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University of San Agustin


Junior High School
Sambag, Jaro, Iloilo City

Christian Human Formation 8

March 13, 2024

Teacher: Mr. Frank C. Oliveros

General Directions:
1. Specific directions are given at the beginning of each particular subtest. Read carefully the
directions before answering the questions.
2. Shade your answers in the Answer Sheet and/or write your answers in the White Notes, and use
only black pen.
3. Review all your answers before submitting Answer Sheets and/or White Notes to the proctor.

G O D B L E S S!!!

Direction: Shade the letter that best describes the correct answer in the Answer Sheet provided.

1. Which presupposition about knowing Jesus is it when a Christian smile at his problems and
remains confident of God's aid?
A. A life-long process
B. A commitment to following Jesus
C. A living, changing, growing, and deepening experience
D. Knowledge of the historical earthly Jesus and the Risen Christ of faith

2. Which words complete the Bible verse below taken from John 17:3? "They should know you, the
only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ."
A. God, Holy Spirit
B. God, Jesus Christ
C. Lord, Jesus Christ
D. Lord, Holy Spirit

3. Which presupposition about knowing Jesus is having a Christian Living subject in a Catholic
school from grade school to college?
A. A life-long process
B. A commitment to following Jesus
C. A living, changing, growing, and deepening experience
D. Knowledge of the historical earthly Jesus and the Risen Christ of faith

4. What does the name Jesus mean in Hebrew?

A. A. God saves
B. B. God, the Messiah
C. God, the Messiah
D. Jesus, the Messiah

5. Whose name is at the heart of Christian prayer?

A. Jesus
B. John
C. Mary
D. Paul

6. What does the meaning of the name of Jesus signify about him?
A. A. Both his identity and mission
B. Both his nature and family
C. Both his mission and vision
D. Both his love and goodness

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7. How does Jesus being anointed differ from the anointed ones in the Old Testament?
A. Jesus was anointed with sacred oil.
B. Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit.
C. Jesus was the only one anointed and died on the cross.
D. Jesus was anointed by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.

8. Why was Jesus called the Christ?

A. He was anointed as the Messiah.
B. He accepted it as people insisted.
C. He accomplished the divine mission.
D. He served the people during his public ministry.

9. Why did Jesus accept the rightful title as Christ with reservation?
A. People understood it in a political sense.
B. Jesus was not yet fully aware of its meaning and implication.
C. It would ignite a new yet premature revolution against the Romans.
D. It would endanger his life once the present king would know about it.

10. Being anointed, Jesus revealed its true meaning in John 3:13. What is this Bible verse?
A. "Truth will set us free."
B. "God put forward as an expiation by his blood."
C. "The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve..."
D. "To you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

11. In the Prologue of John, the divinity of Christ is revealed. Which statement below is
not true?
A. A. The Word was God.
B. The Word was with God.
C. The Word was the Father.
D. The Word was in the beginning with God.

12. What was the name of God in the Old Testament that Jesus revealed to the Jews
in John 8:57-58?
B. B. Lord Master
C. Lord God, Almighty
D. The Most High

13. In John 20:28, how did Thomas address Jesus?

A. "The Risen Lord of all!"
B. "My Lord and my God!"
C. C. "Your Majesty and Power!"
D. "My Savior and Lord of God!"

14. To whom does the title "son of God" given in the Old Testament?
A. Angels
B. Children of Israel
C. Chosen People
D. All of the choices

15. How does Jesus' sonship differ from angels and people?
A. Jesus is the chosen Son of the Father.
B. Jesus is the adopted Son of the Father.
C. Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father.
D. Jesus is the Son the Father loves the most.

