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Microbiological profile of leucorrhoea in patients attending a tertiary care

hospital at Jalna

Article · March 2020

DOI: 10.18231/2455-6807.2016.0011


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Santosh Kotgire
Indian Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Badnapur


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Original Research Article DOI: 10.18231/2455-6807.2016.0011

Microbiological profile of leucorrhoea in patients attending a tertiary care hospital

at Jalna
Sufia M. Siddiqui1, Uzma Afreen2, Kotgire Santosh A.3,*, Karan Ostwal4, A.B. Deshmukh5
1Professor, 2Tutor, 3Assosiate professor, 4Assistant Professor, 5Professor & Head, Dept. of Microbiology, Indian Institute of
Medical Sciences, Jalna, Maharashtra

*Corresponding Author:

Introduction and Objective: Leucorrhoea is an abnormal white, yellow or greenish vaginal discharge associated with irritation,
is non-hemorrhagic in nature and signifies some underlying pelvic pathology. It is common complaint of patients attending
Obstretic and Gynaecology department. There are three main causes of vaginal discharge -1.Bacterial vaginosis (BV) 2.Vulvo-
vaginal candidiasis (VVC) 3. Trichomoniasis. Symptomatic vaginal discharge needs to be evaluated to ascertain the cause so as to
institute proper treatment. So the present study was undertaken to screen abnormal vaginal discharge in women to diagnose BV,
VVC and Trichomoniasis.
Materials and Methods: We included 175 patients with main complaints of leucorrhoea .The study was carried out in the the
Department of Microbiology, Indian Institute of Medical Science and Research Jalna, for a period of 1 year. High vaginal swabs
were taken from these patients and assessed by wet mount, gram staining, Nugent’s score and culture on respective media followed
by identification of candida on Hicrome agar.
Results: Majority of patients belonged to the reproductive age group (15-45years). Out of the 175 patients, 67(38.28%) patients
showed normal flora in which no etiology could be elicited. Remaining 108(61.71%) patients had a definite etiological agent
amongst which bacterial vaginosis was diagnosed in 68 (38.85%)patients as per the Nugent’s Score.22(12%) patients revealed
candidiasis, and 18 patients (10%) showed Trichomonas vaginalis on wet mount examination. When further speciation of Candida
were done, on Candida Hicrome agar, it was found that 13 (59.1)were C.albicans,5 (22.72%)were C glabrata,3 (13.63%)were C
parapsilosis and only one strain was C krusi(4.5%)
Conclusion: Bacterial vaginosis remains the most predominant cause of leucorrhoea in sexually active women. For confirmation
of clinical diagnosis, microbiological investigations have to be performed so as to improve the treatment outcome.

Keywords: Leucorrhoea, Bacterial Vaginosis, Vulvovaginal Candidiasis, Nugent’s Score.

Introduction cotton cheese like discharge caused by candida

Leucorrhoea is excessive vaginal discharge species.(7)
commonly encountered in females of reproductive age Vaginal trichomoniasis is associated with a copious
group (15-45 years). It may be observed in physiological yellow or green sometimes frothy discharge caused by
conditions like pregnancy, premenstrually, or during Trichomonas vaginalis.(7)
ovulation. Pathological vaginal discharge occurs in 1- Leucorrhoea predisposes to significant morbidity in
14% of all women in the reproductive age group and is the form of pelvic inflammatory diseases, infertility,
responsible for 5-10 million OPD visits per year endometriosis, cuff cellulitis, urethral syndrome,
throughout the world.(1) Three main causes of pregnancy loss, and preterm labour.(8) The management
pathological leucorrhoea are bacterial vaginosis, of vaginal discharge is largely syndromic and empirical,
candidial vulvo vaginitis and trichomoniasis.(2) Bacterial it is usually based on naked eye examination of vaginal
vaginosis (33-47%)(3) is the most common cause of discharge and that is unsatisfactory because the
symptomatic vaginal discharge, followed by candidiasis diagnostic accuracy is lost without microscopic
(20-40%) and trichomoniasis (8-10%).(4,5) These three examination.(9) It not only has a financial and social
conditions account for 90% of all etiologies of abnormal impact leading to noncompliance on the part of patients,
vaginal discharge. Multiple infections can also coexist.(3) but also contributes to overall emergence of
Bacterial vaginosis is termed vaginosis rather than resistance.(10) Considering all these issues ,the present
vaginitis because this is associated with alteration in study was undertaken to screen all the women presenting
normal flora rather than due to any specific with leucorrhoea and determine the microbiological
inflammation. There is considerable decrease in number profile of symptomatic vaginal discharge in them.
of lactobacilli in the vagina and altered pH and is
characterised by increased growth of other bacteria. Materials and Methods
Common agents of bacterial vaginosis include This is an observational kind of descriptive study,
Gardnerella vaginalis, moblincus, bacteroides, carried out in the Department of Microbiology, Indian
saprophytes and Mycoplasma hominis, etc.(6) Institute of Medical Science and Research Jalna, a
Vulvovaginal candidiasis is characterized by pruritis and tertiary care hospital, for a period of 1year from 1st June

