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FOUR YEAR UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAMM AS PER PROVISIONS OF N.E.P - 2020 , } lidya Gues VINOBA BHAVE UNIVERSITY SEMESTER - I =m, 2023-27 > 4 | , soi tae: ENGLISH MJ-1 VIDYA PRAKASHAI HAZARIBAG An ISO 9001 : 2” Certified ’ Course of Study Under New Education Policy - 2020 (FYUGP)), ENGLISH FIRST SEMESTER MJ - 1 (Major - 1) BASIC LITERARY CONC EPISAND TERMS UNIT T- Introduction to Literature ! Definition of | iterature, Types of literature, Elements of 1. iterature Function of Literature UNITIL- Poetry : A. Nature: Types of Poetry: Ballad. Elegy, Epic, Lyric. Ode. Sonnet, 3 : = 8B. Literary Terms & Metres: (i) Alliteration. Archaism. Assogance. Sophony, Conceit. Ulision, Euphony, Hyperbele. Imagery, Mttaphor \letonymy, OnoMTiapovia, Oxymoron, Personification, Phadox. Pun. Rettain, SiMile. SyTecduche (ii) Ballad Stanza. Blank Verse. Couplet. Free Verse, Heroic Couplet, Octave, Ottava Rima, Quatrain, Sestet, Terce:. . Terza Rima. UNIT HI-Drama -\. Nature; Elements of Drama; Character, Dialogue, Plot, Setting. Stage. so B. Types of Drama & Dramatic Terms: (i) Burlesque, Commi: Comedy of Humours, Comedy of Manners, Farce, Interlude. MMi que. Miracle Play. Morality Play. Mystery Play, Opera, Problem Play, Realistic Drama. Trav@dy (ii) Antagonist, Catharsis, Clima, Comic Relief, Dramatic Irony. Hamartia, Hubris, Monologue. Pathetic Fallacy, Protagonist. Soliloquy. f UNIT IV - Fiction A, Nature: lements of Fiction: Character, Narrative Point of ty'le, B. lypes of Fiction & Literary Terms: (1) Anu-nove Novel. Epistolary No Gothic Novel, Novel. Novella. Pioaresque Novel. ‘Psy cholowicul Navel, Regional Novel, Romance. Seienee Pietion, Short anval Consciousness Technique (i) Viluston, \nti-hero, Climax. , Diction. Media Res. Rhetoric, Subtest VBU Eng MU te GOR. CM. CHAN SO BT ate 1. Detective. ©@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 2 = B oda fart ae tect tient ast é URaeat USI a eh STAT q wart BAST aa aera eh TT, i fadtrat ara fa sufaaretst 6 VIDYA GUESS. , SEMESTER-I ss -s 2023 - 27 ff veu , HAZARIBAG GZstuvents . ENGLISH _ MJ -1 -f ARs. : 36.00 by eae z- Explain the definition typ Vb VER PAGUESS SIEM 28 NEEM - bE 2023-27 [3] erature, es and functions S: tiie question What is Literature?’ is always a gen- eral term that whenever one sces it, he/she thin! mwa cn Tireraturre is being asked. But itis ‘alivy . inks of what kind of .. always a pood idea to distinguish Jjrerature trond other academic discipline: cat . a plines and thorench es ploration of is vations genres, However to answer thi question yon should first knew the meaning of | iterature. | iterature aya cipline has been defined by several authors in varios pot feet What is Literature? : One and uselul definition of it ture has been “it is simply anything that is written. le thook «. bro- chures. newspapers. manuals and so on. bor instance, FF sou are thinking to buy a motoreyele. you will probably want to see the literature (instructions manual) about if. [you ate Physics stude you will have to read the literature about Physics too! Thus. may conclude that all w ritten materials like historic! books. mé zines. dictionaries, novels, encyclopedias, plays. shont stories. and so on are literatures. Various definitions of Literature : Cambrid 2e Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2008) defines Literature as written artistic words. especially those with a high lasting artistic value. Literature is any artwork which uses language. It is a me- dium in which a person/artist creates an artwork out of tools he’she has in literature, the tools used to create artwork are words which ted ite diy “are used in expressing human expericnee, feelings. emotions and thoughts, Literature is a total experience shaped into beauty and attractiveness. Literature is defined as a piece of writing that is valued as awork of art. especially novel. play, and poetry. Literature is also defined as the written or oral composition that tells stories. dramati situations, and expresses emotions. and analyzes and advocates ideas. . . iterature also refers to the creative and imaginative writ- ing which is designed to engi readers emotional -and intellectu- ally through the major literary wenres such as Novels. drama, and poetry and other sub genres like fable, parable, and short stories he VBU Eng.MJ1 & scanned with OKEN Scanner M-1 202 lure tsa reflection of social, political, economic, and cultural realities. [nis a part and parcel ofman’s self-realization and @ symbol of man’s success and failure. tt explains human nature, liber and hischer destination Conclusion : ¢ onclusively, there are various definitions of literature but allot then amountto one, thates literate isan art that uses languape creatively to portray social and personal expert enee, Types of Literature Sclow are the mam types of litera ture: Drama, Fable, \utobiog aphy. Bio raphy. Poetry. Prose, Set ence Fiction. and Journalistic 1 iterature, isa play in literature, and a playwright COMPOses LH portrays fictional or Non-fictional stories. “Lo explain Away certain events, characters, or stories, a drama is produced. _ radio or r using ditlogues or ac fons. Tt can be performed on stas on big sereens as in films, Conflicts, emotions and imipressive cl acters are required to produce a high-quality drama. There are many forms of drama but some of the most common are: comedy tragedy, musical drama and melodrama, Let us have a brief exy Nation of these types of drama. 