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Living statues are street performers, usually dressed as famous characters

from history or popular culture. They have become a common sight at tourist
attractions in Paris, London, Barcelona, and other cities. The performers have
to remain completely motionless for extended periods, like statues. There
have been several forms of this type of performance since the sixteenth
century. They used living statues in an art form called “Tableaux Vivants",
which is French for “Living Picture". This is a group of performers standing
in positions to illustrate a scene without speaking or moving during the
display. The themes of the displays were frequently mythological or religious.
Living statue performers have to face some difficulties, the makeup and
costume preparation, as well as cleaning up at the end of the day, take a long
time. In addition, they find it hard to stay completely still for long periods and
are unable to move their eyes or show that they are breathing. Many locals,
however, think that they cannot move past the crowds on the path, and most
of the performers are not entertaining people, they are just begging. They
think that living statue performers can cause a bad image for the city.

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