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(in html)
to create an unordered list : <ul>
to create elements for this list: <li>
to create text link(anchor): <ul><li><a href="">portfolio</a></li></ul>

(in css)
ul{to modify the entire list}
ul li{to modify the elements of the list}
ul li a{to modify the text link}

WHAT'S NEW : - list-style: none;(to get rid of ponctuation)

- display: inline-block;(to align in one sster)
- display: block;(to be able to click even if you dont touch the word)
- padding-left: the space between its content and its border

<nav> tag is used when we want ton contain a code into box like<div> but this one
is for menu navigation :

width: 100%; (largeur tt le ster)
height: 100px;

i can use effects by doing :

ul li{
display: inline-block;
margin-top: 40px;
padding-left: 40px;}

ul li a{
text-decoration: none;

+ A CSS hover effect takes place when a user hovers over an element, and the
element responds with transition effects

To wrap my web site i can use :

width:1024px;(to set the larger of the div(box))
margin:0 auto;(we want 0 margin at the top neither bottom but it will auto fill
to center)


margin:0 auto 0 60px;


How to add an image using html:

<img src="IMG_7869.jpg" alt="ismail hansal">

How to add an image using css:

background-image: url("IMG_7869.jpg");
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
width: 200px;

How to add a video :

<video src="path" controls ></video> (controls: to be able to control video)

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