1. Comedy : Comedy is a type of drama, which is lighter in tone, Its Purpose is to make the audience laueh and amuse them. Ithasa happy ending. Very unusual circumstances are there coupled with quick and Witty remarks. People consider it as the most enter- taining and fun form of drama and literature, An example of a com- edy drama is “The Comedy of Errors’ by William Shakespeare. 2. Tragedy : | edy is the type of drama that has a dark theme. It portrays suffering. pain. longing. and often death, At en- ample of a tragedy drama is ‘Othello® by William Shakespeare, 3. Musical Drama : A musical drama tells a Story with dialogues. songs. music. and dance. These things convey the emo- tions in the drama. An example of a musical drama is +A Star is Born’. which starred Lady Gaga. +. Melod Melodrama is a kind of drama that por. trays exaggerated emotions like tension or evcitement. It the same emotions in the audience and makes them induly Urouses din it. & Scanned with OKEN Scanner VRBU VIDYA GUE M - 1 2023-27 “Phe situation and the dialogues are more important ina meloc than achien. An example of amelodrama is “Stull Lite Briel bane counter” bY Noel Coward ple: Writers write ¢ e the audience with amoral story, A tablet gas chanacters fo canyes the story, Tn Lables, animals act lke hue mans and cam speak and understand reasoning. They are a pet sonificatton of human characteristies and their nature, Ane sample ota table is the famous story of The fortoise and the Hire. which almostevers child has heard in his childhood, The Anmial Farm by amons table Autobiography ts itt drama able when the intention ts te pre- pully uses animals vid ge Orwell is alse s Autobiography : read because of its teller of the story ts the on If is the writer and describes plo y interesting Hit about who the story his life trom pou an ine is. The character himse' C his own original perspective and experiences: It gives ehton the person that is writing i because thes share their true- life ev ents and thoughts. Mostly. famous people write autobiogr phies to tell their story to their fans and the world. A famous and spectacular example of autobiography is “The Diary ofa Youn 2 Girl’. a book by Anne Frank. Biography : Biography in literature tells the story of a person from another person's perspective. Someone clye wr ites it rather than the subject himself. Biography differs from a resume ~peemse it enlightens the audience with different aspects ofa person's life, A great example of biography is ‘Unbroken: 4 World War II Story of Survival, Resilience. and Redemption’. by Laura Hillenbrand. Poetry : Poetry in lit sound. and Iyries. The definition of poetry by ong of the g poets in history. William’ Wordsworth, is “the spontingous over Now of powerful feelings”. The poet composes poetry ina sort of song to develop emotions and imaginations in the listeners’ hearts and minds. Pogtry is aesthetic. Phe poet chooses words carefully. so the listeners can rekite themselves to it-The four main ty pes of poetry thu. free Verse, sonnets, and acrostic poems. An example ot one ti OF he most beautiful books of pocury is “Ariel”, by Sy tvia Plath, Wy oll & scanned with OKEN Scanner composition of rhythm. atest ( VBUPno MI UVIDVA GUESS SEAM - 1 202 of Tterature. whic puelui VB Prose is somewhat plat ona writing pation to follow This weritien i inte a natural speech ona cons ersational tone Noth Prose tn literature is that form aber nae of adsimple Hehas no special grany wt : ausual fone. forming yeas spec tle hy Examples of prose Parantaphs or sentences can be lang or short. prose mehide novels, newspapers, textbooks, ete A i aq vaci li” isg Science Fietion : Serence fiction, also called “e i pagimiry. Tg atortes alsg ance consider have atelationship te real sctence laws, becatise se tees © sientific laws, those things possible in the future, aecardiny to thie sete 7 : : ys atre: J Ust Science fictions are sometimes true and sometne > thes an : amples of science Lite genre of fiterature where most of the thins sorties are about the futire technology. Ehese peter ginations based on assumptions. Same ¢ tion are.‘ The Time Machine’ by HG. Wells “Spres it Its Blue Sky Studios. “A Wrinkle in Time’ by Madeleine 1."Lugle, ete Journalistic Literature : Journalistic | ulerst : of nonfiction. In literary journalisni, the journalist gathers infouna- tion and then creates and publishes. It combines the tacts and re porting with some clever strategies and narrative techniques. These techniques make the reports more eng vw and interesting. Peopk, call literary journalism also Narrative or New Journalism. Seme o! the most prominent literary journalists of past and present are Mark Singer, Richard Rhodes, Jack London, Stephen Crane. Tom Wolfe guise’ by ture is a oon Henry Mayhew, ete. 7 Functions of Literature : Like other subjects and disci- plines. literature has its place in the society. Many subjects. fields and disciplines have their roles to perform in the society althougt most of the