16. Based on CFC 504, which of the two events in the Scripture grounds Jesus as the
only Son of God?
A. Ascension and transfiguration
B. Ascension and resurrection
C. Incarnation and resurrection
D. Incarnation and transfiguration

17. In Luke 3:22, how did the voice describe Jesus as the Son?
A. Adopted
B. Begotten

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C. Beloved
D. Only

18. On which creed is the phrase, "The Only Begotten Son of God" stated?
A. Apostle's Creed
B. Athanasian Creed
C. Chalcedonian Creed
D. Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed

19. Which word speaks of the Son of God having the same substance as the Father?
A. Homogeneous
B. Homoiousios
C. Homoousios
D. Homosubstantia

20. What does Jesus' being the only Son of God, affirm about Him?
A. Divinity
B. Humanity
C. Divinity and humanity
D. Messiah

21. What phrase completes the line from Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, "God from God,
, true God from true God."
A. consubstantial with the Father
B. begotten, not made
C. eternally from the Father
D. light from light

22. How can a Catholic best appreciate the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed?

A. Understand its meaning
B. Provide copies to friends
C. Memorize it word for word
D. Join the recitation during the Mass

23. Whose situation below shows the best belief on Jesus as light of the world?
A. Mr. John believes that God will never leave him.
B. Mr. Kim receives Christ in the Holy Communion.
C. Ms. Angela prays for guidance during difficult situations.
D. Ms. Gladys remains humble in spite of her continuous success.

24. What is incarnation?

A. The Son of God rose from the dead
B. The Son of God was brought to heaven
C. The Son of God assumed human nature.
D. The Son of God was glorified in appearance.

25. Which phrase from the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed below tells of Jesus'
human nature?
A. True God from true God
B. Born of the Virgin Mary
C. Consubstantial with the Father
D. Conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit

26. Which of the Bible accounts does not point to Jesus' being human?
A. He was thirst (cf. John 4:7).
B. He faced temptation (cf. Matthew 4:1—11).
C. He experienced hunger (cf. Luke 4:2).
D. He claimed His unity with the Father (cf. John 30:10).

27. Which of the reasons the Word made flesh helps us to become saints?
A. A. To know God's love
B. To be our model of holiness
C. To save us by reconciling us with God
D. To make us "partakers of the divine nature"

28. Which of the "reasons the Word made flesh gives us hope to enter the Kingdom of God?
A. To know God's love
B. To be our model of holiness
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C. To save us by reconciling us with God
D. To make us "partakers of the divine nature"

29. Which of the reasons the Word made flesh relates to what we share from Jesus' sonship?
A. To know God's love
B. To be our model of holiness
C. To save us by reconciling us with God
D. To make us "partakers of the divine nature"

30. Which is true about Jesus based on Gaudium et Spes 22?

A. A. He worked with human hands and thought with human will.
B. He acted with human will and loved with human heart.
C. A only
D. Both A and B

31. What does Jesus' human knowledge imply?

A. Jesus received knowledge from the Holy Spirit.
B. Jesus was full of knowledge and wisdom at once.
C. C. Jesus knew things being human, in a limited way.
D. Jesus knew everything that was and would happen.

32. What is/are the will/s of Jesus?

A. Divine will only
B. Human will only
C. Human will and divine will
D. Human and divine will in constant opposition

33. Which is true about Jesus?

A. One person with one nature
B. One person with two natures
C. Two persons with one nature
D. Two persons with two natures

34. Why is Jesus’ divinity important to us?

A. Jesus' divinity turns our human nature divine.
B. Only the Divine Jesus can forgive human sins.
C. We cannot enter God's Kingdom if He remains human.
D. Only an all-holy, immortal God can free us from sin.

35. What words complete the Bible verse taken from 1 Timothy 2:5? "There is only
one between God and men, the man, who gave himself as
ransom for all."
A. A. Mediator, Christ Jesus
B. Mediator, Son of God
C. Savior, Christ Jesus
D. Savior, Son of God

36. Which is true about Jesus?

A. Partly human
B. Party divine
C. True God and true man
D. Mixture of human and divine nature

37. Which heresy states that Jesus is less than a God but more than a man?
A. Arianism
B. Gnostic Docetism
C. Monophysitism
D. Nestorianism

38. Which heresy states that Jesus' two natures are two distinct persons, sharing one body?
A. Arianism
B. Gnostic Docetism
C. Monophysitism
D. Nestorianism

