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Inference Activity Mrs.

Roza - 6A

As the door slowly opened, Jack felt his heart pounding and the hairs on
the back of his neck standing up. He could scarcely breathe. The rusty
hinges of the door creaked, and a faint crack of light appeared in the
darkness. In a panic, Jack looked around the unfamiliar room, hardly daring
to move. Where was the window? How could he get out? Was that the
sound of footsteps he could hear? Suddenly he saw a small wooden
cupboard in the far corner of the room. He would have to try and hide in
there until the danger had passed. His feet felt as heavy as lead as he
held his breath and tiptoed silently across the dark room.
How does the author show that Jack is afraid?

What is the effect of the three questions in the middle of the


How does the author make the setting seem frightening?

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