roles have cross-cutting aspects that all these field: share in common. Literature as a separate field has roles to per form as well. Different Ideologies on Roles of Literature = Accord ing to the Marxist ideology, titerature is one of the forms of socia consciousness. And indeed. literature is a reflection of lite in its al aspects. Literature is the study of man: his needs: his relationships to his society or emotions: hi ctions within him @ scanned with OKEN Scanner U IDVAGUE S ommuntty and his responses to all these aspect: Hence the wnt Irerature 1% to discuss all these aspeets and he Patel shapes Why Do People Read Literature! fora variety ab reasons, These reavents tnay char sel and! hed tact we all read uw Vinge tre acc ondanice itheur aye, our interest and the Fand of titeratire we teal fiterature bs pred Pleasure: Qut baste reason tor reading: amos it Read ably please We read Hieniture monthly because We or pleasure maty take various boris ing Iterature t : We may reid just fo pipes thie tite ~ We may read seas te tind pleaane lite of a cemain place er person We alse read sanaily for enjoyment rangement ot swords ame moral say Hie’: - We alse find pleasure ev cn in readings in learning, about the we pect from the ar about comedy and other canri¢ stories Others though notall, find ot hold that pleasure is the sole end 1 Infor on and Knowledge ture for mionnttion and knowledge - Vee find possible selutions to our problems when we meet people books whose problems are like our own + Also we often read litera: © Vhrouvh diterature we sameness understand situations ould not otherwise understand in real fife, ~ Some critics still hold that the true cnds of Iiterature are to that is, notonly giving us the know ledge but alse wee instructand del leaving us delishted Thus, by summing up, literature has got different roles to perform in the society as follows . Functions/Roles of Literature in the Society : To edu- | cate people Literature teaches people on existe social, political and economs systems Por alter ready “Three Suitors One Hus- ) fund aber isthe play teaching you today? } fo eapress peoples cutture. | iterature like li we isan slemet . i i clement at culture. [expresses people's lite and culture thes have VBU Eng MJT "ihe li Hawa from one generation to another, Por oyample. alter & , OF what jy the Bus Driver” what culture is conves cd in the story 5 the men’s culture or beliets towards women in the sy ‘ fo entertain people Literature as an art we feastire to entertamments that appeal to human lives and evoke f wha the readers. For example, after reading “Kalulu the Hare fent j things inthe story make you laupheenjoy’? Or did any incident i ay hire Sutters One Husband” make you laugh? / viv also de. To influence people in the society, Literature tionan, signed to influence people by instilling in then the revoluut my ideas and different ways. of thinking especially those posts oa sustainable ideas. For example, what way of life do you tink Atangana’s family should take after what have happened to them in “Three Suitors One Husband”? or what is the influence of “Une answered Cries” to the African socicties that undergo female geni- tal mutilation? ; . To develop language. [iterature uses lang ave. Therefore, in so doing. literature develops and improves a particular language threugh all four language skills. namely, listening. speaking, reading. and writing to the readers. It also improves vocabulary and gr. mar. Vor cxample. are there any sayings in “The Lion and the Jewel"? What vocabulary items used in ‘Fast: Money °? Or does a language used in “The Magie Garden” makes you laugh? (ATo liberate people. Literature also liberates people or awak-- ens them Irom unfavorable conditions of life or bad treatments in the society. For example. after reading Olabisi’s lite in “Unanswered Cries’ a person who participates in female genital mutilation can be awakened and stop p ‘licing that tradition. Or many men can be aware of women’s ability by reading various literature about women including “Hawa the Bus Driver” and “Mabala The Farmer ‘lo criticize the socie y. Literature as a tool for aWare- ness criticizes the society by pointing out the evils and other injustices in the society. When criticized, the People in the par- ticular society take necessary actions. For csxample. the Passed Like a Shadow” criticizes the society th this era of HIV/AIDS disease. “Unanswered Cri s Those novel alts loose in Is also eriti- 1 2023-27 Hon in yOme female genital mu ties Conclusion : The sole function of literature ts te de unpanied hy various roles African soete slipht and infer Tits core Hinetion is aece Titeraniy Peorms 0 the saciely Ques. What are literary elements eight elements of it in your own words. Ans. = Lyery story can be broken down i 2b xplain all the nto ity literary elements. | terary elements are essential component: that build a as Plot, narniter, point of view, and setuing. think of the wha, what, 4 here, wher. why. an answer to ane ol these story, sus literin ¢ CINENIS ds ADS WCTINY and dow at a story. HW the story lacks questions. it’s an incomplete story There are endless variations within cach cleme these variations is where the writer's work t We'll look at enght of the basic literary elements Plot : The plot is what happens in the story. the narrative tonsard. It is what your characters do. transpire, and in whatorder. 