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Upper Intermediate Videoscript

Page 114 Unit 9: News: the weird and the wonderful

Story 1: Humpbacks to the rescue

0.00–0.37 An amazing fact about one of nature’s larger – and gentler – animals, the
humpback whale, has recently come to light. Humpbacks are already known to use their
superior size and weight to fight off killer whales or orcas when their young are under attack.
But now, researchers have found that they also protect other species from attacks by orcas. A
study for the Journal of Marine Science found that in over 80% of cases where humpback
whales fight off orca attacks, the humpbacks are defending other animals, such as seals,
sealions, sunfish and grey whales.
0.38–0.46 Orcas are much smaller whales, weighing on average around four or five tons. But
they are ruthless hunters, hunting in large packs and coordinating their attacks to overwhelm
their prey.
0.47–0.57 Once they have made sure there is no escape, the orcas’ sharp teeth make quick
work of any victim, … such as this unfortunate sealion.
0.58–1.29 But the researchers have observed several instances of single humpbacks trying to
prevent the orcas getting to their prey, using their huge bodies to get in the way and swiping
at the orcas with their long flippers. The fights can last up to six or seven hours, with, it
seems, no particular advantage to the humpbacks – at least none that the researchers have
found. Could it be that they are just kind neighbours to other more vulnerable sea creatures?
Story 2: Mr Superhands
1.30–1.45 Narrator An ordinary-looking fried chicken stall in Chiang Mai, Thailand. But this
is no ordinary fried chicken seller. Seven years ago, Khan, the owner of the stall, discovered
that he was immune to burns from hot oil.
1.46–2.28 Khan Subtitles: I found out about seven years ago. A squirrel was eating a mango
on the tree and it fell into my fried chicken wok. The oil splashed all over me. On my head
and on my body. Then the taxi took me home and the next day after I woke up I was going to
go to see the doctor. I looked in the mirror and found my skin had no burns or anything. So
the next day I just came back to work to fry chicken again.
2.30–3.13 Tourist ‘This guy’s crazy. It’s just unbelievable. It does nothing to his skin. He just
dips it in water. Dripped a tiny bit of oil – tiny bit – burning like crazy. Someone told me the
story about how he burned himself. He wasn’t even burned then. Covered in oil and wasn’t
even burned then either. I’ve no idea how he does it … no idea.’
3.14–3.28 Narrator Some might be put off by Khan’s strange ability, but it’s proved to be
great business for his stall because many tourists, like these young men, come to see for

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