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PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Robots 1 Are you interested in robots? ‘Yes, Lhave a keen interest in robots. I find the advancements in robotics technology fascinating, especially how they are being applied in various fields such as healthcare and manufacturing, Learning about robots is a hobby of mine, and I often read articles and watch documentaries to stay updated on the latest developments, C6, t6i rit quan tam dén robot. Téi thay su tién bé trong céng nghé robot rat thé vi, dac biét la ich ching duoc p dung trong nhigu finh vue nhur chim séc site khde va sin xuat. Vige tim hiéu vé robot la mit 6 thich cat, va tdi thurong doe cée bai vidt vai xem ete b6 phim tai oe clip. nit théng tin vé cde tign bd méi nha. 2 Have you ever learned anything about robots? Absolutely, I've actively pursued knowledge about robots, From basic prograt intricate mechanics behind them, I've delved into various aspects hen few its crucial to have a good understanding of this technology as it becomes BN into our daily lives. ‘Tt nhién, t6i da tich eve theo dudi kién thite vé robot. Tir lap trinh a én co eau ca khi phite tap bén trong ching, ti 42 khim phi nhigu kha canh eta inh 1c. Tai tin ing vige hidu bidt t8t v8 cng nghé nay rt quan trong, vi né ngdy can ae 3h hop vio cude sing hing neiy cia ching ta ww 3. How would you feel traveling in a car arobot? If were to travel in a car driven by a robot xed feelings. On one hand, I appreciate the potential safety benefits and reduced that autonomous vehicles can offer. However, I might also feel a bit uneas nught of entrusting my safety completely to a ‘machine, Nonetheless, as technolo; sand becomes more reliable, I think I would eventually adapt to the idea and atease. ‘Néu t6i phai di trong mét chi ot Idi, ti s8 c6 nhiing cim xie Hin I6n, Mét mit, nh gid cao tiém ning v vige gm thiéu sai st cla con ngudi ma cae phurong tién tr hah c6 thé mang lai itn ti cing e6 thé cam thay hoi bat an trude ¥ nghia rang t6i dang s8iao pho sir an toan hhodn toan cho mot may méc. Tuy nhién, khi céng nghé cai tién va wenn ding “ ng t6i sé din thich nghi véi ¥ tuémg va eam thay thoai mai \bots affect people's lives? wi outa dodibt, robots will have a profound impact on people's lives. They are already izing industries, automating tasks, and improving efficiency. In the future, we can 3 bots to play even more significant roles in healthcare, education, and various other sectdrs. While there may be challenges and adjustments, overall, I believe robots will enhance our «quality of life and create new opportunites for us. Ligu robot cé anh hung dén cude séng cia con ngwisi khong? Khéng con nghi ngi gi nita, robot 8.6 tie déng su rng dén cude séng cia con ng. Ching di dang cich mang héa céc nginh céng nghiép, ty dong hoa cic nhigm vy va cai thign higu suat lim viée. Trong tuong lai, ching ta 6 thé mong dai robot déng vai to ngay cng quan trong hom trong finh vie chm sée sire khe, gido duc va nhiéu nginh khac. Mac di cé thé xuat hién nhitng thach thife va diéu chinh, nhung tng cdg, ti tn ring robot sé lim ting chit rong cue sing cia ching tava tao ra nhimng co IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Tea and coffee 1 Doyou prefer drinking tea to coffee? I don't necessarily have a strict preference for one over the other. It depends on the time of day and my mood. In the mornings, I tend to lean towards coffee for that caffeine boost, but in the evenings, I often enjoy a calming cup of tea. So, I say it varies based on the situation. ‘Toi khong nhat thiét phai c6 sur a thich c6 dinh gitra ca phé va tra, No phu thude vao théi sian trong ngay va tm trang cia ti. Vao budi sang, 161 thing cd xu husmg wa cd phé d8 cd Iugng caffeine gitip ti tinh tio, nhumg vio budi t6i,t6i thurdng thich thuréng thite mot ly tra dé thu gitin, Vi vay, t6i e6 thé ndi ring s6 thich eta t6i thay 46i dura trén tinh huéng cu thé. 2 Do you ever go out to drink coffee or tea? Yes, Ido enjoy going out to cafés to savor a cup of coffee or tea, I's not just abourtie beverage but also the ambiance and social aspect of these places. Catchingaiy With friends or simply having some quiet time to work or read in a café is something find quite enjoyable Cé, 161 thuimg thich ra ngoai dén cdc quan café dé thuréng thite ca phé hdgeed. Digu nay khong chi lién quan dén dd uéng ma con dén