4 plot does not have to be a com weave of actions, althot that’s an option. As long as a story has a beginning. middle, and end, ithas a plot. nme stories have a single, central plot. like Harper use’> fo Ali a Mockmgbird, which rev olves around race and a trial in the rural Sout Stories can also have multiple plots, like Celeste Ng’s novel Little Mires Everywhere, which follows the fresortwe tamilies in an Ohio suburb. Narrator: [he narrator is a central figure through which the ston 1s tuld, A narrator can be asingle person, like Nich Carraway in The Great Gatsby. an omniscient entily, ora nonhuman narrator like an insect or animal. An example of the latter is The rt of Racing m the Ram, by Garth Stein, where the narrator is a loyal dog named Enzo. Puint of view : An clement closely related to narrator ty point of view. Point of view is the angle through which @ story ts told, The difference between narrator and point of view is that a narrator ts the entity through which a point of view ts told, y nt, and deciding on akes place. Below Plot drives what events plicated while py Mon There are different POiNts of view that a writer can USE, Vhe three broad catewortes ve Virst person: The story ry told throurh the eves OF charicter You wilbnonee pronouns like J, une, anand ater it writing done inthe first-person Pom ad stew Second pe Wy point of vrew Hses the san Second pers h Prono vow and makes the reader the main charteter Yeu wilh Hal resources le fol from eo tory Hranty fit Hind seccond-person pomt ot views in mans (ike this blow posta well as in sell-help beaks and art! Third person: Third Person Portal wrew bs Ts & position outside of the chatacters i the stan. While may follow a single character, third-person part oF ste Feaders aecess to the movements of allot the chariteters. > sell as te their thoughts and feelings, establishing a much wider scepe Of knowledge Third-person point of view is sometimes called the “omniscient” or “all-knowing” peintol view . Characters : Characters are the population of the story Every story will have a? feast one character (he main character) The main characteris often known as the protagonist, Fhose acting against the protagonist are called antagonists, and the mtera: tion: between them create conflict or tension ina ston’s plot. There are lots of ways characters can join ina story, and they don't all have to be working with or against a main character. Characters car provide dialogue. create geographic or cultural context. or addi different perspective. Conflict : Contlict in literature is the central struggle o the main character. Conflict drives a story forward by providing: sense of purpose of motivation. A story's conflict can occur betwee characters or between a main character and a force of nature or: social structure or even within themself. Keep in mind that a conflic doesn talways mean an overt fight. Sometimes conflict in literatur shows up as a subtle tension of point of resistance. Setting : Setting is the time, place. and environment t which a ston takes place. A story can have as many settings a @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner the yyter chooses. For instanee. one novelimas cover hundreds of Years across Multiple continents, while another may take place Inside a person's head or a simule room Language : Asa literary element. language ts whichever dialect the wetter uses to create their work Ao story miny use a Single language or incorporate multiple languages Phe Einguage that a tery is written in has an impact on where it is published and Who rt will reach Theme : A theme is a central idea. concept. or message that is explored throughout a stor. Themes are often @ bigger. broader. or deeper message than an author can rite about coherently. so they use the other literary elements —like plot. character, and conilict—-to guide the reader along, For example, some of the mast common themes in literature are love, loss. coming OF age. treedayi. and power Quesy :- What is ballad in poetry and write the essential characteristics of it? Ans = Ballad in poetry : The ballad is a poem that is typically arranged in quatcains with the rhyme scheme AB AB. (Ballads are usally parative. which means they tella story Ballads -began as folk songs aad continue to be used today in modem music. Tepes of ballad © Three main iwpes of ballad. Phere are “Ubree main ty pes of ballads. the traditional ballads. the broadside ballad and what ts called the iterary ballad. 