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The Relic of the Revenant Knight

The adventure takes place in the medieval village of Blackfen, a somber settlement on the edge of the haunted
Fenwood Forest. The villagers are grim and reserved, their lives overshadowed by the dark tales of the woods.

Narrative for the Game Master: “The village of Blackfen is shrouded in tales of the Revenant Knight, a once-noble
warrior who fell in battle under a cursed sky. It is said his spirit cannot rest until his lost relic, the Crest of Valor, is
returned to his tomb within the Fenwood Forest. The villagers have long avoided the forest, but now they fear the
knight’s unrest is bringing misfortune upon them. The village elder, a stern woman named Lady Gwendolyn, has
summoned you to find the Crest of Valor and lay the Revenant Knight to rest.”
Quest Details:
● Objective: Retrieve the Crest of Valor from the depths of Fenwood Forest and return it to the Revenant
Knight’s tomb to appease his spirit.
● How to Achieve:
○ Navigate the treacherous paths of Fenwood Forest using an old map provided by Lady Gwendolyn.
○ Overcome the traps and guardians within the forest that protect the relic.
○ Locate the hidden tomb using clues scattered throughout the forest.
○ Place the Crest of Valor upon the knight’s sarcophagus to end his haunting.
NPCs with Descriptions and Dialogue Options:
1. Lady Gwendolyn, Village Elder:
○ Appearance: A dignified woman with sharp eyes and a presence that commands respect.
○ “The Revenant Knight was once a protector of Blackfen. His spirit deserves peace.”
○ “This map has been in my family for generations. It will guide you through the Fenwood.”
2. Brother Ulric, the Local Cleric:
○ Appearance: A middle-aged man with weary eyes and a gentle voice.
○ “I can bless your weapons to aid you against the dark forces within the forest.”
○ “Remember, the Revenant Knight was once a man of honor. Treat his resting place with respect.”
Dungeon Traps:
● The Guardian Statues: Stone statues with offering bowls containing coins that animate to attack trespassers.
○ Disarm: Place an offering of silver at the statues’ feet to pacify them.
● The Mist of Forgetfulness: A thick mist that causes disorientation and memory loss.
○ Disarm: Use a talisman provided by Brother Alaric to dispel the mist.
Monsters (suitable for level 3 characters):
● Fenwood Goblins (2-4, 20% lair): Mischievous creatures that set snares and ambush travelers (AC 13, HP
7, Damage 1d6 with makeshift weapons, Loot: Goblin trinkets and stolen goods).
● Dire Wolves (1-2, 15% lair): Large, ferocious wolves that stalk the forest (AC 14, HP 18, Damage 1d8 bite,
Loot: Wolf pelts that can be sold or crafted).
● Forest Trolls (1, 10% lair): Regenerating brutes that lurk near the tomb (AC 16, HP 22, Damage 1d6+4 claw,
Loot: Troll fat, used in potent healing salves).
● Knight’s Blessing: Upon completing the quest, the Revenant Knight’s spirit grants a boon, imbuing the
players’ armor with a magical aura that provides additional protection against the undead.

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