khong gian va khia ganh)4 hoi cia nhing noi nay. Tro chuyén cing ban bé hoae chi don gin ti 6 thoi giap.yén Xinb'Gé Lim vige hode doe sich tai mdt quan café li diéu t6i thay thé vi 3° When was the last time you drank tea or coffee’ T actually had a cup of coffee this morning beforesactingfy day. I find it helps me wake up and focus. However, [also had a cup of herbal(f@aJast hight to relax before bedtime. So, I enjoy both beverages regularly, depending gibi time. Thue ra, 11 8 ubng mot ly c& phé vao bydi Mngenay trude khi bit du ngay lim vige cla minh, Téi thay ring né gidp ti tinh, vag trung. Tuy nhién, t6i qua, t6i cing da uéng ‘mat ly tr thio méc true khi di ngii @@ laf gidn. Vi vay, ti thuéng xuyén thucéng thite cd hai Toai do uéng nay, phy thude va6thepwian trong ngay. 4 Which do you péepare Yor your guest at home? Tea or coffee? ‘When Ihave guests)bYehatmy home, I usually offer them a choice between tea and coffee. I believe its essentiattortater to their preferences, as some might prefer the boldness of coffee, while othergimay ebjdy the variety of teas available. So, I like to have both options readily available-to make them feel comfortable and welcome. Khi o6 fh t6i nha, ti hung dé nghi ho Iya chon gita tré va ci phé. Toi tin ring viée pinidyu theo s6 thich cia ho rat quan trong, vi mét sé nguéi c6 thé ua thich c phé dim da, ‘wong Rif nguii khiic c6 thé thich sur da dang ctta céc logi tri e6 sin. Vi vay, t6i thich 6 sin ca hat Iva chon dé lam cho ho em thay thoai mai va duge chao don, IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Gift 1 Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others? Yes, I have occasionally sent handmade gifts to others. I believe that handmade gifts carry a personal touch and show the effort and thought put into creating something special for the recipient. Whether it's a handcrafied card, a knitted scarf, or homemade baked goods, these gifts can be meaningful and memorable. C6, t6i di khi da tig giri nhimg mén qua tu lam cho ngudi khéc, Toi tin ring nhimg mén qua tu Lim mang dén mét chiit ca nhan héa va thé hin su né luc va suy nghi dé tao ra dieu dec bigt cho ngudi nhain, Cho di dé la mot chige thigp thi céng, chiée khan len ty lim, hoc 46 nung tu ché, nhimg mén qua nay c6 thé mang gié tri y nghia va ghi nb lau AS 2 Howto choose a gift? S Choosing the perfect gift involves considering the recipient's preferences, Say nd needs. I's essential to listen and observe to get clues about what they Additionally, taking into account the occasion and the relationship yoit shate.With the person understanding and appreciation of the individual SS ‘Vige Ia chon mén qua hoan hao doi héi vige xem xét so ngudi nhén, Quan trong la phai ling nghe va quan sat d& 191 ¥ ve ning gi ho c6 thé thich. Ny xem xét dip va moi quan hé ban €hja ¥€ ¥Si ngudi do gitip ban tao ra ‘mot Iw chon théu suy. Cudi cing, mot mén qua ‘cin than thé hign sw higu biét va {rn trong ciia ban ddi v6i ngudi dé. ‘The value of the gift I give depends, of asion and the person Lam giving it to. I don't necessarily equate a meaningful gift With.ts price tag. Sometimes, a small, thoughtful gift can be just as appreciated as snsive one. It's more about the sentiment and the connection between the giverand whe receiver rather than the cost. Gis tri eda mén qua ti eel eben ec Toi khOng nha thiét pha lin két mot mon quagfaghts Y6i gid tricia nd, di khi, mot mén qua nhé nbn nhumg duge suy nghi edn tha inh gid cao khéng kém so véi mét mén qua dit tign hon. idu quan tro a vinh cm va méi két néi gita nguéi ting va ngudi nhan chit khong phai la gid S Avy Tins of gift are popular in your country? Ipshy cobuiry, the popularity of gifts varies depending on the occasion. However, traditional flowers, chocolates, and greeting cards are universally well-received. Additionally, pefsohalized gifls such as custom-made jewelry or engraved items have gained popularity in recent years. It's also common to give gifts related to cultural festivals and celebrations that are unique to our region. G qué ti, steph bin cia mén qua thay 46 tay theo dip. Tuy nhign, mén qua truyén théng nhur hoa, socola va thigp chio dén déu duge chao dén rng rai. Ngoai ra, mén qua cd nhiin nnhur trang sire ty ché hoc céc vat phim khie chit da tré nén phd bign trong nhimg nam gin day. Ciing thudng xuyén ting nhing mén qua lién quan dén cdc 1 hi vin héa va cde dip ky nigm dic