14. [raditional Ballad Sis shot narmtive song preserved and transmitted orally among illiterate or semi-literate people in poetry. ¢ Ballad stanza is the four-line stanza. Known as a quatrain. most often found in the folk ballad Thy form consists of alternating four- and three-stress lines. Usually onls the second and fourth fines rhyme. Structure of a ballad © The core structure for a bailad C patie is a guatran. written in either abeb or abab rhyme scheme: The first and third lines are iambic tetrameter. with four beats per hinc. the second and fourth lines are in trimeter, with three beats per line Makes up a ballad : The core structure for a ballad is a quatran. writen in either abeb or abab rhyme schemes: The first di veith four beats per Hines the second and fourth lines are in trimeter, with three beats per Inne, Ballad tora: The ballad ts. pcan that is typically attangeg swith the rhyme scheme ABAL. Ballads are usually narrative, which tieans thes tella story, Ballads began as folk song, and continue to be used today Wmodern music Love ballads » Loy © Ballad may refer to: “Love Ballade (song), a song by L.ED. coy ered by several performers Ballad, , form of verse. often a Narrative set to music. Love sont. Son; about falling. or being. in love Dramatic monglogue : Dramatic monologue, also know, aS a persona poem, is a type of poetry written in the form of: Speech of an individual ¢ aracter, . A single person. who ts patent, Not the poet, utters the speech that makes up the whole of the Poem, ina specific situation ata critical moment [...] : Characteristics ofa ballad are as under : Every ballads is a short story in verse, which dy ells upon only on one particu episode of the Story. There is cerainly only one episode of the ston, ina ballad and the poct needs 1 complete the story within the limit of smell number Of stanzas. John Keats's ballad La Belle Dame saus Metci is an excellent ¢xample inthis regard Another fundamental characteristic of a ballad is its universe! appeal. Every single ballad touches upon a specitic subject, Which bears universal significance. It's not sunply restricted to his Personality or his country, rather, it deals with the whole humanity John Keats’s ballad La Belle Dame sans Merci convinces the readers that.most of the women are perfidious and double- rossing. Use of colloquial language is an indispensable: feature ofa ballad. The poet has a tendency to make use of din -to-day and commons words instead of bombastic and flowery languaye in the ballad. Read John Keats's baliad [a Belle Dame sans Merei to know how the poet has used colloquial lanzuage in his ballad Unlike other kinds of poems, ballad has an abrupt and unexpected opening The poem starts all of a sudden, without providing any details about the subject matter, Smmilarly, the of many ballads may also be abrupt and unexpected. in quate ending & scanned with OKEN Scanner phere are no Is about th anere OF environment, The poem starts suddenly atief te vistitlise the setting himself through the words of the Feade! ips ballads lack in supertluous details, poet ‘pial walso am madispensable feature of a ballad The gontly tole through dialygues, Look at of Jolin Beats's haniarl Belle [anne satis Meret, which 1s a complete dialog retest speaker and the ke generally. m-every ballad, there is a refrain. Retrain is a yscord line. which ts repeated again and again after a stanza. The poet tends to ise stock phrases so that it may be easier tw hememoried by the readers. That is why: every hallad is easier than am poem fo be memorized, Use of ballad stanza is another remarkable characteristic ofa ballad. Fyery ballad is written a ballad stanza, Ballad stanza ts a stanza, Which consists of four lines with abeb rhyme scheme. The! sare four atecented syHables in the firstand third line, while in the second and the fourth lines there are three accented syllables Use of supernatural elements is an imperative feature ofa ballad. Johan Keats and Coleridge's baliads are best examples in dus regard. Usually, the themes of most ballads are tragic, but is must be Kept mumnd that there are some ballads, which are comie in nature. Simplicity is an additional characteristic of @ ballad. Approvimately, all ballads are simple in structure, style and diction, which mske them the most popular form of poetry. Look at the ballads of John Keats and Coleridge! They are very easy to be compreliended and remembered. Que: write the nature and clements essential for 6 ston © phe Elegy. Ans. -An elegy is a sad poem, usually written to praise and express sorrow tar someone whe is dead. Although a speech ata funeral is a culogy. you might later compose an elegy to 2 you have loved and lost te the grave Originally the term elegy wats used to describe aay verve writtee mM clemac couplets, a pose torn used by ancient Grech VBU Engng Uh & scanned with OKEN Scanner semenry VBU VIDYA GUESS SEM - 1 2023-2° poets. Atthat time. clegies covered a wide rane of subject m and were not necessary regarding death. With time. the termy used fora poco which told mronrnfil experiences. and a to the modem detiniion, an elegy a poem of Serious refle Nyneally a lament tow the dead Ten most people use the te stethy fara poem which prames and EVpresses SOFTOM for Sormey Who tas died) The poems selected tor this list apply the Mody detintion and thes atthe least talk about death, Phos has led tog exclusion of some well known poems including //) Wanderers The Seafarer A common gente of elees ts pastoral elegy whi the poet speaks im the BUISE of a shepherd ina peaceful land seg and expresses his grief on the death of another shepherd. Hie m famous examples of pastoral clegies are Milton s Jactdas nd F Shelley's Adonaiy Were are the 10 most famous elees Poems ~~ Elegy Poem F nples. ... One well known example an elegy is Thomas Gray Shlegy Written ina Country Churcliss: Generally. clegies serve to