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EXERCISE (Skills 15 – 19)
1. I The town council is not sure why have the land developers changed their plans
Karena pada clausa kedua subject dan verb terbalik, seharusnya setelah question
word "Why" subject dan verb tidak terbalik
2. I Never in the world I believed that this would happen
Karena missing verb, seharusnya ditambahkan verb “did”. Dan kalimat yang tepat “Did
I believe"
3. C
4. C
5. I
The day might have been a little more enjoyable had the sun been out a little more
Only once did the judge take the defense lawyer's suggestion
Down the hall to the left the offices are that need to be painted
Karena missing verb, seharusnya ditambahkan verb "are" menjadi "are the offices"
6. C
7. C
Did the scientist explain what he put in the beaker?
Hardly ever it snows in this section of the country
8. C Elijah scored more points in yesterday's basketball final than had any other
players in history
9. C In the state of California, earthquakes occur regularly
10. I
He should ever call again, please tell him that I am not at home Karena subject dan
verbnya terbalik, seharusnya menjadi “Should he❞
TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 15 – 19)
1. D. are observatories
2. A. diets differ
3. A. the U.S. Army Corps pf Engineers not spending
4. C. are retail trade figures
5. D. as is the
6. B. it combines
7. C. nor will trade unionism
8. A. should milk
9. C. each eyelid are

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