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Titulo de la obra: “To my Clyde...

Seudónimo: Quintana Kaia

Género literario: Short story

Categoría: B

To my Clyde,

I remember how we became so close. We lived next to each other, crazy huh?

We used to say hi to each other every morning and go our differents ways, different roads,
different schools.

Years went by and when I turned sixteen you came to my door and gave me flowers. My
favourites, tulipes.

We became even closer, closer than our houses. You would come by every Friday and we
would watch a movie. You didn´t actually watched the movie, you only watched me.

I love dancing and you knew that, so every time a song hit you would grab my hand and we
became one. We were the only ones in those moments, just you and me.

We graduated from highschool and went our separate ways, but we were still one. For
spring break you came to visit me, I couldn’t belive it so I took the most of every moment I
had with you.

Before we graduated from college you got down on one knee. We used to talk about our
future, I just thought we were already living it. I didn´t even hesitate, you hadn´t even
finished your speech when I splurt out a yes, I just couldn´t take it anymore.

When we were preparing everything for the wedding I’d catch you every night praying and
thanking God for giving the life that you didn´t even know it would come.

Our big day came and I knew that I wanted it to last forever. Every night you would kiss
my lips and I´d replied with the most sweet ‘I love you’.

When I look back I know that everything was supposed to happen the way it did. It still
hurts everyday, it aches like nothing has but I know that you’re here with me. I can still feel
Titulo de la obra: “To my Clyde...”

Seudónimo: Quintana Kaia

Género literario: Short story

Categoría: B

you, everywhere, but I can’t kiss you, I can’t grab your hand as tight as possible so you will
stay here, I can’t hug you. I miss your hands running through my hair. I miss you singing
every Elvis Presley song at six in the morning. I miss you. I’ll always will, I just hope It’ll
eventually hurt less.

With love,


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