tring cia khu vite ching ti ‘diém va nhu edu cua IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Fish 1 Doyou like eating fish? Yes, I do enjoy eating fish. Fish is not only delicious but also a healthy source of protein and essential nutrients. I appreciate the variety of flavors and cooking methods that can be used with different types of fish, making it a versatile and enjoyable food choice 6,1 {in c4, C4 khong chi ngon ma cn li nguén protein va dung chat quan trong cho site khée. Téi dénh gid cao sut da dang vé huong vi va céch ndu &n ma cé thé 4p dung cho céc loai cé kha nhau, tao nén st Tinh host va st Iya chon thi vi trong vige chon dé an. 2 Where woud ou gta fs? \ To find fresh fish, I would typically visita seafood market ora grocery store wit oy section. Additionally, some people prefer to purchase fish directly from local fishermen 0 fishmongers, ensuring the freshest catch. For those who enjoy a more inter wees e fishing at lakes, rivers, or the ocean can also be a way to find fish Dé tim ca tuoi ngon, ti thuéng ghé thiim chg hai sn hot siéu thi stig hai sin, Ngoai +a, mat s6 ngudi thich mua cé truc tigp tirngw dn dia phuwong hope ‘Nban cé, dim bio su rience, tuoi ngon cia cé. Ddi véi nhiig nguéi thich trai nghiém nhids ¢ cfu ca tai hd, song, hod bién ciing c6 thé la céch aé tim ea. S Among the various types of fish, my favorite would! hav&y6 be salmon, I love its rich and slightly fatty texture, which is not only delicio nutritious. Grilled or baked salmon with a lemon bute sauce i go-to dish feihepand I appreciate its versatility in various cuisines. Trong s6 cée loai cé khie nhau, mon gi hit chic chin phai la e4 hi, Toi yéu vi ngon cia né cing voi cdu trie ON hu duémg chat, khéng chi ngon ma cdn bd duémg. (Ca hoi nucmg hoe ca hoi ha ‘chanh la mén toi thuong chon, va toi danh gia cao tinh da dang cia né trong owen ccta nhiéu nén van héa, (| People go fishing ty of reasons, Some do it asa recreational activity, finding relaxation an tin being out in nature, Others fish to provide food for their families, and in many fishing has deep-rooted traditions and rituals. Additionally, fishing can Neue cc véi nhigu ly do khéc nhau. Mot s6 ngudi kim diéu nay nhw mot hoat dong, aici, tim thay sur thu gidn va niém vui khi 6 ngoai thién nhién. Nguoi khic cfu cd dé cung tngin cho gia dinh, va trong nhigu nén vin hoa, edu cé c6 nhing truyén théng va 18 nghi Sau sic, Ngoai ra, edu cd cling 66 thé ld céch dé két ndi voi moi traemg va trai nghiém sit yén binh khi 6 gin nude. bea Ay with the environment and appreciate the serenity of being near the water. fi IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Public Transport 1 Do you use public transportation much? Yes, I rely on public transportation quite frequently. It's a convenient and eco-friendly way to get around, especially for daily commuting and when I need to navigate through the busy city traffic C6, 164 dua vao phuong tién cong céng kha thug xuyén. Bo la cach tign loi va than thign ‘voi méi truémg dé di chuyén, dc biét la cho vige di lai hing ngay va khi t6i cd vurgt qua aziao théng dong die trong thanh phd 2 What kind of public transportation do you usually take? [primarily use buses and the subway system for my daily commute, They are the host accessible and reliable modes of public transportation in my city. However, I.oceasignally use trams or trains, depending on the destination, Toi chi yéu sir dung xe bust va hé thong tau dién ngim cho vige di lai hdenday” Ching 1a phuong tién céng cong dé tiép cn va ding tin cy nhit trong thauh phdlia t6i, Tuy nhign, 461 khi ti cing sir dung xe dién nglm hod tau héa, phu timgorio Wiém dén cu thé, 3 Is there sufficient public transportation in your city? In my opinion, the public transportation system in my cityitea8énably sufficient, but there's always room for improvement, The network is extensfve a@?tovers most areas, but there are still some underserved neighborhoods and routes ath lifted frequency, which can be inconvenient for residents. Theo quan diém cia t6i, hé théng phuong sigi-Gougdcdng trong thanh phd cua t6i c6 da mite 6 tong di, nhumg vin cdn ché dé cai thig\Mang lu6i rng rai va phi séng hau hét cde hu vue, nhung vin con mot s6 khu vf thiiedich vu va tuyén duréng c6 tin suit han ché, didu nay c6 thé gay bat tién cho ew dam 4 How do you think pitblie transport could be improved? To enhance public transpértatioi/ believe several measures can be taken. First, increasing, the frequency of buses ted trains during peak hours would reduce overcrowding and waiting times. Additionally. fayesithg in cleaner and more energy-efficient vehicles would make public transporenjote phim ma tit cd ching t6i quan tém, va sau 46, ching t0i qaadJujM?v8 ca cdmh yéu thich hoe cét truygn trong mot bita An hode ca phé, tao nén movReabdéng xa hoi dang nhs. 3. Do you still enjoy watching the movie®yowToved as a child? Absolutely! I find it nostalgic and enjoyable to tevi3it the movies I adored as a child. Watching them again as an adult brings back Yoitd memories, and 1 often discover new layers of meaning or details that I didn't noti€e Bagk-thien. It’s a great way to relive a piece of my childhood. Chic chin! Toi thy d6 la my ePaBhiem diy ky nigm va tha vi Khi quay lai xem nhtng 66 phim t6i yéu thich khi con nffe, Xeni lai chiing khi d& trang thanh dem lai nhiing ky niém dang nhé, va thuimg xuyg¥oi Plt hign ra cde lép § nghia méi hod chi tiét ma ti khong dé Y trude day, D6 1a caefMyyeOi dé tai trai nghiém mét phan tudi tho cia t6i. 4 Doyowprefer Watching movies at home or at the cinema? Personally, rhaye Sight preference for watching movies at home. While the cinema offers a unique and immersive experience, I appreciate the convenience of being able to watch films in the€offort of my own space. Additionally, I can pause, rewind, or even have a movie night with,ffiends without worrying about noisy surroundings. However, I still occasionally VibifthieGinema for big blockbuster releases to enjoy the full cinematic experience. (Ca nhan ti, t6i e6 mét sur ua thich nh6 cho viée xem phim 6 nha, Mac di rap chiéu phim ‘mang Iai trdi nghigm de déo va cuén hii, t6i dénh gi cao st tign Igi Khi cd thé xem phim trong khéng gian thodi mai cia riéng minh. Ngodi ra, ti e6 thé tam dim, tua Iai, hode thm chi t6 chite budi xem phim ciing ban bé ma kh6ng cin lo ling vé tiéng én xung quanh, Tuy nhién, ti vin d6i khi ghé thim rap chiéu phim dé thuéng thire nhtmg b6 phim bom tin va trai nghigm day da cia né. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Noises 1 What noises / sounds do you generally hear around where you live? In the vicinity of my residence, I typically encounter a myriad of sounds. These encompass the gentle rustling of leaves in the nearby trees, the distant hum of traffic from a nearby street, and the occasional chirping of birds during the day. In the evening, the neighborhood becomes quieter, with intermittent laughter and conversations from neighboring houses, all, ‘merging into a soothing urban symphony. 2 Doyou think the amount of noise in modern life is increasing? Without a doubt, the volume of noise in contemporary society appears to be on the rif TB relentless development of technology and urbanization has brought about a surge ih yafighs sources of noise, such as increased traffic, construction activities, and bustlingrurtam fife This proliferation of noise can often make finding moments of tranquility a€haffeyzing endeavor 3 Whatis the effect of noise in our cities? Noise in our cities exerts a multifaceted impact on our lives. Qa oie ai, it can be a sign of vitality and economic activity, symbolizing the vibrancy of ufbangénters. However, excessive noise can also be detrimental, leading to stresstsleep disturbances, and reduced overall well-being for city dwellers. Moreover, it canfhaydgdverse effects on wildlife and disrupt the natural balance of ecosystems, 4 Doyou think loud noise affects out hearidig? Undoubtedly, loud noise can have detrimentahednsequences on our hearing. Prolonged exposure to high decibel levels can leGd toifteversible hearing loss and other auditory health issues. It is imperative to take preegutignsysuch as using ear protection in noisy environments, to safeguard oyrQearjngland preserve this precious sense fora lifetime ‘Therefore, it is essential to be qrieiul of the impact of loud noise on our auditory health, IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Chatting 1 Doyou like chatting with friends? ‘Well, I must say that I absolutely enjoy having conversations with my friends, Its a fantastic way to catch up and stay connected with each other. Chatting with friends often brings joy and laughter into my life. 2 What do you usually chat about with friends? My chats with friends cover a wide range of topics. We