39. Which heresy states that Jesus does not have a real physical existence?
A. Arianism
B. Gnostic Docetism
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C. Monophysitism
D. Nestorianism

40. What does the Hebrew word 'Rabbounr mean?

A. Lord
B. Master
C. Miracle Worker
D. Teacher

41. Which is not true about a Jewish Rabbi?

A. Interprets the law
B. Teachers of Torah
C. Leaders of synagogues
D. Members of the clergy of Judaism religion

42. How did Jesus become a rabbi?

A. He had a reputation for being wise.
B. He taught the Torah to the Jewish people.
C. He interpreted and explained the law to various audiences.
D. He was a leader of the synagogues along with Jewish elders.

43. How can one be a teacher today?

A. Encouraging people to help the needy
B. Telling people of what is good and true
C. Inviting people to receive the sacraments
D. Studying and interpreting the law for the ignorant

44. What image of Jesus did John reveal in John 1:29?

A. Lamb of God
B. Lord of Lords
C. The Most High
D. The New Adam

45. What is the use of the lamb to the Jewish people?

A. It is offered to God as a sacrifice.
B. It is prepared during special occasions.
C. It is used as a peaceful offering to a family.
D. It is the most expensive and delicious meal.

46. How was Jesus, the Lamb of God?

A. He was meek and humble like a lamb before a lion.
B. He was offered as a sacrifice for the salvation of all.
C. He was sent by God to join the flock of lamb, the people.
D. He represented the pitiful people left and sacrificed by society.

47. Who was the rightful king of Israel?

A. David
B. Joseph
C. Saul
D. Solomon

48. What is the image of Jesus mentioned in Matthew 1:1?

A. Son of David
B. Son of God
C. C. Son of Saul
D. D. Son of Man

49. Which of the Bible accounts does not refer to Jesus as the Son of David?
A. Matthew 9:27
B. Matthew 15:22
C. Matthew 20:26-28
D. Matthew 20:30

50. What is the generic form of Adam?

A. A. Disobedience
B. Humankind
C. Man
D. People
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51. Which is not true about Jesus as New Adam? Unlike Adam...
A. Jesus conquered evil.
B. Jesus obeyed God's will.
C. Jesus brought eternal life.
D. D. Jesus closed the gate of heaven for sinners.

52. Why was Jesus called the New Adam?

A. Jesus obeyed the Father's Will.
B. Jesus offered the truth of eternal life.
C. B only
D. Both A and B

53. In what sacrament can one receive Christ, the Bread of Life?
A. Baptism
B. Confirmation
C. Eucharist
D. Marriage

54. What does Christ as the Bread of life provide?

A. Emotional encouragement
B. Physical nourishment
C. Spiritual nourishment
D. Social inspiration

55. How did Jesus as Bread of Life differ from manna in the desert?
A. Jesus brought life.
B. Jesus gave them absolutely free.
C. Jesus offered physical nourishment.
D. Jesus demanded faith and obedience.

56. Why is Mary, the mother of God?

A. She gave birth to the Son of God.
B. She gave Jesus his divine nature.
C. God came to exist because Of her.
D. She is the spouse of God, the Father.

57. What is the Greek word for Mary's title as mother of God?
A. Ineffabilis Deus
B. Mater Dei
C. Munificentissimus Deus
D. Theotokos

58. What dogma of the Catholic Church states that Mary was preserved immune from all stain
of original sin?
A. Assumption
B. Immaculate Conception
C. Mary, Mother of God
D. D. Mary, Ever Virgin

59. What was Mary freed from?

A. Original sin
B. Personal sin
C. Social sin
D. Structural sin

60. How can one like Mary share in the one mediation of Christ?
A. Praying to God for other people
B. Helping the poor and needy to give them hope
C. Summoning other people to reform their lives
D. All of the above

“Education is the food of youth, the delight of old age, the ornament of prosperity, the refuge
and comfort of adversity and the provocation to grace in the soul.”

-St. Augustine of Hippo

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