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Intake Information

Name: Mr X

Age: 38yrs

Gender: Male

Educational Qualification: 4th

Marital status: Unmarried

Anyone in the family is suffering/has suffered from any physical disorders: No

Presenting problem:

 ‘Mate nida nida laguchie’

 ‘Dhia daraja lahuchie’

Duration of problem: 2 year

Any counselling taken: Yes, 3 year back he was admitted in de-addiction centre.

How intense is the problem and how does it affect the client?

The client has been addicted to brown sugar. He has been taking it thrice in a day with his
friends. The family member is against this habit.

Interview with family members/spouse/the concerned person: Not applicable

Establish Rapport

Client was asked to take seat. She was asked about the food she has taken in breakfast. Client
was made to relax and an environment was created so that she can interact openly with me.In
this way a rapport was established.



 Age: 38yrs
 Sex: Male
 Hygienic: Yes

Movement and behaviour

 Client’s gait: Normal

 Posture: restless
 Coordination: The co-ordination was fair
 Eye contact: Normal

Mood: He was upset for his habit and non-acceptance by his family.


 The volume of the person’s voice: Soft & slow

 The appropriateness of the answer to question: The answer was appropriate
 Clarity of the answer and similar characteristics: Clear

Thought content:

The client was feeling guilt for been addicted to brown sugar.

Session Content

Client’s Name: Mr X

Session No: 1

Case No: 1 Time: 11am

Purpose of counselling: Counselling as part of de-addiction regime

Start of session

Mr X has entered the room. He was asked to take the seat. He took his seat. Mrs X is
a 38year old unmarried man. He makes eye contact. He was asked about himself and about
his family. He said that he started his career as a helper of bus. The driver used to ask him to
bring alcohol. He started drinking alcohol with them. He also started smoking with them.
After some year he has left the work of helper. He started driving Tata Ash and had a good
income from it. But he continued drinking alcohol and started taking brown sugar with his
friends. As a result he lost his job for this habit. Then he came to de-addiction Centre. He left
the centre and started driving vehicle. He didn’t take alcohol or drugs for two years. But after
two years he started drinking and taking brown sugar. His family opposed him for this habit
and gave one more chance to get rid of this habit. As a result he once again came to de-
addiction center with his own will to overcome the substance abuse.

My Observation:

I observed that client has a genuine urge to leave the addiction of alcohol and brown
sugar. He was relaxed and left the room with the confidence that he can overcome his bad

Plan of Action:

Counselling ,Group counselling,Yoga and strict routine will help the client to achieve his

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