discuss everything from our daily lives, hobbies, and interests to current events and even future plans. I's amazing how these conversations can be both light-hearted and thought-provoking, S 3 Doyou prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one fri SS It really depends on the situation. Sometimes, I prefer chatting with a group’offit especially when we're planning an outing or celebrating something ever, for ‘more personal or meaningful conversations, I lean towards one-on- ms as it allows for deeper connections. Q 4 Doyou prefer to communicate face-to-face or vi ‘media? Well, both forms of communication have their merits. Fape-te-fite conversations offer a genuine connection with friends, allowing us to read aes expressions and body language. On the other hand, social media has its tages, providing convenience and allowing us to stay in touch with friends who C8 ¥y. So, ita mix of both for me, depending on the circumstances, &S IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Weekends 1. Is the weekend your favourite part of the week? ‘Yes, the weekend is my favorite part of the week. I really enjoy having free time to relax and do. things I love. During the weekend, I can take a break from work or school and spend quality time with my family and friends. It's a great opportunity to recharge and have fun, ‘Vang, cudi tuan 1a thoi diém t6i yéu thich nhat trong tuan. Téi thy sy thich c6 thai gian ranh dé thu gian va kim nhimng dieu t6i yéu thich, Vao cudi twin, ti ¢6 thé nghi kam hode nghi hoe va anh thoi gian quy gid cho gia dinh va ban bé, Dé la mét co hoi tuyét voi dé nap lai nang Ign, va vui choi. Last weekend was quite enjoyable for me.I spent Saturday morning doing so id chores and then nthe ateroon me p wih my ends cleat. Ny as me chat and shared some laughs. On Sunday, I went to a park nearby and had a mean played games and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Cui tun vita qua khé tha vi Adi véi ti. Toi dnh budi sing thir Bap aa mot sé cing vise nha va sau d6 vao budi chigu, 101 gp ban bé tai mot quan ca ping fomg. Chiing toi da c6 ‘mot cuBe tr chuyén vui ve va chia sé nhing tiéng eu. Vag Shah, t6i dn céng vien gin dé ‘va di di ngoai véi gia dinh. Ching toi choi trd choi vues 131 tiét dep. family. We ensures that Ihave a fulfilling weekend. | ake lst of activities I want to do, such as going to the movies, trying out a new r&ipey@Pgoing fora walk in the park Planning ahead helps me stay organized and ensur Wve a balanced weekend CC, ti thich ln ke hoach cho, A cubi tun cia minh, Né wip ti tan dung ti da thei sian rinh $i vi dim bao ring tf o9 shot ngiy cubi twin tron ven Téi thurong lip dan sich cic hat dng 6 mud ls haf nhrdi xem phim. thirmét cdng thie néu an mi hos di dao trong céng vién, LanR@iéacfPtnsée wip t6 ludn ngan nép va dm bio ring t6i c6 mat nga cui tuin can bing WV 4. Do Jou ®veF work or study at the weekends? No, 1 Kus Hy work or study on weekends. I prefer to use that time for relaxation and leisure lostlyfree from work or study to unwind and recharge for the coming week Khéng, t6i thuémg khang lim vige hoc hgc tp vio cui tuin, Tai thich sir dung thai gian 46 cho ccc hoat dng thu gin va gidi tri, Tuy nhién, c6 nhiing lic t6i phai hoan thanh mét sé nhiém vu dang cha xit ly hoi én th, vi vy i c6 thé phai dnb vai gig dé lam vige hose hoc tap. Nhung ti cd ging git nhtig ngiy cudi tun hiu nhur khong lam vige hoc hoc tép 48 thu giin vi nap lai ning luwmg cho tun ti. 3. Do you fie to plan how to spend your 2 Yes, Ido like to plan how to spend my nN rps me make the most of my fe ime and : IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Fixing things 1. Do you generally try to fix things when they stop working? Yes, whenever something stops working, [usually make an effort to fix it myself. I believe in taking a proactive approach and trying to troubleshoot the problem before seeking professional help. It can be a rewarding experience when I am able to successfully repair something. ‘ing vay, bat ci khi nao c6 diéu gi dé khéng on, t6i thudng nd lye ty minh sita chita nd. Téi tin vio vige 4p dung céch tiép ein chit ding va ed ging Khe phye su 6 trude khi tim kiém sir tro Gp tr chuyén gia, 6 o6 thé ld mot trai nghigm b6 ich khi Oi e6 thé sita cht thanh oe thie gi do. er CO It would be beneficial for everyone to learn how to fix things in the home, Beingybleto handle basic repairs