary School Homework. Her
school also specifically tells parent not to get involved unless the child asks for clarifications.
Because I have a 6 year old girl who likes decorating things. Students who are organized are
responsible, independent, and trustworthy. This helps to wire up the part of the brain responsible for
maintaining concentration and setting goals. The study focused on more than 4,000 children in both
public and private schools. Is it better to do homework first, so it’s out of the way. It’s especially
helpful for time management, since many kids overestimate how much time they have to do
something, and underestimate how long it will take them to do it. One person can play every note
perfectly and leave you feeling cold with their performance, and another can make mistakes but be
electrifying. Homework is required to achieve all of these goals. For instance, I love to have
homework done right away. Those grades said nothing about my reading ability. I also think it’s
important that my kids feel that they have some control over the assessment. I love that you are so
thoughtful with every response, and that there is more than one way to be right. Our simple online
analysis will help you get to the core of the problem and find the right solution for you. When a
student has other activities that they want to do in addition to their homework, it can be difficult for
them to concentrate on their homework. Learn how to help a child focus in the classroom and at
home. Homework also helps students learn how to persevere through tough tasks and how to find
resources to help them when they’re stuck.
Feel free to check my disclosure and terms for more info! I’m sure there are those of you who are
grumbling at your computers as you read this. “How will my kid find time for extracurricular
activities?”, “After being in school all day, how do you expect me to get my child to focus on
homework for more than 5 minutes!?”. When a student completes his or her own home tasks, they
are enlightened and begin to feel more at ease. Now, in elementary school, we don’t do the
homework every night. In the time they set, say 20 minutes, a tree will grow while they’re studying.
The Four Skills Kids Master in Elementary School Homework. However, on the other side of the
argument is that homework is too excessive for children after having already spent 7-8 hours at
school. Your child should have the time to do his or her homework every day after it has been
completed. She has over 14 years experience with expertise in sensory processing and feeding
development in babies, toddlers, and children. However, once I was able to do a few things
differently, it made a world of difference. In private schools where the pressure to compete can be
overwhelming, a lot of children claimed that performing well was the most important factor in their
lives. Your child needs you in their side ALWAYS, there have long difficult days in School where
social interactions and the system challenge their resources all day long. Maker For Teams Exclusive
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your upcoming birth with an experienced RN. Both options can have a dramatic effect on focus for
some kids. And attention and focus can vary wildly, particularly in the early years. If we eliminate
homework for all children because their parents have too many of it, it will be unfair to low-income
children. Just make sure you are encouraging your child to find the answers to questions him or
herself, and not doing the work for your child yourself. Good posture during homework is a good
idea, but if the only way to get your child to do it without a fuss is to let them pretend to sit on a
throne or stand in attention, go for it. My son struggles with math, and he never wants to do his
homework. You know preferring dim lights or loving loud music. In case the child is only beginning
his education then generally there are almost no legal procedures involved whereas, in case of a
switch, the parents will need to inform the school about the same, who will, in turn, update the
concerned authorities. Incentives can be extremely motivating for some kids though. A’s on a single
report card can mean all of those things or none of them. It seemed to me that each time her fish oil
consumption dipped, she became less focused. She cited the physical damage that can come from the
elevated stress levels. An adult student who is responsible can carry out his or her own tasks, such as
school work, without the need for parental or teacher assistance. Here are some tips for the child
that has a hard time attending to one thing for a long time. My son gets a packet of homework on
Monday that he has to complete and turn in by Friday. A small treat or a trip to the park can be
enough to motivate your child to complete his or her homework and move onto other exciting
My son struggles with math, and he never wants to do his homework. She wanted to run around the
playground and then jump on the sofa. They are also learning to manage their time wisely and to be
organized. If homework struggles are causing you to butt heads time to re-think. Just make sure you
are encouraging your child to find the answers to questions him or herself, and not doing the work
for your child yourself. After all of their school activities have concluded, it is best to assign
homework to your child at the end of the school day. You can also set up an obstacle course with
one of the obstacles being to stop and do a math problem or answer a section of their homework.