mourn the loss of a loved one: but, can sometimes be about different ty pes of feelings of sadies loss of productivity as opposed to solely focusing on death Three parts ofan cleey : The elements ofa tadiirenal ele Mirror three stages of loss in moving trom griet to Cees latent: a lament. where the speaker expresses gries and sone * praise and admiration of the idealized ded. * finally. consolation and solace (the de but lives on in another world). Form of an elegy : Elegy Definition. Plegy is a literature that ean be defined as a poem or son clegiae couplets, written in honor of someone de laments or mourns the death of the indis iduai storal ch 2 The pastor 3 tsa poem about death and idy Hic rural life. Often. thepastoral ef features shepher The genre is actually a subgroup of pastoralpoetry. as the elegy tl the pastoral clementy and relates them to capressing grief ata le Acloniis is a pasto el which Shelley wrote on! death of his contemporary poct Jolin Keats iis pastoral ek is written ia the patter of the chassicalpastoral elegy, one 1s not dei vem inthe foun eh Hy pica Le b-The Flegiag Mood in OWL Pnghish Pots The Old pyres, erat feast those pocnny thatinas be sand te be akin is! vaca poets. sammetimes po by the name oftlegnie pocns. of wei They are the expression gf aciond. hich MW r Chatacteristios of a pastoral poem Ch reteristios of patent! poetry ya very ancient centre of poetry. Hdeal. with ayes and Ives of shepherds and shepherde and other such the ee folk They live tir fom towns, and spend ther lives > insing. nes moummne the loss ofa sheep ora fellow shepherd ora Jove atta that has gone wrong. Ques. write the re elements and types oF Dran Ans. - Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented nance | a play. opera. mime, ballet. ete. performed ina genre of pottry so in pote theatre ef On radio or television. [1] Considered iit ral the dramatic mode las been contrasted with the epic and i Isrical modes ever since Aristotle's Poetics (c. 335 BC) - the catliest Work of dramatic theon.|2] The term “drama” comes from a Greek word meaning ~zenon” (Classical Greek: drama), whieh ts derived from “I do” (Claysteal Greek : drao). The two masks associated with drama represent the traditional generic division between comedy nre, or style of In literature, the word drama defines », radio OF writing, Drama is a play that can be performed for theat television. These plays are usually fitten oul as a script. or a ten version of a play that is read by the actors but not the audience. The Ancient Greeks took their entertainment very seriously and used drama as a way of investigating the wor Id they lived in, and what it meant to be human. The three genres of drama were comedy, satyr plays, and most important of all, tragedy Types of Drama : Let us consider a few popular types of drama : Comedy - Comedies are lighter in tone than ordinary works, and provide a happy conchision The intention of dramatists in audience laugh Hence, they use quaint comedies is to make their circumstances, unusual characters, and witty reniar hs. VBU Png MII SEM - 1 2023-27 s, such flaw ~) Tragedy - Vapie dramas use darker themes disaster, pam, and death Protaponists often have a tragie characteristic that leads then to their downfall. . nerall farce ma nonsensical genre of drama Which afte overiets or envaves slap tick humor. . Melodrama) Melodrama ran exageerated drama, which Is Sensational ard appeals directly to the senses of the audienee Just like the farce, the characters are of a single dimensiet! ang simple, on may be steres vty ped, Musical Drama - In musical dramas, dramatists not on tell their stories thromeh acting and dialogue, hut through dancs x Wellas music Often the story may be comedic, though it may als, involve serious subjects, . Function of Drama: Drama is one of the hest literan forms through which dramatists can directly speak to their read or the audience. and they can receive instant feedback of audiences A few dramatists use their characters as a vehicle to convey their thoughts and values. such us poets do with personas, and nos elists do with narrators. Since drania uses spoken words and dialogues thus language of characters plays a vital role. as it may give clues to their feelings, personalities, backgrounds. and change in tevlir In dramas the characters live outa story without any comments of the author, providing the audience a direct Presentation of characters’ life experiences. ‘ The six clements of drama ; In Poetics. he wrote that drama (specifically tragedy) has to include 6 elements plot. character, thought, diction, music. and spectacle. Ques Write the important elements required for the cons yn of Drama Ans. i+ Drama can be defined as a dramatic work that actors present on stave. A story is dramatized, which means the characters and events in the story are brought to lite through 3 stage performance by actors who play roles of the characters in the story and act thro enacting the toles, actors portray the character's emotions and personalities. The story progresses through verbal and non-verbal Hits events. taking the stern fons ard Io Interactions between the characters, and the pr ation is suitably supplemented by audio and visual etlects Phe sts Mristotelian elements of