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Troll Pairs:
zara and riyana
ananya mahika
riva shloka
ella naintara
vihaan sidhant
aditya satej
imaan ananya m

vihaan - Human
vipanshi - A human?
everyone - repeats
aditya satej - He dared to run after the daughter of our king!
riva shloka - Kill him!
vihaan sidhant - Kill that rat!
ananya mahika - Can I carve my initials into his face?
Ella naintara- Can I pierce his eyeballs out?
Sai - What colour is his blood?
everyone - repeats
vipanshi - yum yum yum
imaan ananya m - Here's our king.
maddy - Keep cool.
vp - Ice cool.
Maddy - Can we really afford these hysterics?
The fact is, times have turned against us
His kind, they multiply like rabbits
While we, who built this land
Each year, we slip further into decline
This one, perhaps he can help us
(To PEER:)
vp - Now, young man, turn around
You see? He’s decently-built
At least so far as our eye can tell

maddy - So, Mudboy — my daughter, you like?

peer: Your daughter, and your kingdom, too!
everyone - hmmmm ambitious very saltily murmuring
maddy - Suppose I say, Half while I am alive
vp - And the rest after I pass on
peer: Sir, you won’t regret it—
maddy - Not so fast, Mudboy! There’re a few things You’ll have to do for us first
vp - Fail at even one of them, and—

troll couritier: ananya and mahika alternate lines

And you’ll never get out of here alive!
First, you must swear a holy oath
That except for your brothers and sisters
Here within the Order
All others to you are dead

peer: Once I’m king out here

That won’t be so hard.

maddy - Next, you must ponder our sacred riddle:

vp - What is the difference between trolls and men?

Peer: Frankly — I don’t see much difference at all

Big trolls will mow down anything in their path
Little trolls will suck on whatever they find tasty
We’d do the same, if only we had the nerve

troll courtier - imaan and ananya m - We’re as different as day and night
Maddy: Tell him what the difference is

shloka and riva - troll courtier - You humans, you overrun our land
With your pathetic little Slogan: “Be all that you can be”

ella naintara - We trolls, we live by a whole another creed:

“All that I can be, I already am!”

maddy - All that I can be, I already am!

everyone - repeats

zara riyana - You have no idea what we’re talking about, do you?
Peer: Well-
everyone - “I already am!” That’s the battle cry! oooo scary noise
Peer: OK!

vihaan sidhant - Or you can never be ruler here

Peer: I get it, I get it
Creeds are just words
One’s as good as the next

maddy - Next, you must learn to love — and you will!

vp - Our purifying way of life:
All that we want, we already have!

sai - From our cows, we get patties,

everyone - yummmm mmm
sai - From our cats, warm lemonade (hands him a bowl of liquid.)
everyone - yummm

Peer: Forget it!

Aditya ssatej -Listen, Picky, you can keep the bowl And that’s pure gold
Maddy - You have bowl, you get daughter, savvy?
Peer: Then again, good taste or bad I can live with either one

everyone - Bottom’s up!

—Chin-Chin! (Etc.)
(He drinks.)

Vp - So quickly, he grasps the matter!

Aditya satej - Did you spit?

everyone - He did! Multiple times!

Peer: I always spit. For good luck.

Maddy: Next, let’s get out of that...native costume of yours

everyone - It’s time you put on a proper tail.

Peer: But I don’t want a tail!
everyone - no tail?
ananya Mahika - You haven’t got a choice!
Peer: I won’t let you turn me into a beast!
Maddy: You can’t marry my daughter without a tail.
Peer: Why make a fuss about fashion?
Let’s get this over with
Stick it in!
(They give him a tail.)

everyone - Stick it in!

Shake it up!
Move it in!
Twist and shout!
Whip it good!
In and out!
Walk this way!
Watch him, now!
Go, mudboy, go!

(Song and dance. Suddenly, PEER stops, stares at WOMAN IN GREEN dancing.)
Peer: Wait! Stop! This is horrible!

Maddy: What’s wrong, son?

Vp: Speak freely — don’t be shy around us

Peer: I saw...a rotting corpse Thrusting into the backside Of a pig freshly skinned alive

vipanshi - What a terrible thing to say About your future bride and her sister!
Peer: That was you?

Everyone: What a terrible thing to say!

maddy - Wait! He still sees the world Through human eyes

Mudboy, there’s one last procedure
Which will complete your initiation
Into the family of the Order
Peer: What now?

Troll Courtier:
Satej Aditya - Quite simple. We’re going to make an incision
Riva Shloka - Across the pupil of your left eye
Ananya Mahika - And then carve out the right one
vihaan sidhant - Socket and all - what d’ya say?

Peer: Are you completely insane?

Maddy: Come, he’s already got the tools out

One little adjustment
And you’ll be liberated

Vp: To see your bride as beautiful

And all this, as paradise

Peer: You can’t be serious!

Maddy: Wait! Think of all the tears

You would never have shed
Vp: If you hadn’t those eyes
Now, isn’t that true?

Peer: Well...there is that Bible verse:

“If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out.”
But first, tell me, how long
Before my sight returns?

Vp: After he cuts your eyes out?

Everyone: never…
Peer: Then — thanks, but no thanks

Maddy: Mudboy, what more can we give you?

Peer: You can let me out of here

Sai: You can check in any time you like But you can never leave

Maddy and vp (Disappointed:)

Order — didn’t you think he was getting the hang of this?

everyone: He was!

Vp: Now, we have been more than reasonable...

Peer: Let me think!

For a queen and her kingdom, too
I’m willing to make some sacrifices
But...within reason...
To think, I can never go back.
To tie myself down in this way?
Pass up future opportunities?
I owe it to myself — I can’t!

Maddy: Now, you’re beginning to irritate me

Don’t you know who I am, Mudboy?
Vp: And you show me so little respect?
First, you were flirting with my daughter —

Peer: That’s a lie!

Maddy: You looked at her with love and hope in your heart!

Peer: Big deal. When I see most girls,

I feel that from my head to my toes

Zara and riyaana: Do you really believe you can live

Without accepting the consequences of your dreams?

Vipanshi: By the end of the year, you’ll be a father, Prince Peer.

Peer: Listen, you’ve got the wrong man

I’m not rich, and I’m no prince

—Not rich?
—Not a prince?

Vipanshi: (Tearfully:) What a horrible, lying cheat!

(She runs from the room.)

Maddy: Order! Rip his heart out of his throat.

(TROLLS attack PEER, chanting:)

Everyone: Ohren ab! Augen raus!

Ohren ab! Augen raus!

Peer: Mother! They’re killing me!

Oh, god! Mother, help me!
(Bells ring, O.S.)
Everyone: Bells!
(Trolls scatter in a panic.)

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