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Committee: The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

Topic: Women Leadership and Political Participation
Signatories: Dominion of Canada, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,
Kingdom of Norway, Kingdom of Sweden, New Zealand Aotearoa,
Russian Federation

Reaffirming the principles of the Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms

Of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) about equality of all individuals
without regards to gender,

Deeply concerned about the USA not ratifying the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),

Taking into account that in 2020 the Japanese Tokyo Olympic organisation
committee had an extreme case of gender disparity since the Japanese
Olympic Committee board currently has 24 members, only five of whom are

Fully aware that in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly elections, women only
have 23% of the seats despite constituting as roughly half of the Japanese
Taking note 10% of the 67 million population of France is Muslim however
Muslim sportswomen are banned from wearing the hijab further restricting
their ability to express themselves freely,

Taking into account that China despite having the world’s largest population
ranks as the 107 country in terms of women representation in parliament
according to the Global Gender Gap Report of 2023,

Further recalling that USA is not promoting female leaders compared to their
male counterparts as in its entire history not a single female became President
and are limited to a maximum position of Vice President,
Realising that in Pakistan’s provincial assemblies, female representation has
remained staggeringly low; in fact, in 2018 general elections, women
constituted only 2% of the elected members in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,

Alarmed by the fact that countries: Pakistan, China and Malayasia have not
criminalized marital rape in their constitution,

Further alarmed by the fact that Italy has a gender gap of 11.5%; UK has a
gender gap of 9.8% as of 2021-2022; Canada has a gender gap of 11.1% in
salaries of men and women as the male employes get paid more unfairly,

Recognizing the cases of violence against women in Pakistan including

unpunished physical abuse, rape and honor killings as a result of unequal
citizenship rights and gender-biased application of asylum laws such as the
case of Noor Mukadam, a Pakistani female victim of murder in 20 July 2021
whose murderer did not face required punishment,

Deeply disturbed by the policies and laws of the US government that thereby
stigmatising and criminalising women for choosing abortions despite having
life-threatening pregnancies and their role in leadership being hindered,

Deeply regretting the persistent traditional roles and societal expectations in

Rwanda hindering women leadership roles in businesses, academia and civil

Reaffirming the Universal Declaration for Human Rights that states women
are to be provided access to equal opportunities as their male counterparts in
all spheres of life especially in politics and leadership,

Considering that Sweden has ranked as the no.1 from the European Union on
the Gender Equality Index and is the first country in the world to adopt a
feminist foreign policy in 2014,

Further proclaims the importance of increasing the role of women in

peacebuilding and decision-making with regard to conflict prevention and the
peaceful resolution of conflicts as part of efforts to ensure the safety and
well-being of all women in the region,
Reminding the role of Sweden as the 2 largest contributor to UN Women
Council for equal resources for all women across the globe in urban and rural
areas with a total of USD 71.6 million in 2020 and Norway for the 3 largest
contributor for welfare of women,

Endorsing the formation of a new national movement, FATTA, in Sweden

which recognizes that sex without consent is rape which led to a passing of a
new legislation in the Swedish Parliament and rapists are punished

Calling upon working to resolve the issue of gender disparity gap and
dismantling acts and laws that hinder women participation in politics by
implementation of quotas in Iraq,

Further reminding that Norway has agreed to rehabilitate the conditions of Iraq
regarding women and providing funds of a total of NOK 325 million,

Authourizes that New Zealand has agreed to integrate laws and legislation
that offer protection to women from all kinds of abuse,

Affirming that Iraq’s President Abdul Latif Rashid and Parliament Speaker
Mohammed al-Halbussi will be considering Russia as a partner and an ally so
Russia could help build resources for women in Iraq for development,

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