not only saves money but also promotes self-sufficiency ane lence. Having some knowledge of fixing common household items can come in hand¥ tae Yeryday life cca ban khéng chi tit kigm tién ma cdn phat huy kha nang ty laf Woe Tap. Co mot sé kin tite ‘ 4 ich trong cue song hing, 'Sé rt c6 ich cho moi ngudi khi hoc cach stta chita moi thir trong nl xir ly cdc sita chita vé sita chita nhimg vat dung théng thuong trong gia dinh o6, Ss bd me va cfc thinh vign trong a dang stra chita nhiéu céng vige khée nhau quanh nha, ‘Theo thai gian, bos gene § meo va kj thuat bing céch xem ching va thinh thong hé trg nhiing cng vige mh 4. What do ith broken things? ‘When I encour things, I try to assess the extent of the damage. If it's a small item, I may attempéjo Repair it using basic tools or adhesive. If it’s beyond repair or requires professional cexpertis& L dispote of it responsibly by either recycling or throwing it away. I believe in ‘minjgni2ing staste and being environmentally conscious when dealing with broken items, vit bi va, t6i ging dinh gi mire dé hur hing, Néu dé la mt mén dd nh, t6ie6 thé cdging sia chia né bing ce dung cu co ban hog chat kétdinh, Néu n khang thé sirachita duge hofe cin c6 chuyén mén chuyén mén, ché hose virt bo. Tai tin vio vige pm thigu rac thi va c6 thie bio vé mi trugmg khi xit nhimg dé vat bi hong, 8 xir If né mét cfch 6 tréch nhigm bing céch ti IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Ice cream 1. How often do you eat ice cream? ‘Yes, [enjoy eating ice cream occasionally, especially during hot summer days. I's a delightful treat that brings a sense of joy and refreshment. While I don't have it frequently, indulging in a scoop of ice cream is a pleasant experience. ‘Vang, thinh thoang t6i thich dn kem, dc bigt la trong nhing ngay hé néng nye. Dé la mot mén. ui th vi mang Ii cam gd vi ve va sing Khodi Mae di Kh nn tng nase egg theme tite mot mung ker Km ri nehigm thi vi C 2. Would you like to try making ice cream? S “Absolutely, would be interested in giving homemade ice eream a ty, Its iN fin and ereative activity that could result ina delicious outcome. Experimenting igh ayots and textures would bean enjoyable culinary adventure Hoan toan e6 thé, ti s® mudn thr kem tw lam, Nghe e6 vé gidn| ) oat dong thé vi va sing tg e6 thé mang lai mat két qua tuyét vai. Thi ASS ig Vi va két eu sé la mot ‘cue phigu luu im thy tha vi Os 3. Is there a good place to buy ice cream live? Yes, there are several good places to buy ie, y local area, We have a variety of ice cream parlors and dessert shops that offer lection of flavors and toppings. Is always treat to visit these establishments and sor We Welicious frozen delights they have to offer. 5, €6 mot sé dia diém tét 48 mua ‘ue dia phuong eta t6i, Ching ti c6 nhigu tm em vi cia hing tring migng iu lua chon vé yong vi va lip phi, That tha vi Khi hg thim nbiing co sé niy ya fhize nhiing mon ngon déng lank ma ho cung ep. 4. Did you eat ‘ge cream as a kid? Yes, as a kid, 1 fing ice cream quite often, It was a popular treat during special a tbe crsiply aa roar fer goodeha, The Sees and cl texture of ic€ créambrought much delight and created fond memories of my childhood. Ding, ! 61 kh hich 3 kem, Bo la mgt msn Sn pho bién trong nbitng dip d8c bigt, wag age 4i choi cing gia dinh hoe don gin la phan thusng cho hinh vi tét. Huong vi ngot cfu lanh cia kem mang lai nhigu niém yui va tgo nén nhiing ky niém dep dé trong eu IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Language 1. Did you like learning languages at school? ‘Yes, I enjoyed learning languages at school. Exploring different languages opened up new possibilities for communication and understanding. It was fascinating to discover the unique sounds, vocabulary, and grammar of different languages, ‘Vang, t6i rt thich hoe ngén ng 6 trudng, Khim pha ee ngén ng Kha nhau di m6 ra nhong, kha ning méi cho giao tigp va higu biét. Thét thé vj khi khém pha nhitng mm thanh, ei vung va ngtt phap de dio cua ede ngén ng khéc nhau. \. ages ind it 2. Which languages did you learn at school? At school, Teamed various languages such as English, French, and Spanish provided me witha anon rete commnatn niet co x interesting to learn about different cultures and traditions associated Od juages. 