However, with these tips you can teach your child how to become better at concentrating on his or
her homework. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is
certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator. They are responsible for
teaching the basic academic and social skills that children need to succeed in school and in life. And I
bit down hard on my tongue every time I felt like screaming “If you just stuck to the task and
focused you could be done already!”. Or, is giving your child a break first, and doing homework
later, better for them. Although technology can often be a distraction to most kids, there are a
number of apps that can help with attention and motivation. We cannot expect that students will
independently practice a skill they don’t engage with during class. And, also remember that your
child’s need for a break when they get home can change from day to day. It’s filled with toys,
internet access, and family members doing their own things. You know preferring dim lights or
loving loud music. If you need your child to be quiet and still for a few minutes, what can they
pretend to be. OX Royalties Limited Partnership, used under license. Access to teachers will never
match the unlimited access to peers. First, it can teach students how to budget their time wisely and
use it efficiently. Homework allows teachers to assess how well students understand the lessons they
have learned, as well as how much practice and review they need to make. Get free article updates
here.) I hate homework day. In order to effectively set up a homeschooling structure, it is important
that each of these aspects is kept in mind and the plan for the learning process is structured
accordingly. We can raise great kids and focus on growing ourselves, too. Creating structure can be
extremely helpful to students. Routines help us be productive without exerting too much effort. Or,
maybe for your child, they love to move and be active. These reminders will help you second guess
less, and feel more confidence every day in your parenting. Mental flexibility: As students build their
independence and grow their homework routines, seeing an array of strategies, or more than one way
to solve a problem, is important.
This is important because it can help students avoid procrastination and manage their time more
effectively. Access to teachers will never match the unlimited access to peers. Homework is required
to achieve all of these goals. English Chinese Spanish French Portuguese English Scroll to Top Fill
the form to download our school brochure or talk to one of our certified academic counsellors
Download. My son has trouble sitting still as he is a sensory seeker with autism and Tourettes. If
you’re child isn’t seated with their feet on the floor and their arms well above the table top, you may
need to get a booster seat or an old phone book for them to sit on top of. To better take care of you,
download our No Guilt Mom mindset here. Our brain seeks novelty and when we’re engaged in the
middle of a task, our brain desperately searches for an escape. When students complete their
homework, they are taking responsibility for their own learning. Homework is the perfect
opportunity for students to learn how to stay on schedule, meet deadlines, and conduct research. And
we’ll be similar to yeah Sam, this can be what we’re wanting to convey for your requirements each
day. It seemed to me that each time her fish oil consumption dipped, she became less focused. It can
also give teachers extra time to provide one-on-one assistance to students who need it. OX Royalties
Limited Partnership, used under license. If we eliminate homework for all children because their
parents have too many of it, it will be unfair to low-income children. The most important thing that is
this space remains distraction-free and has all the supplies your child needs to work (like pencils and
paper). The teacher should be able to realistically gauge how much and what students might achieve
at home. But I also believe there’s a middle ground and that balance can be achieved. She cited the
physical damage that can come from the elevated stress levels. These are important skills that will
help them throughout their lives. A small treat or a trip to the park can be enough to motivate your
child to complete his or her homework and move onto other exciting activities. A good way to
combat that boredom is to switch subject focus every so often. However, once I was able to do a few
things differently, it made a world of difference. When homework is assigned to a student, it serves
as a vehicle for them to connect with their teachers and families at home. Recommend that they
practice moving the cell phone away from the homework area, and summarize before returning to the
reading. Lauderdale)! A graduate of the University of Miami with a Bachelor’s Degree in
Psychology and Education, she started blogging back in 2010. You’ll locate them being far more
attentive once the questions are less abstract, and much more down to earth. Students who complete
homework assignments on time are able to recall the lessons that they learned in class. KIDTHINK
employs leading child psychologists that specialize in offering clinical treatment of mental illness in
children aged twelve and under. When a student completes his or her own home tasks, they are
enlightened and begin to feel more at ease.