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2015 to 31st May 2016. After obtaining ethical agar, Chocolate agar, Sabourauds dextrose
committee clearance, a total of 175 women having agar(SDA). Candida species were identified after
complaints of white discharge per vaginum, abdominal 48hrs of incubation, depending on colony
or back pain, pruritis and dysuria that were referred from morphology from SDA agar. Gram stain and germ
the department of Obstetric and Gynaecology were tube testing were done for confirmation of Candida
included in the study. Informed consent was taken from albicans. For species identification of candida,
them.Patients on antibiotic treatment, those who had HiCrome candida differential agar was used.
genital prolapse, who were pregnant or who had Candida albicans produced green colonies,
delivered or aborted six weeks prior were excluded from Candida tropicalis produced blue coloured
the study. colonies, Candida parapsilosis cream coloured
colonies and Candida krusi purple coloured
Collection of sample colonies on Candida hicrome agar.
A sterilized Cusco’s speculum was inserted into the
vagina to visualize the vagina and cervix. The amount, Results
colour, character and smell of the vaginal discharge in A total of 175 patients were evaluated during a
the vagina were noted. Vaginal pH was recorded by period of one year. Majority of the patients were in the
using pH strips with in a range of pH 2.0 - 10.5 from the reproductive age group, and were married.36.57% of
mid-lateral vaginal wall. Three vaginal swabs were patients were in the age group of 26-35 years followed
collected with sterile cotton swabs from the posterior by 34.28% patients in age group of 15-25 years.(Table2)
fornix and transported to the Microbiology laboratory for
further processing. Table 2: Distribution of cases according to their age
Age No. of patients Percentage
Microscopic Examination n=175
A. Saline Wet Mount: One swab was used 15-25 years 60 34.28
immediately to prepare a wet mount with one to 26-35 64 36.57
two drops of normal saline on a glass slide and was 36-45 28 16
examined by light microscopy for the presence of Above 45 23 13.14
motile pear shaped trichomonas and pus cells. Total 175 100
B. Gram smear examination: The second swab was
taken and smears were made on a clean and grease No abnormal finding was revealed in 67 patients
free glass slide, heat fixed by just passing the glass (38.25%)(Table3). They showed normal flora i.e.
slide over the flame. Then the smear was stained epithelial cells, lactobacillus or few pus cells etc. which
by Gram’s method and observed under oil did not satisfy the Nugent’s score, so these patients were
immersion objective. The smear was evaluated for considered to be suffering from physiological
the presence of pus cells, vaginal epithelial cells, leucorrhoea. Clue cells were observed in 27.42% of
various bacterial morphotypes, clue cells & yeasts. cases on gram stain indicating bacterial vaginosis.
Large gram-positive rods were taken as Budding yeast cells were seen in 16% and Trichomonas
lactobacillus morphotypes, smaller gram-negative vaginalis in 10.28%. Trichomonas vaginalis were seen
to gram-variable rods were considered as G. as motile pear shaped protozoa on wet mount along with
vaginalis and Bacteroides spp. Nugent’s abundant polymorphoneutrophils.
score(Table 1) was applied for the diagnosis of
bacterial vaginosis.(11) The sum of the 3 scores was Table 3: Comparison of wet mount and gram
taken and a score of 7 or more was considered the staining results
“operational definition” of bacterial vaginosis. Wet mount /gram No. of Percentage
stain patients
Table 1: The Nugent scoring system for diagnosis Pus cells 20 11.42
of Bacterial vaginosis Trichomonas 18 10.28
Score Lactobacillus Gardnerella Curved
morphotype morphotype bacteria
per field per field (mobiluncus) Clue cells 48 27.42
per field Budding yeast cells 28 16
0 >30 0 0 Inconclusive 67 38.25
1 5-30 <1 1-5
2 1-4 1-4 >5 As per Nugent’s criteria, bacterial vaginosis was
3 <1 5-30 5-30 confirmed in 68(38.85%) patients (Table 4). 28 cases
4 0 >30 >30 revealed budding yeast cell in wet mount and gram stain,
of which 22(12%) was isolated by culture on SDA.
C. Isolation by Culture Methods: Third vaginal When further speciation of these were done, on Candida
swab was inoculated on Blood agar, Maconkeys
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Hicrome agar. It was found that 13(59.1%) were parapsilosis and Candida krusi. Similar findings have
C.albicans,5(22.72%) were C glabrata,3 (13.63%)were been elucidated by Aring et al.(17)
C parapsilosis and one strain (4.5%)was C krusi. (Table Finally Trichomonas vaginalis as a causative agent
5) was found in 18(10%) of patients which corresponded to
the studies done by Nishat et al.(18) Overall prevalence of
Table 4: Classification of patients as per etiological trichomonal vaginosis varies from place to place and
agents from study to study and ranging from 6-14.9%.(2)
Etiological agents No. of Percentage Another consistent finding, we observed was increase in
patients polymormhoneutrophils in patients suffering from
Bacterial vaginosis 68 38.85 trichomoniasis.
Candida species 22 12.57
Trichomonas 18 10.28 Conclusions
vaginalis Bacterial vaginosis remains the most predominant
cause of leucorrhoea in sexually active women.
Table 5: Speciation of Candida on Hicrome agar Microscopic wet mount and Gram staining can be used
n=22 as reliable test for determining abnormal vaginal
Species of candia No. of isolates Percentage discharge. Amsel’s criteria(19) of characteristic thin
Candida albicans 13 59.1 homogenous consistency, pH determination, Whiff test
Candida glabrata 5 22.72 and clue cells to diagnose abnormal discharge correlated
Candida 3 13.63 with most of our cases, but the definitive diagnosis could
parapsilosis only be established by microbiological evidence. Hence,
Candida krusei 1 4.5 physical diagnosis by Amsel’s criteria can still be
followed in resource poor setting but if facilities are
available, clinicians must bank on microbiological
evidence for proper treatment.
Leucorrhoea is a very distressing problem in women
of childbearing age group. In the present study, 175
women from the Obstetric and Gynaecology department References
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