6 trudng, 161 hoc nhiéu ngn ngit khée nhau nhu tiéng Anh, tiéng PI ing Tay Ban Nha. Nhitng ng6n net ny da ung cép cho t6i nén ting dé gino tigphigu qulohg céc béi canh Khe hau. Toi thay that thé vi Khi tim hiéu vé cde nén van héa va tr aiig khic nhau gin lign véi ning ngén ng may. aww 3. Isit'a good idea to learn other languages? Absolutely, itis a good idea to Jeam other langu ing additional languages broadens our horizons, facilitates communication with iverse backgrounds, and enhances cultural understanding, It opens up opportunities ~s Land professional growth, enabling us to connect with a wider global communi «x Hodn ino th, he ce gn neu tj ing Hoc thine gn ng sé mo ng tm nhin cia ching ta, tao did fy tiép vai moi ngudi cé nguén géc khéc nhau va nang cao higu biét v8 van héa, N6 mg. oe phat tric nhan va nghé nghigp, cho phép ching ti két ni véi céng dng toan gith ng In hom, 4. Which languige'do you want to learn in the future? In the future, I Tear Mandarin Chinese. It is one of the most widely spoken Imgsss sgn alctoconmunaten Manda wel open dose exchanges afd Bbsiless opportunities. Moreover, Chinas rich history, traditions, and economic influe = fandarin an intriguing language to lear, ig Ini, t61 muén hoe ting Quan Thoai. Day la mét trong nhimg ngén nga doe sir dung rong wi nhittrén todn clu va vig o6 thé giao tifp bing igng Quan Thoai sé mérta eénh cra ta0 di van hda va oo hai kinh doan, Hon na, lich si, tryénthdng va nh hug inh phong phi cita Trung Quéc khign tiéng Quan Thoai tr thinh mot ngén ngit hép din dé hoc IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Concentration 1. Did you always pay attention in class when you were a kid? ‘Yes, I usually paid attention in class when I was a kid. However, there were times when my mind ‘wandered of | found certain subjects less engaging. Overall, tried my best to listen (othe teacher and participate in class activities. ‘Vaing, ti thug cha ¥ trong lép khi cdn nhé. Tuy nhién, ¢6 nbiing hie tam tr ti lang thang hoe 161 thy mot s6 cha dé it hp din hon. Nhin chung, em da eé giing hét site nghe I6i thily va tham ia céc hoat dng trong lop, \ 2. Do you find it easy to concentrate in noisy places? No, I find it quite challenging to concentrate in noisy places. The distractions x tion enw ‘make it difficult for me to focus on the task at hand, I prefer quieter environ re Lean concentrate without interruptions. Khong, t6i thay kh6 tap trung 6 nhimg noi dn ao, Nhang phign nhid yan Khign t6i Kho tip trung vio nhigm va trade mit, Tl thich moi trang yn Gn cf thé tp trung ma Khong bi gidn doan 8 3. Do you want a job that requires concentrat N Yes, I would like to have a job that requires concer Tee that being able to concentrate and focus on the tasks at hand is crucial for prods id achieving good results. Having a job that demands concentration would help me Skil in this area and contribute to my professional growth, 6,161 mudn 66 mét cdg vige dai vio cée nhigm vu te mit li See ng dé dat duroc ning suit va dat durge két qua t8t. C6 arc uigne meee ee cee To help me co iter, [find it helpful to create a quiet and organized workspace, Minimizing Gistacdons, suchas turning off notifications on my phone or finding a quiet comer, pant as cant difference. Additionally, taking short break, practicing deep breathing oo ae ey yn cnet ete ex and breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks can improve my ability to Dé sidip ti tap trung t8t hon, 6i thdy vig tao ra mét khdng gian lim vige yén finh va ngiin nip sé rit hiu ich. Gidm thigu nhimg phién nbiéu, ching han nbu tit thong bio trén dién thoai hose tim ‘mot géc yén tinh, c6 thé tgo ra str khac biét dng ké, Ngodi ra, nghi gidi lao ngén, tap thé sfu va chia nhiém wy thinh nhtng phan nhé hom, d® quan ly hon c6 thé cai thign kha nding tip trung cia toi IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Ambition/dream 1. When you were a child, what job did you dream of doing? ‘Yes, when I was a child, I had dreams of becoming various things. At different times, I fantasized about being a doctor, a teacher, a firefighter, or even an astronaut. As a child, my imagination ‘was vast, and I explored different possibilities for my future career. ‘ing vay, khi cén nho, t6i da c6 wée mo tré thanh nhieu thir khée nhau. Nhiéu lic, t6i mo ue 16 thanh bac si, gido vign, linh eifu hoa hay thm chi la phi hanh gia. Khi cdn nh, ti tong ‘tugng cia (i rt phong phi va t6i da khm pha nhimg kha n’ing khic nhau cho sy Se Jai cua minh. 2. Doyou think you are an ambitious