drama are, plot, ¢ thought, dicti te, and seng. Qut of these. the first Wwe are the most important ones according to Aristotle Phroueh the characters tnvely cd. the story has a message round which the plot spect torgive. I forns the central theme of the plas a is built. While some consider music and s isuatls as separite elements. others prefer to club them under sting whieh can be regarded as an independent clement of drama. Lighting. » wind effects, COSTUITISS, makeup. gestures or body languaiwe viven te characters. the st setup. and the props uyed can together be considered as symbols that are elements of drama, What dictates most other dramatic elements is the setting: that is the time period and location tn which the story takes place. This Bugzle article introduces you Te the elements of drama and their importance. Theme : [he theme of a play refers to its central idea It can either be clearly stated through dialog or action. or can be? after watching the entire performance. Phe theme is the philos . that forns the base of the story or amoral lesson thitt the characters learn. It is the message that the play gives to the audience. Lot example, the theme of a play could be of how greed leads to one’s destroy al. or how the wrong use of authority ultimately results in the end of power. The theme of a play could be blind love or the strength of selfless love and sacrifise, or true friendship. For example, the play Romeo and Juliet, is based ona brutal and overpowering romantic love between Romeo and Julict that forces them to go to extremes. finally leading them to self-destruction. Plot : The order of events occurring ina play make its plot. Essentially. the plot is the story that the play narrates. The entertainment value of a play depends largely on the sequence of events in the story, The connection between the events and the characters in them form an integral part of the plot. What the characters do. how thes interact. the course of then lives as narrated by the story. and what happens to them in the end. constitutes the VBU beng.MJ1 J VBU VIDYA GU ore bet plot A strupsle benween two midis ruts, the relation be ie af conflict of 6, a stuyyle with self, a dilemma, or any form of “mn ne ! ‘ 0 character with himself or another character im the is forming the ston s plot The story unfolds throueh a series of dationstup. Generals inendents that share a cause and-cttect rekitionstiup Gen a of the main ang ween then, ay. ORS Ig Morty berins with exposing the pastor backround other characters, and the point of conthet then proceeds to giving the central theme or elas. Then come the consequences of the elimas and the play ends with a conclusion Characters : The characters that form a part of the stor, are interwoven with the plot of the drama. Fach character iva play has a personality of its own and a set of principles and behets Actors inthe play have the responsibility of brining the characters to life, The main character inthe play who the audience tdentifies With, is the protagonist. He/she represents the theme of the play The character that the protagonist conflicts with, 1 the antazonist orvillain, While some characters play an active role throughout the stor. some are only meant to take the story forward and seme others appear only tn certain parts ofthe story and may or may not have a significant role in it, Sometimes, these characters ate of help in making the audiences focus on the play's theme ov main characters, The way in which the characters are portrayed and developed is Known as characterization Dialog : The story ofa play is taken forward by means of dialogs. The story is narrated to the audiences through the interaction between the play's characters. which is in the form of ditlogs: The contents of the dialogs and the quality of their delivery hayes major role to play in the impact that the play has on the audicnees. It is through the dialogs between ¢ cters that the story can be understood, They are unportant in revealing the personalities of the characters. The words used. the accent. tone. pattern of speech. and even the pauses in speech. say a lot about the character and help reveal not just his personality, but also his social status past. and family background as given by the play Monok saliloquies Uh help put forv tes and are speeches viven to oneself or to other characters wd points that would have been difficult to eNpress & scanned with OKEN Scanner What's ina name? That which sweet” fram Romeo and Audiet in “lo be, through dialogs any other name would smel Which Julict tells Romeo of the insignificance of names or ” or notte be". a soliloquy from /amictare some of the greatest lines in literature. . Setting : The time and place where a story is set is one of its important parts. The era or time tn which the incidents in the play take place, influence the characters in their appearance and personalities, The time setting may affect the central theme of the play, the issues raised (if any). the conflict. and the interactions between the characters, The historical and social context of the play is also detined by the time and place where it is set. The time period and the location in which the story is set, affect the pl y's staging. Costumes and makeup. the backvrounds