When having homework to do a study routine can be the reason we actually sit down set enough
time aside concentrate and stay focused until we complete the project. The goal is to master focused
work for a set period of time and train the brain to work for longer focused periods. Have you found
any homework tricks that have worked in your home. As an Amazon Associate I earn from
qualifying purchases. The major factor that affects the legal scenario is whether the children have just
started his education or he is switching from a traditional school environment to homeschooling. It’ll
likely take dedication and time, but I promise there are ways to help even the most distractible of
children to follow through on homework expectations (just ask my 26 students). Of physical activity
or eat healthier or spend time with family if we barely have time to eat a rushed meal to do
homework. Reading is included in those minutes but really should be a DAILY 20 minute activity. A
suggestion to build independence is to use task analysis. You can also check out the 10 Things You
Should Know About Florida KidCare I posted on the blog. Work together, but work toward self-
management so your child gets stronger each time. And of course I lapped up the compliments about
the site too. They can sit with you an objectively have a look at what is happening and work with you
to put some steps in place to ease the transition back into a positive homework routine. So, instead of
having them watch TV or play video gaming, go outside and play ball with these, or go sledding
using them. We cannot expect that students will independently practice a skill they don’t engage with
during class. To retain and retain a concept, skill, or content taught in practice, homework is an
effective way to do so. I love that idea of using homework (and tests) as a feedback loop. It teaches
students responsibility, time management, and organizational skills. They may or may not get the
grades they deserve to reflect that, but they need to mentally grade themselves to stay honest. I felt I
should get an A for showing up and doing my best every time. Of course, the idea of homework is to
give children more practice with concepts that are new or challenging. It is time consuming and a
source of stress for them. I’m rarely a brand girl unless we’re talking crayons and markers. People
only care what I can actually do, and that I try to prove every day, and that’s what I tell my kids to
aim for. It’s possible that their difficulty will be short lived. Save on back to school essentials with
Dollar General. If a child is doing well in school, they do not need the assistance of their parents.
I’m sure there are those of you who are grumbling at your computers as you read this. “How will my
kid find time for extracurricular activities?”, “After being in school all day, how do you expect me to
get my child to focus on homework for more than 5 minutes!?”. Ideally, this space should be used be
for homework only, but that may not always be practical depending on the space you have in your
home. This will increase the productivity of the student by making him feel amongst people similar to
him or her.
My research on this topic led me to discover some behavioral techniques used with ADD kids, that
are also applicable to any child having difficulty focusing. A small treat or a trip to the park can be
enough to motivate your child to complete his or her homework and move onto other exciting
activities. Once your child develops better concentration and homework skills, it’s easy to become an
even better student. Instead of clearing of the mind, they agitate and stress. And I bit down hard on
my tongue every time I felt like screaming “If you just stuck to the task and focused you could be
done already!”. But the way she gets distracted every 5 minutes during homework time is enough to
make anyone go crazy. It merely shows that more of these kids are at risk in comparison to those
from average communities.”. From the homework wars to students who have little time for
homework to students who don’t even know where to begin, everyone can agree that kids who can
self-regulate and engage in independent rehearsal are better positioned for whatever the future holds.
If you need your child to be quiet and still for a few minutes, what can they pretend to be.
Homework is the perfect opportunity for students to learn how to stay on schedule, meet deadlines,
and conduct research. Old and it frustrates us as a family when we cannot take a walk, go out and
play, or do any sports or extracurricular activity or even help with dinner because they have so much
homework. People only care what I can actually do, and that I try to prove every day, and that’s what
I tell my kids to aim for. A small treat or a trip to the park can be enough to motivate your child to
complete his or her homework and move onto other exciting activities. They learn they can be
responsible for their own outcomes. I don’t like keeping track of it through the evening. Lastly,
homework can help students learn how to manage their workloads. Not only does this feel fun, but
the change in scenery can help with focus. Include what homework assignments your child has each
night and any extra materials needed. These are all important life skills that will help them in the
future. But I also believe there’s a middle ground and that balance can be achieved. It is critical to
seek out other sources of assistance and advice to speed up your home assignment resolution
process. One woman, for example, complained, in my opinion, any time she does homework together
with her son, he’s on another planet. The teacher should be able to realistically gauge how much and
what students might achieve at home. This website is not intended for users located within the
European Economic Area. Those grades said nothing about my reading ability. Many of us can be
inattentive and unfocused at times. Of course, the idea of homework is to give children more
practice with concepts that are new or challenging. Then he’ll get half the questions wrong, and he’ll
end up like oh, I knew the answer. This will increase the productivity of the student by making him
feel amongst people similar to him or her. One way to teach self-regulation is to have students
practice control by concentrating for short periods of time with the goal of building up to longer,
more sustained periods of time as the year progresses.

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