person? ZS No, [don't consider myself to be an overly ambitious person. While I have goals ynd.spirations, I prefer to approach them with a sense of realism and practicality. I sey ig achievable targets and working diligently towards them, rather than solely focusir® bn Zand ambitions, Kh6ng, t6i khong cho ring minh la ngudi 6 tham vong qua lén, Mie dtyt6i ¢6 muc tiéu va kha ‘vong nhung t6i thich tiép can chiing véi tinh thin thue té va wing ce mye tigu c6 thé dat duge va lim vige cham chi dé dat pee ning tham vong ln lao. AN BOn. Toi tin vao vige dat ra thay vi chi tp trung vio 3. hat kind oeb do you nant de Ihe fare eet faa eb tng ess an ils While have dese on a specific career path yet, | would like ta.wOrk in a field that allows me to make a positive impact on ters hte in telex nds. education, or any ter aea where Dé duy tr ste khde, 1616 eng thyehién mot Ii sng cin bing Too thuéng xuyén che chain la: mor phan trong 46, nhung ti eling chy dén ché 6 an Sig. c4 minh va dim bao b& sung cde thye phim bd dugg nhw trai cd, rau va protein ws ra, toi wu tién nghi ngoi va ng di gide d& hd to site khoe tng thé tia minh, ticipate in various sports and activities, The 3. Did you tern aboat eying it tc had phil edueaton clases where we atid teachers wuld emphasize the ii ener cating wel and aking eae four bodies to stay healthy and active Dang. on hing RO cn ogi i ing im mat Ching ies on spe i etching sham amon thé i hos dng khic nhau, Céc gigo 6iga2 Min manh tim quan trong ct vige tp thé duc, tn uéng lanh man va chim sco mn khée manh va nang d6ng, reople in your country to keep healthy? 4. How easy Inmy see wealthy can be challenging for some people. Factors such as busy rk lifestyles, wi nds, and easy access to unhealthy food options can make it difficult for indivi ritize their health. However, there is growing awareness about the importance of thy lifestyle, and people are becoming more conscious of making positive heir well-being, Efforts are being made to promote physical activity and healthy edtilyhabits, but there is still progress to be made to ensure that it becomes easier for everyone to keep healthy. 6 ait nude t8i, vige git gin sive khée 06 thé li: mét thach thie di véi mét s6 ngudi, Cie yéu tS nh I6i séng ban rn, nhu cau céng vige va vie dé dang tiép can cdc lua chon thuc phim khéng lanh mank c6 thé khin cde e4 nan kh6 tu tin site khée cla minh, Tuy nhién, nhan thite ngiy cng ting vé tim quan trong cita vic ¢6 mét Idi séng lan man va moi new ngay cing c6 ¥ thicc hon trong vige dura ra nhitng Iya chon tich cue cho site khée eta mink, Nhiing nd lue dang duge thuc hign dé thie dy hoat d@ng thé chat vi th6i quen An uéng lanh manb, nhung vin cbn nhidu tién bé can thye hign dé dm bao ring moi ngudi déu cé thé gitt gin site khée dé ding hon. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 PART 1 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Favourite day 1. What's your favorite day of the week? | don't have a specific favorite day of the week as each day has its own unique qualities. However, if | were to choose, I would say that weekends are generally enjoyable because I have ‘more free time to relax and engage in activities that I like. 2. What's your busiest day of the week? ‘The busiest day of my week tends to vary depending on my schedule and responsibilities, ‘Sometimes it's the middle of the week when I have multiple work or school commitm other times it could be towards the end of the week when I need to finish pending 288 prepare for upcoming deadlines ae) 3. Ifyou could change what you do each week, what would it If Thad the opportunity to change my weekly routine, I would probal te more time for leisure activities and personal hobbies. Currently, my schedule is q sd with work or study-related tasks, leaving limited time for relaxation and pursfinghmny Interests, Having a better balance between responsibilities and personal enjoyment SS ositive change 4. Woayoa do tesa ing on the sang Ne ek? ‘While having a consistent routine can provide st stability, I believe it’s important to have some flexibility and variety in my weet je8, Doing the same thing on the same day every week might become monotonous as exposure (0 new experiences, I prefer to Ine aii lie ae oi he Wek he gy mesa matin asene pnt. SS S Re IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694

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