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Question Question(s) Marks

The voice box is also called as -
a) stomach
1. b) heart 1m
c) larynx
d) mouth
In dholak, sound is produced due to
a) stretched membrane
2. b) stretched strings 1m
c) air column
d) none of these
If we tighten the strings of an instrument, pitch will be
a) higher
b) lower
3. 1m
c) constant
d) no pitch

A vibrating body should oscillate minimum how many times per

second to make a sound audible for

4. a) 10 times 1m
b) 20 times
c) 30 times
d) 40 times
Flash and thunder are produced simultaneously. But thunder is
heard a few seconds after the flash is seen. Why?
a) The speed of sound is greater than the speed of light.
5. 1m
b) The speed of sound is equal to the speed of light.
c) The speed of light is greater than the speed of sound.
d) All of the above
A student does an activity where he puts a ringing phone in the
glass tumbler. The student covers the glass tumbler with his hand.
The student removes air from the glass tumbler by using a
vacuum and observes the sound of the phone fainting gradually.
What can be concluded from the observation?
6. 1m
a) sound eventually fades away
b) sound gets absorbed by the surrounding

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