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1. Table A are sets of terms used in playing indoor recreational activities. 2. Select the terms used in playing scrabble and place it on the space provided for in Table B. TERMS SPY Boneyard Rice Knight Hardway Tiles Jail Spade Double Word Cardboard Double letter Bankrupt Heart Hook Letter Free Space Soldier Square Triple Word Open Board Queen Flag Castling Blank Tiles Chance Joker Rectangle Draw Insignia Rook Count Tiles Bones Chips Rank Mate Double Challenge Adjutant Stock Go to Jail False Alarm Shuffle ABCDEFGHIIKLMNO a I Multiple Choices: Choose the correct answer from the given choices below. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for. ANSWERS . when of the following scrabble tiles have a value of five points? __ x . Wet particular color of the cells on the scrabble board 2. Corresponds to a triple word score? A. Light Blue B. Dark Red C. Dark Blue | How many bonus points will be given to a player who is able to 3 place all seven tiles on the board at the same time? A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 |. Which of the following scrabble terms that is used to stop 4. the opponent from making a potentially large score? A. Bluffing B. Blocking C. Challenge . When a rack has more than one of a given letter, itis called as? 5. A. Dumping B. Hold C. Duplication Completion Type: Complete the given statements below. Write you answer on the space provided for. ANSWERS . Scrabble is played with exactly tiles. 4. . When a player is able to place all seven tiles from the tile rack on the board, the player receives point bonus. 2. . In scrabble the tiles may be used as any letter desired. 3. LA square doubles the score of a letter. 4. . An opponent calls when they think a play is not acceptable. 5.

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