and the furniture used, the Visuals (colors and kind of lighting). and the sound are among the important elements of a play that dictate how the story is translated into a stage performance. The Merchant of lonice has been set in the 16th century Venice. Romeo and Juliet has been set in the erst between 1300 and 1600. perhaps the Renaissance period which is the 14th and {Sth centuries Ques. :- Write detailed note on fiction. Ans. t+ The type of book or story that is written about imaginarycharacters and events and does not describe real people or deal with facts, or a false report or statement-that you Pretend is true: Traditionally, fiction includes novels, short stories. fables. legends. my ths. fair s. epic and narrative poetry. plays (including operas. musicals. dramas. puppet plays. and various kinds of theatrical dances). However, fiction may also encompass comic books. and many animated cartoons, stop motions, anime. manga, films. videy games, radio programs. teles ision programs (comedies and drani fete. Fiction is commonly broken down into a variety of genres: subsets of fiction, each differentiated by a particular unifving tone or style. narrative technique. media content, or popularly defined eritciion Science fiction. for example. predicts or supposes technologies that are not realities at the time of the work's creation VBU Ene MIT d © scanned with OKEN Scanner 20 Tess SPAT. 1 2028-27 PAG - ~~ Historical Petion places iis cloractens. titer Tea Historical esents tn the carly: hrdorcadnevel Hanerter it Wale Scores fHictronalc tian ter blared Wayerkes re vs hyuine fron Listy Fitenairy foto roartenm used mithe book tade te detneyig novels that are ceystided oy hay gine: Plenary Herth Eon mney commiencntber Syente’ Gretron. b ttenas Homalten invalye. ia Commentary, policalcrhorman. or tettec ten on the hannan con tition Tn rencralit focuses on Sintraspective, depth ¢ Insnincter tidicy OF tateresting, comples and developed chara ter Difference between “fiction” and “nonfictiog® “Kietion™ peters to diterature created from the mac ination Mysteries chick Lt. crime teters to Hteratugy science Tetion, romance. burhisy thrillers are all fietion penres. . “Nenfietion based in tact. Example of fiction | Fietion is defied a) somethine thay is not true. An example of fiction isa beck that be not bowed ona true story An example of fietion oa tie that you were told. An example of fiction boa talse beliet Pypes al fiction : * Suspense fiction Crime fiction Detective Heton Grong ag eThialler, Mystery fiction, Leval thriller Medical diallers, thragedy. Melodrama * Urban fiction “2 + Wester + Women’s Hetion * Workplace tell-all, * General eros LGBI pulp fiction. : Elements of fiction : Plot, Setting, Character, Con flick Syinbol, and Point of View are the main clement which rietiot writers use to develop a story and its Pheme. Types of fiction | The two main types of fiction ot Hiterary and commercial, Commercial tictlonatthicts a bread audience and may all into any subvenre. Like my ster, roman legal thriller, western, science fiction, and soon genre. Historical romance. Juvenile faitasy Is Scanned with OKEN Scanner fiction: Realistic fiction ts a genre consisting of stories that could have actually occurred to people or animals in a believable setting, Phese stories resemble real lite, and fictional characters within these stories react similarly to real people. NOTE -- The only difference that a student find between a fiction and a drama is that in DRAMA ALL THE CHARACTER SPEAK THEMSELVES but in novel or in short stories the writer s OMNIPRESEN TE. THe speaks everthing for them Mention all the important clements of Fiction. Uhe six major elements of fiction are character, plot, point of view, setting, style. and theme, 1. Character : A figure ina literary work (personality, gender, age, etc). FE. M. Forester makes a distinction between flat and round characters. Flat characters are types or caricatures defined by a single idea of quality, whereas round characters have the three-dimensional complexity of real people. Unity of character and action: the character must be credible. the character changes then the change must be shaped | by events which the author is obligated to explain how they impacted to create the character’s change. Stories with main character change. | ‘Types of characters : Round characters are those the readerilisiener/s iewer gets to know well. ‘They have a variety of fraitsthat make them believable. Central characters are well developed in good literature. . Flat characters are less well developed and have fewer or limited traits or belong to a group, class, or stereotype. 2. Plot : The major events that move the action in a narrative. It is the sequence of major events in a story, usually in a cause-effect relation. Types of plots : Progressive plots have a central climax followed by denouement. Episodical plots have one incident or short episode linked to another by acommon character or unifying theme (maybe through chapters). | Used by authors to explore character personalities, the nature of their existence, and the flavor of a certain time period. VBU Ene.MJI d (@ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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